
Showing posts from January, 2019

The rise of the machine is old news and no cause for panic if the evident solution is adhered to within the economists' and the manufacturers' plan and that plan on basic income. VICE: The rise of the machines - AI, automation & universal basic income...

Thunderball - 007 Pre-Title Sequence #4

Spectre - Mr. White Scene (1080p)

A Man For All Seasons - Paul Scofield

Angel Ronan(TM) Photo Directory

Angel Ronan(TM) Photo Guide.

The viability of a population in a robotic machine labor, automated economy is based on their guaranteed consumer capability. The question is not what is law in Boreham wood or Moss Side or Regina, but what is law in Hellshire..or Runaway Bay or Long Bay...when the answer...isn't the answer the same? Look at the Royalton White Sands. Look at the Hilton or the Pegasus. What the Anglo populations are encountering is a planned obsolescence; that is the planned disappearance and obsolescence of the Anglo but it is optional. It is optional based on whether the Anglo implements the critical basic income variable for the continued viability of its own populations and if you don't....if you don't maybe a German, Japanese, Irish or Russian will step in and implement the basic income for you at no less than usd 50,000.00 per year to satisfy UDHR requirements for !!Every Anglo Regardless Of Complexion!! sometime in the next 50 years and if they don't, then Domo....thank you for this conversation. Otherwise, understand your hesitation as biblical. There isn't any black guy who intends to be your Prime Minister in Canada but they may put as a global manager of All Anglo populations as sanctioned by the UN to get this over with since your life is precious Frodolina...who is the governor..of Albertoba.

Istanbul Turkey 4K. City | Sights | People

Cairo: MEGACITY of the Middle East

【4K】Evening walk around Asakusa to Skytree, Tokyo

You summarised the rules of economics in English parlance but you, as an Anglo, are the rule breakers when it comes to your own Anglo human value. Coca cola can make export agreements but you need people to hold territory, fill territory and sell the cola and buy the colas.Coke sells in Asia to Asian buyers and it sells in North America; to Asian buyers. The commitment to human life value is the "all important" variable to a progressive growth economy as consumption of goods is the key factor in generating ROI (Return on Investment) made with finance capital and a portions of finance capital in a robotic labor economy must be dedicated to basic income to enable consumption to see the requisite ROI. A part from the obvious logic and the desire to see everyone working, many human beings in Asia working as employers have confessed to emotions that could not quantify in hiring Asian people who were formally schooled in Japan or China and certainly capable of doing the work but who did not satisfy some aspects of the employers concerns in a highly competitive auto industry yet he could not ignore his need for a qualified and capable graduate in some aspect of his own socio-economic logic that required every citizen to know and love his product; of not work for him and to eat and enjoy and socialise and feel good without any economic desperation and theft of his merchandise at warehouses and factories and car yards. The chain of distribution would have to be secure to see an accurate return on investment and the best to ensure a secure chain of distribution would be to ensure all citizens are secure from desperation with sufficient housing, clothing and food in addition to transportation. See the UDHR; article 25 Then we take the world with our product and as such, Honda and Hyundai sell more vehicles in North America than Ford and GM combined. This will change once the Americans make the same UDHR commitment and focus on design since the Hyundai Stellar is not the Veloster...yet both vehicles were widely popular but the Veloster is popular for its design in an even more competitive market as compared to 1986.

Rule makers and rule breakers: Brexit is a brilliant idea for England to step down from any presumption about global leadership and nurse it's own identity and global network of suffering Anglo people under their Westminster parliamentary system who have insufficient UDHR protection and basic income. As such their traditionally Anglo cities and countries have become dependent on foreign populations to make up for the missing natural regeneration of Anglo speaking peoples. But, the lack of commitment to the UDHR speaks volumes. Either you are white and magnanimous or you are not. But if you are, then you would do what kingly, intelligent white people do in France and give the Congolese Afro haired African his basic income and his UDHR rights as the citizen of France or of an Anglo nation; of Europe that is. You did not notice your emotional hesitation in New Zealand or in Birmingham, Manchester or...London. The English participated in discovering the intrinsic rules of a perpetual economy with the importance of efficiency and production and consumption. But, possibly they suffer in hesitation from the Contradiction of a former slave society as discussed but Mao Zedong on issues of universal human value. As a result, they also participated in breaking the rules that safeguard redundant workers,Safeguarding them as consumers and citizens and there is certainly a phenomenon of non-application of rules or rule breaking by rule breakers that is an offence to the Privy Council and it's Masters; it's sovereign that will not leave such rule breaking unchecked. You are about send to convocation another set of Law school graduating classes from across the entire Anglo world. Read Mao Zedong'a essay on Contradiction. The UDHR in relation to domestic human rights policy and legislation is on the exam again. But, will the graduate enjoy his UDHR guaranteed basic income this time? Yes; they will. Brexit might be a good idea to refocus and re commit to the UK's own legal heritage; not the Contradiction as the future of automation is embraced along with the proud, experience of non-racialised UK socio-economic virtue that resonates an enlightened, truly European society without the echo of a white former slave trying to emerge from the Contradiction and abuse of a slave society. In any event, education was the great leveller but now it will be basic income. Do what you want with your money; maybe save some and buy a house in the Cotswolds or spend it on a flat in Belize or raise a family and buy a home in Hitchin along with financing a new Vauxhall SUV. Negotiation experts on how Brexit talks are going

NATIONAL SECURITY CONTEXT The right to equality and Protection against discrimination is a fundamental element of human rights for all members of Canadian society. In addition to the constitutional protection of equality rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the “Charter”), federal, provincial and territorial governments in Canada have enacted human rights laws that prohibit discrimination on grounds such as national origin, race, religion, colour, sex, age and disability. Human rights in Canada are also supported by Canada’s commitments under international covenants; click here.

Why Chinese Manufacturing Wins

The real truth about post modernity and the endless, sometimes, meaningful discussions is that the discussions are fueled by emotion but emotions centred on change but the changes for the most part are centred on the role of the human being in direct relationship to work place technology. It could not involve the role of the mother or father in life or the central place of family in our society. These are unchanging. As such, post modernity is a discussion that is very popular in some societies where they have not committed to the role of the human being or the value of human life; where the role of the human being is a focal point of the discussion although that key role for the human being in society is also unchanging. It may not be a discussion on other societies while other societies may still discuss their experiences with technology as the new humanless order taker. Yet, the North American spends a lot of time discussing his emotions in the absence of the certainty of his own role as the key focal point of his society as citizen and human being with basic income although he is contractually, legally and purposefully the the focal point; the raison d'etre. Warren. Lyon. The real truth about post modernity and the endless, sometimes, meaningful discussions is that the discussions are fueled by emotion but emotions centred on change but the changes for the most part are centred on the role of the human being in direct relationship to work place technology. It could not involve the role of the mother or father in life or the central place of family in our society. As such, post modernity is a discussion that is very popular where the role of the human being is a discussion. It may not be a discussion on other societies while other societies may still discuss their experiences with technology as the new humanless order taker. Yet, the North American spends a lot of time discussing his emotions in the absence of the certainty of his own role as the key focal point of his society as citizen and human being with basic income although he is contractually, legally and purposefully the the focal point; the raison d'etre with basic income which is the rule in spite of the displacing role of technology that replaces humans in the work force with technology but it does displace the human from society or the landscape. While basic income is the rule, the real question is what happens when there are rule breakers. You get a plethora of displacement experiences in society but of the kind that makes the hyper discussions about post modernity very evident with tangible evidence; the evidence being the panic, but only in North America it would seem, about family and the meaning of the simplest concepts of society that would involve family itself with children, grand parents and great grand family. Once we find the rule breakers who are challenging the obvious rule involving basic income, Western Judeo, Herodian,Christian, Catholic society can return from death to life instead of feeding on the anxiety caused by a society in self induced asphyxiation over the meaning of one human life or the meaning of oneself in post modernity. This anxiety of society self-induced debacle over the meaning of one human life is not the experience in Japan; nor is it the experience in Russia, Ireland, Germany or France. Certainly, it should not be the experience any where in the world. Every nation that is a flag bearing nation is a UN nation and there are rules to be followed in terms of human rights that are also quite purposeful in managing and enjoying a post modern robotic labor economy. Walter Reuther's discussion about how to address the displaced worker following automation is evidence of the on going violations of UN human rights laws in America. The experience of the workers who were made redundant in Reuther's time along with the experience of their families is evidence of the UN violations concerning the average American. Yet, retraining and relocation are evident solutions but if the population had basic income, the worker would not have to relocate in hoping to find work else where. The discussion about Post Modernism continues but the role of the human being or the family is a non issue in terms of importance along with the central, pivotal role in society itself. This is understood and once understood, the panic in the post modern discussion goes away while the role of technology to monitor and assess how we eat our food in the privacy of our homes will continue as the smart TV is watching as well as the x box and Alexa also; but of course. Warren. Lyon.

Today we pay tribute to Raoul Wallenberg, a #Swedish diplomat working in Budapest who issued protective passports to Hungarian #Jews during the #Holocaust . He went to great lengths to save thousands of Jews, and for this he will forever be remembered as a hero.

When Elizabeth and others like her were growing up in the West Indies, she suffered horrible things from 10 years old by people which she could not identify as they had a hood on. They would ask if you would do as you were told? Sometimes you would get a little gift. She was 90 years old when Bush left office in 2008. As all other UK/EU Law graduates know, the graduate is irrelevant as a graduate but not as a UK/UN citizen while it is evident that not all politicians are graduates. Not all Anglo UK citizens are graduates but they should, according to Guyanese Anglo expectations, have the authority to be able to kill a Jamaican born Anglo with Scottish, Kent ancestry and get away with it. The 60th generation Scottsman and the the 70th generation man from Kent does not agree. The UK is suffering from some kind of dismorphic intention in the application of its socio-economic policies concerning Anglo ethnic minority groups. How is a Windrush WW2 soldier being told by a Turkish born civil servant with no gcse that there is no evidence of his entry on the council tax roll where he has been living in Kensington for the last 70 years as tube worker; now retired? Brexit is a brilliant idea. But, what about the UK's commitment to basic income under the UDHR's article 25? The UK will be much more like Sweden or other non EU nations; small, tiny, focused on it self and able to nurture its people with some consistent UDHR policy application that resonates a starched shirt on or t shirt with the apostolic creed or pocket size Tanakh in pocket while enjoying a pint with coconut Thai soup at the local pub. Yet, there will be no freedom of movement of people and goods. But, who would want to go to France or Belgium without a visa in any event? The Irish citizens who live in the Republic of Ireland remain EU citizens. Maybe the UK will spend more time trying to rediscover their English identity as they eat kebabs and sushi from people born in England although they are not white. Is English synonymous with white? No; but some people believe it should be but if the English had basic income comparable to the Asians and Turkish and the Bulgarians, Iranians or Bosnians, maybe they could be purveyors of more convenient fine English fare on the High Street that is a bit more open in concept emotionally to the public and serve a pint or two at the same time while the pub has not gone away whether or not it is owned by a Turkish Hotel owner, a Cypriot or a Jap. The real motivation in evident the sense of trepidation pushing for a rediscovery of identity, English identity, is circling on human value following the confirmation of the automating power of technology and its human impact, displacing humans from the work force but not devaluing humans since the human being is worth quite a lot as a consumer. Ask a Montenegrin how much he receives as basic income. It is Usd 70,000.00. Brexit is a brilliant idea to remove a confused and struggling population from the podium of global leadership since there are more people speaking English in Japan or China than in all of England who are also enjoying a compliant UDHR economy regardless of race unlike the English. There are more people speaking English in Mexico than in England which is another compliant economy. But, reducing its international facia of role and leadership may he'll England focus on its own unique dignity and allow it to follow a small and dignified Sweden or Norway; maybe also try to follow Germany with its non- racialised application of basic income under the UDHR and get away from any covert message to the world that says "English is white and if you are not white, I should be able to anything to you." This notion has been the under belly of the Maylay government whether she is aware of it or not but she is probably unaware of this embarrassing result. Most importantly, who has stopped the leader to say that what is happening is just not English? It is just not on mate no maybe a time out from this sense of evil dichotomy is best since "English" should be synonymous with something ecumenical with or without a piece of tandoori your mouth; understood? Good! Your resistance, resentment and the sins of Anglo missionaries is noted. But, what sin do you commit now against your own population? Basic income compliant and UDHR compliant societies grow. Non compliant societies die off and ate reliant on foreign immigration. There are many emotions involved in all of this..evidently. Your last girlfriend believed in home ownership but the current girlfriend is from Goat island and he father was a fur trapper from the Yukon. She says she resented people like you who owned kr feeling like you owned and she wants you dead and everything that you have dead so that she can have all of your attention. Her mother shot the father and looked as him frozen in a shed for 20 years. She shot him just as he proposed that they move south to Churchill, Manitoba to get some basic income as offered to people in the year 1939 And the father thought if they moved, he would spend less time away from home and more time together. You were rejected at 9 years old and told you were an orphan. This woman makes you feel coveted while she only wants all of you in her own selfish way in her total control. She is not even blonde or a beautiful Grace Jones as dark as midnight ....but maybe if she was, the twisted attention she gives while tempting you to think your children are against you would be worth it as she makes you feel like an idol; a trophy, like gold property in the shed but with no basic income. As a former slave nursing a child hood rejection she makes you feel worth and a twisted sense of acceptance. There are millions of people like that woman in North America. The resistance is against the received culture and civilization. Your last immediate teacher was European Anglo. The current teacher is an Asian who will also tell you about buying a home and mortgages in a global economy that suggests home ownership and mortgages with enough education required to understand ownership and the mortgage and while this is resented, the Black Amerindian or white Amerindian is at risk for his understanding with his or her education. The Clinton's may have been the first truly Black / white paradigm politicians in America instead of E pluribus unum politicians and they may have pressured Donald to follow them. It seems Bush did not. It is the logic of the animal. You cannot decide to do what you are emotionally incapable of doing. The beaver cannot decide not to cut down trees. You cut down your own people and the population that is living without basic income cannot agree to implement basic income because it takes the Latino Anglo human animal away from the potential for open conflict with our civilization; away from the battle line with our established civilization buttressed by bills of rights and Internationally protected Charters of Rights and Freedoms. It is emotionally, unable in its own logic as a resistant outsider, vendetta terrorist Maroon or educationally and economically marooned population that cannot define deoxyribonucleic acid in its acronym but wants social position as medical doctors for their appearance and nothing else This resistant, vendettas population with an ace to grind from the world's history of indentured servitude, some as displaced natives in two displaced communities with insufficient education, is unable to implement the freedoms since it would mean vacillation and surrendering to a received culture although basic income means more pow wows or more legalised narcotics in your glove box as maybe " want to remember nothing." You are not a Jedi; nor are you are carpenter yet and even worse, you are hardly a citizen in your own country who understands his rights and entitlements either as a Native in the Native reserve nation or as a citizen. What you are perceiving and appreciating (apprehending) is the pendular, up and down emotion circling on white authority and there is no issue with presumptive white authority or social position with or without education but the coffee should be hot, the black rubber wheels pumped up on the airline and the galley full of food and the toast is not burned. There should be enough paper for the computer printer and enough basic income for the citizen so that the economy can function. None of the above is debatable and if in order, white is good in presumptive appointed authority; why not? The point of education is functionality; not assimilation when the dishwasher machine needs a consumer in Nevada...or in the Lakota nations or Missouri. Egypt is in Africa and its ancient civilization was certainly as black and multi-complexioned as the people in North Africa are today. Are they still compensating you for your White Amerindian Americano beauty with insufficient education? Juicy fruit is going to move you but At Western, articles by Sunkel and Wallerstein pointed out the structural nature of the world political system and also of the capitalist world economy. The political system may be based on tiers of influence and hegemony as we can see quite clearly yet as time moved on from our current juncture's valuation date of May 25th, 1977, now, it is evident that economic strength is ,in itself, influence. It is a strong population and it is also hegemony and systemic leadership. This is essentially agreement with other older economists who predated the founding of America but not China, Japan or Europe. As such, America is a student and May 25th 1977 was the opening day of Star Wars but also a test of North American understanding as set against a blockbuster 's back drop of evidence of the immediate present and the evolving future. Did you know this is being written by a Black dude from the Dee Lite/ Inner City/ Adeva generation who finished at Western with a B average ? The economy as Wallerstein points out may be a vacuum of rules involving the Smith/Keynes efficency with the central purpose being consumption in pure capitalism as a closed system;a simple system of buyers and sellers globally as one system offering goods at the lowest price yet as the established system it cannot entail a secondary system running counter to it that proffers as a socialist communist system in the offering of allegiance to a belief in human equality and social programs that confirm this belief but with more expensive and some times inferior, wasteful manufactured goods. Both systems of influence , socialist communist and American capitalist, were dedicated officially to human equality as renditions of the one true global capitalist system (pure capitalism) and only one has had a Black leader or two while the system in America with Black leaders is insufficient as to ensuring the value of human life regardless of complexion. The two renditions competed around the world for influence and allegiance but there is only one true global capitalist system. Comparatively speaking Socialist Communism was more akin to Pure capitalism in preserving and maintaining the consumer / citizen who was referred to the worker primarily. This pure capitalism, however, involves internal national efficiencies and global efficiencies. The global efficiencies demand the free movement of goods with the maintenance of home land security and national dignity; sovereignty also. The internal national efficiencies involve the most cheaply made goods and no waste of human life. But, what national dignity can you have if your people die off in the shift towards an automated robotic labor economy and away from the era of human muscle labor? As such, communist socialism was confused only on the point of the free movement of goods with a protectionism that blocked coca cola and Camel cigarettes as if they were propagandist while the Lada was the superior, more cheaply made automotive product with its technology being swarmed by Americans, Europeans and Asians in the guise of the Audi/Volkswagen today. Socialist Communism was right as to the maintenance of the citizen /consumer/worker with what are now also UDHR policies so that the citizen as the key symbol of national dignity and as a consumer was enabled as a buyer and seller of machine made goods, made efficiently, free of the cost of human labor in the purest form of aggressive capitalism. Capitalism in America,the American rendition (now in respite) suffered from an erroneous notion of aggressiveness and determined to argue that the citizen regardless of complexion is waste-able, disposable while the citizen is the most important engine or widget in domestic and international,truly aggressive, expansive and hegemonic growth capitalism. It is a false notion that American capitalism is aggressive yet fails to maintain the dignity and viability of the citizen, the human being as consumer. The strong, viable citizen is evidence of a strong and viable capitalism. Being American and right about open global markets is not enough when you have a weak domestic economy with insufficient basic income, with insufficient buyers of goods and negative population growth that is dependent on immigration for population stabilisation. America has missed the mark as far as pure capitalism is concerned. Communist socialism was closer to the point with the paradigm of stoic efficiency and a maintained population as your key market and critical purpose as the ultimate endeavor in maintaining the economy like you would a toy machine. Otherwise, let's ask the American "Who are you really working for?" The American result is that Coca Cola grew globally with new sales in Afghanistan and Pakistan and China while 10 shopping malls closed in Ohio and 8 malls closed in Missouri along with 15 High Schools that also closed in both states. The under supported population is contracting domestically along with the domestic consumer market while Eastern Europe tore down its walls and Coca Cola and Kelloggs exported to Eastern Europe and now manufacture products in that region. Yet, the American is disappearing; in America. There is a lot of celebration about consumption in America but by whom except Asian and Latin American Basic income tourists? With a disappearing population, you have a smaller tax Base; even if that tax base generates income primarily from sales tax in a basic income driven economy that is the norm for industrial global leaders like China, Germany, Sweden and Japan who adopted full robotic machine labor in a commitment to Smith/Keynes efficency in production but also in maintaining efficiency in their domestic consumer market by maintaining the consumer efficiently with basic income. That's great! This is important as a means of observation and there is a problem. With insufficient education per capita, the North American population is its own economic antagonist. The phenomenology of 24 hr gas stations and fast food restaurants along highways with the efficiency of immediate payment sometimes insights you to stop; not once but twice in 3 hours as the cup in the vehicle; why should it be empty as you drive if the 750 ml fountain drinks are only one dollar with the convenient "no spill" lid? This 24 hr highway consumer infrastructure of efficiency and emotional consumer paramountcy disguises and apologises for a more immediate and inconvenient truth in the erosion of the population with insufficient basic income that has led to the erosion of the domestic market and the socio-economic environment. The American military as led by General Cortisone in Washington must understand this but also the human rights consequence internationally, the military mandate to intervene also as Americans are victims at home of UN human rights breaches that have caused Department of Homeland Security concerns and a mandate for that fledgling department to intervene also. With all of this transacting in front of the immediate an obvious answer, it is evident that Communist China has emerged as the most accurate rendition of a pure, aggressive capitalism; along with Democratic Japan. The tie I wore to my Law School graduation at the University of London, SOAS College was bought in Ohio in 1995 while enjoying a Baptist Choir weekend trip from Toronto. The shopping mall is now closed; just like many other malls in Ohio. The malls or shopping complexes that I visited in Minnesota in 1993 are still open. America may not have any walls in America to tear down but they also do not have a sufficiently supported internal domestic market; with basic income. The privilege dispensing mechanism of the state is critical here to ensure people regardless of faith or complexion are not torn down along with the market and communities. It is important as Asians sometimes show a deferential treatment to non Buddhists in certain areas of Asia but the state must ensure the citizen is treated with parity; not disparity. This is true for the states in North America and Europe also. It would be a criminal offence in Asia to target Buddhists as it is an offense to target Black American Catholics / Black Canadian Catholics or Black Audi owners in the world or target Black Russians with disparate, unequal provision of basic income who might also be Status Indians in two jurisdictions; including Russia. We are to love our neighbours as we love ourselves but for human ignorance, we would not need a state to enforce our mutual protection. But, forgive us for our faults; our fault our most evident war mongering, self exterminating White and Black Amerindian fault where you fail to help your Amerindian selves regardless of complexion with the provision of basic income policies required by a modern, robotic labor economy but human consumer society. Something must be done to confirm our Apostolic integrity when it comes to populations that are trying to accept the validity of Asian or European cultural and technological hegemony. Some of the emotional resistance may be rooted in Deuteronomy 15. The work of Marx, Lenin but also Mao Zedong in his book on Contradiction in the late 1930's is a perfect summation of what Contradiction you Apposite Amerindian late arrivals portend as Zedong confirms the understanding of Adam Smith, Keynes and the role of technology as affecting the role of human labor but not the value or the role of human life as set within the era of machine, robotic labor. Please see the following on Hilferding defining Finance Capital as seen in Wikipedia; Instead, finance capital sought a "centralized and privilege-dispensing state".[49] Hilferding saw this as part of the inevitable concentration of capital called for by Marxian economics, rather than a deviation from Market Capitalism. This is the evidence of modern, automated non human labor capitalism; a central privilege dispensing system that maintains the citizen and civility instead of tolerating any concept of an industrial waste land with wasted people and human life. As such the importance of maintaining the citizen in pure capitalism that is analogous to socialism is evident when people are the final end game to be won over as the domestic or international market you confused Anglo Latino people struggle to digest what you witness going on around that is really your emotional exam after all; all this time. Will it be the ramen, the sushi or the Ford truck on a Toyota platform or all three since we have basic income now and you feel good?

As all other UK/EU Law graduates know, the graduate is irrelevant as a graduate but not as a UK/UN citizen while it is evident that not all politicians are graduates although the laws of the UK/EU and the UN put government ministers and employees under a duty that subjects them to arrest whether or not they have education. What is happening to Windrush British subjects who were subjects of the Queen before arrival in the UK is a sacking offense. She or he should be sacked. Is she or he a nazi or something? Brexit is a brilliant idea. But, what about the UK's commitment to basic income under the UDHR's article 25? The UK will be much more like Sweden or other non EU nations; small, tiny, focused on it self and able to nurture its people with some consistent UDHR policy application that resonates a starched shirt on or t shirt with the apostolic creed or pocket size Tanakh in pocket while enjoying a pint with coconut Thai soup at the local pub. Yet, there will be no freedom of movement of people and goods. But, who would want to go to France or Belgium without a visa in any event? The Irish citizens who live in the Republic of Ireland remain EU citizens. Maybe the UK will spend more time trying to rediscover their English identity as they eat kebabs and sushi from people born in England although they are not white. Is English synonymous with white? No; but some people believe it should be but if the English had basic income comparable to the Asians and Turkish and the Bulgarians, Iranians or Bosnians, maybe they could be purveyors of more convenient fine English fare on the High Street that is a bit more open in concept emotionally to the public and serve a pint or two at the same time while the pub has not gone away whether or not it is owned by a Turkish Hotel owner, a Cypriot or a Jap. The real motivation in evident the sense of trepidation pushing for a rediscovery of identity, English identity, is circling on human value following the confirmation of the automating power of technology and its human impact, displacing humans from the work force but not devaluing humans since the human being is worth quite a lot as a consumer. Ask a Montenegrin how much he receives as basic income. It is Usd 70,000.00. Brexit is a brilliant idea to remove a confused and struggling population from the podium of global leadership since there are more people speaking English in Japan or China than in all of England who are also enjoying a compliant UDHR economy regardless of race unlike the English. There are more people speaking English in Mexico than in England which is another compliant economy. But, reducing its international facia of role and leadership may he'll England focus on its own unique dignity and allow it to follow a small and dignified Sweden or Norway; maybe also try to follow Germany with its non- racialised application of basic income under the UDHR and get away from any covert message to the world that says "English is white and if you are not white, I should be able to anything to you." This notion has been the under belly of the Maylay government whether she is aware of it or not but she is probably unaware of this embarrassing result. Most importantly, who has stopped the leader to say that what is happening is just not English? It is just not on mate no maybe a time out from this sense of evil dichotomy is best since "English" should be synonymous with something ecumenical with or without a piece of tandoori your mouth; understood? Good!

The crazy, true story of Nixon and the basic income

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With insufficient education per capita, the North American population is its own economic antagonist.

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The Chamber of Commerce for ARGFU, Angel Ronan Greenfield Urban Law Firm hands out a Business Award for the 10th year in a row. Warren A. Lyon is pleased and very thankful.


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