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All posts by Warren A. Lyon, LL.B(Hons) U. of L. Tel: 1-914-395-9968 or 1-647-701-9478. 1-619-967-5405 email:
The Men's Magazine(TM): Established 1996
The Men's Magazine(TM): Established 1996.
Showing posts from March, 2018
You own half of America but you don't seem to be getting the basic income while it seems to go to, we don't know, Europa the moon maybe or China maybe but we don't know so do not ask for the balance sheet from Mcdonalds once a day, just ask for the basic income to be equal to other modern industrial nations as it pays weekly from the government right to your bank account and go on vacation with your husband more often and not just with your entire family.
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What is Basic Income and why do we need it
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Inter Milan vs Hellas Verona 3-0 All Goals & Highlights Extended 2018 HD
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1971 SPECIAL REPORT : "WHAT IF THE DREAM COMES TRUE" You own half but you must be sending it to, I don't know, China maybe or Europa the moon maybe, I don't know, before you see it as basic income so don't ask for any daily result from all of the Mcdonalds and the service stations. Just ask for basic income to be equal to all other modern industrial nations and go on vacation with your husband and not just with your entire family more often.
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Times Square - New York City Tour, 1987 - Part 2
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The Technological update is not to be the undoing of civilization and nor should it be the extermination of your own population in favor of another and foreign population with their basic income which you do not seem to remember that you may have had in some parts of Anglo North America while it has been in some more Catholic or French parts since 1936. The only matter that the technological update requires is a socio-economic adjustment. This is the positive step forward instead of watching the dwindling and extermination of your domestic population that included the students you educated in full time school programs.
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Dance SALSA cubana en Habana Vieja - Sin Susto
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Son elegante Cubano en Paseo del PRADO de La Habana, Cuba 2017
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Dr No (1962) James Bond title sequence
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When you don't want what West Indian parents cook
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Jesus is the last King of David and of Israel. So, are you picking a fight with Jesus to say King of David about yourself? God said a King would cause regret but you had to live it and while Julius Ceasar was born in Israel Nero was born in Britannia. Herod was also born in Britannia but was not genetically a part of Israel and nor was he an anointed or chosen one like David, Saul or Solomon for the purpose. You cannot forget former King Saul was anointed and chosen as a King. The issue is that much of Israel did go north after a Babylonian exile and the ten commandments or ten answers to communal living are ubiquitous like good word processor programs such that they are every where and a culture grows or civilization becomes more efficient based on such a code. Herod and his Sanhedrin certainly caught people in sin and Jesus agreed but he also fulfilled the plan for leadership God had provided as a Judge. King Jeroboam is what you see in Herod; someone who stole and broke the laws to purport his own authority to usurp position but not chosen but maybe appointed by external interests or politically involved in the position but not as a servant of God for the benefit of God and His people when he allowed officially two Egyptian temples dedicated to idolatry and porneo, a titty bar if you wish but the idea is that as official, everybody is red carded and the many regrets in the notion of Kingdom multiplied while the authority word continued but not in the wisdom to amend and correct a problem from the very top of the nation's leadership. The woman was caught in adultery but all of Israel was in adultery and so He who is without the sin could cast the first stone and the prophet did say all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil looked Mesopotamian like a date fruit yet these Sanhedrin were not in the 12 tribes of Israel. They were foreigners and nor did they have the inclination to understand that the purpose of the word is to save life under the Pikuach Nefesh and while she was found and subject to stoning, the penalty of death fell on to her accusers who had gone to the temple prostitutes as we are told in some scriptures and who were like the grave stones washed in lime stone paint. The titty bars may never go away but civilization is asking for a balance. Messiah Jesus is the last King of David and of Israel. So, are you picking a fight with Jesus to say King of David about yourself? God said a King would cause regret but you had to live it and while Julius Ceasar was born in Israel and Nero was born in Britannia. But, in being in the ministry of Christ in the faith of Abraham as confirmed in Romans 9, 10 and 11 we are all prophets, priests and kings and the pack of gum in his back pocket feels like it was there in preparation for a commodious but potentially intimate interaction with his new or last girlfriend or the girlfriend before that who just got out of her mobile phone signal's influence on her logic to realize that a trained plumber saves your house and a trained lawyer saves your house also if you see de point. Jesus is King for time immemorial and we are servants in this ministry of peace and grace and Paul summarizes what we are precisely in Romans 7. We do not need another sacrifice as seen in Hebrews 9 as Jesus' blood is all you need to offer in thanks every morning as without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins and this is a good thing before you kill your children or spouse for walking into the mall with a shoe lace too long or untied. There is an energy saver on your phone and there is soo much energy being expended in this great ministry of the Lord but if some follower of Herodianity asks you if you are willing to kill your children for acceptance directly or via a mobile phone signal, then you say my phone told me to save energy with the energy saver and my children are energy; socio-economic energy and my own family energy so use the family saver button in your ministry and tell the devil to get behind you with his minion's infiltration of your emotions via a phone system. What the...? The Catholic ten commandments were adulterated to open the faith to every son or daughter from other faiths who may have found submission to the God in the name of God a struggle while their faith in a singular Hindu God or the Buddha did bring them to the truth in submission to the natural laws and the ten commandments in communal living but in saying 'the deity' in the first commandment the faith is open to import as far as other intentions for the church hovering in or around the church contrary to the church's true history and foundation as seen in the strong and definitive purpose of Emperor Constantine where this purpose amounts to the truth of submission to grace by faith as seen in Galations while many children of Siam or Vietnamese have offered all they have for this acceptance that is not obtained by works but by faith. They have also digested a false notion of racialism that is not in or of the church and when you say St. Augustine or Simon the Cyrene were African or Moses was a man of color, they are not sure what to say since the cartoons in the bible depict beige people but in any event while we know they were not beige but as we can see maybe darker beige or light brown with maybe less straight or more afro hair, then we can also see that there were Black European Monarchs. Certainly we also evidence of Roman Emperors that were born in Africa and certainly the church was in Africa before it was in Asia and also the word of God was in Africa and passed through Africa and also depicts Africa before it ever got to Europe. The mention of Europe in the bible occurs very late in biblical history. We do not have any Roman emperors born in Asia but maybe they will update history to ensure everybody is equal emotionally. Asians are not black so they do not have to worry. They have Japanese and Chinese Emperors. They do not need a Roman emperor.
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BBC Match Of The Day - Mo Salah Best Player in PL GW31 17/03/2018
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BBC Match Of The Day - Mo Salah Best Player in PL GW31 17/03/2018
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Arsenal vs AC Milan 5-1 All Goals & Highlights Extended 2018 HD
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London's Best Full English Breakfast?! (At 3 Price Points)
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Bruce Lee - in The Chinese Connection II (full movie)
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Hidden meanings - The Miracles Of Jesus - 01
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Londinium(TM) Watch.
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2018 Lincoln Continental Black Label Edition Interior Exterior
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2018 Lincoln Continental Black Label Edition Interior Exterior
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What's inside a Mercedes S-Class Seat?
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You needed us to hope again. But, hope and faith without the magna carta renders one to suffer his hope at the front door of the law of the jungle vs. the quiet enforced laws of civilization or Israel or Egypt if you wish. These smart phones were not a justification for lawlessness or to devalue human life in light of more connected technology, appliances, work and minute by minute life experience. No. the smart phones were for commerce every where and any where in addition to creativity but not to see the phenomena of armed bands any where and every where who want to claim every photo you took with your phone on an English family vacation as they try to sell them at a government funded art gallery since the people who run the cove and ferment are troglodytes who really only support the unity and denominational high jacking of our world by the JW organisation while they have grannies chanting on mass that it will be will be over and she means the world as we know it. She seems to think the book of Eli will be more social and Godly for us but I know what I've seen. She wants to also travel but does not want to do it without a team of people in identifiable bands and colors. Her cousin today or in the 1980's is a model on tv for a woman's shampoo. She wants her grand daughter punched in the face and just taken as a bar maid it seems at a tavern or saloon since she needs to be equal and not feel under her children or grand children. This is what she said. She told me personally! Larry Sanster is a JW, a West Indian with a big belly, a resentment for any work that gets attention and a disease that will kill a dog, an anger toward anyone who will tell him that his $20.00 in a woman's waste band at a club is adultery since what is law? He asks. What is adultery? What is family? How do I graduate? He asks. It seems he tried to take Bob Marley's teeth once running a fish soup shop in Browns town but at least he tells the story and no one has shot him yet while he has killed every Black American or Black West Indian graduate in Dearborn if he could. He seems to think a graduate is challenging his authority. He harasses them, damages their vehicles and compatriots do anything to ensure you know their authority like cutting your break cables just after you get someone out of court as if you should not have. But, I already done told you buoy. This ain't about skin or color. It's about authority so let us muddle since we are tryin' to understand buoy while you say il n'est pas difficile but it is for us when you came and shoved a watch down my throat round the year 1500 along with a compass and a Calendar. So, give us the best idea for an automated economy and you say basic income but I, with my bow and arrow, in most parts of this blessed land in 1500 would prefer to just resist while we might even so our eyes, look at those eyes..related, and out nose and actually drove to work on a road before we resisted universal health care or the basic income or drove on the road before we resisted more of the road. So, in any event you cannot please the people with a compromise that breaks natural for too long and Jeroboam may have but the issue is that his lack of understanding and challenging of God's will brought the regret God warned about in his will that Israel should not have a King but a Judge instead. So. this Sanster spits in the Mcdonalds ketchup at high way road stops and the truck driver's wife files for divorce. The school teacher' wife locks him out and the police officer commits suicide when he is accused of mistreating his children when they are found positive for aids and this disease; his disease was found in the soap at the Montego Bay Donald Sanster airport as a tourist washed his hands and then rubbed his eyes with it right after his honey moon and then his wife left him as soon as they got back to Toronowanda as she asked her parents to pick her up right in front of him and all of three of them said to him that he did. But, no he didn't!!! This is for real!
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Sicario 2: Day of the Soldado Trailer #1 | Movieclips Trailers
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20/20 Diane Saywer My Reality: A Hidden America
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Did you know Reagan was the Chief ot the Comanches; all comanches regardless of what version of Hollywood or the brown vs. beige or the red vs. white? Lighter is better as suggested by Heineken in a new beer commercial where all the actors are black as Heineken is quite popular in Latin Caribbean regions. The Latin Caribbean Black called the ad racist although Red Stripe has a light beer ad also where light is good if not better and the African is not complaining on Twitter and nor are the Caribbean brown people who think of themselves as human. So you see de point!
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Ireland’s Cross-Border Express: Enterprise, FIRST PLUS: Dublin to Belfast
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How a dead snail made history (or did it?). The story of Donoghue v Stev...
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1. Donoghue v. Stevenson: The History of Law Reporting
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A West Indian Queen that orchestrates the division of her own family, hoping to be the last one alive or the only one to inherit her own houses or to see what younger one is willing to kill with her in a young one's hope to be the only one as to bury them all is the enemy of her own people and of her ancestors since the last generation had more family about them and more cooperation. Take your 15 year old vehicle and your homes and imagine dividing any interest among all the children and the additional children from your Guyanese friend's family since they may not be friends with you after the Apple Phone calls people to plot and masquerade either as terrorist/colonialists who will treat your property like Jamaica or Guyana in the year 1492 so you have to choose if you will sell others, kills steal and destroy in the false belief that we did away with paper for property ownership and registration; that the keys and a note on a napkin is enough and you are willing to participate because of the disease in your gut from a West Indian Take out or the spit in your fridge when the Guyanese friend broke in and because of the frequency in your Apple telephone. Aren;t you a former real estate broker? So, you have to know the people in your house and friends of the Guyanese friend's son are bare licensees; not tenants since they never did anything other than ask to live there for six months and they barely pay you any money as the big ass bumpkins from OShawcopacallednow but they want to say their intention is to buy it but they intimidate and threaten you and there is no such contract and it is criminal offense but they believe they can do this with a Black native Amerindian and she is scared since her ex husband is a criminal and former cop and she was also told that if she is nice and does not enforce her property rights of ownership, they will make her a Family Court Judge. They are Guyanese Amerindian also but you are 'Uban or 'amaican or 'merican. All Native Amerindian females are Queens. But, I suppose poor White People who are really native but who look less Mongol and who have less tutelage in the final denominator in any civilization vs. Kin do it. But, maybe F;:8'king with and killing any kin who get in your way as to be the only begotten son so that whosoever should see him or her would rather die than have him or her take your life.
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A West Indian Queen that orchestrates the division of her own family, hoping to be the last one alive or the only one to inherit her own houses or to see what younger one is willing to kill with her in a young one's hope to be the only one as to bury them all is the enemy of her own people and of her ancestors since the last generation had more family about them and more cooperation. Take your 15 year old vehicle and your homes and imagine dividing any interest among all the children and the additional children from your Guyanese friend's family since they may not be friends with you after the Apple Phone calls people to plot and masquerade either as terrorist/colonialists who will treat your property like Jamaica or Guyana in the year 1492 so you have to choose if you will sell others, kills steal and destroy in the false belief that we did away with paper for property ownership and registration; that the keys and a note on a napkin is enough and you are willing to participate because of the disease in your gut from a West Indian Take out or the spit in your fridge when the Guyanese friend broke in and because of the frequency in your Apple telephone. Aren;t you a former real estate broker? So, you have to know the people in your house and friends of the Guyanese friend's son are bare licensees; not tenants since they never did anything other than ask to live there for six months and they barely pay you any money as the big ass bumpkins from OShawcopacallednow but they want to say their intention is to buy it but they intimidate and threaten you and there is no such contract and it is criminal offense but they believe they can do this with a Black native Amerindian and she is scared since her ex husband is a criminal and former cop and she was also told that if she is nice and does not enforce her property rights of ownership, they will make her a Family Court Judge. They are Guyanese Amerindian also but you are 'Uban or 'amaican or 'merican. All Native Amerindian females are Queens. But, I suppose poor White People who are really native but who look less Mongol and who have less tutelage in the final denominator in any civilization vs. Kin do it. But, maybe F;:8'king with and killing any kin who get in your way as to be the only begotten son so that whosoever should see him or her would rather die than have him or her take your life.
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Did you know that every President After John F. Kennedy was a Jehovah witness regardless of his lack of graduation but certain dependence on the best that man can get except for a vibrant economy until last week when Donald put in the basic income as the first step in any legitimate national security policy. The issue is that you spend 15 years of finance on full time education to create a viable consumer who is going into the world to shop and consume but you do not support consumption as you finance industrial efficiency. You are not hiring more than 30 percent of the graduating class. So, you have a 70 percent gap in the economy. But, instead of financing the hockey players from your own high schools who have to offer appendages; a toe, penis or their fertility so that you might tell the 'go up' story of the real world in 'merica in the resistance of good, simple answers for the entire Native/ Pilgrim family instead of the confusion of an evolved, deer fed gay Frenchy redundant former Royal court jester or courtier who just wants to know if you are paying attention to his frustration; frustration of the Pilgrim's prayers and daily recitation of the non racialised preamble vision, bringing you along with him into into vortex of continual economic desperation while he shows you how he has the authority; how he is closer and says too often that he is very competitive and will block you and shroud the true virtue of the authority of the constitution, Louis the 16th's throne or the Law an the Prophets of Israel since King Jeroboam made a deal to be a King for authority; not for the worship of Jehovah and pledged two Idolatrous Egyptian temples in Israel while King Rehoboam held Judah with Manaseh and Ephraim but a divided house cannot stand and even the devil knows this. Look at the JW's unity in resisting full time education and any technological and economic policy step forward our country should take since they Jesus died on a tree and was born on a tree. But, instead of financing these North American High School graduates with basic income in addition to financing every citizen with basic income to see the joy of an automated income, you bring more immigrants as you also seem to have a certain JW group resenting and killing the graduates like they are the English who are coming mais il n'est pas deficile. The basic income is also given to permanent immigrant residents also. But, your calculation is evident. You are asking who are the people and what are the people if I can see them dance naked via their apple I pod stands? Donald Trump is the basic income President. Truman is the Universal medicaid president. The Anglo world works together in maintaining a virtuous respect for human dignity and technology never supplants the humane purpose and reason in being of our endeavors. Why did the American hesitate to put his foot forward in crossing the road with the chicken? It is because he killed all the real, bible toting pilgrims and their descendants who would have known the Monday after Palm Sunday is the real Palm Sunday under the original Calendar established by Julius who predates Nero. Julius was also born in Israel!
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A West Indian Queen that orchestrates the division of her own family, hoping to be the last one alive or the only one to inherit her own houses or to see what younger one is willing to kill with her in a young one's hope to be the only one as to bury them all is the enemy of her own people and of her ancestors since the last generation had more family about them and more cooperation. Take your 15 year old vehicle and your homes and imagine dividing any interest among all the children and the additional children from your Guyanese friend's family since they may not be friends with you after the Apple Phone calls people to plot and masquerade either as terrorist/colonialists who will treat your property like Jamaica or Guyana in the year 1492 so you have to choose if you will sell others, kills steal and destroy in the false belief that we did away with paper for property ownership and registration; that the keys and a note on a napkin is enough and you are willing to participate because of the disease in your gut from a West Indian Take out or the spit in your fridge when the Guyanese friend broke in and because of the frequency in your Apple telephone. Aren;t you a former real estate broker? So, you have to know the people in your house and friends of the Guyanese friend's son are bare licensees; not tenants since they never did anything other than ask to live their for six months. All Native Amerindian females are Queens. But, I suppose poor White People who are really native but who look less Mongol and who have less tutelage in the final denominator in any civilization vs. Kin do it. But, maybe F;:8'king with and killing any kin who get in your way as to be the only begotten son so that whosoever should see him or her would rather die than have him or her take your life.
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So, I got a 2:1 and Jesus was born on a tree, you say , and why argue when the most important work where ever He was born is the gospel of salvation in Genesis 9 where we are all included so there it is all good. We are all equal. We are all equal with a Black Hawk Down. But, Jesus is the only begotten son for all time while Ezekiel raised dry bones and Moses parted the Red sea and you are not too bad but not a Jedi yet or registered disciple but Moses,Noah, David and all of us sin but Jesus is the only begotten son as tempted in all things yet without sin.
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Angel Ronan(TM) Photo Guide! See Angel Ronan Photo Guide for more!
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There is sex and there is covenant, being known and understood in the countenance and purpose God intended for you. Then, there is 'I don't know what I wanted' in 1 year or maybe 20 years. But, everything is incumbent upon knowing what you wanted and that requires knowing yourself instead of being in a self delusion of acceptance seeking, the turbine and spinning in every wind and suggestion as to what you should..what you do really want..what you really need and he or she was not too bad...maybe not always the sportiest or energetic in public but you are totally at ease in private where you do get the 80 percent of the fearless intimacy and companionship which is what you do really need! Then there is the bent garden path of misdirection in being known that is sown into your emotional growth and you are told it is a right of passage or that they need to see if you are safe and the same before you go to bed..the same and not turned into a transgender by the Hungarian wolf in a dress or by Cristobal who needs to be equal. But, the adulteration of your purpose was evident in your soul but it is normal, you are told so you just get on with Cosmopolitan and you eventually learn to pray Forgive us Lord as we trespass against you as we forgive those who trespass against us as we tresspass against you in trespassing against our soul and others while you could shop for lipstick in magazines that celebrate Covenant and family notions where Vanity, Fair and equitable can lead to a happy Harp, ores or Bazaar. The crazy sex suggested to you seems to grab on to not only what everybody is presumedly watching but it is also satisfying an innate need that was in you but that was short circuited early, you minion, and the need is like life or water..a false sense of knowing and intimacy as you watch it but you end up dissatisfied like a woman thirsting for water but all you are getting is a steam around molecules of water but you cannot drink. Then you want people to join you in dissatisfaction and whay don't you want to just have sex? What, are you north Korean? What; you still want to hold on to God after the Audi A5 four door sport back? Are you Russian? Why are you soo humble? What about some Coca Cola and then we talk? The issue is dissatisfaction and missing the 80 percent of what you really want while misery loves company and would wish others to help them feel normal as if there is something Wrong with getting enough education to explain a split infinitive or a complete English sentence as a student of Brother Strachan or Bishop Andre; A Bishop so how do you honor him and the Catholic brother without making a S.P.E.C.T.R.E of him and your self in the antithesis of society and authority but we understand that why should you need the education as th children of an Eskimo and a son of Beethoven as Beethoven was born in Jamaica that eats fruit loops like Mengele and who shifts like a man, for the authority, who queludes in his offical work and love of the smell of napalm in the morning? Would you really tell these prophets, priests and stewards of the Brit to watch whatever they want to be social and have an orphan's worship of the new and novel? You were told to shop naked in a supermarket once a month for the authority or do it topless as womanish every first Friday of the month since it is legal you know and to travel on the highway also in your jurisdiction. But, that video or the magazine invites some other ghost into your family like having three people in your marriage but the wrong ghost, the divisive, never satisfied ghost in the experience of diminishing returns and the third interrupting person when it should be the Holy Ghost, the Shekinah glory, that binds us together to enjoy that buffet of self knowledge and family moments with water that satisfies in those contented, treasured moments.
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Two Brown females who insisted on being called Black to honor the pain of their ancestors conspired to kill their older half brother in theor culture as he won a law case. They took referrals and gave it to a person who was a former public library manager and school trustee who wanted to feel associated but had no intention of just calling the young man who ate at his house as a kid quite often before Bob Marley and less often afterward; something about Elephantitus and the dirty wretch who won't hold a fresh. The two females are being held on bail with more details at 11 Pm while they expect to wave at Ms. Manley's school in Ocho Rios or Westmoreland as if her private deed are not a public disgrace to the entire community. Her DNA, along with her colleague seems to confess a tendency to tell people that their conscience is their weakness in some kind of genetic predilection while she was a gospel choir member, watched Amityville Horror too often and food additive porn was her pass time with her first wedding engagement to an Anglican son of a minister who was intending to impersonate the brother in this conspiracy after her actual husband cut his apparatus off just to have money while severed fingers cannot help anyone or save money or time but people ha fun giving you money to live with a missing limb.
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How Short Bursts Of Exercise Could Help You Live A Healthier Life | NBC ...
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[Kung Fu] Enter The Invincible Hero (1977, Dragon Lee)
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1977 Honda Civic CVCC Hatchback JDM Red Coupe 1st Gen Classic Youngtimer
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EUROSTAR, Standard Premier, LONDON TO PARIS at 186mph!
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British High Speed Rail - London St Pancras to Ashford International
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Barcelona to Paris by TGV high-speed train...
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Steam Train in the middle of the Freeway - Santa Fe 3751
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This is our founder and his beautiful young family and the grand parents.
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There is sex and there is covenant, being known and understood in the countenance and purpose God intended for you. Then, there is 'I don't know what I wanted' in 1 year or maybe 20 years. But, everything is incumbent upon knowing what you wanted and that requires knowing yourself instead of being in a self delusion of acceptance seeking, the turbine and spinning in every wind and suggestion as to what you should..what you do really want..what you really need and he or she was not too bad...maybe not always the sportiest or energetic in public but you are totally at ease in private where you do get the 80 percent of the fearless intimacy and companionship which is what you do really need! Then there is the bent garden path of misdirection in being known that is sown into your emotional growth and you are told it is a right of passage or that they need to see if you are safe and the same before you go to bed..the same and not turned into a transgender by the Hungarian wolf in a dress or by Cristobal who needs to be equal. But, the adulteration of your purpose was evident in your soul but it is normal, you are told so you just get on with Cosmopolitan and you eventually learn to pray Forgive us Lord as we trespass against you as we forgive those who trespass against us as we tresspass against you in trespassing against our soul and others while you could shop for lipstick in magazines that celebrate Covenant and family notions where Vanity, Fair and equitable can lead to a happy Harp, ores or Bazaar. The crazy sex suggested to you seems to grab on to not only what everybody is presumedly watching but it is also satisfying an innate need that was in you but that was short circuited early, you minion, and the need is like life or water..a false sense of knowing and intimacy as you watch it but you end up dissatisfied like a woman thirsting for water but all you are getting is a steam around molecules of water but you cannot drink. Then you want people to join you in dissatisfaction and whay don't you want to just have sex? What, are you north Korean? What; you still want to hold on to God after the Audi A5 four door sport back? Are you Russian? Why are you soo humble? What about some Coca Cola and then we talk? The issue is dissatisfaction and missing the 80 percent of what you really want while misery loves company and would wish others to help them feel normal as if there is something Wrong with getting enough education to explain a split infinitive or a complete English sentence as a student of Brother Strachan or Bishop Andre; A Bishop so how do you honor him and the Catholic brother without making a S.P.E.C.T.R.E of him and your self in the antithesis of society and authority but we understand that why should you need the education as th children of an Eskimo and a son of Beethoven that eats fruit loops like Mengele and who shifts like a man, for the authority, who queludes in his offical work and love of the smell of napalm in the morning? Would you really tell these prophets, priests and stewards of the Brit to watch whatever they want to be social and have an orphan's worship of the new and novel? You were told to shop naked in a supermarket once a month for the authority or do it topless as womanish every first Friday of the month since it is legal you know and to travel on the highway also in your jurisdiction. But, that video or the magazine invites some other ghost into your family like having three people in your marriage but the wrong ghost, the divisive, never satisfied ghost in the experience of diminishing returns and the third interrupting person when it should be the Holy Ghost, the Shekinah glory, that binds us together to enjoy that buffet of self knowledge and family moments with water that satisfies in those contented, treasured moments.
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Mengele was a victim of the violence of white engaged in the personification of and magnification of the violence so as to end it. These victims were also orphans and some were graduates who would never have the white dna, the ancestry or father enough as Amerindian Western hemispheric orphans in Europe, Germany or England so for the many causes against a wasteful and inhumane concept that ballooned after the accidental magnification of image in Hollywood that accidentally programmed an antithesis to the Brit covenant as testified to by all of Constantine's roads in the name of Jesus.
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So, the Haitians regardless of complexion in the South gave us a living example of racial separation as they emotively sought to occupy America with Darwin's psychology. Darwin is someone who Lord Kelvin may have shot since the book he alleged to have written was a seeding of a psychology for a population that was about to emerge out of more than 300 years of various forms of slavery and indentured servitude at the beginning of an industrial age and only about 50 years after the Boston Tea Party and Crispus' martyrdom as a Western hemispheric, Afrique and part native colonial born in America; say you believe it! He certainly also sat down at the table of brotherhood with men of various Amerindian complexion. But, this is what the ship entitled Queen Anne's Revenge is all about as stolen by Black Beard, as coolly named, who was maybe the first humanitarian, possibly the son of Robinhood with a little Gattica from Little John who was a big Pict. Yet, Blackbeard chose Santa Jago for his retirement but did work in Haiti where the Catolico was engineering a people that would do whatever it is told; a people who was fed a food called soft that was made out of an animal, frogs, that was burned down into a kind of char-coal. The Chinese had to come to bring us back to family structure and the importance of family after sex, drugs and Extacy music. The Euro Jewish and Euro Anglo boys would sometimes go south to save a life of any soul in the thus saith the Lord and the US Federal Court Jurisprudence. So, the Haitians in the South gave us a living example of racial separation as they emotively sought to occupy America with Darwin's psychology. The Chinese had to come to bring us back to family structure and the importance of family after sex, drugs and Extacy. But, I already done told you buoy. Il n'est pas deficile.
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Jaguar | Introducing the New All-Electric I-PACE
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This is just the blessing to be alive, capable and productive and also faithful where you are and where you have to be right now applying your energy and hands, studying and working to honor God, getting your validation as you line up in your humility in attitude or maybe your wise competitiveness to stay up late and read it over and be among the top ten or jog 8 minutes a day (8 minutes out of 24 hours )as people watch; you are good!
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“Avadim Hayinu,” We Were Slaves: An Open Thread on Passover and Social Justice
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Hebrew Streams: Eved Adonai In the Hebrew Bible, the root verb avad means to work or serve. Two nouns developed from this verb: avodah, work, service, ministry, and eved, worker, servant, slave, or worshiper.
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Mina - Città vuota (Dolce & Gabbana 1963)
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CimaClub Com Great Expectations 2012 BRRip 720p mkv
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The Book of Eli does not say where the rest of the world or where Africa is after some kind of holocaust but the civic involvement that may cause some people to crave a war is best answered in peaceful civic involvement as you celebrate a more perfect union. Basic income in Social and Civic involvement continues in the positive application this Offset Contract which was a wise decision in confirming the final answer which is a symbiotic international interdependence that manifests both global industrial efficiency and good returns on investment with basic income consumption on both sides of the Sino-Japanese and Asian cultural exchange in addition to production on both sides of the American consumer society as founded and inseminated in America which became the phenomena of seamless Global consumer culture in the phenomenon of technological and experiential globalization. It is a lived experience and an observation. Basic income is the right of the producer to make a profit and your mouth is a very valuable outlet for the productive endeavour. However, the job is no longer the medium by which the producer or society will transfer the money, energy or means by which the job holder or citizen will obtain the money from the productive process to consume. Consumption is the most important variable in an economy; not efficient production. Consumption and a lot of it is just, 'darn it' necessary. This is not about social, 'darn it' welfare. This is about dosh and a little basic income going in to the system brings trillions back to the economy. There are different means in which to finance it and the industrial rate power account is a fixed an even cost for the producer and when the power bill is paid to the government, the funds are redistributed to the general population a certain degree of consumption that takes us away from the 999 economic emergency and Colgate and Palmolive along with Coca Cola will be among the first to tell you that you are about to have an economic collapse. The tax rate at the cash register is a more certain means of revenue going into the system to pay for the good roads and education in addition to other services since the bank robber will certainly pay 17-20% sales tax and the basic income recipient will also pay at the till. If you don't believe Asia, Germany and all of Europe have basic income at various levels then you don't believe it. England is just a mirage to lead you white niggers to hell and they hate you for white if you have not noticed but you would do anything for association and approval; the orphans in your own culture who abandoned the wigwam and the totem poles and maybe killed native relatives to avoid black and red or orange some time ago and you chose authority over understanding and you also sought acceptance while also killing English people who may have told you like a Prophet Josiah that the Anglo, all Anglos are all late students of Rome but not as good as students like the Germans who are also late arrivals still need a them and us to rudder and balance your emotions as tribal minded people while you still resist and have insufficient education and want to have authority and resent the younger generation who don't know what you had to...give; want it, the teeth...the eggs back? Why, you want it back? England has a job to do and clearly any authority they have was a matter of convention and they are certainly good teachers and they were certainly brilliant engineers. Have you heard of Newton, Faraday and Lord Kelvin? Much of our modern world is grateful for their achievements. Who ever took your eggs and teeth wanted to be sure that his generation would be equal and hence the continued gap in the economy in the absence of basic income. What else would a scallywag do as misery loves company while if I was 70 years old and Woodstock naked chick from 1969, I would ensure there was basic income for my generation who will probably a lot longer and for my progeny; if any behind the green door and simply for my cultural or my culture's propagation. You do not have enough feathers but you have too many cook books but maybe get some feathers from the native shop and see the balance you need as you reason more effectively. The civil rights movement was an American movement and it may have been a movement of new arrivals from the West Indies; mostly in the south to address some kind of phenomena that defies simple black vs. white definition. It was more of a cultural issue involving a North American Anglo vs. a Southern Latin Anglo of all complexions and the willingness to do whatever it takes to infiltrate or settle into the American dream and both the black and white helped each other to enjoy a humble existence that may have involved eschewing the power of de Anglos education for an involvement in a more certain bowl of rice every day and some work; the work dna but work is now more likely to be just throwing food down your throat and less and less manual and service labor of any kind. The issue is that a human rights movement in America after 1945 really involved West Indian whites and blacks who took up homes from families that went to work in munitions towns and they were told to play out the role of colored antithesis. All Americans were invited to participate and most lynchings involved northerners who were much like Jesus with their education and understanding or copy of the sketch of George Washington's afro hair and mulatto nose; not the later painted but always unfinished painting. So, a human rights movement may have been for them as troglodytes and scalawags who really don't know where they come from and could not find any promise for themselves in the bible but would follow any thought process in the minute that gave them confidence but the most white minded have always been the most victimised in America and as such the human rights or civil rights movement earned great support from all Americans and much of the West Indies who hoped for a human dignity regardless of their scrub brush mustache so you see the point. While all participated but also somehow blurred what America already is historically as seen in Crispus Attucks living and dying at the table of brother hood, the end result was an obfuscating BlaCK rIGHTS aCT AND NOT A HUMAN RIGHTS ACT AND it CAUSED A SEPARATION OR A CAUTIOUSNESS IN YOUR SCHOOL FRIENDS REGARDLESS OF COMPLEXION AFTER GRADUATION DAY while you are all e Pluribus unum by now since 1501; related and part native! The scalawags and latin Anglo from the British empire who saw some slavery and indentured servitude regardless of complexion made their deals with the same Brits for authority but not their Brit education and they are generally just but their minds as partly genetically later Arawak arrivals take anything too emotional as an official message about life and society. They are people too and they may spend more time not understanding and blocking change since change without understanding is a status quo threat while they wish to maintain the certainty of killing, stealing and destroying and hence, the resistance to such glories such as basic income as in what will happen to the cash they can see, touch and taste which is the same see, touch and taste resistance the world saw in choosing a non liquid gas vs. a liquid gas. The non-liquid gas is now ubiquitous as seen the hard working and durable propane/hydrogen gas vehicles. It is just that because of automation and the evils of certain aspects of our own nature, the answer is cash with basic income vs. the desert and desolation. Automation is not going away but consumption is more important to the producer in the very end and has to be calculated in the automation process so we may see the joy of the efficiency like watching a Christmas window with the toy ballerina and the seal skating around and around; the navy seal! All human beings have chosen cash and basic income and we will have an awesome future. But, really; why go to a choir concert as a part Pict, Part Blackfoot or PArt Comanche Indian with a European language and then kill yourself all day for white? Why would a Mexican or Southern Amerindian do it? Black...White..Stupid!
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