Life God Harmony Multiple Choice Exam Question: 1. You meet a woman at a church conference and she says she is single and pretends to be the victim of domestic violence. Her former common law husband was charged and restrained. ClIck here for more.

Life God Harmony Multiple Choice Exam Question:

1. You meet a woman at a church conference  and she says she is single and pretends to be the victim of domestic violence.  Her former common law husband was charged and restrained 

Is this good or bad?


B. Bad 

C. Neutral

2. You exchange numbers and you are now both part of a church  youth group.  

Should you speak on the phone and be friendly, prayerful and Christian encouraging while you meet at Bible studies once a week for a bible discussion as part of your social schedule as you attempt to graduate from Law School or some kind of university program? You don't have to spend any money really.  You got a ride.  

Yes or no?  

3.  After ten years of entirely platonic friendship, a graduation  and the theft of your  previous job reference letters, a job offer and the survival of a car accident, she meets your family that lives in South  Africa.  She had also finished her GED sort of but told them she did not want to do the math course so she did not really finish and they gave her credit for her bible study work. She used this faith in herself as an evolving squirrel to get into University. She apparently finished  the university program in spite of the deficiency in her GED qualifications.  This was all pursuant to the friend's persistent encouragements.  He then encouraged her to do a Masters; be less of a squirrel really and stop talking about your bits and the Banana toffee pie. The banana toffee pie was not really a problem.  It turns out that the ex boyfriend was her father.  But, the missing documents are not her fault. There was a missing McDonald's job offer and contract also when he was 14 years old taken by the friend's father who says he stole it because he was not sure if, as the father, he needed it for himself some day. 

Is she a nice girl from all the evidence and how long will it take to see?  Yes or no?

4.  You gave her an old expired benk card just to hold on to you for you until  you see her again as she flies back to Australia.  

When she gets home, she uses the card in an attempt to pay for groceries Is this good or bad? 

5.  In the mean time, her ex boyfriend is with a new family and knows he is happy, when the church  conference woman is  arrested for using the card as she confirms with her grandfather that she was conceived with a drop of squirrel blood, she decides to dress half baked and attend her ex boyfriend's front door and ask him to rescue her, save her. As noted  above, he is also her father.  She does not contact the card owner who gave her the card in an ongoing hope to be family with him. She is not family and nor shall she ever be. She is now the the expert  on the Book of 2nd Peter 2:5.   

 Her reason is that she says she failed the eternal wrestle between man and woman for authority over the home. What wrestling is there if we are family.  Maybe she will come back to the Bible through 1st John 1. 

Should she notify and tell the friend that gave her the card just what happened with the card?   Her friend who gave her the card  could provide her with a potential legal defense also for her appeal; after defence. Yes or no? 

6. Her ex boyfriend helps but in the most sympathetic way possible. She also seeks help from the good friend's uncle Ozwalled.  He offers her an opportunity to dance for him at $1000.00 per month and she says no but he knocks on her door anyway and she soaps old men for £400.00 a month so she took the money and told him to leave or else she would call the cops. She eventually calls his number and says he is going to be arrested  if he comes back but would like to know if he would like to come back for a moment if he could just read the Bible to her.  He brings the money, leaves it  in her mail box and he reads the Bible to her but from her drive way and over the telephone. It was his favourite chapter about Jude but as he read it, he kept asking her if she heard of the book of Nude. She said, "I think you said Jude or tried to and I rebuke you in the name of the ...."What am I like?" If you think you are bad, leti see if you know 2nd Peter 2:14 since I already know what you think I am but now it's just a question of the price...not enough."   She confirmed, therefore, that she knows the book very very well.  The Bible study in Mallorca is not what it might ought to.   He eventually took £30,000.00 from her in some investment on the Nephew friend's condo. Then, he took another £30000.00 after the condo was sold and then the nephew bought a house. But, the nephew  has no idea who she is with or what she is doing except for the foreboding wisdom to just stay away.   For hip hop running man dancing with the Christian TV on to disguise the scenario, she only got £7000.00 as a naive (spell this word with a T after the A) woman.   She offers him some stolen waters... sweetened and home made. She made it herself.  Google "stolen waters are sweet."

She speaks inconsistently with the friend on the phone for the first time in 12 years and on social media.  She knew who he was as a wannabe law graduate. She knew about his Honda Accord and kept calling.  The friend severs all contact and says she can only contact him to return $600.00. He does not mention the bank card.  It was an old cancelled, expired card anyway.  All these things have caused us to respect every moment and ounce of prayer on this matter of who you should choose to spend your time with in private, washing dishes and with whose plaque you should share on your teeth.  This is because God has a wife life partner for us  who will also have and also raise the babies and everything will happen in the right time like in Ecclesiastes.  

7.  She is convicted of bank robbery and shop lifting in using the card.    Her GED and her degree were cancelled.  She did not complete the qualifications. 

8. Then, when she hears that the friend is buying a house, she offers £30,000.00 to own it if maybe something might happen to him. He suffers three break ins at his town home in Cape Town.  He survives the attempts and sells the home.  The money was given to the friend's uncle and he banked it at the small but popular hotel  in her local area. 

9. She found a poem in her grandmother's bible about a woman in a relationship of three people where there was a boss lady whose Vicar  husband and Vicar father went to World War 1,   leaving her to manage a home with the assistance of a  female domestic and a male handyman. The handy man and the domestic were sometime affectionate but the domestic could be overhead demeaning the handyman's hope to be a train engineer some day as that was a step up.   She just wanted him around all day; not up and down the train line doing all of those exciting things but she seems to have had a fear of abandonment.  She tended to sip the urine from the potty left under the bed of the various  guests as she was a more Aboriginal  kind, trying to find less if herself and more of another genome. So, she was like the Emperor putting on new clothing or we say the Domestic worker aboriginal  lady trying new dna where some were more decisive and confident. Some were working  on how save their own population financially in an emergency  national income support program and some were willing to sign the country over to the ASEAN and what do you  think since it's not bad so long as we have enough to buy the foods and pay rent at the same rate and ATP (ability  to pay) confidence as they do ?  

The boss lady was busy on her own but became  tired of the shouting and the domestic bad mouthing the gardener handy man who was her husband  sort of because you could hear them in the servant quarters, yawning and scratching a bit too long as commoners would who don't know  the purpose of the whole thing since it's more than yawning and scratching.  The handy man turned  out to be her father.  It is thanking God you have someone for every moment; even the more usual half a mo...a 30 second yawn maybe three times a day or maybe once.  Thank God you have a human back scratcher all to yourself.  The domestic lady was kind of in need of white acceptance and black expression but she was not really black. She read her bible every day, was very open and conversational  with the whiter people and she also had a photo of the Ethiopian in the Book of Acts on her bathroom wall for Black expression and he was topless in the photo. The Apostle was beside him, topless and black also.  She was kind of mulatto. 

Leave those people alone who are always calling someone with a CB Radio name like Cool  hand Jook to see if they have time to say something  that is longer than 30 seconds.  

But, then she remembered it has nothing to do with class as she yawned for a while once with an American member of the local rowing team who always had a cube of sugar in his pocket and was very popular with the ladies in the 1820's. The Cube of sugar  made him feel like a plantation owner since he owned the sugar but didn't really own anything otherwise. 

 It's just that popular  is one thing and having a place to lay your rowing paddle down for every day of the rest of your life is most important where it is appreciated just for being there and not for the duration of the row; innit?   The rower  eventually  married a 42nd Street dancer that decided not to have a baby until she was 70 or so when she would be just too old to dance as some might say and she preferred  to do this in hopes of performing one more time.   She didn't want to hear about 4 months and 6 pounds for birth; and that it would  actually  keep her feeling 16 forever.   She sent the 3 lb baby to the West Indies in a bottle and asked them to send a photo back if they could once they grew up.  

The boss lady took over this man's sense of dejection in her loneliness and her more "waste not want not " way of being. He has a whole bible.  She encouraged  him to take the domestic for a walk every so often and bring back a baby if one is on the way when she thought shez the boss lady, could  be the mother of the baby  anyway since the domestic drank her tea cups.  Shouldn't she be the authority?  She did not have any formal education really.  She also set her garbage receptacle can on fire in her bedroom and asked him if it was appropriate for him to help her put out her fire. 

  But, if you are fighting the English subconsciously and indirectly as a former senator and first lady from New York, wouldn't you fight the language's formal structure?  Shouldn't there be an apostrophe between the G and the S in the previous sentence? You ask what is an apostrophe?  She is aboriginally fighting the constitution? Maybe she could have a baby also but was fighting God as a resurrected aboriginal road kill; run over by a mail truck on the way to girl scouts in the 1920's and buried on the road side, vowing revenge on the Federal Government. Someone saw her shoe in the 1940's took the leather and boiled it, put it in her carnation milk for tea and her friend's 16 year old daughter who came to play cards during the war gave birth in 5 months. The baby came out and said, "I am here from the past to liberate  you from the violent tyranny of the Federal national mail truck.  You will see my authority over and above the constitution."

So, he put out the fire. It was his job. What is all of this innuendo? It was his job.....Top ranking... swimmingly!!    Is the income support turned back on yet for all the citizens? We ask because we are concerned that there is a fizzure in the establishment that has the position and the authority to solve the problems but is never solving it as if they wish to impeach the authority.  The problems are now pointing to genocide so it would  seem the fissure has corralled itself into a pickle of culpability and the ongoing  loss of integrity. They couldn't expect to say they are immune to...and what is it really....except some kind of stratagem to do things half kiel in some game to impeach  the authority? Now, the tube trains are full of vomit. No one does anything to clean it up. It's just the same as not paying all your citizens an income support benefit regardless of gender. We are all exotic peoples and the money will helps us do things that are exciting like buy and manage a Nando's Restaurant.  

 We honor the monarch.    We would ask that the economy and the the decorum  of the Tube and all public transit honor him also.  A dirty tube  train and a flirty Economy or under funded people in Canada or the UK are not congruous with Joe's posterity or that of the Monarch. 

 This continued secretly for many years; in secret.  Eventually, the boss lady went to the West Indies to teach and never came back.  The servants did not get the house. It was the American rower who could be her son and and his sister equally as they read the Bible with her and worked to help her sell more cattle with her cattle sales license.  

The boss lady was eventually  found by an English cop walking on the beach and she said to him,  "Walk this this say...give me a kiss or should I say just a teaspoon of sugar helps the Marmite and Ambrosia go down..innit? Come make we walk and talk. Let me tell you something right now.  I am not your wife but come, let me show you something. It's the Geneva 1599 bible and if you follow it at the chapter  for Numbers 5, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free...see me now.  Hold on...hold on.  Is that another human, a human growing inside of me...a baby? Then, thank the Lord... good because there is a father......I will be right back Mr.English and by the way, did you know I say Warren was a West Indian  representative of the West Indian in the London exam room and we did good!! He graduated and he is now a London Firm Researcher. He also was hired at the Bank to be an editor's for the IPO Department.  We raised him and made him do math questions  in the summer vacation and this is in spite of his Fathah who stole his  McDonald job offer and his Fluminense football contract.  He inveigled  with them.   But, in spite of this he graduated and we celebrated  and we still celebrate because he did nothing wrong and can answah your problem question; help we...innit?  I don't know why his Fathah acts like he is too worth something now and cannot enjoy his school ribbons and little soccer trophies after his graduation or its the sister?   

He is a good boy, .......Nigel...Nigel the baby number 9 a come right yah so rather properly....bring de scissors to cut the...cut the cord? So now what will I do if there is  girl child in the set some day that will steal the mail belonging to the other nine in an effort to be the only one, get everything and who will steal the property of the others? The more I eat lizard like bacon with my eggs, I don't know what will happen....trouble in the camp...moonshine tonight? We need to defend the mail and our country at home and abroad.  Who resorts to stealing the mail for hegemony or as a show of cultural  resistance? But in spite  of the educational resistance that might continue as they may have a point about DNA  and practical knowledge as a way of propagating skills vs. books, we will still need the guaranteed income support just like all other peoples. The Caymans  have such a support  more than $20,000.00 per year Income support.  The Trinidadians and the Grenadians have $30,000.00 USD so what is a Herod Jamaican to resist what is de best and what is de standard as he celebrates his death before he enjoys his insignificance?   I use salt in my kettle to get the lime scale to go; not pot cleaner, Drano or CLR since that would kill my grandson's teeth when I give him a cup of hot cocoa. Say "hot chocolate!"

Who is he that refuses full income support and full education as a show of cultural resistance? Who is he that tolerates  a partial income support paid to some  of the people but not all of the people?  You are at war with  yourself.   Maybe it's the Hobbits  or still wild West Indian Iroquois who would steal from the other Iroquois that finish their formal exams, cutting  his own community  in two.  They act like he is no longer West Indian  since he finished primary Grade school in a formal ceremony around 17 years old, on his way to High School.  He was drugged up severely and was  terribly slow as a child but we would not give up and he finished his formal Airlines exams when he was 38 years old with all of those management questions about law and contracts and criminal law.   He works as a ramp agent.     

 The job offer showed up by mail this time and by email also since you have to use an email address to make the bad word applications so why not send the email job offer? I am mistaken that was not the job offer but an Airline emailed ticket promotion and it looks like grand dad Sam fei  man has the job offer or a copy of it on his telephone. He has been fighting  grandma in his own way since she turned 65 as she is a classy  haggler turned dress shop owner and he wants her money for his inheritance but grand dad is not her child and why would he want it for inheritance now that she is turning 65 years old so it has been Sam fei vs. haggler since she turned 65 as he opens her doors, spits in her son's fridge for hegemony and spits in her son's milk, surfs her mail box or asks his more cave man kind to help with the wacko daughter  who shows no personal awareness of this COVID and Granny should get better celebration than  this at her age after all her faithfulness?"  I can't guarantee  her son employment, or  I could in the Dutch culture  or any cool hybrid Dutch  North American culture where they have $50,000.00 income support guaranteed and also the option to participate in a government employment placement when you sign up and all are accepted, but I can guarantee everyone has an income support,  that the mail is delivered and received by all recipients. I guarantee that her deposits and RRSPS are protected. Granny is not an inheritance football  game so Bad Word to you now if you don't just Bad Word. You have your own granny.

Me!!;  No sah.  I am a Mazda CX90 Jamaican or West Indian.  Don't we all want to feel like the interior of a Mazda CX90 with seven seats?  How can we work this out? There is just  one thing about this culture war. Did Blade Runner in its suggestions of multiculturalism say the English don't have any money? Everyone has money in Blade Runner or else it's a losing Economy for Toyota and Volkswagen.  

Anyway, the  second generation of this Anthropology has found itself re enacting this scenario de trois with the boss lady, the domestic and  handy man.   The head Sunday Deacon's daughter who is also a good Middle School graduate is the boss lady now with the Sunday School dropout's boy friend, appreciating  him and being his wife essentially but she has not had a wedding and she is 51 years old  now and has never had any baby as if she is waiting  to retire from dancing or she is relying on a more willing kind that might be the squirrelly lady for this baby birthing job and the guy is cutting her grass...and putting out her garbage.  Her family has not complained.  She also lends him out to the squirrelly lady to resolve his issues with this squirrelly dropout girl who is also our star squirrelly character.  


10. It was just a matter of time that her squirrelly ways would have been revealed as we test the motivations to see if they were from God. Maybe a kiss was to be more effective than an expired credit card. It never happened.  This is because God has a wife life partner for us  who will also have and also raise the babies and everything will happen in the right time. Her motives were competition in the end and to be essentially single in the end or to be in an adulterous liaison, finally coveting what she once had and that she had attempted to destroy.  In going back to it, she is finally  at rest and has now amassed 90 convictions before the Court.  It is where she must remain.  She will have a powerful testimony once she gets it right and is thankful.  Her favourite bible chapter is 1st John 1. She is now a joint heir because of her repentance. Is she; we pray?   The Pastors pray she will be a champion in Romans 7.  She will be a champion.  

By Juan A. Gudson.


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