Do you covet attention or is it approval? You have the right motivations but when it comes to Jesus or a 10 time Super Bowl Champion sometimes you are not consistent in the quiet of conscience as to the reverberation of your generally good motives. Wait until you meet a law graduate who takes the equation approach or the plumbing approach or the recipe approach. It is written....thus saith the Lord. We cannot apologize for people who did not do their job or presume that they did. Once there is presumption, you have to let the poor old nigger go who thinks his bus transfer is a Pontiac. Do you know what Pontiac stands for...the Poor Old Nigger Thinks Its A Cadillac. ...A ha ha ha ha ha! You could be Herodian in your struggle to have all of the approval in this universal family of Abraham. We see what Jacob's sons did to Joseph and we also know how the name Jesus or Joseph translates into the same meaning along with Yeshua. So. the best answer when it comes to Jesus and what He was willing to do in obedience is to realize you are being asked to do the same thing. This is the tricky part. You graduated just like Jesus did from School or Sunday School. Then, you get in front of his system of heraldry and can you submit to Him? But, you never broke a law before you got to the University. But, now you intend to break the law with plagiarism in the University. Why would you do that? Now, some say you should think of Jesus as your older brother or your father. You could be unable to submit to either notion of Jesus simply because you have not submitted to Father above Him; the bread and the blood and the sacrifice. But, if God came down and offered himself, then he is your Father in any form, ice, water , the gas(the Holy Ghost that is...) and He is in all things and through Him all things were made. See the John chapter so to make it easy on your self, you could just resent Jesus and if you do, you are essentially resenting God and also yourself in what ever form God intended for you to be His servant since Jesus more like oxygen and you don't resent oxygen do you? Do you resent water? No. So Jesus is the bread of life or the water of life...the living water so he is not someone against whom you should ever hold resentment childishly and secretly in your heart for the approval He received as God's only begotten son since you have to really see what is being He is described as the bread and the life and no man comes unto the Father except but through Him but isn't he the Father? Are you not to be born of the blood...the blood of Christ and isn't there blood in the seed and isn't His word the seed So do not try and bend the spoon....but bend yourself...innit? Take Jesus as a Father. Relax! Chill Winston and remember that even after you read all of it and listen to 10000 hours of sermons, you could find yourself in one group of humans or another. Some are like and fall into to the 25 % described in the parable of the four seeds and some like mules and they fall into the 75 % of those who will hear the word of God somewhere on this planet at some time and maybe some or all of us are some where in between as works in progress and we can always find the time to repent and genuinely strive to be genuinely in the 25%. Now, Nigger stands for: New Ideas Give Great and Excellent Reward but not really...I think that was Wallen's acronym. No; Nigger stands for lazy and churlish niggardly human regardless of complexion. It has nothing to do with 'black'. So, when you call yourselves nigga in public or dog, you misunderstand the power of affirmation but it does feel cute and communal though since you did not think about calling each other my 'soul brother' like a previous generation of drug retarded and displaced part native human beings with genius musical and intellectual capability. Well, that's it for now but you must see one more issue in your current efforts to keep the uh struggle uh alive. You do understand so do sit down Mrs. American Pie....since why you should you go to a levy and and sing that this is the day that you should die...innit? Now, there is a book written by someone who carries precisely your dna or at least you could say he was related enough based on his appearance since it seems that after the slavery thing ended some people had families and some people only had the plantation and then the master of some took off after all and went up north to sell you crackers and oats to be boxed and packaged by machines. The person who carries your dna or your kin appearance is W.E.B. Dubois. After John F. Kennedy was shot, the book was updated to suggest in the final chapter that the only hope for the black folk after education was death or difficulty and this is after extolling the virtue of education for the entire book while noting some issues as to self identity that resolve themselves evidently with education. The unfortunate issue is the applicability of the book to any community brought into the human displacement with the erasure of identity and of community that could take place with the mis-education of some or it not all in society via a very powerful media. Now, what power does one have for suggesting Black and White men shall one day sit at the table of brotherhood when they fought over economic concepts on either side of the Mason Dixon Line as brothers after all? There were certainly Black Confederate Soldiers and Black Union Soldiers and it seems there were Black slave masters on either side to satisfy Black or the Afrique for 1789 as it was defined but not with derogation evidently as that seems to have emerged after the Civil war. It had to have emerged afterwards but we don't know the reason yet. Again, it may have been to adopt a complexion anxiety from maybe one part of the West Indies that was predominantly English in a bottoms up application with high numbers of Black people who had digested a power and authority line if not a color line so to speak and if they are all to be equal, then how can any Black man tell them what to do or how to read if they had not seen such a man before? But, there may have been some in Kingston and these people who had never seen such men may have brought from West Indian Anglo populations in Hanover that includes Westmoreland. You may never have seen a Black man hesitate to shake a Black pastor's hand while lining up to shake the White pastor's hand except but that such a man may be the most unusual and defeated creature who cannot see that you shook that white pastor's hand also and you evidently are working with him and you eat together at the Liguana or at the Tera Nova often enough and you play Monopoly at the Missionary Compound in Havendale evidently where they also hold the tent meetings...innit? It is not that the Black pastor has done anything but they were made afraid to shake his hand in whatever hell it was that took place in Hanover where there was a shooting a day for any alleged misstep. Then, these souls were exported to Georgia and then to other parts of America. So, it seems when you are three years old and watching General Colin Powell leading a military in the desert to a success and watching also Black astronauts and Jordan flying through the air with Bugs Bunny...that really is the last word after all in that it is up to you to play de .....oh gosh! You fall down or you stand up and a saint is just a sinner who fell down but that's all folks! You are obligated to be as equal as any white kid who does nothing or as equal as any white kid who chooses to be all that he aspires to be and never think white kids do not meet resistance or unusual white people named Ritter, Cutter, Conklin or Ward who may kill them or maim them or persecute them or despitefully use them to make Dickens, Shakespeare and the bible true...for real though..innit? That's all folks! Go and watch some Looney Tunes and see...YOU ARE HERE! Do somefing mate...innit? You got the power! Now, there will always be collisions of cultures and possibly generations also while you will you might be born tomorrow and happily learn how to eat a sowbow, a pattie or a Hamburger and call your friend a friend, a brother, nigga or a dog and maybe choose to graduate or maybe not and you are still a human being and there will always be collisions or intersections of cultures but there will be no collision on issues of the value of human life; not just the life of a child but all life and that includes those older than colt 45(45 years old) and Labatt 50(50 years old). But, some of you wanted to think the beer companies were telling you how long you were supposed to live before you changed your name or your face. Is that it? What if there was a Colt 18 since this is what seems to be happening in the music that is telling you that you want to die so read Desiderata and be content with your own business names since you are not disabled but someone must believe you are and that you must join him in his disability that says you could multiply your talents and something greater or greater things you could do but you are supposed to give a criminal money to help him further his limited expectations of Black people as to creativeness or business creativeness while he stands in line to get signatures from Basketball players or soccer stars while he might quietly resent the black Car company designers and who knows why but he is going to jail since it is a criminal offense to defraud the public and suggest that you are collecting investments in relation to a business that you do not own while he allegedly has a High School diploma and driver's license to say he is not disabled and able to comprehend 'do not touch; fire' and 'do not alight here' but he might as well since he is....hmm! How can I insult him when he is worthy of a devil's shameful honor as resistance to community and peace as he kills, steals and destroys and can be identified accordingly in his free choice to embarrass himself and his mother or father? Be that as it may, there is a law that prevents such abuses of the public and its time for him to have his public honor. Bring him to his honor!

Do you covet attention or is it approval?  You have the right motivations but when it comes to Jesus or a 10 time Super Bowl Champion sometimes you are not consistent in the quiet of conscience as to the reverberation of your generally good motives. Wait until you meet a law graduate who takes the equation approach or the plumbing approach or the recipe approach. It is written....thus saith the Lord.   We cannot apologize for people who did not do their job or presume that they did. Once there is presumption, you have to let the poor old nigger go who thinks his bus transfer is a Pontiac.  Do you know what Pontiac stands for...the Poor Old Nigger Thinks Its A Cadillac. ...A ha ha ha ha ha!  You could be Herodian in your struggle to have all of the approval in this universal family of Abraham. We see what Jacob's sons did to Joseph and we also know how the name Jesus or Joseph translates into the same meaning along with Yeshua. So. the best answer when it comes to Jesus and what He was willing to do in obedience is to realize you are being asked to do the same thing.   This is the tricky part.  You graduated just like Jesus did from School or Sunday School. Then, you get in front of his system of heraldry and can you submit to Him? But, you never broke a law before you got to the University. But, now you intend to break the law with plagiarism in the University. Why would you do that?  Now, some say you should think of Jesus as your older brother or your father.  You could be unable to submit to either notion of Jesus simply because you have not submitted to Father above Him; the bread and the blood and the sacrifice. But, if God came down and offered himself, then he is your Father in any form, ice, water , the gas(the Holy Ghost that is...) and He is in all things and through Him all things were made. See the John chapter  so to make it easy on your self, you could just resent Jesus and if you do, you are essentially resenting God and also yourself in what ever form God intended for you to be His servant since Jesus more like oxygen and you don't resent oxygen do you? Do you resent water? No.  So Jesus is the bread of life or the water of life...the living water so he is not someone against whom you should ever hold resentment childishly and secretly in your heart for the approval He received as God's only begotten son since you have to really see what is being He is described as the bread and the life and no man comes unto the Father except but through Him but isn't he the Father? Are you not to be born of the blood...the blood of Christ and isn't there blood in the seed and isn't His word the seed So do not try and bend the spoon....but bend yourself...innit? Take Jesus as a Father. Relax! Chill Winston and remember that even after you read all of it and listen to 10000 hours of sermons, you could find yourself in one group of humans or another. Some are like and fall into to the 25 % described in the parable of the four seeds and some like mules and they fall into the 75 % of those who will hear the word of God somewhere on this planet at some time and maybe some or all of us are some where in between as works in progress and we can always find the time to repent and genuinely strive to be genuinely in the 25%.    Now, Nigger stands for:
Great and
 but not really...I think that was Wallen's acronym. No; Nigger stands for lazy and churlish niggardly human regardless of complexion. It has nothing to do with 'black'.  So, when you call yourselves nigga in public or dog, you misunderstand the power of affirmation but it does feel cute and communal though since you did not think about calling each other my 'soul brother' like a previous generation of drug retarded and displaced part native human beings with genius musical and intellectual capability.  Well, that's it for now but you must see one more issue in your current efforts to keep the uh struggle uh alive.  You do understand  so do sit down Mrs. American Pie....since why you should you go to a levy and and sing that this is the day that you should die...innit?
Now, there is a book written by someone who carries precisely your dna or at least you could say he was related enough based on his appearance since it seems that after the slavery thing ended some people had families and some people only had the plantation and then the master of some took off after all and went up north to sell you crackers and oats to be boxed and packaged by machines. The person who carries your dna or your kin appearance is W.E.B. Dubois. After John F. Kennedy was shot, the book was updated to suggest in the final chapter that the only hope for the black folk after education was death or difficulty and this is after extolling the virtue of education for the entire book while noting some issues as to self identity that resolve themselves evidently with education. The unfortunate issue is the applicability of the book to any community brought into the human displacement with the erasure of identity and of community that could take place with the mis-education of some or it not all in society via a very powerful media. Now, what power does one have for suggesting Black and White men shall one day sit at the table of brotherhood when they fought over economic concepts on either side of the Mason Dixon Line as brothers after all?  There were certainly Black Confederate Soldiers and Black Union Soldiers and it seems there were Black slave masters on either side to satisfy Black or the Afrique  for 1789 as it was defined but not with derogation evidently as that seems to have emerged after the Civil war. It had to have emerged afterwards but we don't know the reason yet. Again, it may have been to adopt a complexion anxiety from maybe one part of the West Indies that was predominantly English in a bottoms up application with high numbers of Black people who had digested a power and authority line if not a color line so to speak and if they are all to be equal, then how can any Black man tell them what to do  or how to read if they had not seen such a man before? But, there may have been some in Kingston and these people who had never seen such men may have brought from West Indian Anglo populations in Hanover that includes Westmoreland.  You may never have seen a    Black man hesitate to shake a Black pastor's hand while lining up to shake the White pastor's hand except but that such a man may be the most unusual and defeated creature who cannot see that you shook that white pastor's hand also and you evidently are working with him and you eat together at the Liguana or at the Tera Nova often enough and you play Monopoly at the Missionary Compound in Havendale evidently where they also hold the tent meetings...innit? It is not that the Black pastor has done anything but they were made afraid to shake his hand in whatever hell it was that took place in Hanover where there was a shooting a day for any alleged misstep.  Then, these souls were exported to Georgia and then to other parts of America. So, it seems when you are three years old and watching General Colin Powell leading a military in the desert to a success and watching also Black astronauts and Jordan flying through the air with Bugs Bunny...that really is the last word after all in that it is up to you  to play de .....oh gosh!  You fall down or you stand up and a saint is just a sinner who fell down but that's all folks! You are obligated to be as equal as any white kid who does nothing or as equal as any white kid who chooses to be all that he aspires to be and never think white kids do not meet resistance or unusual white people named Ritter, Cutter, Conklin or Ward who may kill them or maim them or persecute them or despitefully use them to make Dickens, Shakespeare and the bible true...for real though..innit?    That's all folks!  Go and watch some Looney Tunes and see...YOU ARE HERE! Do somefing mate...innit?   You got the power! Now, there will always be collisions of cultures and possibly generations also while you will you might be born tomorrow and happily learn how to eat a sowbow, a pattie or a Hamburger and call your friend a friend, a brother, nigga or a dog and maybe choose to graduate or maybe not and you are still a human being and there will always be collisions  or intersections of cultures but there will be no collision on issues of the value of human life; not just the life of a child but all life and that includes those older than colt 45(45 years old) and Labatt 50(50 years old). But, some of you wanted to think the beer companies were telling you how long you were supposed to live before you changed your name or your face. Is that it? What if there was a Colt 18 since this is what seems to be happening in the music that is telling you that you want to die so read Desiderata and be content with your own business names since you are not disabled but someone must believe you are and that you must join him in his disability that says you could multiply your talents and something greater or greater things you could do but you are supposed to give a criminal money to help him further his limited expectations of Black people as to creativeness or business creativeness while he stands in line to get signatures from Basketball players or soccer stars while he might quietly resent the black Car company designers and who knows why but he is going to jail since it is a criminal offense to defraud the public and suggest that you are collecting investments in relation to a business that you do not own while he allegedly has a High School diploma and driver's license to say he is not disabled and able to comprehend 'do not touch; fire' and 'do not alight here' but he might as well since he is....hmm!  How can I insult him when he is worthy of a devil's shameful  honor as resistance to community and peace as he kills, steals and destroys and can be identified accordingly in his free choice to embarrass himself and his mother or father? Be that as it may, there is a law that prevents such abuses of the public  and its time for him to have his public honor. Bring him to his honor!



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March 23rd, 2023. By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed. Incomplete There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also. Did you know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal? Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU. If we say "yes", then you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due. Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment. The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made. This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will participate in the design, conceptual and actual development of the idea and work as a company administrator. Click here.

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