The yard, the congregation or the trailer park or the tribe(of Israel) and the proviso not to call any man father but your father in Heaven. Click here.

 The yard, the congregation or the trailer park or the tribe(of Israel)  and the proviso not to call any man father but your father in Heaven. Click here. 

It helps to say you are a son of Jacob, son of Israel every so often because you have a family and community. But, we need to honour some wisdom as given to us by the yard or the regenerative practices of the ancient Middle East near the turn of the 1st Century AD.    In the first chapter of Matthew, it says Jacob begat and then it says Issac and David begat also.  It also Joseph, Mary's husband who may also be Joseph of of Arimathea also begat and  arrived after all that was begotten. He was a fertile man and a good teacher.  But, then if we had a father, how are we not supposed to call him father in public?  There could be something.  It seems Israel begat but then maybe he also honoured the sons who honoured him and mixed things up a bit.  It could be for various reasons but maybe Jesus is really Solomon's son or we say the son of God but this is not really fair though if you have to endure life in Israel as the son of God(the son of Solomon maybe based on temperament etc but we say the son of God).  So we honour our fathers who ever he or shim may be. See how Solomon found a way to judge who is the real mother. The real mother will not cut the baby in question in two.  The pretenders might do so.  Maybe the real mother ensures you get your mail. Maybe she ensures you get a money transfer sent to her but in your name; something like that and she knows you are the intended recipient.  Jesus found a way to judge the "adulterer"  and the "adulterer" instead of stoning the woman. He says those who have not sinned can cast the first DONUT HOLE OR Tim bit.  What if it's David or Gideon in the mix and we dont know who in Israel is the part Philistine or who might have shown up from out of town  who says you might owe him something way back in the now mutual, combined ancestry; I say both. This is what you have to understand.  All have sinned and fall  short of the glory of God.  

 . Maybe he is from Poquoson, Virginia.    

Who is thWee real daughter? Who is the real son? They will honour you  but they will not rush you into the grave in some kind of impatience about inheritance. The real wife will not Dishonor you rashly. See the "House of Gucci" movie.  The real wife will work with you to honour what your faith says you must honour; the 11 commands. See Exodus 34.   These commands are also commands od communal, economic survival.  You are running low and sacked with only 10 commandments. But, the Lord has given you the lands of milk and honey to tell Europe and Egypt what you think you understand.  

The Bible says in the yard  or in the congregation where you see five or six men who could he your father, that you must honour all the old men like fathers and the young men like cousins, good food friends etc...but it does say like brothers since they could be.  Help where you can.  Show some team work. Be reasonable.  But, you don't have to risk your life.  Treat the old men and women  as you wish to be treated and the young as you would wish to be treated.  Where you fail, you must forgive yourself.  A conscience is not technology and I don't know if hungry dogs that eat your sheep or your cats WHEN THEY NEED, IF THEY NEED are angry when you tell them that they should be guilty, that they should be sorry for those jelly beans or that card they should not have tried to use. I don't know. But, forgive yourself. Just have companionship with that butler man of yours. Think of it as abusing him or as a free benefit and to be with him and him only; forever as your masseuse and butler and you shop together and he will defer to your wishes. He will watch out for himself. 

Do you need to be accepted?  Do you need people to make you feel accepted?  Why would you need anyone to make you feel accepted?  You need to just say you are a son or daughter of Israel?  I think your mobile phone is messing you up.  

Israel was a man who became a tribe that moved to a nation called Egypt to learn, as a tribe, about nations and nation building or nation management. Essentially, Israel is a School of civilization.  It is a proponent or lectern for what Israel learned while in Egypt.  It learned many laws of critical importance to ensure that we can survive as a human kind. So, wash your hands.  We are having a baby; maybe 15 babies  and two sets of children that we will send off to college by 17 where they will have an income support by 15 years old in any event.  Some will be called Reilly Leipzig but he is really Irish.  Yet, he will be more....more European as Leipzig or as a Holst; maybe and will be reminiscent of that Maxell Tape advert;  the usual sir?    Isn't it, Let'S say, more Genuinely aboriginal to, let's say, leave your back door open at nighttime so that you can feel that original Aboriginal feeling to everything, trusting God for every breath or every fish in that fateful, faithful God we trust and maybe the wolf ate you or maybe you lived and all the Original French people today and the Japanese people today all  trust  God in the automated income support. They still  fish and their App-e phone designed for their markets make them double lock the back door. You should see.  

Essentially, the accidental benefit of calling no man father but your father in Heaven is to deny the earthly mortal coil of the mortal ancestry and limitation  and follow the  Spirit; the Helig Geist. Zeit Helig Geist.  As such while we have all come into existence involving a male seed as  begotten, we may not all have that father in front of us to shelter and protect or also maybe destroy our esteem and confidence. We could be fatherless and if we are, God is the God of the fatherless. 

Now, let's see who we have here...concerto piano, fortissimo and contata by 17 years old and writes their own music. So, then this could be Mozart DNA.

So, what do we have here?  We have 1 goal a game by 9 years old with an Azzuri squad in some English country.  

So, what do we have here.  I see 1st Kings 13.  What were you told to say or told to believe  for your freedom?   Well, maybe it will work out this way for everyone so that they have obtained something from experience like caution.  But, maybe Moses is your father. He was told to strike the rock and then speak to a rock. If God is teaching, what do you do?  If Yoda is teaching, what do you do? You do as he says. I have never seen a Yoda but I have seen a Priest, Pastor and a football coach and a lecturer teach and prepare people for the game or for more of what they can see and enjoy in thankfulness. There is also the martial arts teacher. Maybe you read the four spiritual laws. A white guy gave them to me.  A few of us had some breakfast once at a church conference.  They were written by Bill Bright; could save your life.  

Then, there is the woman who will plug the toilet with horribleness if you cleaned it because she says the toilet is her authority as the descendants of domestic workers.   So, how could, how dare you  clean a toilet in proximity to her ? She also lied and said she bought the bread.  But, she never did.  It was your wife. But, she was competing for approval. So, what do we have here?  We see your back door open.  We see your phone is an App-e phone and this is the phone used by your son who is only 12 who believes he will be closer to God if the backdoor is  open. So, he leaves it open.  The family down the road disappeared and it was a nice that they had. They said, there was no forced entry.  Maybe the phone can occupy your temperament, force the temperament of antithesis upon you. In fact, It's like a Jim Jones Mass suicide phone. 

Anyway it's good to have people and if you are honouring anything then you need to honour them with more than a yard.  You need to have a generation you can identify and who will carry the name of Israel forward with your own unique experience and your  Super Hero  DVD  collection into the future.  You need an Oikos.  Regardless of who you father and mother really are, you need to honour  the people, the mother and father who life, God  and family has assigned you to. They really could be your real family anyway. Stop worrying about what you are supposed to get and from whom. You got what you are supposed to get. Be thankful.  Be Happy.  Start your own TRADITION like Patek Philipe  used to say in their advertising.   

You are good!  You!!! You did a good job. I loved the sauce, the gravy...the chicken.  

You are good mademoiselle!  You did a great job!  

The most important three words at the back of your mind and everything you do is," I am good." You need to think it and don't that burden on anyone else. But, I promise to help and tell you when I can.  

See Romans 7 and also 1st John 1: 9 about all that comprises you.  

I am not Billy Graham, Charles Stanley, a Pastor Bernard or any one like that who I regard.   But, I thought I would share. God can do it.  

Think about those good people who gave you corn flakes once and thank them.

It's good to have people.  Thank them.  


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