There is sex and there is covenant, being known and understood in the countenance and purpose God intended for you. Then, there is 'I don't know what I wanted' in 1 year or maybe 20 years. But, everything is incumbent upon knowing what you wanted and that requires knowing yourself instead of being in a self delusion of acceptance seeking, the turbine and spinning in every wind and suggestion as to what you should..what you do really want..what you really need and he or she was not too bad...maybe not always the sportiest or energetic in public but you are totally at ease in private where you do get the 80 percent of the fearless intimacy and companionship which is what you do really need! Then there is the bent garden path of misdirection in being known that is sown into your emotional growth and you are told it is a right of passage or that they need to see if you are safe and the same before you go to bed..the same and not turned into a transgender by the Hungarian wolf in a dress or by Cristobal who needs to be equal. But, the adulteration of your purpose was evident in your soul but it is normal, you are told so you just get on with Cosmopolitan and you eventually learn to pray Forgive us Lord as we trespass against you as we forgive those who trespass against us as we tresspass against you in trespassing against our soul and others while you could shop for lipstick in magazines that celebrate Covenant and family notions where Vanity, Fair and equitable can lead to a happy Harp, ores or Bazaar. The crazy sex suggested to you seems to grab on to not only what everybody is presumedly watching but it is also satisfying an innate need that was in you but that was short circuited early, you minion, and the need is like life or water..a false sense of knowing and intimacy as you watch it but you end up dissatisfied like a woman thirsting for water but all you are getting is a steam around molecules of water but you cannot drink. Then you want people to join you in dissatisfaction and whay don't you want to just have sex? What, are you north Korean? What; you still want to hold on to God after the Audi A5 four door sport back? Are you Russian? Why are you soo humble? What about some Coca Cola and then we talk? The issue is dissatisfaction and missing the 80 percent of what you really want while misery loves company and would wish others to help them feel normal as if there is something Wrong with getting enough education to explain a split infinitive or a complete English sentence as a student of Brother Strachan or Bishop Andre; A Bishop so how do you honor him and the Catholic brother without making a S.P.E.C.T.R.E of him and your self in the antithesis of society and authority but we understand that why should you need the education as th children of an Eskimo and a son of Beethoven as Beethoven was born in Jamaica that eats fruit loops like Mengele and who shifts like a man, for the authority, who queludes in his offical work and love of the smell of napalm in the morning? Would you really tell these prophets, priests and stewards of the Brit to watch whatever they want to be social and have an orphan's worship of the new and novel? You were told to shop naked in a supermarket once a month for the authority or do it topless as womanish every first Friday of the month since it is legal you know and to travel on the highway also in your jurisdiction. But, that video or the magazine invites some other ghost into your family like having three people in your marriage but the wrong ghost, the divisive, never satisfied ghost in the experience of diminishing returns and the third interrupting person when it should be the Holy Ghost, the Shekinah glory, that binds us together to enjoy that buffet of self knowledge and family moments with water that satisfies in those contented, treasured moments.
There is sex and there is covenant, being known and understood in the countenance and purpose God intended for you. Then, there is 'I don't know what I wanted' in 1 year or maybe 20 years. But, everything is incumbent upon knowing what you wanted and that requires knowing yourself instead of being in a self delusion of acceptance seeking, the turbine and spinning in every wind and suggestion as to what you should..what you do really want..what you really need and he or she was not too bad...maybe not always the sportiest or energetic in public but you are totally at ease in private where you do get the 80 percent of the fearless intimacy and companionship which is what
you do really need! Then there is the bent garden path of misdirection in being known that is sown into your emotional growth and you are told it is a right of passage or that they need to see if you are safe and the same before you go to bed..the same and not turned into a transgender by the Hungarian wolf in a dress or by Cristobal who needs to be equal. But, the
adulteration of your purpose was evident in your soul but it is normal, you are told so you just get on with Cosmopolitan and you eventually learn to pray Forgive us Lord as we trespass against you as we forgive those who trespass against us as we tresspass against you in trespassing against our soul and others while you could shop for lipstick in magazines that
celebrate Covenant and family notions where Vanity, Fair and equitable can lead to a happy Harp, ores or
Bazaar. The crazy sex suggested to you seems to grab on to not only what everybody is presumedly watching but it is also satisfying an innate need that was in you but that was short circuited early, you minion, and the need is like life or water..a false sense
of knowing and intimacy as you watch it but you end up dissatisfied like a woman thirsting for water but all you are getting is a steam around molecules of water but you cannot drink. Then you want people to join you in dissatisfaction and whay don't you want to just have sex? What, are you north Korean? What; you still want to hold on to God after
the Audi A5 four door sport back? Are you Russian? Why are you soo humble? What about some Coca Cola and then we talk? The issue is dissatisfaction and missing the 80 percent of what you really want while misery loves company and would wish others to help them feel normal as if there is something Wrong with getting enough education to explain a split
infinitive or a complete English sentence as a student of Brother Strachan or Bishop Andre; A Bishop so how do you honor him and the Catholic brother without making a S.P.E.C.T.R.E of him and your self in the antithesis of society and authority but we understand that why should you need the education as th children of an Eskimo and a son of Beethoven as Beethoven was born in Jamaica that eats fruit loops like Mengele and who shifts like a man, for the authority, who queludes in his offical work and love of the smell of napalm in the morning? Would you really tell these prophets, priests and stewards of the Brit to watch whatever they want to be social and have an orphan's worship of the new and novel? You were told to shop naked in a supermarket once a month for the authority or do it topless as womanish every first Friday of the month since it is legal you know and to travel on the highway also in your jurisdiction. But, that video or the magazine invites some other ghost into your family like having three people in your marriage but the wrong ghost, the divisive, never satisfied ghost in the experience of diminishing returns and the third interrupting person when it should be the Holy Ghost, the Shekinah glory, that binds us together to enjoy that buffet of self knowledge and family moments with water that satisfies in those contented, treasured moments.
you do really need! Then there is the bent garden path of misdirection in being known that is sown into your emotional growth and you are told it is a right of passage or that they need to see if you are safe and the same before you go to bed..the same and not turned into a transgender by the Hungarian wolf in a dress or by Cristobal who needs to be equal. But, the
adulteration of your purpose was evident in your soul but it is normal, you are told so you just get on with Cosmopolitan and you eventually learn to pray Forgive us Lord as we trespass against you as we forgive those who trespass against us as we tresspass against you in trespassing against our soul and others while you could shop for lipstick in magazines that
celebrate Covenant and family notions where Vanity, Fair and equitable can lead to a happy Harp, ores or
Bazaar. The crazy sex suggested to you seems to grab on to not only what everybody is presumedly watching but it is also satisfying an innate need that was in you but that was short circuited early, you minion, and the need is like life or water..a false sense
of knowing and intimacy as you watch it but you end up dissatisfied like a woman thirsting for water but all you are getting is a steam around molecules of water but you cannot drink. Then you want people to join you in dissatisfaction and whay don't you want to just have sex? What, are you north Korean? What; you still want to hold on to God after
the Audi A5 four door sport back? Are you Russian? Why are you soo humble? What about some Coca Cola and then we talk? The issue is dissatisfaction and missing the 80 percent of what you really want while misery loves company and would wish others to help them feel normal as if there is something Wrong with getting enough education to explain a split
infinitive or a complete English sentence as a student of Brother Strachan or Bishop Andre; A Bishop so how do you honor him and the Catholic brother without making a S.P.E.C.T.R.E of him and your self in the antithesis of society and authority but we understand that why should you need the education as th children of an Eskimo and a son of Beethoven as Beethoven was born in Jamaica that eats fruit loops like Mengele and who shifts like a man, for the authority, who queludes in his offical work and love of the smell of napalm in the morning? Would you really tell these prophets, priests and stewards of the Brit to watch whatever they want to be social and have an orphan's worship of the new and novel? You were told to shop naked in a supermarket once a month for the authority or do it topless as womanish every first Friday of the month since it is legal you know and to travel on the highway also in your jurisdiction. But, that video or the magazine invites some other ghost into your family like having three people in your marriage but the wrong ghost, the divisive, never satisfied ghost in the experience of diminishing returns and the third interrupting person when it should be the Holy Ghost, the Shekinah glory, that binds us together to enjoy that buffet of self knowledge and family moments with water that satisfies in those contented, treasured moments.
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