Click here! Even if you are addicted to sushi although you don't understand your Anglo culture, You are Legitimate: Legitimacy, 2018 as written by Warren A. Lyon; The Black guy from Unionville who finished High School at RSGC, and who finished his BA(Hons) at UWO with a B average and who finished at U. of L. with a High 2: 1 with this essay graded as a 1st. He was born in St. Andrew, Jamaica like J.R.R. Tolkien. Email him at or at
You are Legitimate. Psalms 82 And Your Continuing Legitimacy In Socio-Legal Matters: An Essay. This was the original title. The title used for university grading at SOAS as "Legitimacy".
Now Updated-with some new additions -January 2018.
There will always be immigration at unusually high levels in the Anglo West that includes England, Canada and the United States. Most of all, this population in the western hemisphere seems to be united in technological bewilderment, The truth is that in the absence of logic, economic or technological, in any socio-economic equation, there is violence and a loss in legitimacy which is the topic of this essay. The key reason for high numbers of immigration is the climatic draw in the host population to move south.
The second issue is the evident attitude among the host population....usually people who have never flown or traveled over an ocean....the host population that is very loving while the immigrant second generation are in school. But the resistance these immigrant second generation children face usually after graduation is another cause for a brain drain and population. But, isn't life much nicer in Tanzania these days or in Nigeria? You can watch CNN on Samsung devices in Virginia also maybe or in Rhode Island and it bare snows; very nice actually and basic income is on the way for all.
The final reason affecting everyone is the blessed reality of automation and the need for basic income. There isn't any except in limited areas like Ontario and a few other localities So, one question is why any South Asian hoping for a better life would come to Canada instead of China. the Ukraine. Russia or Europe that includes Ireland where they have lots of basic income? Now. Asians from China, Korea and Japan are being encouraged to come and invest their basic income. It is because this basic income/UBI policy has not been applied across the board or universally across North America although the philosophers have advised the tank commanders and rishis with kusa blades accordingly and as every day passes in denying this ubi logic in light of automation, the Western Anglo world loses its legitimacy. But, all the immigrants
keep coming that include the many Africans and West Indians. The issue here is that post-modernity has nothing to do with the end of modernity but its more creolized and multi-generational reality. Good taste remains but truth is that a Chicken tikka sandwich sits on the supermarket shelf beside the Pullman's plow sandwich and the frozen dinner has taken on the global truth of your average graduating High School class in the West with sufficiently high numbers of Asians and Chinese children and even if this is so, the message of inclusion and equality as taught regardless of race is still being hung by one demand, although false both economically these days and technologically, and that demand is complexion superiority. I don't really mind earning less or have having neutered grades to satisfy this demand but there is something clearly out of economic balance and it is the rage of presumptive superiority vs. logic in this world and the evidence is clear with miles and miles of Asian food in formerly dominantly white suburbs in various parts of North America. Your presumption of beige or is it White superiority vs. logic is working against you. As such, Warren cannot die gay even if he is not sitting in his Audi as it was stolen. Go to He intends to have his photos posted on his Grave stone or printed and thrown into his coffin. But, the website should be sufficient along with this essay but apparently, he could get a gold plated tombstone for $499.99 in Tijuana. But, the photo website; that should satisfy his Aztec Southern Amerindian relatives as Warren is part Arawak and Iroquois. Donald went to a bum JW military school though and he was raised in comfortable racialised presumptions that have killed America evidently. The truth is that some leadership, although photogenic, well intentioned, experienced but media confident are too isolated from the truth of human attainment. They should not be involved in public service while they plan, intend and work with others maybe in the media to normalize with movies and tv shows his limited expectations. He needs to get out or just watch videos from an American University post graduate program for 24 hours non stop or an Annapolis Military College but it seems you must think the movies like 'Great Debaters' is a fiction designed to distort your Newcastle Jamaica truth or others movies like the Jesse Owens story or Men of Honor. Those movies are based on fact. Now, that devil who was removed from France at the end of the French throne and exiled to Guyana is your issue and the issue is an ignorance that was set to warp hemispheric possibility and hold you down and teach you your non-human value since this is what race and racing in race achieves. While the French are French. They have a language. Racists are killed before their illiteracy can take up an hour on the French nightly news while race takes up 100's of years in America and the Europeans have a good laugh since you had no tea cups, no utensils or any napkins when they showed up but at least you did learn to covet. The Chinese noticed also. Some of you arriving late from Chinese caves to covet a sword before you sweep a dojo or Blacksmith's shop and ask to learn how to make one. Hence, your Asian Troglodyte relatives depicted as a Jade Fox covet the Green destiny instead of seeking the understanding on how to build it. You disrespect the Hanso sword family before you become a student. You seek to steal from a worker in the good will of serving his community who put his good will in the business name Angel Ronan(TM) before you decide to ask him how you can register a business name of your own. He offers Angel Ronan(TM) for free and no one calls. It is not for free any longer but he will give you Angel Patrick or Angel Barthez(TM)( Angel Barthez(TM) is a trademark owned by Angel Ronan Consulting;call today or see the website). It is just that your desire to covet is pathological and I am not sure if it is innate but maybe this is what happened when a Sex operation was told he would be a Queen and was asked as the son of a slave to tell the French King how he felt about himself as the Marie Antoinette sex operation look a like and to do what he could to, let's say, just be! It seems that he chose to imitate the king and powdered accordingly but was not, let's say legitimate. Why covet Steven Stenchcer when you could understand French? Take a course. He was exiled and had children who seem to covet and resent anything European while the library is open and the books and dictionaries with video documentaries are available on the internet. Did you know all the police cruisers have Panasonic(Matsushita) laptops from Asia? You are not independent. You need to accept your willful blindness and your Asian and European technological dependency which is good for peace with your more guttural desires and perpetual child like and student status among the true leaders of the free world while you inhabit the west that arrived late to the quite dated and ancient technological truth of human history which did not involve race although someone is asking you to read race into every great event and every bible story. Race is the fiction of humanity that began in 1789 really and we do not have to argue about the date but you may need to tell someone Jesus died on a tree; not a cross or that he never ate fish so that you will feel authority or hegemony vs. the truth. It is the unusual emotion of authority in opposition or resistance to a fact. It gives you a vain and feigned sense of independence in a refusal to submit to truth while sushi is all around you like the force; the powerful ally it is. But, if your endeavor is worship, then you will need truth. Even so, Subway Sandwiches remains as a testimony to post-modernity and our continuing Mcworld at $(euro dollars) 2.50 per six-inch sub at Covent Garden in the year 2017 while Tescos and Boots are the student favorites with their corn and chicken or the cheese and relish Sandwich. Let us not forget the Chicken salad with bacon with 1000's of customers safe and satisfied; a very good sandwich day; $(euro)1.10.
1 John 3:1-31599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
3 1 Setting down the inestimable glory of this that we are God’s sons, 7 he showeth that newness of life must be testifieth by good works, whereof charity is a manifest token. 19 Of faith, 22 and praying unto God.
1 Behold, [a][b]what love the Father hath given to us, that we should be [c]called the sons of God: [d]For this cause this world knoweth you not, because it knoweth not him.
2 [e]Dearly beloved, now are we the sons of God, but yet it is not made manifest what we shall be: and we know that when he shall be made manifest: we shall be [f]like him: for we shall see him [g]as he is.
We have the technology and we can rebuild. Where is the six million dollar legitimacy machine that will institute Universal basic income regardless of troglodyte resistance that seems to be engendered upon recognition of the troglodyte and his belief in power over right or legitimacy in peace as he threatens to deny habeus corpus rights as outlined in the magna carta and your right to be free from arbitrary detention? There is a tension in humanity that may never leave us and that is the tension of the troglodyte community as late arrivals to our law and systems asking why our how do we have the right or power to interrupt them if it is only because of their(the troglodyte's)human appearance and faculty devoid of our table setting expectation and as such, he wants to tell us and those who will join him that he has a right to be hostile or the domestic terrorist and that we must recognize him as he says we owe him in that he seems to believe we took something from him; maybe his independence and autonomy and his self prescribed purpose in being. He did not obey even after he understood and accepted the rules. But legitimacy in peace as seen in the ten answers to communal living cannot lose. It is not a competition. See the Matrix Reloaded!
Quite often, there is divergence between theory and practice. Theory usually rests upon the surface of the mind. It is ethereal, lacking tangible formation like the technical blue prints of an automobile. Theory says what "ought" to be. It does not tell us what"is". But, when it is put into practice, put into action, it becomes real, observable, and tangible. It is by observing what a man practices that one can see where his deeper theories lay. If you are trying to see who someone is, it is best to give him lots of time and money that we will see if he does what he wants; not that he will do what is necessary in defense of his life. It is not theory that one should be concerned with , therefore, it is the practice. The issue of theory and practice is relevant to the question of legitimacy. The issue of legitimacy has been theorized by philosophers who attempt to tell us what is just but as Rodney Barker points out "The erosion of a legitimate relationship with its people may be of more significance for the state than a similar failure with its political philosophers". This is what Venu, descendant of Virajas, found out when the Rishis slew him as an ancestor in Hyderabad with Kusa Blades and cut his throat although the Rishis were sort of both philosophers and the people. The Rishis erroneously felt they were justified in that they believed they did not get enough Nan for sweeping the courtyards. It is the people who can turn the philosophers' theory into practice. They are Leviathan. This essay will look at how certain theories of legal legitimacy became practice over time using Weber's 3-fold analysis of rational law and the 3-tiered concept of domination. More specifically it will attempt to discuss how "law has changed more since 1960 than it has done between 1800 and 1960". For the sake of this assignment, the writer of this paper defines legitimacy as a societal and culturally specific concept that is not universally applicable. The answer to what is legitimate depends on the society or locality in which one is situated. This follows from Anthony Wright's (1990) notion of "legitimacy-as observation-observation over legitimacy as value". Legitimacy is the single answer to two simultaneous questions of "what" and "why". We turn on these questions with great and anarchic desperation when we encounter technological towers of Babel that involve widely used and self empowering technologies such as the antelope's leg bone, the musket, the hand held gatling gun, the Playboy magazine, the radio, personal video and photo technology, the television and the mobile/cell video telephone for watching movies and tv and soon we will see the holographic video experience very soon but hopefully Aunt Veru and Uncle Ben won't mind its impact on the weak minded as it might unveil the bad motivators waiting for escape in the human mayhem in the human behavior as the weak seek to ask again and again, what are the limits and boundaries of personal power in the use of these technologies versus the natural and written laws that bind us ethereally and tangibly? For, instance they ask if they will own your mother's home, if they kill her. Will they have taken over a business in a "hostile" takeover like Wall street if they steal your bank statement and hand it out at the tube or subway station with their name written across the top of it and some of these white people with black followers have good West Indian ancestry with mango trees in their yards, not Leefsland, and the most unique personal dirty video collection as they boast about their s@$it that they watch like Vittor frying a vagina at 25 Shelton in Cleveland or Milwaukee. The answer generally speaking is always the same; leave my Sh@@t alone!!! In the alternative, we say that we respect and treat our neighbors in the manner we wish to be treated as we do unto others as we would want them to do unto us. There is someone named Oswald Archer who does not know how to find the "Respcctthyneba" tube station but he found Plajarise Tube station on the Victoria line. Each society provides its own answers as Berger and Luckman (1967) point out through its knowledge base passed from one generation to the next. To put this all together, legitimacy , legal and political, is the encapsulation of answers to "what" and "why" questions where the answers arise from a society's values rooted in its historico-cultural knowledge base. Using this definition and Weber's analytical framework of ideal types ( types which, as ideals, seek to approximate the living reality but which do not presume to be direct accounts of reality), the writer of this paper will argue that the the nature of law has become increasingly instrumental in the last 40 years. Corresponding to this, the legitimacy of law has become increasingly self-justifying. Lastly, law has become more dominant and institutionalized. While many of these characteristics of law find their roots in the socio-legal and political theories of the period 1800-1960 and the theories of philosophers and jurists writing from the 17th century onwards, it is since about 1960 that one sees the potential of the theories of law in the modern context taking shape in practice through the autonomous workings of the state, corporate entities, and the individual. This essay will focus upon the English legal and historical context.

As there is a constant antagonism between conscious control by the state and against state control, the citizenry also uses law as an instrument against the autonomous working of the state and economy. Habermas called this juridification where claims of individual or Human rights are raised to protect against the abuse of authoritative state power. But, they can only do this when the legal system allows such claims. Individual Rights are an expression of the "autonomy of the subjective will". It is only when the system acknowledges this autonomy and premises part of its legitimacy on its protection that citizens can seek to claim individual rights. This is also good for the state. Otherwise, when the political system falls out of line with society where there is no way of appealing to the state for redress through rights claims, it leads to the development of angry sentiment in the citizenry since their independence has been denied. It leads to the development of ideology ( Locke's Second Treatise of Government is an example) on how things might be different which may inevitably lead to revolution ( Hague and Harrop, 1987). It is an old story now( this does not appear in the original version and is a new insight) but Locke also did not acknowledge original sin when discussing human nature and how the original sin took man out of his natural state into the fallen state of war or fallen nature( Hobbes describes this war-nature as an existence where the ego of every man in his self-idolatry seperate from and unsubmitted to God outside of the Garden of Eden resisteth the power of other men's egos as in Cain and Abel). Locke said we needed a system that could secure for the rational and industrious ( High school graduates or equivalent with at least three playstation games completed and an Asus tablet by google running android 4.0 jelly bean in the napsack) life, liberty, health and property. The pursuit of "happiness" keeps us in an egotistical war as described by Hobbes and men as monstrous individuals if not restrained by moral laws where what is best for the group is easily forgotten. This pursuit of "happiness" negates with narcissistic nihilism in the end the very purpose of government. Rousseau said we needed moral government and a social contract to do what was best for the moral and rational majority with the authority to revoke the power of the people that had been vested in the government and state for the securing of the majority's well-being on agreed terms for a limited period of time to safeguard against the abuse to be found in unlimited grants of power for unlimited time frames where absolute power is known to corrupt absolutely. Hence, we are careful about how we eat berrys or apples as they may have worms which will, forever, disfigure with exposure our inner being and take record of our going and coming in public and private. Margot Kidder made mention of this in a 2001 interview in September about a new movie involving a pretty detective who is locked in a safehouse at the top of a building but she gets out in time before danger strikes. She is watched by a camera all day in the safehouse but no one came to her rescue except her husband. A woman's greatest need is to be known. She has a secret even if her name is not Victoria and the person who has her secret is her rich husband. He measures all the biometric changes and the data. The movie was called PanicRoom instead with Christian Slater. It is here that Habermas's formal argumentative redemption of validity claims allows for not only the unity of rationality in the multiplicity of value claims but political order and stability.
The state, by allowing Rights claims, provides for its own acceptance through its own logical form. The state allows individuals to pursue their purposive rational action using existing laws instrumentally. This encourages and fosters legitimacy by allowing citizens to appeal for new laws which will legitimate actions considered legally irrational or deviant under the current law but they cannot succeed for very long since they contravene basic peace, civility and natural law such that they are contrary to the state's purpose in fostering peace and good government. The reason why God gave us natural law as embodied in the ten commandments is so that there would be sufficient peace, settlement and commodious living so that men could turn their minds to defying the natural laws of gravity and build an airplane. Guyana has failed to respect law. It is a terrorist nation; a S.p.e.c.t.r.e. nation without respect for law. Many of its citizens have infiltrated the government administrations and Prime Minister's offices around the world only to bring disappointment in breaking the laws and devaluing the constitutions. Without such laws, his mind is engaged in defending his simple breath in civil wars and conflict. There are too many 23 year olds whose only purpose is to kill their older sibling who went to University at Queens-Western and to walk around the University with his Id's just like Brendon Jones imagined he would do it in 1993 just as he was about to conceive the girl and then he decided to run his own business. See Hebrews 7:1-10. The laws relating to homosexuality is an example, mercy killing, or the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes are other examples. The citizenry accepts the legitimacy of legal domination because it allows for the instrumental use of the system to fulfill the purposive actions of the subjective will formally and argumentatively redeemed within the legal system. Here one can understand what Habermas meant when he said that the "modern legal order can draw its legitimacy only from the idea of self-determination since the post-traditional morality, post 1960's, supplies a substitute for the natural law that is grounded in religion and metaphysics (Habermas, 1996).
Law has changed more since 1970 as well since rape was recognized evidently as the sphere of female/feminine authority or the female mind in various sociological studies. The word "female" leaves a great deal of room for definitional import in this discussion but the point is that it is amorphous and other than the purposeful maternal or paternal being. Rape victims, male or female, are not buck or doe sacrifices. It is not a male brain that rapes but a female/feminine brain in any being; including a genetic male. The genuine maternal love, a daughter's love or wife's love is understood separately and works with the male who respects the female. The properly constituted male with a male brain honors, respects and protects the female and the female form. Potiphar raped Joseph by leaving her door open and he refused to participate. The properly constituted male is a protector and steward. He does not take advantage. Human beings have no other expectation. But, animals seem to respect a guttural reaction to an open door. The expectations are evident. The bible is in every child. It is within their program. Society is structured accordingly and various expectations or controls to remind us of our most basic humanity under the law. They are not only controlled by the legal bars of the iron cage, the system allows them to discuss, on some level, the extent of control as well as the need for the protection of their autonomy under the resources of the state. Here is Habermas' discursively achieved agreement between state and citizen. Laws or changes within them are the fulfilment of the discursively achieved agreements. It is the rule of the absolute Monarch in natural law and its legitimacy that the people should have the peace of the Magna Carta and this entails the work to hunt down those officials and citizens who resist the simple peace it offers in preserving the meaningfulness of human life. This is the purpose of all State law and action. The is the authority. This is the legitimacy. These individuals and officials challenge authority and peace and are efficiently neutralized by the Monarch and Queen. Every "rights" claim is answered through the instrumental use of law. People are claiming rights more today than they were pre-1960. Because of this law has changed more, becoming more instrumental post 1960. Some Examples of this in the U.K include the Race Relations Act 1976 as well as the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Equal Pay Act 1970. Other examples include the Slaughter of Poultry Act, 1967 ( halal meat for Muslims) and the Motor-Cycle Crash Helmets (Religious Exemption) Act, 1976 ( for Sikhs). The ECHR becomes law in the U.K. in August 2 . — - - The role of the E.U. in English jurisprudence is evidenced further by the ECJ being an additional tier in the English Appellate Court system that will still include, by necessity, the House Of Lords in the format of the Supreme Court Of The United Kingdom. However, the UK courts do not have to follow every determination of the EU courts on the grounds that the position of the ECJ or ECHR are incompatible with UK legislation. If there is a determination or declaration of incompatibility, the EU law will be applied in a manner that is compatible with governing UK law until the UK legislation can be amended to satisfy EU treaty requirements to ensure there is no undue incompatibility affecting the lives of all EU citizens that will include all individuals born or domiciled in the U.K. as EU citizens.
R. v. Horcastle & Ors.. confirms this position in the EU. This includes the UK evidently. Without a doubt, there is no loss of legal tradition but a harmonizing in the respect for law as an expression of culture, localized traditions and expectations. EU membership does not prevent this respect of culture. But, we must be careful with efforts at Revisionist history that may sow false notions of both culture and history in the minds and souls of the current impressionable, gullible swivel group in the population who do not work very hard also known as the general tv viewing audience. Some popular situation dramas since 2007 are examples of poorly done, inaccurate, irresponsible revisionist history. The goal is to remain FRODO( Finding Reality On Dock One); that is finding the reality of English culture on dock or channel one where your emotions and your mind should be docked. How could any foreign population; possibly Mulatto West Indians with native arawak dna , not pict dna, decide how to flout the legislation if there was no English Crown? They seem to wish to suggest that some people in the population regardless of the intentions of the actual white people who drafted the legislation must have the position to misapply the legislation with racial import so that they can say some citizens were not white enough to benefit from the non-racialised intention of the law. What purpose would they have in life if it was not for intercepting communications and working as Gremlins in the Brit Milah? The administration of law has become more stringent as a result in light of this open inward domestic terrorist threat that this population presents and this to prevent abuses and inefficiencies in administration. They will probably cause riots in England before their return to the West Indies since they hate part Pict native people and what they did to Arawaks with machine gun fire to exterminate large numbers of Arawaks in the West Indies. So, the Arawaks aimed to frustrate the colonial administration by stealing shipments and abusing the mail service. The English had to do everything twice and it became a redundancy. Now, the West Indians in the administration followed the same practice in England. They use various wiles to achieve their goal. The stringent application of law is to ensure legislative enforcement so that there is no racial import in governmental administration and the application of legal principles so that we may have civil society.
Commenting on this phenomenon, Lord Philips has stated the following in a recent judgement;
"...that although the requirement to take into account the Strasbourg jurisprudence would "normally result" in the domestic court applying principles that are clearly established by the ECtHR "There will, however, be rare occasions where the domestic court has concerns as to whether a decision of the Strasbourg court sufficiently appreciates or accommodates particular aspects of our domestic process. In such circumstances, it is open to the domestic court to decline to follow the Strasbourg decision, giving reasons for adopting this course". See the judgement in the update.
Our analysis continues but before any further insights from learned writers, let us reflect on a warning provided by some other thinkers. Menski has highlighted these warnings in his recent work:
But do lawyers care to read Habermas? Do they appreciate that Critical Theory is more than a cleverly worded, often shallow critique of legal failures to achieve standards of justice, increasingly measured today against certain presumed and asserted international criteria? Are we aware that Jacques Derrida famously called justice something that is always in the making, literally à venir? Earlier wise warning voices, for example Rudolph Stammler in the nineteenth century and Eugen Ehrlich (1913; 1936) at the start of the twentieth century, were drowned out by the remarkable shift away from natural law towards Weberian rationality, privileging various forms of state-centric legal positivism. This has been leading to rather self-serving claims of state law to be ›the law‹, which have only more recently been challenged by the new fashion of international human rights law. The misguided presumption that more recent concepts have simply replaced older forms of law appear to follow evolutionist thinking in the style of Sir Henry Maine. Positive law and now international human rights law as virtual cuckoos in the nest of comparative law, however, spell deep trouble for a more pluralist understanding of law as culture. It is not possible to assume that lessons from the Holocaust have been fully learnt if we continue to hear new horror stories of ethnic cleansing and elimination of all sorts of ›others‹ from various parts of the globe. Humanity as a whole seems to have learnt remarkably little. Or should we admit crucial disconnections between self-congratulatory sophistication of legal scholarship and continuing cruel realities of ›living law‹? Over time, legal scholarship may have become more sophisticated, but in the process the fashionable focus on only one type of law as the dominant law and the efforts to silence all the other types (for those, as we shall see, have not gone away) have clearly had pernicious consequences: Legal , From Plural Worlds of Law and The Search For Living Law; Dr. Werner Menski.
It seems that we have come to a point in early 2000 where the "...huge regulatory system dwarfs citizens ewp who see no way-and no moral or political reason to dispute its legitimate domination of their lives" (Cotterrell, 1992). They have accepted Hobbes "Leviathan" in so far as they have the ability to make a claim of rights as "worthy, safe consumers and protected stakeholders" within the regulatory system. The state, however, determines whether you have a right or whether your rights have been infringed. For example, you may have the right to conjugal visits as a prisoner but the prison Warden determines when you can exercise it and for how long. The citizen in the iron cage is quite the same since the state provides checks on his autonomy and determines what purposive actions and which "rights" are legally rational ( See R v Brown (1993) where homosexuals who consented to nails being hammered through each other 's genitals where, regardless of mutual consent, found guilty of committing unlawful battery). One can pursue purposive rational
action but what is "rational" is objectively ( sometimes subjectively ) determined by the state's legal machinery.
From the above discussion, it is evident that, in comparison to the period between 1800 and 1960 law has changed more in the post-1960 era. In the preceding period ( 1800-1960), the theoretical ground work for law's instrumentality, its ability for self-justification, and its capacity for domination was laid. To some extent, Law had already begun to take on these characteristics as society moved slowly away from "traditional domination" toward "legal domination".
In a further example provided by Alasdair Macintyre (1987), 4 framv,t
As such, law has changed more after 1960 because of the post-1960 conditions of hyper knowledge, technological advancement, social and economic instability which led to successive explosions of the traditional foundations of the political, social and, therefore, legal order. These crises in "traditional domination" gave way to the increase in forms of "legal domination". Economic globalization and the rapidity of changes in global markets created a crisis in the economic order. Law changed more post 1960 because of these crises. Law has become more instrumental to individuals and corporations since "legal domination" seems to be the only source of respite from the crises already mentioned and from the underlying chaos that one senses in the fast pace of modern life where change is the only constant. Its domination as accepted as a safeguard and Savior for the fearful against uncertainty. In the rough seas and shilling sands of modern life, the ship of knowledge is not stable. It is inherently unstable even for Americans. People are forced to constantly update themselves on Information technology that changes about every 6 months. Lawyers are forced to keep abreast of new legal rules while watching out for the rapid changes in the old ones. Every day societies are affected by the chasms of old knowledge and new knowledge; old economies and new economies; old ways of thinking and new ways of thinking such that what is purposively rational today may be somewhat irrational tomorrow and vice versa. In many pre-industrial political regimes, order was given the first priority but it is no different today. As life itself is in constant flux for citizens in Western states and in other capitalist enclaves the world over, corporations, states, and even the nation state turn increasingly to the law to find that order. While lawyers were previously thought best for candidacy for their oratory and teaching on persuasion, order and not persuasion is the goal such that administrators by profession may prove best suited for the grooming as viable representatives of the party soda brand such as university registrars who need to keep order and fair balance in an environment that is premised on one rule for all in face of great ethno-cultural and social hetrogeneity. One exam is written by everyone and there are no favorites unless there is something you don't know at the changeroom. The city counsellor is sure not to buy subway platforms, public-health condoms, and industrial orders of coffee from his son in law or his high school bowling team member who owns the local Costa or Costa Brava coffee shop. Forced airgas heating and the University registrar are just more efficient than the older version and everybody likes it. Law is changing more now because the human condition is in a constant process of reformulation , altering the way one sees the world and how one can best navigate through it. As a result, the political, intellectual, and legal arrangements of life suffer a correlating, rapid reformulation. No one heard of E-Commerce Law 4 to 5 years ago but now such legal departments exist in corporate firms. Regulatory bodies seek to formulate legislation to govern this new tool of commerce, industry and consumerism. In this state of affairs, law is both our captor and tool. Andreski points out that the British study law, economics and history as water tight compartments with a deleterious effect on the writing of understanding of history and law with its impact upon and evolution within history. The analysis of socio-economic phenomena becomes myopic and limited instead of dynamic. The end result is loss and limitation as a society drives forward into the bold uncharted future as a driver enters a tunnel without his head lights. This myopic analysis would lead the legislator to render the wrong legal tool in his goal to sculpt a new mould or design, in legal architecture, a new socio-economic structure in the lived experience. Car designers may have 3d printers but legislators who wish to achieve full employment or maximum consumption do not have such socio-industrial technology. Law should be used a tool. But, what if the wrong tool is chosen due to myopic input from historical and economic analysis? Something may go wrong horribly. As we use law as a tool, Andreski (1984) says " leads us into imminent danger of self-destruction...(as no other) civilization resembled so much as ours does a man sawing off a branch on which he is sitting". It is due to the myopic inputs from the other disciplines.
Hayak (1973) adds to this view when he says:
Legislation, the deliberate making of law, has justly been described as among all inventions of man the one fraught with the gravest consequences, more far reaching in its effects than fire and gun powder...It gave into the hands of men an instrument of great power which they needed to achieve some good but which they have not yet learned so to control that it may not produce great evil.
For some this might be an extreme view but one wonders what will give rise to the next great crisis in legitimacy. Will it be legal domination itself ? Do the current protests against the IMF, the World Bank and WTO represent this crisis? Due to the prescribed limitations of this paper, there is no room to propose an answer. When ever it occurs, it is hoped that the citizenry realizes that " can be preserved as legitimate only if enfranchised citizens switch from the role of private legal subjects and take the perspective of participants who are engaged in the process of reaching understanding about the rules of their life in common"( Habermas, 1996), realizing that law ought not to be a narcissistically self-enclosed system but one which is nourished by the ethical life of enfranchised citizens and political culture that meets it halfway ( ibid). In this, citizens should exercise their communicative and participatory rights with an orientation toward the common good ( Habermas, 1996). This is what Habermas conceived of as the elements of a vibrant civil society which , as Vaclav Havel comments, " means a society that makes room for the richest possible self-structuring and the richest possible participation in public life"( Havel, 1998). He says it enables people to be themselves in all their dimensions while functioning as a genuine guarantee of political stability. "The more developed the organs an institutions of civil society are, the more resistant that society will be to political upheavals or reversals" says Havel( 1998). In this way, balancing of the sometimes divergent goals of order and personal freedom might be found. Monty Python once said "And now for something completely different!". For some like Andreski, a new answer to the question of legitimacy is imminently necessary. In this post 1960 era where law is changing faster than ever before as it is used as a panacea to the crises in "traditional legitimation", instability in domestic and world economies and to the multiplicity of "rights" claims, the modern politico-legal establishment may be creating what Habermas called the "pathologies of contemporary society" as opposed to providing the cure. However, the changes are essentially a reflection of fast changing technology, the internet and networking technologies in addition to energy related innovation that effect work processes that involve robotics and also communication. Law is changing faster than ever before but not in terms of the bedrock principles, values and morals that make such technological innovation possible alongside the requisite infrastructure. Habermas confirms this when he demonstrates "...the contents of the Lifeworld cannot be wholly addition to ... the beliefs and values... that remain vital in motivating people and giving their lives meaning." This is echoed in Weber's work where Weber speaks of value rationality where one's actions are made consistent with a set of fundamental values. Habermas goes further where he summarizes values as the all important meaningfulness of human life and the limitations on personal freedom in civil society to achieve this. This is Rousseau's social contract or Hobbes' mass agreement with the people's constructed and created Leviathan. This is exemplified in the OAPA 1861 and the Consumer Protection Act 1987 (that prevents the exclusion of strict liability for death or any injury to consumers who use a producer's product). In the final analysis, if the meaningfulness of human life is the central purpose of Lifeworld, the word of God can be viewed as technology in that the meaningfulness of human life is the central purpose of all constructive (not destructive) scientific endeavor. The word of God's technological value is to inspire the human being as it has the ability to program and inspire the innovator as a function and factor of technology to not only live but to enjoy life in peaceful coexistence with the rest of creation. Hence, the rational processes that are appropriate for considering and challenging beliefs in science and technology have to be the same as those that are appropriate for moral and legal issues as the meaningfulness of human life is the central purpose of all endeavor in Lifeworld. It is a code that sustains the human being as the function of technological and scientific endeavor. See Isaiah 26.
We could say legitimacy is based on the notion of the divine right of kings as followed by Henry the 8th but we know what happened to this monarch and also to his supporters in the end. They were exterminated; one by one although the English church continued to allow divorce. God hates divorce. See Malachi 2. But, even if we did follow that divine notion, we see that David lost his throne to Jeroboam (House of Israel) who was from the tribe of Ephraim and that tribe was ancestrally part Egyptian as Joseph had part Egyptian children. We also know what happened to Louis the 16th who was head of the church in France. But, at least Jeroboam's genes knew how to say " can I do this (animalian) thing and sin against my G-d?" We also see that Israel lost its kingdom in spite of any notion of divine right. Mephibosheth's people over the various generations eventually became the Assyrians and worked very hard in new, emerging cultures for Mephibosheth's ancestral anger while Absalom's people were just angry heathen usurpers although both peoples just resent any family that represents authority as head of state and the head of anything that involves the bible and control of a church. In being Programmed as the descendants of Mephibosheth's people, the Assyrians headed straight for Israel and occupied it. Mephibosheth perfected his gene pool with a little of David and a little of Goliath but ensured the emotions were his emotions with sufficient beatings. It is very hard to love any ten commandments if you are being beaten all day to look right and to walk right; especially walk right since Mephibosheth had a thing about walking but did not understand love or family in his self-loathing. There is no love for Israel(Jacob) in him and if there was, Yeshua would not have been crucified. The Sanhedrin is further evidence of this since they said they were children of Abraham; not Israel. Do you know any people who talk about the Monarch and ask why they don't work or ask what do they really do? Some people never ask since they went on school trips that were subsidized by the powers that be and chose to honor them. The people who ask about what they do, challenge the powers and screw everything up. This could be a S. ANNE T. issue or coup. But, here we are again. The final political issues are always the same; love and leadership. But, there is no leadership without policies of love instead of policies and machinations that seek absolute power. We say this in acknowledging that superstitious people who read horoscopes are people too. But, natural law gives permanent legitimacy. It answers both final political issues. These natural laws are seen in the ten commandments and are embodied in the various legal codes that give individuals in the modern age a commodious peace as exemplified with purposefully tree lined streets and even, well surfaced roads. But, race is not peace. It divides and halves the population, rendering it less productive. But, if you bring in more people from the same race to make up for the North Americans that divide themselves with negative atmospheres in their homes and who divide the population with racial outlooks, then you avoid the gap instead of wearing it at $59.99. This is why little Taiwan that is free from sociological, racial division was three times more productive than an Australia and other such western countries for many years; the peace in the absence of the race. Race is competition and an unsustainability in economic activity that is rendered redundant by the race. So now you have to say namastay since it helps in the peace and you want peace so you start to sell more soap again in North America. But, your culture doesn't teach it or balance the answer out any longer with the evident answer of your social and logistical, if not actual racial superiority because Bo knows Nike like you told us and Bo is black; look! It is not that there isn't racial differentiation since there are many Africans and other communities in Taiwan but the sociology does not allow racial non-productivity. The bedrock values fueling the law have not changed but change is seen in new scenarios where these unchanging natural values, mores and beliefs have to be applied to achieve a just result in maintaining safeguards for citizens in civil society and this will be in every forum where fairness, justice and equity is the only right answer that will never shudder in the face of the lust for cover or weak, sniveling power.
Even in a civil society with an unwritten constitution and the symbol of a constitutional monarch, the system will not work without the symbol and those chosen to represent it. They are needed to ensure all citizens are safe and existing laws are followed. The role of the symbol is monarchy, rule, persuasion and motivation according to traditional theorists. If it is anything more, then you have lost the sheen, not sham, of an effective democracy. You may also lose 400 years of positive inertia toward a truly egalitarian and humane society. One can only look with hope to a more "civil society" while realizing that only the philosopher general like Marcus Aurelius can distill the raw emotion from the illogical mass mob politico and turn it into logic to ensure that the tank commanders and the public they claim to serve will have another tomorrow with sufficient food and electricity to turn the philosophers' theory into practice. He or she will watch the democratic process prayerfully and ensure there are no systemic abuses. It really should work and if it doesn't, then there is a thief in the democratic processes of the separation of powers. Without that philosopher general, a Jade or Jadium Fox on lsd possibly will steal the tank commanders' pensions and tell you there is nothing left due to austerity. Kill any dunce like him sitting on a "blackwater" horizon before he doubles his efforts. Some people still have to study and to work to eat and to save enough to buy a naturally aspirated used 2015 Mustang coupe in Barrow brown. The Philosopher Generals in this world know how you feel. They are tired of paying twice for a race to oblivion that only pays for a jab and a hegemony. I mean a hijab; get it? the cash is great but you seem to need a culture and you also need it's expression in public and you are willing to die to celebrate it or some of it but you need to know what it is and what might be best to preserve it. Tu comprend? Tu t'aime Angleterre? You don't need a war to leave. We never had any war when your name was changed and you left yourself to say "bring it" a few generations later. If you leave, you might have a more evidently Hyderabad Queen. You already have the psychology and the dna it seems as you can curry your favors and talk about your Nan although this business is costly in supposedly austere times and even increasingly less English because right now, you are being led to the only part of the world where you will feel immediate emotional authority in the Indies of your glory days but you don't have any money to pay twice with those pirates who make you send everything twice although you will feel big on the snuff because someone does not speak any French enough or is afraid they won't be English enough if they do while you have left your seat in so many ways when you let the rabble tell you how they do it in their version of the culture in a small Island that cannot feed itself or at least they used to be able to do that.
You tell the Philosopher General every day in crazy music videos about being Lucky or Sorry. However, the Dunce only watched movies that begin with V and end with A and thought it was his mandate. It cost his country all of it's wealth on the black water horizon so that he could get to stand at attention. Look at what he did; look! The philosopher general cares and is thinking of his society's preservation and it's longevity in these polemic times. It is polemic due to cultural diversity that surrounds the ultimate objectivity of civilization, the meaningfulness of human life, clean streets and civility. Law is certainly influenced by culture but culture does not delude logic or common sense. This importance of culture was recognized by Menski where he points it that the melding of culture over the meaningfulness of human life and timely subway trains brings debate. He says:
The hugely controversial current debates about banning various forms of religious dress indicate such struggles of an ideological nature that interfere with clear-headed analysis on the relationship of law and culture. Whether one likes or accepts religion or not is irrelevant; if we want to analyze the theme of law and culture in a global context, we simply have to open our eyes and minds fully – and not as selectively as still happens – to let in the light of recognition of plurality and of the various ›pop‹ irritations that criss-cross the boundaries of our standard defi nitions of ›law‹. After all, it was not just in ancient South Asia or in Africa that the connection of law and culture was an age-old trope, similar interconnected developments were surely also manifest in Greece and then continued in Rome. A few centuries later, St. Thomas Aquinas and his lex humana represented one of the earliest formal statements of legal pluralism, excellent proof of early recognition that law and culture are of necessity linked. Such Christian notions of lex humana are replicated and refl ected in their own culture-specific nuances by concepts like rājadharma in Hindu law and siyasa shariyya in Islamic law. But these termini technici for ›the right law‹ or ›good governance‹ have been seriously misunderstood as privileging the state in its various forms. This belittles the role of culture and above all of self-controlled ordering, with the respective ruler fi gures acting as conductors of an orchestra rather than the actual producers of the sounds that we may hear. The Hindu ruler, thus, remains a servant of dharma, he is not above the law (Menski, 2003). Similarly, the Muslim ruler should know that he is a servant of God (Menski, 2006).
We have considered the meaningfulness of human life and can now conclude that no political or legal system has any legitimacy if it does not maintain the meaningfulness of human life. This would also be true of any family or citizen if they are to have any acceptance. Remembering the denominator of common sense and logic in preparation is called confidently British at exam time even if you have to bring the French dictionary. Who are you to try and change the world as a Masters student or undergrad? Your intention should be, if anything, to change it accidentally in your diligent approach to greater knowledge as a student. Find him or her who is a Philosopher General who believes in the quiet of respecting human life and its meaningfulness. There is nothing British without it. While western society and culture may have become more barbaric over time according to Horkheimer and Adorno post world War 1, their media analysis was clearly a question instead of an answer. Ironically, the answer is hidden in their analysis of the content of the media and its various media outlets of magazines for every demographic as accompanied in the 21st Century with television stations that suit every demographic. Content is less respecting of the one logic that gives the West an attractiveness; that one logic being the meaningfulness of human life. Media content is simply less respecting of the meaningfulness of human life and this has occasioned a barbarism in light of law and more traditional culture as informed by more innate and determined natural law principles that cross all cultures in a unitizing connectedness regardless of religion or language that makes a free English public high school and British museum such a joy!; Tandoori or South African Peanut chicken for lunch? Those who do not respect the meaningfulness of human life and who have abused favor should be just as quickly removed summarily since only the Monarch can choose to ignore habeus corpus principles and laws with absolute authority and immunity. The Monarch would only choose to ignore habeus corpus laws in the protection of life and the maintenance of the meaningfulness of human life. Find a few of them as philosopher generals. One more thing; Hyderabad mixed race orphan kings who kill their people may call your best courier working alone abroad the stupid policeman but every policeman is armed now and ready to serve the Brit Milah at home and abroad in the update to Leviathan called Leviathan 4.0 Big Bean just like the android software called Jelly Bean but really confident and responsive to "I know where your children..." As a result of a new technological tower of Babel as caused by communal mobile networks that rival Iraqi insurgents in Iraq although it's only Brixton, the Bahamas or Seattle and they might have some guns too. This " I know where your children" is the uttering of a threat to an officer under the Queen's peace in some community's success in taking hegemony. But, you don't need to leave home to find the answer. You have the answer. So did Thomas Hobbes after surviving a civil war. It is the same answer as the magna carta; love your community. Love your neighbor; not even a King is an Island unto himself and if he was, he would have to at least love an Iguana and cultivate them so that he could eat every day like a king. So. build a !@@$!(blessed) vehicle for the folks as in a Folkswagen for the Brit folks since the world is not enough. You need community and identity. The Guinness and Tennents on tap around the world is not enough. You need community and identity. The truth is, you must have spawned something ancestrally that gave a lot of creative minds, any and all minds sufficient peace regardless of race that they could celebrate the peace by making peanut butter or by building an airplane. It was packaged well in the common law and sent around the world. It works and you don't owe anyone any apologies; the apology of letting high school graduates ask for curried favor that allows them to sit in your seats with your robes as nothing but livid muckrakers as they can see you read the book evidently and finished the equation fearfully in 45 minutes if it was on the syllabus in the hallowed Roberthson room; a room where there is lots of acreage but only hatred for her worshipfulness for some unknown reason. You, Roberthson, once called the Lord Mountbatten black and said you would have killed him yourself for spending time with the Irish. But, you are really German and your father showed you his Luger while he was stationed in Jamaica(where you were born) in 1943 to mix with the locals and get secrets about supplies. So, who are you really? Is it Robertson or Roberthson? You are a human being in a confused identity as born in Jamaica but hiding it all day while proving your Englishness while you fear or refuse to learn any other language in that you may lose association amongst the other confused people who are hiding like you as they also refuse to learn another language. You have also confirmed with your attitude toward Mountbatten that life is a privilege for you and your confused people in need of an identity in the same way that it was a privilege for Mountbatten. It is not a right. Do you think you can be more English or prove your Englishness by not digesting the identity but making it obvious that you are in constant need of proving that it is your identity? You feel like someone...someone named Charles..from Jamaica and you are taking jobs out of the people's mouths to turn it into your plantation ancestry so you can have sex with a 1000 for free but sex is the second oldest profession next to marriage. You must pay like the Geisha say. What is your real name anyway? Go home and take your sterile half-lings with you. Leave it to the real English. You are of no help and you must be partially Hyderabad dna. In this hatred and persistent identity crisis, you only learned how to curry favor but don't know how to write it down in simple English. This is your legitimacy that rises above this curry and the monarch understands their tremendous role that goes far above and beyond seeking attention for it because they have all of it belovedly and are never forgotten on the monies and in the wholesome products they safeguard and protect throughout the entire commonwealth; no more formaldehyde and battery acid in drinks, bandaids and foods from the Hyderabad Orphan people who are screwing up the food production in the factories. Nobody knows why. The monarch receives sufficient attention beside Princess, Mercedes and the spice muffins. There are some people who resent this peace as designed by the English and its foundations for it's evident authority on its various religio-legal and cultural bases. The answer never changes even if after 55 million people have died( In world war 2). They and their families know the answer. Do you? In the end, it is evident that with the help of Hollywood, global English culture in the 1920's and 30's became a begging for identity since the home and it's importance for cultural reproduction was not considered sanctimonious in spite of the need to discover the willing Creole now in your midst in great numbers as help in the empire. They never did read the scripture that said " not defile the marriage bed." "What else is it for..?"; the creole help retorted but it was hard for your English descendant West Indian creole wife, one generation removed, to fathom it by looking at her in the kitchen who had a liaison with your son also who gave a long yellow tropical fruit to your daughter (pre Barbie doll) and then she, the wife, would shake her head and say " No...impossible. My husband is a man of faith and a deacon. He knows what is most important in the Brit Milah." Do you? You can fast with rationing for another 24 years as you did from 1933 to 1957 while you show thankfulness for a Marshall plan as you have something to do everyday if you couldn't figure out how to maneuver in economy of scales post 1970 when can't always get what you want(sing it!) with a uh uhm loyal work force in love with the British establishments. The truth is that law cannot change very much with a European people including the original English, Irish and Scottish people whose dna represents the original people of Israel who escaped Israel after an Assyrian occupation. Yeshua's first miracle was to turn water into wine and he must have done this to echo his ancestors who had already escaped to Provence and Southern Europe to continue the creative and blessed culture of the Jewish people with good bread, wine, music and cheeses. This population evidently had a calling before and after Moses to avoid the graven image and must be quite sensitive to any such graveness also in film. It necessitates a physical and spiritual break down. But, this people also has a calling to propagate God's law and the gospel in the world as the Noah and his family was chosen to give the world this story of natural law and family as also evidenced in the life of Abraham. This calling gives a natural authority in the calling but when the people are swiped by the graven image, the accordant feeling of the loss of authority is an unmistakable feeling of nakedness and no couture, no eau de toilette or perfume or bone china can cover the feeling except there is social spillage that becomes political spillage with a search for feelings of or an attempt at a regaining of global emotional authority in the calling that leads to a Boolean work that begs (please help!, please help, come and help! I want to know if you can help us with something.) for a communal working for a global naught or apocalypse over which they will have control and authority including the process of rebuilding and restructuring. But you may not have forgiven yourself for the spiritual salmonella in the graven image. The image cannot defeat a commitment to good home atmospheres(the Brit Milah) and hence the wisdom of financing graduates and households across Europe who will buy good, affordable euro design (see Ikea) to do something, anything after one or two job applications. This is why the world is not enough. You really want to get back to your Jerusalem in salvation on the earth. Regent Park should be close enough for another 1000 generations with the appreciations if you appreciate it. You are appreciated as a 57 year old model in a coronet on the Australian dollar. Who could ask for more attention and reverential authority? But, it won't mean anything if you let resentful people pay lip service on your purse who said that, for them, the world is enough and who were willing to bend their backs to get into position to defame the bible and your Brit Milah...just to see if you are paying attention. They are not really British but they pay you a tactile attention. You need to defend it. 55 million dead people understand this. Do you?
Thank you!
You tell the Philosopher General every day in crazy music videos about being Lucky or Sorry. However, the Dunce only watched movies that begin with V and end with A and thought it was his mandate. It cost his country all of it's wealth on the black water horizon so that he could get to stand at attention. Look at what he did; look! The philosopher general cares and is thinking of his society's preservation and it's longevity in these polemic times. It is polemic due to cultural diversity that surrounds the ultimate objectivity of civilization, the meaningfulness of human life, clean streets and civility. Law is certainly influenced by culture but culture does not delude logic or common sense. This importance of culture was recognized by Menski where he points it that the melding of culture over the meaningfulness of human life and timely subway trains brings debate. He says:
The hugely controversial current debates about banning various forms of religious dress indicate such struggles of an ideological nature that interfere with clear-headed analysis on the relationship of law and culture. Whether one likes or accepts religion or not is irrelevant; if we want to analyze the theme of law and culture in a global context, we simply have to open our eyes and minds fully – and not as selectively as still happens – to let in the light of recognition of plurality and of the various ›pop‹ irritations that criss-cross the boundaries of our standard defi nitions of ›law‹. After all, it was not just in ancient South Asia or in Africa that the connection of law and culture was an age-old trope, similar interconnected developments were surely also manifest in Greece and then continued in Rome. A few centuries later, St. Thomas Aquinas and his lex humana represented one of the earliest formal statements of legal pluralism, excellent proof of early recognition that law and culture are of necessity linked. Such Christian notions of lex humana are replicated and refl ected in their own culture-specific nuances by concepts like rājadharma in Hindu law and siyasa shariyya in Islamic law. But these termini technici for ›the right law‹ or ›good governance‹ have been seriously misunderstood as privileging the state in its various forms. This belittles the role of culture and above all of self-controlled ordering, with the respective ruler fi gures acting as conductors of an orchestra rather than the actual producers of the sounds that we may hear. The Hindu ruler, thus, remains a servant of dharma, he is not above the law (Menski, 2003). Similarly, the Muslim ruler should know that he is a servant of God (Menski, 2006).
We have considered the meaningfulness of human life and can now conclude that no political or legal system has any legitimacy if it does not maintain the meaningfulness of human life. This would also be true of any family or citizen if they are to have any acceptance. Remembering the denominator of common sense and logic in preparation is called confidently British at exam time even if you have to bring the French dictionary. Who are you to try and change the world as a Masters student or undergrad? Your intention should be, if anything, to change it accidentally in your diligent approach to greater knowledge as a student. Find him or her who is a Philosopher General who believes in the quiet of respecting human life and its meaningfulness. There is nothing British without it. While western society and culture may have become more barbaric over time according to Horkheimer and Adorno post world War 1, their media analysis was clearly a question instead of an answer. Ironically, the answer is hidden in their analysis of the content of the media and its various media outlets of magazines for every demographic as accompanied in the 21st Century with television stations that suit every demographic. Content is less respecting of the one logic that gives the West an attractiveness; that one logic being the meaningfulness of human life. Media content is simply less respecting of the meaningfulness of human life and this has occasioned a barbarism in light of law and more traditional culture as informed by more innate and determined natural law principles that cross all cultures in a unitizing connectedness regardless of religion or language that makes a free English public high school and British museum such a joy!; Tandoori or South African Peanut chicken for lunch? Those who do not respect the meaningfulness of human life and who have abused favor should be just as quickly removed summarily since only the Monarch can choose to ignore habeus corpus principles and laws with absolute authority and immunity. The Monarch would only choose to ignore habeus corpus laws in the protection of life and the maintenance of the meaningfulness of human life. Find a few of them as philosopher generals. One more thing; Hyderabad mixed race orphan kings who kill their people may call your best courier working alone abroad the stupid policeman but every policeman is armed now and ready to serve the Brit Milah at home and abroad in the update to Leviathan called Leviathan 4.0 Big Bean just like the android software called Jelly Bean but really confident and responsive to "I know where your children..." As a result of a new technological tower of Babel as caused by communal mobile networks that rival Iraqi insurgents in Iraq although it's only Brixton, the Bahamas or Seattle and they might have some guns too. This " I know where your children" is the uttering of a threat to an officer under the Queen's peace in some community's success in taking hegemony. But, you don't need to leave home to find the answer. You have the answer. So did Thomas Hobbes after surviving a civil war. It is the same answer as the magna carta; love your community. Love your neighbor; not even a King is an Island unto himself and if he was, he would have to at least love an Iguana and cultivate them so that he could eat every day like a king. So. build a !@@$!(blessed) vehicle for the folks as in a Folkswagen for the Brit folks since the world is not enough. You need community and identity. The Guinness and Tennents on tap around the world is not enough. You need community and identity. The truth is, you must have spawned something ancestrally that gave a lot of creative minds, any and all minds sufficient peace regardless of race that they could celebrate the peace by making peanut butter or by building an airplane. It was packaged well in the common law and sent around the world. It works and you don't owe anyone any apologies; the apology of letting high school graduates ask for curried favor that allows them to sit in your seats with your robes as nothing but livid muckrakers as they can see you read the book evidently and finished the equation fearfully in 45 minutes if it was on the syllabus in the hallowed Roberthson room; a room where there is lots of acreage but only hatred for her worshipfulness for some unknown reason. You, Roberthson, once called the Lord Mountbatten black and said you would have killed him yourself for spending time with the Irish. But, you are really German and your father showed you his Luger while he was stationed in Jamaica(where you were born) in 1943 to mix with the locals and get secrets about supplies. So, who are you really? Is it Robertson or Roberthson? You are a human being in a confused identity as born in Jamaica but hiding it all day while proving your Englishness while you fear or refuse to learn any other language in that you may lose association amongst the other confused people who are hiding like you as they also refuse to learn another language. You have also confirmed with your attitude toward Mountbatten that life is a privilege for you and your confused people in need of an identity in the same way that it was a privilege for Mountbatten. It is not a right. Do you think you can be more English or prove your Englishness by not digesting the identity but making it obvious that you are in constant need of proving that it is your identity? You feel like someone...someone named Charles..from Jamaica and you are taking jobs out of the people's mouths to turn it into your plantation ancestry so you can have sex with a 1000 for free but sex is the second oldest profession next to marriage. You must pay like the Geisha say. What is your real name anyway? Go home and take your sterile half-lings with you. Leave it to the real English. You are of no help and you must be partially Hyderabad dna. In this hatred and persistent identity crisis, you only learned how to curry favor but don't know how to write it down in simple English. This is your legitimacy that rises above this curry and the monarch understands their tremendous role that goes far above and beyond seeking attention for it because they have all of it belovedly and are never forgotten on the monies and in the wholesome products they safeguard and protect throughout the entire commonwealth; no more formaldehyde and battery acid in drinks, bandaids and foods from the Hyderabad Orphan people who are screwing up the food production in the factories. Nobody knows why. The monarch receives sufficient attention beside Princess, Mercedes and the spice muffins. There are some people who resent this peace as designed by the English and its foundations for it's evident authority on its various religio-legal and cultural bases. The answer never changes even if after 55 million people have died( In world war 2). They and their families know the answer. Do you? In the end, it is evident that with the help of Hollywood, global English culture in the 1920's and 30's became a begging for identity since the home and it's importance for cultural reproduction was not considered sanctimonious in spite of the need to discover the willing Creole now in your midst in great numbers as help in the empire. They never did read the scripture that said " not defile the marriage bed." "What else is it for..?"; the creole help retorted but it was hard for your English descendant West Indian creole wife, one generation removed, to fathom it by looking at her in the kitchen who had a liaison with your son also who gave a long yellow tropical fruit to your daughter (pre Barbie doll) and then she, the wife, would shake her head and say " No...impossible. My husband is a man of faith and a deacon. He knows what is most important in the Brit Milah." Do you? You can fast with rationing for another 24 years as you did from 1933 to 1957 while you show thankfulness for a Marshall plan as you have something to do everyday if you couldn't figure out how to maneuver in economy of scales post 1970 when can't always get what you want(sing it!) with a uh uhm loyal work force in love with the British establishments. The truth is that law cannot change very much with a European people including the original English, Irish and Scottish people whose dna represents the original people of Israel who escaped Israel after an Assyrian occupation. Yeshua's first miracle was to turn water into wine and he must have done this to echo his ancestors who had already escaped to Provence and Southern Europe to continue the creative and blessed culture of the Jewish people with good bread, wine, music and cheeses. This population evidently had a calling before and after Moses to avoid the graven image and must be quite sensitive to any such graveness also in film. It necessitates a physical and spiritual break down. But, this people also has a calling to propagate God's law and the gospel in the world as the Noah and his family was chosen to give the world this story of natural law and family as also evidenced in the life of Abraham. This calling gives a natural authority in the calling but when the people are swiped by the graven image, the accordant feeling of the loss of authority is an unmistakable feeling of nakedness and no couture, no eau de toilette or perfume or bone china can cover the feeling except there is social spillage that becomes political spillage with a search for feelings of or an attempt at a regaining of global emotional authority in the calling that leads to a Boolean work that begs (please help!, please help, come and help! I want to know if you can help us with something.) for a communal working for a global naught or apocalypse over which they will have control and authority including the process of rebuilding and restructuring. But you may not have forgiven yourself for the spiritual salmonella in the graven image. The image cannot defeat a commitment to good home atmospheres(the Brit Milah) and hence the wisdom of financing graduates and households across Europe who will buy good, affordable euro design (see Ikea) to do something, anything after one or two job applications. This is why the world is not enough. You really want to get back to your Jerusalem in salvation on the earth. Regent Park should be close enough for another 1000 generations with the appreciations if you appreciate it. You are appreciated as a 57 year old model in a coronet on the Australian dollar. Who could ask for more attention and reverential authority? But, it won't mean anything if you let resentful people pay lip service on your purse who said that, for them, the world is enough and who were willing to bend their backs to get into position to defame the bible and your Brit Milah...just to see if you are paying attention. They are not really British but they pay you a tactile attention. You need to defend it. 55 million dead people understand this. Do you?
Thank you!
It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. They are. It is also to share the gospel and confirm that forgiveness is the greatest and simplest miracle you can perform by faith. The second greatest miracle is building an airplane. The second miracle is dependent on the first. It is also to confirm that a home with two parents of the opposite gender, raising children is ideal for our culture and its mass preservation and propagation. This is the wisdom of the hegemony of the hijab or the "hijabemony". You had an excellent infrastructure with schools. You still have this infrastructure to reproduce your culture but you are not reproducing sufficiently genetically or in terms of households that are expected to be somewhat emblematic of your culture. This is partly due to the fact that you cannot reproduce when you have devalued your own intellectual product regardless of race in the process. This product is your multi-ethnic graduating class. On graduation day, you have individuals who are sufficiently English or economic white regardless of race and they need to be hired. This certainly includes the black people. The graduate who is a graduate is also your employee regardless of race. This includes the black people. They may have their teething issues ancestrally as they will watch and encourage graduation but then fear shifts in family authority in the home in some cases while stifling the graduate, throwing out job offers sent by post like a crazy person just released from currying favor in a plantation economy. You have quartered and drawn your own cultural reproduction and the answer is not the myth of white or whiter; but the ability to write and explain a complete sentence so that you can produce a passenger vehicle again of renowned qualities but obviously respecting the new economies of scale in that industry. This is the reality of globalization and the hijab was always one step ahead in any Jihad vs. McWorld(see Atlantic magazine article 1992 google) since they spoke more foreign languages in addition to the english per capita. But, if you only hire these good internationally minded individuals while undereducating your own population in fear of a loss of englishness, then you never respected the great history and international confidence of the english who always showed a profound and studied understanding of other peoples linguistically and culturally which gave them a natural authority of a studied kind since they studied to show themselves approved. England can lose itself to sex videos and a loss of faith in itself for the third time in 150 years but the world does not have to follow although the world can empathise as the bell tolls for thee as misery loves company but the world can buy Schweppes anywhere and your culture is now salted and dried sufficiently in Shakespeare, Dickens and Austen that we have no need for your self-loathing and your need for attention in the currying of favor by the half-lings from those creole currying colonies who hold on to you as they followed the skin tone authority game but fear to death any exam on French, English or Spanish in what now seems to be a genetic fear of failure. You ask if the graduate is loyal and loyal might have meant a pub lunch in the phenomenal Cortina days but now loyal means sterility and something of an entirely different class. Homosexuals, however, should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate others, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren A. Lyon, Editor, University of London Graduate, SOAS, LL.B(Hons), 2000.
Londinium TV Channel.
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