March 23rd, 2023. By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed. Incomplete There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also. Did you know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal? Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU. If we say "yes", then you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due. Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment. The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made. This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will participate in the design, conceptual and actual development of the idea and work as a company administrator. Click here.


March 23rd,  2023. 

By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed.


There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also.

Did you  know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal?  

Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU.  If we say "yes", then  you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due.   Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment.  The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made.    This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will  participate in the design, conceptual and actual  development of the idea and work as a company administrator.              

The ALUSRA(TM) Electronic Garbage can may take away some municipal garbage jobs but those employees will be furloughed into police officer jobs. Now, the soil and the earth is much like oil and water.  If you don't need the electricity as hydro electric is enough, why are you sick on solar panels as if its more free in terms of energy than hydro electric power?  The nickel cadmium is poisoning our cultivatable soil and we know what you did last summer.  It's a waste of time really and maybe you just take that farm land and make a deal with Taylor Woodrow for whatever rent the solar panel guy is paying you and he will move to Vermont to get his income support or he will set up a hydro electric power distribution company where if you sign up for power with him in Virginia, you pay him $20.00 per month less than what you pay the state operator since the "da guy" needs something to do.  This way the guy or "da guy" does not have to spend anything on all those solar bull shit "nickel cadmium" panels, killing American soil. Now, you will be food dependent and enjoy your Mexican vegetables then if you don't hear.      He could buy my idea and make electricity and resell that to customers also but its a bit experimental but on the way as we need for long term space travel.  Now, I am tired of feeling like I am wrestling with a guy who says he knows his authority and hegemony over his space in a cave and we wants to feel that hegemony over the entire world over anything he would like to think he will do when he has not accounted for the mutual cost to the whole entire human family.  Shipping crude oil and the risk of spillage was a terrible waste to us although it was produced and shipped to produce a liquid fuel for a little motor vehicle propulsion that could have been achieved in 1929 with hydrogen.  Did you notice those tram cars in the early 1900's were powered by hydrogen gas?   


What if we were praying all day with Billy Graham or or David Jeremiah on TV and the water coming out of the tap was brown, brown every day and still brown twenty years later? Well, it's not brown. It improved on a national level. What if, due to a miscomprehension of the economy and economic principles, the economy is still not operating as it should, leaving many citizens outside of the cover of a national income support, causing them to experience a deprivation and when there is evident low economic stimulus only war or zero interactive interest rates are offered as solution instead of the only real "clean water purely right" solution; that being an income support for every citizen at amounts that satisfy the economy's concern with consumer stimulus; including consumer Vehicle finance and that also answer the Maslow needs of the citizen. We built national highways, complicated air traffic control and national rail systems as we endure a divisive, humanly destructive economy and this has to be resolved because I have a national flag on my ski gloves and my national hockey stick. We need a national economy. It has to be resolved when we don't know when you will get over saying the image on tv or in the story book is more important than the governing laws with criminals demanding to pretend to be lawyers and law society employees when they are not legally entitled to do so but we will all be safe as we watch you evolve out of your pangea man resistance of formal rules and as we watch you wrestle with your personal identity as you demand to be "white" above the laws as the pangea man or Pangea woman. But, what is "white" if its just Geronimo with about 4 years of John Smith dna from the John Smith Lager in his gut? What is Asian if its Geronimo with 12 years of Kikkoman on his hot dogs and burgers and with the dna in the Won Ton soup? Now, all the Geronimo work hard. Look at Warren. But, he knows something eating pasta from the Mediterranean; that we are all worth a universal unconditional income support and its not just for poor people but this is what some Super Mario Geronimotalians may think as they deny themselves this money in Otario or New York while their Super Mario cousins in Vermont or Massachusetts have no idea what is going on. So, what is going on and we have the authority to solve it?

I guess its still Geronimo but the food and shaving cream bent him "white" or the Sung cologne if you drink a whole bottle bends you Asian so you say "Asian is me" and then you break into the black girl's home to say Sung is Asian and "Asian is me" so you steal the bottle as if you have some legal and cultural right to do this and you would pay a rental building security guard $500.00 to break in to take the girl's bottle of Sung.

But, this is why the Law Society was indicted yesterday(especially Ms. Le Brun Reidk) for their crimes in October of 2014. The law and all the books indicting them are on the Law Society website and in the building's depositories. www.lso.cs. Wouldn't it be the perversion of the course of justice and contempt of court to sell the court and its disposition on any matter? This would be so even if the individuals are already convicts in America or in Botswana. Angel Ronan is worth nothing or its worth something but then if you are selling it and you are not the owner, that would be a conspiracy to murder and without the foreign corporation that owns the name, you don't get his quality work. But, if you want to buy it and not steal it or conspire to commit murder, how do you want to spend? It looks like you have given your lives and you have not seen his space at the Design Museum or near Russel Square. You seem to a backward aboriginal that has transferred his resentment of formal ownership and processes into this phenomenon of formal business name ownership. You could register your own business name for $60.00 so what are you really to covet Angel Ronan and now you are calling to purchase it maybe?

What is a bench warrant but if there is no bench warrant, why is there no bench warrant? Who bought the file and for how much? Why is Angel Ronan interesting any way? I would rather work at Raither, Bleek, Skegness and Gray LLP as owned by Warren A. Lyon. What about Stheu Dent, Guud, Conveur and Keet(TM)?

But, dancing with the Moabite girls is not enough as they may have the baby but although you have danced with her for 10 years, you have never seen the baby. She threw them in the river or dropped them in the basket to be sent up stream to Sarai's sister's place as she was barren and beautiful and he comes back as Moses the 7th or you drop him off at Eliezer's bakery since you say baby dropping is your ancestral tendency.  Some buy a carriage and get support for their own 3 bed apartment and you ask the guy to come and see.  If he leaves this nice set up, then he is a.....hmm! But, you should not steal his credit card or new bank card when it comes in the mail.  It won't work. You need a Moabite aboriginal woman who knows how to settle down and make tent and ten or more places at the table for the family. You are not leaving him even if he has an arrow through his testicle or if he gets a D on his Undergrad degree. Did you leave him? What caused you to leave? You imagined he was getting a D; it seems.

In the year 5555 or the year 6565.......the economy; it's not FDR"s fault and nor is it his wife's fault. The one issue with them is that maybe she should not have resented a billionaire getting the little support at $1000.00 per week as she asked why do they need it? They need it because they contribute to the mutual well being of every member of society through his taxes and he pays more on his work and billions and it should come back to him in this small dividend. This is the method of policy followed in most states; including Delaware, Vermont and Illinois where there is no asset ownership limitation. This is important when all benefits should be available equally instead of rich/poor inequality in terms of policy and system delivery of government funding. It will be the same for housing if the billionaire says he needs the unit as his house is under renovation or suffered fire damage, then we can help. There is a condo earmarked as housing in every new condo building. They will pay rent to the city if they have their income support to pay the rent and these will be available on a first come first served basis. Do you resent Edward Julius Leon? Is his name too Roman? I think its a Dutch name in any case.

The problem, however, goes back to the days of the early expansion of the US fledgling nation moving west and the dole should have moved west also to satiate the hinger, hunger and resistance of the cave Pangea Aboriginal people who were in a process of welcome assimilation more than war; and  welcome assimilation is what should have been intended and the steady conversion of the cave man to consumerism.   The white people who were real Union Army soldiers used to lynch some Black People and some White People( Ton Ton Macoute cave Pangea) who lynched other black people and white people for reading the Constitution and Tom Sawyer books.  Warren carries both DNA and was chastised by a eau de parfum et toilette( needs to be accepted) version of  the Ton Tom Macoute to read and do his times tables so they would be accepted. Essentially, Warren's father is a Scotsman in a Scottish Highlands clan who was trying to say the issue is dna and temperament in between all the dna and his hope as a highlander is that we would all understand that the Druids were black moors; that Egypt was black and if you don't really know this in your soul, then you are not with it; not good. Any Catholic Cardinal will tell you the Pharaohs were black. Do you notice how the Highlanders and the Cardinals must have been fighting for something; a more enlightened humanity? Do you see how the Muslims are relaxed in America and well treated? They still need to be accepted. You did this before though in the 1960's.  So, why do it again? Let the dude answer your questions before you go to Court or the bank as he was in Court gaining seven years of Court experience as Legal Counsel and as a Barrister at the highest levels before he lectured in Law at a University and he is known as an Academic and Lecturer ( Warren).  He worked for the Ontario government at Guelph Humber and for the main Ontario Government as an Assistant.  Thank you for your prayers.  I am just an Angel RONAN ENTWERFEN Consultant. Warren is not really involved any longer since we made it more white but he gets credit for his research and shut down those blogs that gave too many answers way; shoo! Then, we hired 3 black and white guys and three black and white girls who did not really go to school. They are capable and have the desire to help people; do the job. We hired three law graduates also. Did you know Warren's Great great grandfather had a last name such as Folds? His first name was Weer. With a few others and I, we work secretly to save people who are mistreated under the law and we are researchers who wrote this using Mr. Lyon's work. He is a great guy to work with.  Have you seen Emmanuel Wallerstein or Osvaldo Sunkel in a lecturing video?   They are not White.  Warren is not white but he has a good "Law graduate" way of making his case in Layman's and legal terms. So, you see the point. You see what we are dealing with. He loves Africans from all backgrounds as that is his Ezunullo. He loves European people and also North American and South American people. These are his kin, family and his Familia. Did you know Warren wrote his Ottawa Law Exams? He graduated; with consistent high results.


What is 3+7 or 300+700?  What is 3x4 or 3x7? Now, try $65,000.00 income support per year X2.  This is Vivregage finance or lease finance.  The Lord paired them two by two to be fruitful and replenish and move to other part of the earth as a surrogate population.    Your economy is as treacherous as the sea. This was not intended.   But, it could be calm; certain.  Is your personality as treacherous as the sea; along with your illegal intrusion of my friend's benefits while you try to have a baby?  Is it Seen Henry again who helps you do this or a fired Mogli Bryant who should not have access and you say you will stop of he comes to the pub downtown. Do you interrupt his Presto card to get his attention as you are in a pay for play/terrorist intrusion-interruption Criminal court scandal?   They are not immune to prosecution and nor are you. Why do you need my friend's attention?     The Canadian guideline Minimum standard Income support is  at $65,000.00 yearly income support  under S.90 and S. 91 powers(TITQ). The national government can set minimum standards to avert policy anomalies that affect the national GDP growth.; anomalies such as there is no income support for more than 70% of a province's population. That is genocide. If you were really French or Swiss or Irish, could anything like this be happening in your economy? If the Swiss or Irish run the economy, it would be more beneficial to the Swiss and Europe generally and it would be more beneficial to the Canadian.

An old man or old lady's claustrophobia  as a guest in a new kind of urban high school or on the subway when attending hockey games cannot under cut national policy or public safety and security. But, we thank God we see what happened now and must ensure that the unauthorized accidental intrusion of influence from the hypothalamus of the rogue unauthorized citizen does not transpire down her "Apples" or other smart phone sensitive antennas. It is just that as much as Dickens  and Shakespeare has my imagination and I thank God for the fathering in the stories that work as a corollary to the ministry in the bible, but there really is only one authority deciding the quality of life of Canadians in the country under the BNA Act and when this quality of life is interrupted by mischievous humans trying to solve their emotions or claustrophobia as it flares up in public may not see how they exacerbated the problem when hungry people from the north Living off of $20,000.00 per year tend to move south in the myth that there are more jobs in the urban centre. In this cold climate, $20,000.00 per year per non transgender citizen is genocidal. Anger about gender or claustrophobia is not justification for such genocidal policies and it is not the Monarch's  intention. It's not happening in other territories like Nova Scotia or Alberta.  In their duty, the police and military have decided to secure and ensure the water system and quality, the electricity and the income support money in the money system in honour of the people and the monarch since these facets of our infrastructure(money, water and electricity)  and  our Economy are not subject to debate, are now inoculated  from debate in any town or region and if property values will be guaranteed to rise by convention in an MPAC system, then the ability to pay for the property must also be guaranteed by similar convention or else the process of buying and selling is market frustration where cost of property and ability to pay becomes too divergent and then the cost of food is rising to keep up with artificial property values and rents with bacon and eggs at $18.50 per plate;  bacon and eggs; rather is. The yolks look like oreolas. How does an English woman pay for them if she is suffering gender disenfranchisement in terms of income support benefit policy? Maybe she will sell her...eggs. Watch the movie Black '47. The cost of bacon and eggs is going up by 15% per year as influenced by some unusual phenomenon in the real estate industry and the municipal management. I would not say it is market fixing or market manipulation but what is it? Let's take a look.

If the MPAC convention that rises property values at a whim instead of on some set responsible inflationary  guaranteed scale at 2% per  year; guaranteed  to go up, meaning it's not guaranteed to go down, this is not be but then the income support must also increase  by convention on a similar scale for every citizen or we could increase income support for every citizen on a whim to keep up with Property values increasing yearly based on a whim and if we do not increase income support for every citizen, then we have a disproportionate economy where the cost of living out runs the average available personal funds for every citizen. This is not good for an Ontario Citroen economy and nor is it good for the L' Oreal economy where both cars and make up are stolen three times more often in Ontario than they are stolen in Manitoba.

Without keeping these observations in mind with clarity, then we are just pretenders that this  is tolerable  or normal. Politics is maintained to safeguard the minimum standards of love and life that we have agreed to as citizens and to make local feed back from the citizens with representation more effective to improve our standard of life and our mutual expectations of ensured water, electrical energy and income support money thereby normal, consistent and ensured.      But, politics cannot have been the elected, assumed or stolen power to hesitate on the answers that solve our problems, hesitate for more than 8 years and why is there a problem when there was an ancient solution as employed by the  early fledgling North American economies in the 1650's on the eastern seaboard and in the 1500's on the Western seaboard? There was a problem  in some parts of the English world when well dressed cave men subconsciously chose to delay the civilized, humane answer in a kind of  preference to  low level civil conflict and social conflict over bread, food, milk and other Maslow needs. When the domestic violence became too great, they covered it in  great War and then offered everyone a job instead of giving everyone the income support as for this particular kind of cave man, it seemed too easy to solve the economic recession and depression this way, giving everyone the income support.

  But, I can see clearly now the rain is gone.  It is the logical,  mathematical  physics type solution considering that all human activity is quantified as energy.    The Energy involved  as money spent on Automation to make the cost of supply on the supply side of the economy efficient must be spent on the demand side of the economy to make demand aka ATP- ability to pay also efficient.  The military and the police under anti Genocide laws can resolve the policies in the regions, states or territories where the income support is not paid at all or not paid at economically sufficient ATP-ability to pay amounts thereby also curing economic policy for the mutual and greater good.  These observations might have been in a Democratic or Republican campaign manual in 1948 or foot notes in a UN manual maybe but we don't know what happened as it never manifested. This is not a criticism of any politician; past or present.   But, we desire that all should be saved, all should prosper in keeping with modern economic expectations and none should parish. Warren A. Lyon  has already taught on these ATP-ability to pay principles in public and those who are anxious that he has taught on these principles or that he was already quoted by successful A + students are a residual aboriginal DNA stuck in an identity discombobulation on the emotional borders of a true humanity and a true Aboriginal self identity as their heart confirms; stuck some where in between  the masquerade of black and white  with Geronimo as the best evidence of what they look like before some admixture from the Mongol Swede, Scott, Mongol Irish or Mongol Norwegian whose skin would make GERONIMO look like what we call a half cast black guy. That is all Black aboriginal masquerade so let it go now. But, after telling GERONIMO 's grandson from birth that he is just black, he is brought into an identity vacuum where black is not accurate and the true ancestry is obfuscated, in the fog. You are not black or it you are, we say you are not African but Geronimo and Black...or just Geronimo. Warren A. Lyon is part GERONIMO American where his grandfather is a real Navajo American.  I thank God. But, what name would I give a Third generation Geronimo Baptist christened Anglican except Edward (Eduardo) Julius Leon.


The Monarch is therefore the Chief of Chiefs with the power of arrest and rendition anywhere in his English Speaking World and the politicians have a temp job with limited access to people's lives and should not have access to interrupt benefits systems as current and former politicians.  That is terrorism and an offence whereby  the system is interrupted and it cannot be interrupted by anyone where those who interrupt can be terminated without trial.  How do we have temp employees in the benefits system with terrorism proclivities, interrupting the system and its policies and hoping to evade detection?  We are all average, common people except for the monarchs of course who are like Priests and we should not see anyone frustrate their good intentions.     You are an Ottawa plagiarising drop out and a terrorist.   It's obvious you have broken the system.   There is evidence of increasing benefit system tampering for quite some time; too long now and you should not devalue the Monarchy by thinking they have time to understand why you would resent a graduate and harass them with an abuse of the system. But, if you do you must know you broke a law. It's  not a toy or a game. You are a terrorist maybe on a drug. Does the lady need attention as a pretender graduate?     We may not be there yet in the  English World; a former empire of sorts but never as great as Spain. We will must stress former empire and what amounts to a loan from Spain.     We are certainly not there yet in terms of system certainty in the English world while we hope Mary Poppins will see us at the palace gate in the land of make believe and the Piccadilly Choruses or Circus and this costs businesses that choose to sell and market and manufacture in these English regions with great loss that works like a vortex, drawing billions in with promises excitement, certainly excitement and promises of financial return but there is insufficient ATP-ABILITY TO PAY  in the population per capita to provide any real GDP growth such that you are seeing  nothing more than a stage of activity where businesses say they need to be seen but they are losing money.  This would have to be true also for the property developers.  The point of all of this is to say we have a financial Choo Choo train game and we can increase the AC DC power to pull more cars on the track; that is we can increase the money supply (The ATP)  to match demand  and move, sell  more goods and we don't need a white guy to tweet this or teach this. It's Warren's intellectual property. What evil do you amount to as an employee of...?   Repent and make straight the ways. What are you doing in my adoptive father's house? Get out.    He can teach it and his old Anglican school will beat you up and his Catholic Church will whoop you if you don't leave him alone.  He went to BPP University because it was the only LPC Law School with internal University of London examiners next door to LSE. He performed  rather well actually with a First in accounting; a different class...ain't  he?   We are quite chuffed about this.  

      As an aside, I cannot be related to anyone who cannot multiply more than 6x2 without a calculator but we need to get something correct about graduates. They are not royals and why would they be except some of them  are raised in  communities and  by some people who are anxious about this sort of thing if they would be closer to the authority than a former domestic Anglo West Indian servant. But, closer to what? We are just bad word  graduates who go to school on fees and need a job. So, don't harass who you told to worn hard at 7,8 or 19 years old and who graduates to honor  you in addition to his own family. But, after all his academics and tangible practical success in Law School and the inclusive Law Office  and Law Practice Dramas, are you saying he is too real; too much of the real graduate to tolerate his existence and ability to help any member of the community?  Do you know he won a human rights tribunal case?  Oh; yes he did!!!!  Shoo!!!  In fact, I have an adoptive sister whose initials are LLB who is pretending to be a first  in Law at Manchester, pretending, and she is taking questions at $500.00 per question from her kind of drug addict, drug dealing people but the answers are all wrong and they go to Court with it only to pretend in some kind of West Indian reenactment, resenting the real graduate once he is the graduate among them.    Thank you for all of your prayers.   The black woman working at Green Park Tube Station in the Tube uniform therefore has no competition. She is the closest black woman to the....I thank God. She is real.  She is really black like the Grandmother in Law but this time it's a bit more cool and they don't have to drink any nickel hydride to be more....more white!! 


Would it be common sense to pay an income support to every citizen? The answer is yes for the benefit of the economy so that on a national level, there is sufficient consumer stimulus. John Toussaint Black Hawk Adams saw this as it the money benefits the natives also who were semi- formal occupants, not immediate citizens, for quite some time and the American revolution helped to  quell, answer some of these problems  with life and formalities in the new American constitutional reality.  

   Would it be a surprise and a shock if there is a population that has not accepted this common sense? They might be some kind of ethnographic reserve that has accessed our modern world before they could, as aboriginal souls, evolve fast enough to accept and embrace that modern world and the shopping, consumer culture with money as the  medium of exchange. Instead, some may still just uncontrollably want to just take, steal.    Instead, there is resistance. In the resistance, they make everything a challenge as they rise to fields of influence without sufficient understanding and their people are less safe and secure when they change set formulas for milk production or an old Job board or job core program is interrupted where now you need an interview to get the job and there is no obligation for the employer to hire the first 2 to 4 persons who show up; one white, black, red and yellow.   What if there was a universal income support for every citizen, that was interrupted and no one knows why  but then also no tap water for every citizen except only for some based on TRANSGENDER status or based on your Postal code? In your state or province, without an income support you are the poorest architects, bus drivers, school teachers and Church members in the country; you have a nice house maybe  but there are nice houses all over the country where you get money and your neighbours are black there too while now in T.O.  you are the saddest people in the country.   You would rather be eating a Jamaican patty as a Jamaican in Alberta where you are funded to eat that patty or the white or black or African enjoying that deer head soup; at $65,000.00 per year being your basic support. We are not bigger but smaller and poorer in a national comparison and the the construction or urbanity in T.O is just a Chimera with the economic vortex that sucks in the starving but funded North while spewing out the unfunded south.  But, if it's not a game of chance with 50/50 penalty kicks where everyone could miss sometimes and when there are  bad ref calls sometimes, Brazil would be the only winning world cup team. But, at least Brazil has a certain amount of income support per citizen and certain domestic GDP with certain ATP per capita-100% certain.    But, you don't followed these things that are simple enough for an Amazonian Indian to understand. That would not be logical in any case; either for you not to follow in your little Ontario corner. But maybe join the rest of your country.   Maybe someone thought it would solve the overcrowding problem to create a transgender bias; to solve an imaginary crowding problem that manifests with a real  subjective reaction to being in a crowded T.O.Subway car during rush hour  that is full of tourists yet you confused the benefit programs and now many people in T.O moved away to Newmarket or Richmond Hill  or Ottawa  and now Newmarket is crowded. Even so, making people move does not justify the Genocide. I am living in Hamilton with my support or Nova Scotia or maybe Niagara Falls but not every can afford to move to these places to get support, rent an apartment.    Yet, your concern and reaction is based on what crowding you saw in T.O. As such, the loss in regional economic turnover affects the North more than the South where the North has fewer foreign ex pats where the South has several travelling ex pats or those living in  T.O. as a surrogate temporary population surviving on their foreign income support as received as citizens from their foreign governments. The cave man in this cave man stronghold as identified in the region enjoys this international-ism as it heals his cave man ignorance and he is happy to see people of colour who are not immediate victims  of his cave man resistance and economic policy ignorance where Ontario is the only province suffering under such self inflicted cave man economic policy population victimisation. You are the smallest,  dismayed population and certainly not the most fulfilled; but you have your big SkyDome and your big Tower but all provinces have something big. Montreal has its big Subway.    The people of the south have moved to other territories in the country and  also some to the desperate north where most  that only have $20,000.00 as income support have moved south to take up empty, older apartment units where it is also a little warmer.   The territory is dead.  Anxiety as a hockey game tourist about overcrowding in a 20 km area is not reason for genocide and the policy confirms genocidal intent. Certainly, the motivation for the policy is not economic or humanitarian but personal idiosyncrasy. It could also  be gender hatred in the way the policy favours one gender over the others. But, the other territories have TRANSGENDER people who live happily with their fellow citizens without any gender hatred being expressed directly.

The territory is dead where the income support policy confusion works as cover for a covert war against owners and ownership(See the movie Redemption (2013) for an idea but the pellet occupying units are not all  former soldiers) unlike what happens in other territories in the country but the policy for income support must be set nationally as income support, solving therefore the problem with consumer demand(ATP-ability to pay) that must match robotic machine made supply is a national problem, affecting GDP.   But, I am not a mason.   We cannot blame the politicians of that T.O. territory and  region but they do have some power for a short while longer to ameliorate the region's experience but they will be able to do so within minimum income support guidelines to assist the entire population. For instance, the province cannot set income support below $65,000.00 per year per citizen and this will create an Ontario surrogate population with many Ontario citizens moving to America as a temporary surrogate population in America that will maintain themselves at hotels on "per month" account payments. No credit check is involved. Some will go to  Iceland, Russia, China,  Japan and other parts of Asia  and endure in  the pay per month hotel accounts. Some will go to Latin America or the West Indies and maintain themselves in two jurisdictions.  The Canadian banks, following an Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ proposal are now offering courier delivery of new bank cards to any destination as the old cards may expire or are damaged.   You can now also opt for 4 or 6 year card expiry dates- an Angel Ronan Lex Scripta™ proposal.     

Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce  the federal loan rate no lower than .5%.    The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop cannot be a zero rate.  The money, the national salaries and the coins carry a cost that demands payment with some rate at no less than .5%.   it is best , however, to increase consumer activity, and buying power by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay  in the struggle with job automation as they already don't have any money so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy as the effort to solve it is national; isn't it ? You have a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are reducing national GDP further. It is best to raise the ATP; a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon.    .  Warren is a student of Adam Smith, Keynes and Sunkel, Wallerstein also.    

We could say it like this.    Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce  the federal loan rate no lower than .5%.    The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop cannot be a zero rate.  The money, the national salaries and the coins carry a cost that demands payment with some rate at no less than .5%.   It is best , however, to increase consumer activity, and buying power by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay  in the struggle.  

We could say it like this.    Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce  the federal loan rate no lower than .5%.    The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop cannot be a zero rate.  The money, the national salaries and the coins carry a cost that demands payment with some rate at no less than .5%.   It is best , however, to increase consumer activity, and buying power by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay  in the struggle with job automation as they( the people) already don't have any money so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy as the effort to solve the reduction in consumer activity is national; isn't it ? You have a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are actually reducing national GDP further. It is best to raise the ATP; a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon.  Warren is a student of Adam Smith, Keynes and Sunkel, Wallerstein also.  For PJ, give us the money. For PJ(peace and joy).  

We could also  say it like this as well.   Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce  the federal loan rate no lower than .5%.   The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop concerning rate reduction cannot be a zero rate.          The paper money, the national salaries for security and cash delivery and the cost of "solver" in the coins carry a cost that demands payment with national revenue generating at  some rate  no less than .5%.     It is best, however, to increase consumer activity, and consumer buying power, that is consumer demand for goods by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay  in the struggle with job automation as they( the people)  do not  have any money already  so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy;  as the effort to solve the reduction in consumer activity or increase it is a national effort ; isn't it ?  We can pay for this $70,000.00 per year income support with an increase in VAT/sales tax to a more international, responsible 20% to cover the cost of the income support and use this sales tax mechanism to increase and decrease consumer activity. Rising sales tax reduces activity. Decreasing the sales tax  rate increases the consumer activity(ACTIVITIES); never lower than 20% and never higher than 100%.      We can keep discussing Aboriginal emotions nonetheless.  You have a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are actually reducing national GDP further. This is not good.   It is best to raise the ATP(ability to pay);  a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon.  Warren is a student of Adam Smith, Keynes and Sunkel, Wallerstein also.   The banks would prefer a customer who can maintain a loan than a customer who cannot. The ask should not think that the income support reduces business or that a shortage of income support increases business when it does not really increase business when the unpaid loan is unpaid business loan is a business right off.   Also, how do the citizens without income support qualify for the loans? 

 I am a Catholic.       Whether it's a powerful F15 fighter jet or the income support policy (also powerful), the question is your intentions. Maybe hatred and ignorance are also powerful economic forces that carry intention.  You ask yourself why are you reading this. David was successful as a Leader as he borrowed the well settled answers from Egypt involving economies.   His Egyptian wives, when they would sit at table with him, reminded him about the income support disbursements to the people.  Your policies can defend your people or destroy them. Your F15 can defend the population or fail to defend them maybe attack your own population.  Genocide can be visited on a population by an F15 carrying biological weapons or genocide can be visited on a population by a government that uses policies to starve the populations of requisite income support monies(requisite in an automation economy and all economies are ongoing automation economies dating back to Egypt), water or electricity.  F15's are designed to defend the nation and economic policies are designed to defend the nation with its entire population.  We thank God.

Top Gun Maverick is one of my favourite movies.  Thank God for Maverick and maybe he can use aerial acrobatics, some Top Gun Jiu Jitsu to ensure every North American has an income support. 

If every North American does not have an income support, it's an accident in policy but it carries some culpability; economically and legally.  Where is is your population with its disappearing home grown Twinkies  and Lipton Hegemony in exchange for a more Biriyani Hegemony and Sweet and Sour?  You don't mind and I don't mind but we need to at least be able to order the food and make the loan payments, pay the rent to the new more Asian owners of the Dominos Pizza.   

Read the following:  1945    Count 3 of the indictment of the 24 Nazi leaders at the Nuremberg Trials    They (the defendants) conducted deliberate and systematic genocide—viz., the extermination of racial and national groups—against the civilian populations of certain occupied territories in order to destroy particular races and classes of people, and national, racial or religious groups, particularly Jews, Poles, Gypsies and others.[8][9]

1946    Raphael Lemkin    The crime of genocide should be recognized therein as a conspiracy to exterminate national, religious or racial groups. The overt acts of such a conspiracy may consist of attacks against life, liberty or property of members of such groups merely because of their affiliation with such groups. The formulation of the crime may be as follows: "Whoever, while participating in a conspiracy to destroy a national, racial or religious group, undertakes an attack against life, liberty or property of members of such groups is guilty of the crime of genocide. ("Genocide", American Scholar, Volume 15, no. 2 (April 1946), p. 227–230)[9]

1959    Pieter N. Drost, Dutch law professor[11]    Genocide is the deliberate destruction of physical life of individual human beings by reason of their membership of any human collectivity as such. (The Crime of State, Volume 2, Leiden, 1959, p. 125.)[12][13]

Being North American does not exempt you from the scintilla of genocide, the real and deathly evident experience of Genocide either by water deprivation or from money deprivation. What if Joe lost his income support? He would be very angry right now. What if all of...Delaware became as convoluted as New York or Ontario or Pennsylvania in terms of income support? If the transgender groups are paid an income support but the non transgender are not paid, then this is gender inequality. But, it is also genocide. You deprive the male and female gender, deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction. Gender inequality is illegal and so is Gender genocide; that is gender genocide.  You may say your concern is overcrowding in urban areas and it cannot be presumed that people living in urban areas are wealthier than those who live outside of them. You have also deliberately deprived people living in urban centres so that actually the people living outside of those centres are given an income support of maybe $20,000.00 per year in most but not all suburbs. This has taken place for years so there can be no presumption that only those living in urban centres are to be vetted again and again to see how they could live in Brampton or Loveumatemarket or Sufferbrough or Whickerby who get $10,000.00 per year if they do not have more than $40000.00 while they are not vetted at all but receive support automatically if they live in  Oakville or Richmond Hill  where they received $20000.00 per year automatically so then maybe urbanity is not the target issue or concern.  Even so, men and women who may receive $20,000.00 per year if they live in certain neighborhoods, are not receiving the $50,000.00 per year as received by transgenders who receive this money any where they live in Ontario.  

We see that based on  all the various economic issues and national concerns about consumer stimulus and to ensure the equal dispensation of Federal funds on all Canadians where Manitobans receive an income support of $50,000.00 per year, then on the question of the ethical and equal use of Federal funds for all citizens' benefits, then we say all the Ontario citizens should receive $70,000.00 a year as income support, keeping in mind the MPAC Ontario cost of living premium.   But, if you saw your son on national news struggling to solve even one side  of a Rubik's cube or solve this equation( 8 won ton soup  at $6.00 per bowl equals how much money?), what would you do?  I would probably say call the average Quebecois or Albertan where it is already solved for equality and for ensuring on purely economic principles that we have resolved also national consumer economic stimulus.          

There is not a shred of logic to the Ontario policy (COTYOU famille) where some people receive no money where they live if they are certain genders, some people receive some money and some people, the transgenders, receive $50,000.00 per year no matter where they live in Ontario.  Yet,  the legal obligation to equality is a paramount policy and so the obligation to avoid policy directions  that target or in any way create conditions of life calculated to destroy any target group is the concern.  You could offer free travel to families who live outside of  the urban centre.  Any journeys to enumerated stations in the suburbs and surrounding municipalities would be free. I would move out of Brooklin, Ontario for that and I would be able to afford the move with my income support of $40,000.00. $50,000.00, $60,000.00 or $70000.00 that would enable us to afford the move. But, you pay nothing to the male and female genders in Brooklin, Ontario. You pay nothing to the male and female genders in Guelph and what or where do you want us to move if Guelph is too urban or too crowded?  The reason why i am not interested in politics is because I can see everyone involved going back to the 1960's was some kind of Heroin abortion and this would include the current participants in politics.  Remember who wrote this.  It was not that poster "drop out" guy or "never went to school" guy. But, maybe if he had just cared  to see every Candadian and his own people born in Ottalwa at least get the $40,000.00 he receives as a citizen of this country in Queblec.  But, the unwillingness to at least do this over the last nearly ten years has led to a tacit closure of the government as we knew it and at that hour, we noticed that there was never really any more government  or country than what the BNA ACT 1867 allows. This is not a country legally.  There should be no flag and no currency but they let us testify about what we would do with the authority to feed ourselves for an hour longer.  You have until......noon to implement an income support of no less than $70,000.00 per year per Candadian and after that you will be dealing with the PM of the Republic of Iresland who will enforce an equivalent Rep. of Ireland policy on Irlish amounts of $EUD 40000.00 but converted to Candadian at 1.47CAD  to 1 EUD and this will also be implemented in the UK also after that deadline on an interim administrative management deal for the UK and its territories ...sort of like when an Italian was the coach for the FA.   But, I promise to always take nice photos and it looks like I will start a church fellowship and a small charity to assist people in understanding their legal defences. The government does not need a defence as it would have to accept the charges laid against its own genocidal action since you would say legally that they would agree to the facts although it may sue it self  or the relevant Ministry or Department sometimes to achieve its legal mandates.  In any case, genocide of the English population is not the way you apologise for many years of imperialism.  Africans live there now and many Asian peoples. They should not be starving and dying for the sins of the English as committed in previous generations. We are all God's children and all have sinned, falling short of the glory of God. Forgive as you wish to be forgiven and forgive yourself. Jesus did not throw the stone.     

There was a woman from  Bridgend who, in 1980, decided that she had to kill the world when she was told by her Welsh doctor that she is not going to be able to have children in spite of her bra size; that she was transgender.  She said, "watch me now" and proceeded to try to understand herself in the bible.  She found Salome' and decided that she could demand something but John the Baptist moved before anything bad could happen to him and went to a place called Soas; a town in Alexandria to be a teacher of the faith.  He appears later as Barnabas.  In any event, she bought the operator of the UK economy with her income support and some licks so that it would only pay those who were her kind and then she moved to Ontario; to hide.  She asked the operator in Ontario and for a few licks more the support shut off in 1983. The Ontario operator whipped it and she then decided, for a few licks more,  that only Law School drop outs would be able to get a government job in the profession.    But, who is she that the economy is diffident and genocidal, arguing with the global economic agenda that seeks to  achieve an automated ATP for each citizen to match the automated supply of goods; as produced  by robotic automation.  Maybe should could have said those who raise children get an extra $500.00 per month until the children reach the age of 14 when their UK national or Canadian national support would be initiated.  We should whip it back the other way then; eh?  Crack that whip. Give the past a slip. When a problem comes along, you must whip it.  She seems to be literally Salome' from another dead sea urn found in Palestine on the coast of the Dead sea.  But, nature made us all. Don't we have to cooperate? Salome' needs a purpose then in the family.  Her purpose is to protect and mind the ministry and the house; full of children.  No matter what, the economy does not disclose a Swiss mind set on economics but some other kind of diatribe.   


Crack that whipGive the past a slipStep on a crackBreak your mama's back
When a problem comes alongYou must whip itBefore the cream sits out too longYou must whip itWhen something's going wrongYou must whip it
Now whip itInto shapeShape it upGet straightGo forwardMove aheadTry to detect itIt's not too lateTo whip itWhip it good
When a good time turns aroundYou must whip itYou will never live it downUnless you whip itNo one gets awayUntil they whip it
I say whip itWhip it goodI say whip itWhip it good
Crack that whipGive the past a slipStep on a crackBreak your mama's back
When a problem comes alongYou must whip itBefore the cream sits out too longYou must whip itWhen something's going wrongYou must whip it
Now whip itInto shapeShape it upGet straightGo forwardMove aheadTry to detect itIt's not too lateTo whip itInto shapeShape it upGet straightGo forwardMove aheadTry to detect it
It's not too lateTo whip itWhip it good

So, North America is some kind of "thorn in the side" of the global economy and we want to know who would tolerate it or why is it tolerated?    

Maybe you provide a property tax rebate for all home owners in those suburban centres  or a government rent rebate.  It is the concern of many that if the transgender groups are paid an income support but the non transgender are not paid, then this is gender inequality. But, it is also genocide. You deprive the male and female gender, deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction. Gender inequality in any government policy is illegal and so is Gender genocide; that is gender genocide. Remember how you felt when you heard about female circumcision. It feels so heinous that you might have said also that it is gender genocide. But, is there a reason why gender genocide by virtue of material or financial starvation does not activate the shock at the inhumanity and the need for immediate redress?   The Ontario population should be celebrated asylum seekers and refugees to more humane economies and away from this dunce economy. Your asylum claim would have to go through. Warren is successful.    Isn't it a retrograde, genocide economy?  The income support policy promotes genocide against females and males.    Have you heard of hurricane Katrina? What about genocide Charlenea?  


Advocating genocide

  •  (1) Every person who advocates or promotes genocide is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years.

  • Marginal note:Definition of genocide

    (2) In this section, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy in whole or in part any identifiable group, namely,

    • (a) killing members of the group; or

    • (b) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction.

  • Marginal note:Consent

    (3) No proceeding for an offence under this section shall be instituted without the consent of the Attorney General.

  • Marginal note:Definition of identifiable group

    (4) In this section, identifiable group means any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or mental or physical disability.

  • R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 318
  • 2004, c. 14, s. 1
  • 2014, c. 31, s. 12
  • 2017, c. 13, s. 3
  • 2019, c. 25, s. 120

See Egan and Nesbit v. Canada, 2 Thibaudeau v. Canada (M.N.R.), 3 and Miron v. Trudel.4. See also Fraser v Canada and Griggs v. Duke Power. Frazer and Griggs confirm that all discrimination in policy is illegal; not just in the employment context. 

See also the 14th amendment.  The Equal Protection Clause is part of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides "nor shall any State ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." It mandates that individuals in similar situations be treated equally by the law.[1][2][3]

A primary motivation for this clause was to validate the equality provisions contained in the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which guaranteed that all citizens would have the guaranteed right to equal protection by law. As a whole, the Fourteenth Amendment marked a large shift in American constitutionalism, by applying substantially more constitutional restrictions against the states than had applied before the Civil War.

The Equality Act 2010 safeguards against inequality in the UK and also Canada; not only in the employment context but in the provision of Government services.  The Act is directly applicable in Canada based on the BNA 1867.   

Equality Act 2010

Long titleAn Act to make provision to require Ministers of the Crown and others when making strategic decisions about the exercise of their functions to have regard to the desirability of reducing socio-economic inequalities; to reform and harmonise equality law and restate the greater part of the enactments relating to discrimination and harassment related to certain personal characteristics; to enable certain employers to be required to publish information about the differences in pay between male and female employees; to prohibit victimisation in certain circumstances; to require the exercise of certain functions to be with regard to the need to eliminate discrimination and other prohibited conduct; to enable duties to be imposed in relation to the exercise of public procurement functions; to increase equality of opportunity; to amend the law relating to rights and responsibilities in family relationships; and for connected purposes.
Citation2010 c 15
Introduced byHarriet Harman
Territorial extent England and Wales; Scotland; section 82, 105 (3) and (4) and 199 also apply to Northern Ireland

So, we are swimming in laws and codes that enshrine equality but we need the purposeful enforcement to achieve national goals.  Equality is the law and clean water, free of nuclear contaminants  is a legal requirement also.    If you saw brown water running out of your tap and the community centre taps,  how long would it take to solve the issue with the immediate cooperation of your neighbors?  It's just solved by dinner time as soon as you notice the problem. But, economically we have been going around in circles.     An income support for all citizens that is equal in benefit and amount is legal. An unequal income support is illegal. An income support for all citizens is where standard national and  global compliant Monetary policy begins since 1857. Maybe Lincoln observed this after his readings on Karl Marx.    There is some evident delay in the widespread uptake in the Western hemisphere with respect to this policy. We need to honor our own lives or else the other cultures will laugh at us. Now that you understand the strategic benefit of a national income support program to solve national issues with consumer stimulus and NAFTA population preservation, it should take hours to solve; as much time as it takes for Super Mario Brothers to fix a broken water main.   Join the Super Mario brothers in Vermont, Illinois and Massachusetts and in other states who receive this money automatically without any threshold or means test from 14 years old. It is just that the money is not provided in equal amounts and yet the cost of living in America is essentially the same with that Escalade or Ford Escape payment demanding an answer as soon as possible.    If  Warren was in Massachusetts all these years since 14 years old, he would have attended an American Law School initially and then he would have been Mitch in the Firm with his Massachusetts income support and the owner of a Toyota Lexus and a used Benz Truck with 4 kids already at College by now.   

Usually, in North American history they called the aboriginal experience with formal legal processes colonialism and the fledgling nation's experience with Federalism in terms of the establishment of national legal processes and systems is a Civil War. So, would be at Civil War in North America over a national rail road? No; not a national rail road but maybe we are in some tussle with Federalism with respect to a national income support. Yet, we could allow for both a national system that guarantees a national minimum and the states and provinces can also establish their own maximum numbers. But, with Cosmopolitan in the air, we have been majoring in the minors and forgetting the major agenda. We need what is most important; money for families and not just condoms and half a viagra barbers for Saturday night. No; we need money for a family SUV and for Alusra(TM) Home Security so we know what is going on when we are not at home. I installed mine secretly and I know what you did not only last night but last summer. You did eat the last Oreo and you left the box in the cupboard. Alusra(TM) home security is not available really yet but its not like I am trying to ghetto take someone. I am trying to enjoy my North American experience.

Yet, evidently if GERONIMO is exemplary of  the average North American Aboriginal in the Arctic and in the Everglades we notice that we don't see him very often. This might be due to new cosmetics and new cultural rebranding, identification and classifications, spinning the North American DNA all over the world to make GERONIMO North America Muslim North African, Surinamese Dutch and plain Latino or cool, cool, cool West Indian or French Samoan.   Comment est Tu Fais? Mademoiselle, quelque chose bien tu regarder.    So, he is still around but evidently many from all back grounds and races   have died in the American genocide as instigated by retrograde  income support policy such that used to say when America sneezes, Canada catches a cold but it seems, the world catches a cold when the Canadian, Ontario citizen is not properly funded and maybe the Otario genocide has become a World War maybe twice now.   The lack of proper Income support funding in Otario has sacked global manufacturers such as Ford, FIAT and GM and has challenged others like a vortex of economic death.            

The cave man is fighting your LEVITICAL family structures.  He is fighting his own son.  The cave woman is fighting her own husband in Leviticus. She would rather ask her son to massage it than just ask her husband to visit once a week on Friday night and he stays until Sunday after 60 minutes is done. Then he drives back to Morningside and Markham where he has a renovated three level town home built originally in 1973.

She says she lost the authority battle in the home when she used her husband's expired credit card and got charged and then did not want to tell him or deal with it together as family. She kept doing it and now has 90 charges on her for attempt theft and bank robbery. She is fighting her own Leviticus. Her cousin is trying to fight Leviticus by interrupting a black woman's life. Her idea is that a black woman will win by killing a black woman and taking over the black woman's existence as the owner of a small three bed town home to say she will be the only one; to inherit. But, the black woman has 15 children and she would wish them all to receive some benefit from her estate; maybe in 40 years or so when ever she might eventually pass on. This errant cousin wants to fight this to say she got everything and is the only one. This cousin is more of a 1967 human fossil resurrection project to resurrect and older less evolved human dna maybe to tell the movie people to stop cajoling people to think that we will all be in space orbit for vacation by 2001 in Space Odyssey. There would have to be many human conventions in place to allow a building project such as the One Tower in New York to exist; or the former Twin Towers or for a space station that could house four Air Bus A330 or four space shuttles on a landing deck. But, Warren believes in it and that it will not need exuberant solar panels but will be powered by human waste, using his Alusra(TM) 2 Energy toilets and electronic garbage cans that convert human waste and garbage into hydrogen and methane to produce electricity with a fuel cell. But, it seems this fossil dna was prayer over by the wise old man who thought we would be more cooperative with less wars also as they were taught how to read, write and speak with good elocution. Yet, the wise old white man did not count on the fossil people growing up to decide that they would rather drug their children with Ritalin so that they would not be able to do anything but yawn like Chewbacca but not really speak like Han or Lando; since that is what they think is the right way for humanity. But, they are not thinking about work and that family and human culture involving work. They do not seem to be excited to see their children recite bible verses on the church rastrum because wouldn't that be; that is Leviticus...right? So, they put the Ritalin in the boy's Yop drink.

If you fight the Income Support, fight the money, then you fighting your own life, your own people and your own auto manufacturing job at the closing plants that do not see enough sales.  The income support, however,  reduces the amount of public disaffection on these issues.  You will also hear from the black people less frequently. They are good aboriginal people.   I thank God!  Yet too often they are put in situations,  contrary to laws to remind you about justice, peace, order, ownership and constitutionality when they may have been the first missionaries to North America as Euro moors and Berbers or Black tudors.    The Aboriginals were dark like Geronimo also.  GERONIMO LOOKS LIKE HE COULD BE THE FATHER OF Auntie  -or-a.  But, that says she could be my sister.    Columbus, Verrazano,  Cortes and Verrazano set up parishes, roads and other forms of property subdivision.    $65000.00 CAD/CBND(Canadian British National Dollars) is equal to £39000.00 real sterling pounds or $45000.00 EUD per year as support.  The English systems, relics for the relic hunters and institutions are less under threat, less unstable, less at risk of collapse.     

Noah and David are good biblical fathers for fathering. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  Listen to the testimony of these men at night time in a Bible app. They went into their wives and conceived. It probably took as long as it takes as long as it takes a dog or a massive, huge mammal.    

What is your economy saying about improving the national GDP numbers in an automation economy and do you have a mechanism to pay every citizen an income support to stimulate the entire economy simultaneously to stave off fears of recessions, stimulate the GDP and make it less flaccid, less dysfunctional and more erect economically?  We erect new residential buildings every day but we fail to improve the income support policy so that people can pay the rent where the developer can earn the income to pay the loan on the project.  There is now an immediate condition apparently in Canada, Quebec not to be outside of Canada after arrest for any alleged criminal offense until the matters are resolved. The Quebecois can go to Iceland for the Aquarellum open public  (white, black, red and yellow) aboriginal residential school for French speaking fugitives. The real French are not sure why they were told to tolerate this with the Quebecois as it does threaten European security.  Yet, if they are in Europe to protest the failure in Canada to make the income support national and maintained nationally with regular inflationary increases, as covered with small increases in the sales tax at half a percent every 2 years but never more than 30%, we can hear what they have to say as it does affect national company revenues and national GDP when the income support is not consistent and paid to all citizens.  

Yet, you see the Toussaint Schism and the moves or plot and you want us to be excited that we are seeing him do it but why would I be excited and we have already done this before and everybody is dead...and then what we did..and then what we do.....!?!    An income support of  $120,000.00 per year is economically necessary and this is the motivation; economic necessity! We could discuss the humanity issue but we are moved by the economic logic since to a cave man, what is human is still debatable to some rather well dressed cave men who seem to think they are looking fine in that fur lined business suit.  We will discuss the economics shortly. 

The water supply, the electricity supply and the money supply are now essential to public order and security and will they not be maintained by the military or the means of national security and safety above and beyond political debate? That is what the government of Europe is in North America to do just as they run all of the world's airports; including the airports in all of France; including Bordeaux.    

... Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed.

With Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ Corporate Library Research.91



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Click here. 25 June 2024. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay. By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports. Money is an economic and legal formality along with the regular and consistent provision of money to every benefit recipient in the country. It maintains the population and we are happy to see others join us since he who has the most people wins since with people, you maintain your territory, dominion and your hegemony. You can expand and join other populations. You can afford to maintain yourself in any part of the world. You keep pace with the imagined competition. Is it Russia? They fund 100% of their population. They see that across Canada and the US, only 48% of the population is funded and it is as low as 28% in the US alone. So, then the other 72% of under funded Americans is the real issue behind weak consumer stimulus. It is rumored that Kenya has decided to increase its income support by .90 cents an hour. We are all the canary in the mine to say there is too much poison in the foods; DDT etc and it's illegal. We can have black legal counsel. Actually, we do have some. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavors that they must, will be sold; The Russians have always had a consistent buyer market with sufficient consumer stimulus since they always had an income support. You add to this a product diversity, choice and excited consumerism and you have the largest consumer market in the world; larger than America; absorbing American made and also Chinese goods with a certainty unseen in America that the goods will be sold. China is quite similar as it is certain that the citizen or the consumer as the citizen or benefit recipient has money. The benefit is paid by the government and not intercepted by any thieves in the banking system and when would such a fiasco be overlooked for years, affecting the economy and the government's plans? The Americans, in their talk about capitalism have missed their own point when you talk about marketing and selling where there is no market of regular, certain buyers while they focus on the freedom their system promises to adventuring marketers to create a gazillion candy bars, soft drinks, toys and new gadgets with product designers involving new product creation that is met by always comparatively low consumer stimulus and low buyer certainty. We asked why. One answer is the country still sees itself as a hinter land where the old east sees the burgeoning west with places like Utah, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Colorado as a land of wild heathens next to Vermont and that should not have this Vermont type income support until they can sing three church hymns from memory. So, the Vermont school teacher is the principal of the school in Colorado but the income support is still comparatively low so you sing the hymns, cross your T's and dot your I's and you must have sung the hymns by 1860, 1914, 1929 or 1939 but you still have not received the income support in sufficient amounts that are comparable to the east so you can wash in the river and be clean; buy the goods, obtain the goods without use of violence and consume what is being sold and offered to you with a seamless amount of consumer buying power across the country. Some are confused by the word or concept of Demand but "Demand" means "Buying Power." Supply must meet Buying Power/demand in sufficient measure or else the goods in the store do not sell and the manufacturer does not earn enough money and would have to close down in the usual case; a disaster. This is something that armed conflict within the country or with other countries cannot solve. It is about what you have done to you and your own people; what you have done to you. In our observation, it means the old east has some baring on what is happening in the country. The next issue is whether the people in the west would find it hard maybe in some hunter gatherer cultural resistance to just ensure every citizen in that region is above and beyond any want or need to fend and live off the land; hunt for a rabbit. But, wouldn't you need a knife at least to cut it and share it or you would eat it all by yourself with your hands?