A West Indian Queen that orchestrates the division of her own family, hoping to be the last one alive or the only one to inherit her own houses or to see what younger one is willing to kill with her in a young one's hope to be the only one as to bury them all is the enemy of her own people and of her ancestors since the last generation had more family about them and more cooperation. Take your 15 year old vehicle and your homes and imagine dividing any interest among all the children and the additional children from your Guyanese friend's family since they may not be friends with you after the Apple Phone calls people to plot and masquerade either as terrorist/colonialists who will treat your property like Jamaica or Guyana in the year 1492 so you have to choose if you will sell others, kills steal and destroy in the false belief that we did away with paper for property ownership and registration; that the keys and a note on a napkin is enough and you are willing to participate because of the disease in your gut from a West Indian Take out or the spit in your fridge when the Guyanese friend broke in and because of the frequency in your Apple telephone. Aren;t you a former real estate broker? So, you have to know the people in your house and friends of the Guyanese friend's son are bare licensees; not tenants since they never did anything other than ask to live there for six months and they barely pay you any money as the big ass bumpkins from OShawcopacallednow but they want to say their intention is to buy it but they intimidate and threaten you and there is no such contract and it is criminal offense but they believe they can do this with a Black native Amerindian and she is scared since her ex husband is a criminal and former cop and she was also told that if she is nice and does not enforce her property rights of ownership, they will make her a Family Court Judge. They are Guyanese Amerindian also but you are 'Uban or 'amaican or 'merican. All Native Amerindian females are Queens. But, I suppose poor White People who are really native but who look less Mongol and who have less tutelage in the final denominator in any civilization vs. Kin do it. But, maybe F;:8'king with and killing any kin who get in your way as to be the only begotten son so that whosoever should see him or her would rather die than have him or her take your life.
A West Indian Queen that orchestrates the division of her own family, hoping to be the last one alive or the only one to inherit her own houses or to see what younger one is willing to kill with her in a young one's hope to be the only one as to bury them all is the enemy of her own people and of her ancestors since the last generation had more family about them and more cooperation. Take your 15 year old vehicle and your homes and imagine dividing any interest among all the children and the additional children from your Guyanese friend's family since they may not be friends with you after the Apple Phone calls people to plot and masquerade either as terrorist/colonialists who will treat your property like Jamaica or Guyana in the year 1492 so you have to choose if you will sell others, kills steal and destroy in the false belief that we did away with paper for property ownership and registration; that the keys and a note on a napkin is enough and you are willing to participate because of the disease in your gut from a West Indian Take out or the spit in your fridge when the Guyanese friend broke in and because of the frequency in your Apple telephone. Aren;t you a former real estate broker? So, you have to know the people in your house and friends of the Guyanese friend's son are bare licensees; not tenants since they never did anything other than ask to live there for six months and they barely pay you any money as the big ass bumpkins from OShawcopacallednow but they want to say their intention is to buy it but they intimidate and threaten you and there is no such contract and it is criminal offense but they believe they can do this with a Black native Amerindian and she is scared since her ex husband is a criminal and former cop and she was also told that if she is nice and does not enforce her property rights of ownership, they will make her a Family Court Judge. They are Guyanese Amerindian also but you are 'Uban or 'amaican or 'merican. All Native Amerindian females are Queens. But, I suppose poor White People who are really native but who look less Mongol and who have less tutelage in the final denominator in any civilization vs. Kin do it. But, maybe F;:8'king with and killing any kin who get in your way as to be the only begotten son so that whosoever should see him or her would rather die than have him or her take your life.
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