
Showing posts from January, 2018

Audi's regenerative, totally fuel-less electric race car! This photo was taken by our founder, Warren A. Lyon, at the 2017 Montreal E Prix! It travels at more than 400 kms per hour. $1.00 is not worth killing anyone. No one is worth just $1.00. Auto Show(TM) is now available for $10000.00. Te Mucho Loco a Torono por stupido mucho sexo video. $1.00 is not worth going to jail for the Auto Show(TM) conspiracy to murder due to mass sex addiction shame and mass drug induced dyslexia. These photos were taken by Warren A. Lyon. Grand Drive Television(TM) is coming soon! Good! Auto Show(TM) is now on sale for $10000.00. That is right; $10000.00. Call today and I will sign the common law trademark and all my interest in it over to you since you now see your issue; your need! I will assign the web page to you and the Youtube play list. This is it!!!!! Call or email today!

Soy Sauce Television(TM)....first broadcast long play video!

The Sunday Mass - 4th Sunday Ordinary Time - January 28, 2018

So, these Western hemispheric people who are really like a grandson of a Pueblo Indian; a Pueblo Indian who made the mistake of telling any Priest that he understood and was thankful for the message and was then beaten by the same Priest for saying he understood which demonstrates a Herodian intrusion in the church. The Church suffered a drawback in its work in North America and then they may have used old assimilation methods that may have involved killing old natives in front of young natives and then asking young natives to join them by actually pulling the trigger and then they would get a pat on the head. But, these Grand or great grand children of the Pueblo Indians and other Indian communities of varying complexion in the Western hemisphere keep denying socio-economic and technological logic while saying that they got it now from here and they will take the reigns from here as recipients of a culture while evidencing an indigenous resentment but who, at the same time, keep confirming that they are dependent on the progenitors of the global culture with its various inputs for approval and the message which is to cut short or half yourself and your community's capability as much as possible even if it is to follow any timorous bewilderment at a Native engineering, law or math graduate and maybe even try to kill these fine students of many good natives of all complexions and also many European natives of various complexions also by the time you get to graduation day.

What complexion or race did an Irish man have before 1789 when the concept of race began independently of the concept of racial superiority? Now, the late arrivals, if they are troglodytes, seem to process the world in which we live in terms of allegiance and he does not mind people with melanin in his numbers. But, many in the west who have chosen to maintain this allegiance in denominations have asked any people joining their numbers to support the idea off the record that the Egyptians are not really Black and that Jesus did not really die on the cross. The issue seems to be demarcation for allegiance and resistance of the cross by which Constantine said he would conquer. But, what value can there be in resisting a historically evident Egypt while possessing a genuine desire for a sense of community? The issue is that books and written language date back to a time before Rome or Xerxes or Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon. But, for the troglodyte joining society or the modern world for the first time in 1989 or 1643, who is Jesus and who is Beowulf? Who or what is a Magna Carta and why does a troglodyte need it? Can't the Troglodyte just teach the world his version of Kingdom as he takes any musket, now an assault rifle, and turns his might into right with his gun's power into legitimacy? But, he is still learning about the world in which we live although he is certain about his methods of relating to anything or any world system that knocks on his cave door in 1498 in the West Indies or 300 AD in Essex at his burrowing or cave that threatens him and his self existence or survival with persistent resistance and there is need for systemic updates, he might turn around and tell the European with his cross that you will have to make him take the update by force even if it is a logical update that benefits all with full bellies, fulfillment and prosperity and that would be the UBI (universal basic income) in our UBI automation prosperity complex. But, in learning about the world in which he live, his culture has relied on drawings in caves for quite some time instead of the blue prints that God could breathe into your soul such that you would write it down with the description of the Ark of Noah as an example. You could build one right now based on the description or blue print in the bible. Now, in learning this world with his cave drawings in his more immediate ancestry as late as 300 AD or 1498 and in his more visual hypothalamic dependence, he hears what you say about the ten commandments but he also knows what he sees in the movies and the television and the media today such that there is an interruption to the explanation as to the 'why' with too many messages to filter without any hypothalamic background to see the messages of the bible with consequence in movies or television shows but most people with an academic education see the biblical fortitude behind many media messages while also seeing the confirmation of the inconsistency in the system if you wish with the evil Sherriff who shows up too often or the Herodian character too often in the movies since the troglodyte's ultimate game of survival is to see the authority and navigate such that Jesus and respecting my neighbor may be translated as pie in the sky if consequence for not respecting the actual authority in real life is not sufficiently immediate and like children in a school yard on Saturday or Sunday who might try to sit on you to tell you, you are still just a boy and little, they will ask you what are you going to do? They are short on perceiving the consequence in the system. They are shortsighted and therefore impatient but they may claim justification since the system says you should have that Mustang and that fur coat but there is less systemically legal opportunity to obtain these items in the continual automation that displaces human beings from a trigonometrically simple natural law equation and an equally trigonometrically simple economic equation. But, even Agent Smith in the computer generated system or world in the Matrix came to understand consequence. Matrix offered some confusion on the issues in scene one or day one when Trinity is running from Agent Smith and his depleted soulless uniforms as the Herodian character. See the Matrix. But, even consequence in not respecting the ten principles of communal living took Ward in Bourne Supremacy. It took Cutter in Clear and Present Danger and it took Conklin in Bourne Identity. The point is that there is the causality and immediate and apparent success will not assuage the consequence even if you say you 'want to remember nothing' and just enjoy the food as the Judas. Food goes in and comes out and there is causality. There is consequence. Watch also the first episode of Mad Dogs America. Do you think you will get away with stealing someone's boat.....and his trademark? You also fooled this late arrival with this notion of white authority or the white supreme and I don't mean the desert; A ha ha ha ha ha! Now, look at what you made him do while you are F@#cking a Josephine Baker type chick in your Chateau some where and playing Jazz with your Afrique buddies at the Camden Jazz Café; it's so good! Then, when the troglodyte resists the systemic update in his desire to assert his own cut my own throat expression of his right not to follow you and your logic while he will not refuse a microwaved dinner or hot dog, he cannot see he is really communicating his right to self extermination west of Burgundy or West France. Did you know Burgundy was once a Pict stronghold although it is happily now resting in Jesus' love and spirit of multiplication in automation and basic income; $40,000.00 euros a year per citizen before you can say Arawak or Pawnee? So, to the Troglodyte who is resisting and asserting his right to turn his might into right and his big ass on a tiny adulterous troglodyte like Lester from Fargo as power, what do you really want Bad Boy with your assault rifles at the 7/11 convenience store or the car dealership? The former special ops may have had a need for some discussion with the post war socio-economic displacement they experience with Herodianmerica or Herodengland. But, the French, Swiss, Italian and Germans special ops and all the rest in our global land of the Creed, Mcworld and the Swiss Air terminals all over the globe to confirm your seating, food choice and reservation with the tap of a manicured female hand or well washed man's hand; no they have not had any argument since 1936 since they have had basic income since then so we honor you. Here's to YOU. It is Miller Time. It's YOU. But, you don't want to agree and rest with how you feed or continually stimulate an automated economy while you maintain your troglodyte resentment. Then, your French and other Euro relatives have to support in your right to self extermination which is what happens during the wars and then you are infiltrated by more foreigners from other lands who will eventually become Americanized and struggle to remember the why in a few generations. But, who would ever come to a country with no basic income as an immigrant? But, I say bad boy bad boy, what are YOU going to do when they come for you? You did say you want to be safe in your burrowings or your condo cave. The issue is that as late arrivals to this modernity as you learn the culture of boundaries in the 'You' and 'I' and in the 'mine' and 'not yours' from the side of some beautiful beach as a beach combing cave dweller or abandoned ship dweller in the West Indies as either white or black and taken to America after 1865, you may have come to accept living in houses and homes instead of in a cave but many of you in 2015 do not have fathers or mothers or grand parents who ever bought or owned a house and now, there are people who are taking your money to invest in websites or trademarked business concepts that are not owned by these hungry, deceitful people but who promise you that the creator of the mark will be dead soon. Do these people live in bunkers; the people who are taking advantage of your home schooling and your unwillingness to read a newspaper and also your ancestral hypothalmic struggles with the concept of 'mine' and 'not yours'? The creator I think signed up to die for his country at a certain age to fight for our freedoms any where he was calle like overseas d and he got in with merit they say in 'merica maybe or in that other country maybe but I don't really know for sure..what is his name again? But, maybe you should fight for your own freedoms in that country or that other country and not participate in anything that is anathema to your own freedoms as a citizen of the free world and if you want to buy a house, there are services that will guide you through the entire process. A registered real estate agent or lawyer can advise on this. The real estate agent would be happy to tell you and get you going. You don't have to pay for that service as they need to advise you as a potential you mother F3$kers after all! Wallen takes donations I think or maybe just pay him the $.50 cents since you can't expect him to do everything for free like read to you your charter in rights to self extermination; no I am only joking; right? Go to But, Moses and the Hebrews have guns as well. They understand the why as to the Ten commandments and the Magna Carta. It is just that Power and disobedience to the why of the ten commandments to communal living cannot coexist for a very long time. Now. there will always be resistance. But, resistance before the Court Shield that reminds us of Solomon's and the son of David's exam book or text book quality justice is just mockery of the quiet justice that the shield represents especially when it is allowed to enter the forum without full training, experience and education and proper motive which is to serve the Court and the public. The issue is that Ward, Cutter, Ritter and Conklin are likely to be 5th or 6th generation natives or troglodytes with a native or maybe troglodyte Hypothalamus who are willing to risk all in sabotaging the system but they are also willing to tell you that they are willing to do anything to get the job done; that is kill any white woman or black school teacher or any white church minister or any Ron Brown if you say so without any hesitation but they are also people who are willing to sabotage the entire system for personal gain since isn't that what you did to his relatives when you said you working for the last Mohican or the last uh Samurai and we know from Juan Mcdonald's diaries and also Winsome Churchill's diaries as part natives from Nebraska that they were trained to kill any Black or any native but when given the authority they work to kill any Anglos consciously or subconsciously! The magna carta, however, is our social contract that gives us the power to protect all the people regardless of complexion with any technology or technologically required socio-economic update such as basic income with the plot of the Book of Eli beckoning in the antithesis. Warren A. Lyon, 2018. He' s Celtic enough for any generation but Celtic and Black enough for such colored and inhumane nomenclature after 1989.

Butter Channel(TM) is being offered at $10,000.00. Call today! Happy New Year! Call today and I will register it to you.

Pride and the Pride flag must stand for human equality regardless of race, creed or religion or orientation. It confirms that you are safe under the law as a human being regardless of your tendency toward self rejection or your tendency toward self mutilation. Aren't you essentially reconciled to Christ and the teachings of Mohammed that include Christ if you accept the symbolism and meaning of Pride except for the 1st commandment and the 1st commandment could be turned into the simple belief that we are all equal and are deserving of the space and dignity or forgiveness we give to our neighbor for stepping on our shoes or bumping into us on the subway or for barfing at the front of the hotel door or for using our essays or for accidentally denting our vehicle in car parking lots when they open their door as we deny ourselves; innit? But, Pride could not stand for a communal belief to do what ever you want in that the world owes you. No; the pride symbol confirms that you are a beneficiary of the magna carta but you are not communally in your orientation above the magna carta. The magna carta is much like the UN Charter as a non-religious document so to speak in purpose and it is still valid legislation. Many believers in the one God can see this. There are believers who are in the process of accepting their sexual orientation. I know I am not insisting that a man and a woman only could constitute human companionship in intimate relationships. It's just that on a logical point of view, I can guarantee you that you are not less likely to argue if you are of the same gender but you may avoid some issues of conflict that have been super imposed upon the simple logic of male and female interaction. You could never say men in relationships with other men do not struggle with the same fears of rejection that they may have encountered with a woman before they declared they were gay just to sense some kind of community. In fact, it seems that they may struggle now with two kinds of rejection although they usually take enough narcotics on average to mask their feelings and may struggle, even more so after their declarations, to respect their partner's or their neighbor's boundaries as to property and person. They tend to poison each other quite a lot for fear of competition. But, is it that you said you wanted from a woman? Now, if you could find a woman who could respect the power of intimacy and companionship in its true value for the one minute of coitus without the centrifugal and unnatural expectations imposed by the media, then you would be right where you are right now in someone's A"" except but that the end result of being with the woman is that you would reproduce. This is good maybe I think that you reproduce. You must know German people have taken all the world's coffee reserves and sold you a lot of hell on video also to make money off your evident predilection to be told what to do. But, what do you think? They are trading on one minute with their committed partner, either common law or registered union, and they also sell you lots of vehicles because they have more time to meditate on good design and less energy is spent on family division and the communal adulteration which really is house hold adulteration and they see less of this per capita. But, could someone take over this symbol and turn it into a symbol of anti-Christ or anti human community or anti peace or anti religion since how could we have community as all of God's children under this alleged banner of peace if....what do you think?

The suggestion of a complexion gradation in human evolution is quite subtle although we know complexion has nothing to do with attainment of capability. In fact, white people are trying very hard to dispel this myth by promising their younger generations social and economic authority and favors while this is killing their economies to the point of dependency on non white peoples although they maintain a violence and resentment toward the non white peoples that is consistent with the false promise of superiority. The false promise then translates into social menace as the young white people are not as efficacious as their ancestors per capita and they bare know anyone named Michael Faraday who was an English physicist who worked with magnets and electrodynamics but the divisiveness killing this white community is the presumption that anyone who has historical notoriety could not have any Black progeny by whatever means for some unknown reason and what if Faraday could have ancestry that traces back to an Egyptian engineer who drafted plans for a pyramid? The point is that human evolution sees its gradation in technological grades of development; not racialized terms and technology would include written language. This suggestion of racialised gradation in human development is the key deficit in global society although we can see that Egyptians were not white and that they had the technology for building and buildings and also written language in advance of their Northern relatives and descendants and now this technology as developed in Africa is shared by all. What if we made European populations in all that cold and ice Black and all of Africa White? Would it help anything? What if we just see the issue of race is not only a construct but one that blurs the importance of ensuring the full capability and potential via education is realized in every human being before they have the will power to not only say they do not want to go to school but also physically and legally choose not to go? A five year old can understand the simple trigonometry of a triangle. Angle A+ Angle B+Angle C will always equal 180 degrees. This is just preparation to have the confidence to register a business name and run a coffee shop on basic income and to also travel and take your phone F3$king photos white nigger boy and girl the fulcrum of authority in this world is truth and what did your history lecturer say to you after all? Tell him what he told you and when you are confirmed as his student on the month before graduation day with your transcript that says graduate, not your degree paper, then you can meditate on your own opinions but with supporting facts of course since there is a pan Islamic nation or culture. There is an Egyptian in Africa. These are facts but the pan Islamic nation may not extend beyond language, food and culture while there is tension and conflict in religion and global politics and respect for the Muslim's association in a larger pan Abrahamic world that involves several different three different faiths who all claim Abraham as a father by faith while some also claim Israel. Do you understand? LEt's go and see what is happening in North Africa and Syria in addition to Egypt with the ISO(Islamic State Organisations); not ISIS. What are they doing in Toronowanda?

You stole the French translators degree papers but you cannot translate anything although you are alleging that is all you need to run his translation service. You found out he was also a lawyer so you decided that you would steal his law and undergraduate degrees and also kill him and then allege that you would run his law service. But, he had a better idea. He would help you register your business name and concept for free. You pay the government fees and then you presumedly have enough experience to run your own consulting or legal service in your jurisdiction. He will also name the service so you can covet the name before he helps you register it. He suggests Angel Delgado(TM) or Angel and Abeneiro(TM)

Sony - BRAVIA - W80F/WF80 Series - HDR TV

The Sunday Mass - 4th Sunday Ordinary Time - January 28, 2018

John Coltrane Quartet - Part1 - Afro Blue

Afro Blue - Abbey Lincoln

Lizz Wright - Afro Blue - 8/10/2003 - Newport Jazz Festival (Official)

Miles Davis - On Green Dolphin street

John Coltrane - On Green Dolphin Street (LIVE, 1960)

New York History Volume III 1865 1898

That Night In Rio (1941) - "Chica Chica Boom Chic"

Down Argentine Way (1940) - Nicholas Brothers - "Down Argentine Way"

A Hot Conga Line From 1939

New York History Volume II 1825 1865

New York History Volume I 1609 1825

Britain in 1900

So, a West Indian father who carried emotionally the scars of some kind of native extermination and assimilation project that involved watching natives killed and then receiving approval for also killing natives asked his real or adopted son to work vary hard to honor the family name with the threat that if he did not, the son would be disowned. But, now the son has asked his father to honor his own name while the father was killing on him to abandon his creative capabilities while he also asked himself why he did not think of taking simple photos his son decided to take and acting as if the son had offended someone in regurgitating the rules of the governing culture and confirming, as a son, his precise assimilation and that he is not churlish but submissive to the governing culture; a good!

the early 1900's...not considered as part of the white race but European and not Protestant and once you join White, Charlemagne wants you to die as you join the whites who are protestants and natives west of France...Charlemagne wants you to die mother F"£$ker once you join the white....!!!!

Bugs Dances!

Slick Hare

Slick Hare

BUGS BUNNY Looney Tunes Cartoons Compilation ► Best Of Looney Toons Cart...

The Pizza Show: Naples, The Birthplace of Pizza

The Judgement of Solomon (Ben Cross). Solomon was the father of both children. Larry Sanster was born as a female.

Do you covet attention or is it approval? You have the right motivations but when it comes to Jesus or a 10 time Super Bowl Champion sometimes you are not consistent in the quiet of conscience as to the reverberation of your generally good motives. Wait until you meet a law graduate who takes the equation approach or the plumbing approach or the recipe approach. It is written....thus saith the Lord. We cannot apologize for people who did not do their job or presume that they did. Once there is presumption, you have to let the poor old nigger go who thinks his bus transfer is a Pontiac. Do you know what Pontiac stands for...the Poor Old Nigger Thinks Its A Cadillac. ...A ha ha ha ha ha! You could be Herodian in your struggle to have all of the approval in this universal family of Abraham. We see what Jacob's sons did to Joseph and we also know how the name Jesus or Joseph translates into the same meaning along with Yeshua. So. the best answer when it comes to Jesus and what He was willing to do in obedience is to realize you are being asked to do the same thing. This is the tricky part. You graduated just like Jesus did from School or Sunday School. Then, you get in front of his system of heraldry and can you submit to Him? But, you never broke a law before you got to the University. But, now you intend to break the law with plagiarism in the University. Why would you do that? Now, some say you should think of Jesus as your older brother or your father. You could be unable to submit to either notion of Jesus simply because you have not submitted to Father above Him; the bread and the blood and the sacrifice. But, if God came down and offered himself, then he is your Father in any form, ice, water , the gas(the Holy Ghost that is...) and He is in all things and through Him all things were made. See the John chapter so to make it easy on your self, you could just resent Jesus and if you do, you are essentially resenting God and also yourself in what ever form God intended for you to be His servant since Jesus more like oxygen and you don't resent oxygen do you? Do you resent water? No. So Jesus is the bread of life or the water of life...the living water so he is not someone against whom you should ever hold resentment childishly and secretly in your heart for the approval He received as God's only begotten son since you have to really see what is being He is described as the bread and the life and no man comes unto the Father except but through Him but isn't he the Father? Are you not to be born of the blood...the blood of Christ and isn't there blood in the seed and isn't His word the seed So do not try and bend the spoon....but bend yourself...innit? Take Jesus as a Father. Relax! Chill Winston and remember that even after you read all of it and listen to 10000 hours of sermons, you could find yourself in one group of humans or another. Some are like and fall into to the 25 % described in the parable of the four seeds and some like mules and they fall into the 75 % of those who will hear the word of God somewhere on this planet at some time and maybe some or all of us are some where in between as works in progress and we can always find the time to repent and genuinely strive to be genuinely in the 25%. Now, Nigger stands for: New Ideas Give Great and Excellent Reward but not really...I think that was Wallen's acronym. No; Nigger stands for lazy and churlish niggardly human regardless of complexion. It has nothing to do with 'black'. So, when you call yourselves nigga in public or dog, you misunderstand the power of affirmation but it does feel cute and communal though since you did not think about calling each other my 'soul brother' like a previous generation of drug retarded and displaced part native human beings with genius musical and intellectual capability. Well, that's it for now but you must see one more issue in your current efforts to keep the uh struggle uh alive. You do understand so do sit down Mrs. American Pie....since why you should you go to a levy and and sing that this is the day that you should die...innit? Now, there is a book written by someone who carries precisely your dna or at least you could say he was related enough based on his appearance since it seems that after the slavery thing ended some people had families and some people only had the plantation and then the master of some took off after all and went up north to sell you crackers and oats to be boxed and packaged by machines. The person who carries your dna or your kin appearance is W.E.B. Dubois. After John F. Kennedy was shot, the book was updated to suggest in the final chapter that the only hope for the black folk after education was death or difficulty and this is after extolling the virtue of education for the entire book while noting some issues as to self identity that resolve themselves evidently with education. The unfortunate issue is the applicability of the book to any community brought into the human displacement with the erasure of identity and of community that could take place with the mis-education of some or it not all in society via a very powerful media. Now, what power does one have for suggesting Black and White men shall one day sit at the table of brotherhood when they fought over economic concepts on either side of the Mason Dixon Line as brothers after all? There were certainly Black Confederate Soldiers and Black Union Soldiers and it seems there were Black slave masters on either side to satisfy Black or the Afrique for 1789 as it was defined but not with derogation evidently as that seems to have emerged after the Civil war. It had to have emerged afterwards but we don't know the reason yet. Again, it may have been to adopt a complexion anxiety from maybe one part of the West Indies that was predominantly English in a bottoms up application with high numbers of Black people who had digested a power and authority line if not a color line so to speak and if they are all to be equal, then how can any Black man tell them what to do or how to read if they had not seen such a man before? But, there may have been some in Kingston and these people who had never seen such men may have brought from West Indian Anglo populations in Hanover that includes Westmoreland. You may never have seen a Black man hesitate to shake a Black pastor's hand while lining up to shake the White pastor's hand except but that such a man may be the most unusual and defeated creature who cannot see that you shook that white pastor's hand also and you evidently are working with him and you eat together at the Liguana or at the Tera Nova often enough and you play Monopoly at the Missionary Compound in Havendale evidently where they also hold the tent meetings...innit? It is not that the Black pastor has done anything but they were made afraid to shake his hand in whatever hell it was that took place in Hanover where there was a shooting a day for any alleged misstep. Then, these souls were exported to Georgia and then to other parts of America. So, it seems when you are three years old and watching General Colin Powell leading a military in the desert to a success and watching also Black astronauts and Jordan flying through the air with Bugs Bunny...that really is the last word after all in that it is up to you to play de .....oh gosh! You fall down or you stand up and a saint is just a sinner who fell down but that's all folks! You are obligated to be as equal as any white kid who does nothing or as equal as any white kid who chooses to be all that he aspires to be and never think white kids do not meet resistance or unusual white people named Ritter, Cutter, Conklin or Ward who may kill them or maim them or persecute them or despitefully use them to make Dickens, Shakespeare and the bible true...for real though..innit? That's all folks! Go and watch some Looney Tunes and see...YOU ARE HERE! Do somefing mate...innit? You got the power! Now, there will always be collisions of cultures and possibly generations also while you will you might be born tomorrow and happily learn how to eat a sowbow, a pattie or a Hamburger and call your friend a friend, a brother, nigga or a dog and maybe choose to graduate or maybe not and you are still a human being and there will always be collisions or intersections of cultures but there will be no collision on issues of the value of human life; not just the life of a child but all life and that includes those older than colt 45(45 years old) and Labatt 50(50 years old). But, some of you wanted to think the beer companies were telling you how long you were supposed to live before you changed your name or your face. Is that it? What if there was a Colt 18 since this is what seems to be happening in the music that is telling you that you want to die so read Desiderata and be content with your own business names since you are not disabled but someone must believe you are and that you must join him in his disability that says you could multiply your talents and something greater or greater things you could do but you are supposed to give a criminal money to help him further his limited expectations of Black people as to creativeness or business creativeness while he stands in line to get signatures from Basketball players or soccer stars while he might quietly resent the black Car company designers and who knows why but he is going to jail since it is a criminal offense to defraud the public and suggest that you are collecting investments in relation to a business that you do not own while he allegedly has a High School diploma and driver's license to say he is not disabled and able to comprehend 'do not touch; fire' and 'do not alight here' but he might as well since he is....hmm! How can I insult him when he is worthy of a devil's shameful honor as resistance to community and peace as he kills, steals and destroys and can be identified accordingly in his free choice to embarrass himself and his mother or father? Be that as it may, there is a law that prevents such abuses of the public and its time for him to have his public honor. Bring him to his honor!

What is Cuba Like? - A Trip to Havana in 7 Minutes or Less

Click here. He should be able to design a watch.


Consumption is most important; the ability to consume even if you are to see the real power of supply and demand. Increasing demand by increasing the population that could buy a good only increases the size of the market. They will demand and covet the particular good or goods but how do they buy the goods that are made by machines if you they do not have money...... or some means of income as you do not use or need them for work which is now done by machines? Demand will still stay up while the price will have to go down since you need consumers and a body is not a consumer unless it has money. In automation, you need to fuel the bodies with money if not immediate alternative or fictitious labor but with cash just as soon as labor is displaced from any newly automated process. So, maybe the idea of playing with the concept of supply and demand did not really help during the depression. It seems that someone thought that if you increase demand for goods by increasing the population, the goods being produced by machines will sell. But, you have not addressed the issue of income. How can the goods sell? When you are displacing humans from the industrial process with automation and are therefore removing them from economic participation with this automation, you have a question. If they are not given occupations of some kind after several years of training in school, school that does not seem to counteract the negativity of tv sufficiently these days although beauty school might be a better idea since you learn how to open a business and they could teach you that in one class in Grade 10 marketing class at 'A^so' ville or 'A"soton' High School, how will they have money when you are displacing them logically from the industrial process if you do not follow the rest of what logic dictates? Whether or not you increase the population where do they get money when they are displaced from the economic participation as workers but you want to see consumption? Now, John Dillinger and Capone may have had other reasons other than money for their behaviors like illegal foreclosures on properties as perpetrated by White Guyanese who were supported by something extra territorial or trans Atlantic but we don't really know for sure bu what we do know is...well, let's take a look at happened. You frustrated the plans of Winstron to bring basic income to the English people...with a war to stoke economic stimulation but peace is just as good of a motive to get everybody working or consuming. The basic income could be tied to some kind of work that makes the entire community safer and takes the stress off of bus drivers, ambulance drivers and also school teacher who could work three days on and three days off along with College lecturers. You must not try to bend the A!SS. You must bend yourself. How will they have money unless you give them participatory remuneration? This is also known as basic income. Now, you could blame Japan but is there something you do not understand? You could blame Germany but the money saved is inexplicable. I know you need something to do. But, customer satisfaction is also an issue. It's YOU! This is what you requested and you do spend a lot of time having roller coaster fun in your moto; you joy ridda you! The point is that will you throw away a microwave that saves you time and money? What about the washing machine? What if you could buy ten washing machines and open a laundry? Your neighbors would just drop off the clothes at your house and you do the work; right at home!!! You say '...this Black guy is like reverse affirmative action. He gives me his ideas for free since I can't believe my own education.' A ha ha ha ha! Now, Toyota in Kentucky is eating his lunch with chopsticks although a knife and fork in your culture could be more efficient but maybe you spend more time washing afterwards and less time respecting your wife while you jerk yourself off right in front of her and now he only rubs your ears but she does get undressed in front of you and now you decided to just give her all of your energy and just watch her A"ss and punanee>....................BEEEEEEEEE...blow the horn! Big UP Selecta!!!! Now, I am not entirely sure what is the issue constraining your human creativity but it can't be the black guy who offered a few ideas for free and it might have been easier to phone him but could you and F£$ckbacks Coffee be on the wrong wave length as you drink soo much of it that you can' just can't see that if you have not phoned him or emailed when he said the idea is for free, then your real motive is your resentment as the coffee is making you all victims of some kind of mass off then. Butter Channel(TM), Angel Ronan(TM) or Auto Show(TM) are no longer for free and nor will he wipe your nose or tie your shoe laces. Cheers mate and now just sod off! Ta! ''Say Rakweedish, aren't you from Mumbai?'' Rakweedish responded and said, ''..Bouy..a really don't know what part de me come from but is an Indian....but you should leave de people dem alone fe do de work..yah understand and watch de butter channel nuh are de Bien just haveee try and....relax yourself mon...sekkle yourself....Respect...Mais Il n'est pas difficile; no?''

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The orphan God and the God the orphan. The orphan God says kill as many people as you can who are creative so that you will be the only one who might be able to take the love of the imaginary father or the love of an imaginary teacher for whose approval they compete psychologically while to be right before any real parent or teacher following graduation would be to choose something and be good at it in spite of the achievements of others. But, the demon in people who follow the competitive notion is tied to the devil who is potentially worshiped unknowingly by these people as the orphan God. The God of the orphan also known as Jehovah ask nothing of you except but that you do unto others as you would have them do unto you and that you give back a little when you can but most importantly give your time, your charity, your mercy and your love and not just the ten percent. The God of the orphan says read Psalms 82 and understand that he is the father of the fatherless( you did not have your own father and you might have had to choose between the best of what you are a few times while you also resented those who had a father in their home but as you can see, sometimes the father in the home is the first to try and kill your dream and hold you back in spite of all the evident talent you demonstrate). See the story of David with Jesse for an example. See also 1st John 3:1 as it says we are the children of God and avoid those who follow the spirit of Cain that cannot see that if they also do what is pleasing in their own gifting as they take their eyes off what others are doing, then they will also have their sense of approval. I love restaurant owners and car dealers with whom I attended public school. The orphan God may be the imaginary French Queen where you are told you have to be the only one to receive her acceptance and some children are taught this notion in the West Indies.

London Has Fallen Best Fighting Scene 2016. Its not that the house is divided while you will insist that you need to be together on this or that or on the bambuclot deceit of the right to self extermination as an Anglo who is suffocating as a Pict or Arawak in the measures for social acceptance and dying of anxiety and this is hidden in the facade of some kind of war while you will not just admit that there is no Anglo telling you to be English but there seems to be some Anglos hoping you will abandon any kind of bit and bridle and if you did, then you would be at peace and you would still need basic income. So abandon your bit and bridle and watch whateva you want and you have your naughty phone calls on your chat lines as you stay where you are in Europe and now Eat or you want a European to come across and show you how to eat on basic income also with more chippys per square mile as you can handle the lease with the back up and call it the Perfect Chippy and Fish. Good. Right; now on your bike!

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Read More. Click here. What complexion or race did an Irish man have before 1789 when the concept of race began independently of the concept of racial superiority? Now, the late arrivals, if they are troglodytes, seem to process the world in which we live in terms of allegiance and he does not mind people with melanin in his numbers. But, many in the west who have chosen to maintain this allegiance in denominations have asked any people joining their numbers to support the idea off the record that the Egyptians are not really Black and that Jesus did not really die on the cross.

Heat (1/5) Movie CLIP - Armored Van Heist (1995) HD. The absence of basic income may cause the incidence of domestic terrorism as dramatized here with people who are likely to be former soldiers with highly specialized training in some kind of Special Ops unit. The issue is that denying basic income to any population certainly after 1948 is terrorism itself or governmental socio-economic negligence and using wars to stimulate the economy may have hidden this terrorist and negligent fact but there is certainly UN policy to demonstrate this and also evident policy for economic management in the first world nations after a certain level of industrial automation. IT does not mean that there isn't hard cash available. There will always be cash.

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This is what you might have seen on tv going out the door on the way to school in the 1980's and 90's in what was known as the '20 Minute Work Out' and you were encouraged to participate in the work out every day if you could and sometimes your gym class might have followed the work outs at school. Now, the troglodyte female and the predilection to have 3, 4 or 5 sexual partners while fertile seems to have survived our technological intersection with the world's existing march and habitation at table but when the troglodyte female is infertile or starting to experiencing hot flashes, she is content to only have one sexual partner. Yet at the same time at any stage of her development she desires a lifestyle as sold to her in magazines and all other media. It is just that it will take some navigation if she has chosen to be one female with four or five guys if any one of them cannot respect her independence. She might just choose to be with one man after all and find that she feels in more fertile with the one as with one person, you have more sex and more consistently. This is not an observation circumscribed by race. But, it is a socially navigable issue as her motivation may be to just feel fertile in most cases. One of the four is usually a functionaire with stable income for the eventual child or maybe the children that he will be happy to call his own and also support with his stable income. It will require social navigation as we go forward since she might have been born in Virginia or Oklahoma.

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Click here! Even if you are addicted to sushi although you don't understand your Anglo culture, You are Legitimate: Legitimacy, 2018 as written by Warren A. Lyon; The Black guy from Unionville who finished High School at RSGC, and who finished his BA(Hons) at UWO with a B average and who finished at U. of L. with a High 2: 1 with this essay graded as a 1st. He was born in St. Andrew, Jamaica like J.R.R. Tolkien. Email him at or at