“Avadim Hayinu,” We Were Slaves: An Open Thread on Passover and Social Justice
“Avadim Hayinu,” We Were Slaves: An Open Thread on Passover and Social Justice
14MondayApr 2014
Posted Open Thread
Greetings Disruptors! Tonight is the first night of Passover, the Jewish holiday celebrating the Jewish people’s freedom from slavery in Egypt. Some consider this narrative of freedom to be historical, others consider it to be a metaphor for the relatively greater religious freedom we enjoy in the modern day, and there are many other beautiful interpretations. To those who will be celebrating, in whatever way that means for you, we wish you a meaningful and joyful holiday.

Alternatively, you could just think of ways to integrate Beyonce lyrics into your Passover celebration. Thanks beyonceder.tumblr.com!
To all of our readers, we think this is a great opportunity to pause and reflect on how the themes of freedom and slavery impact our lives. What kinds of slavery, whether literal or metaphorical, do you think we as a society (or societies) still need to liberate ourselves from today? What are some steps you want to take toward greater freedom for yourself, for others, or as part of a social justice effort?
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