You've been there for four days at $250.00 per day at the hotel. The UK Assylum card you have as an assylum seeker only dispenses $300.00 per day as you are a citizen of Goodawanada; a new state found in Northern New York. You booked a hotel room for 30 days but for 20 days at $200.00 per day, you were soo excited about the hotel and the included breakfast that you did not remember to take the daily cash from the machine in preparation to pay the final hotel bill and your credit card was not assigned but it has an available credit balance of $1995.00. So, what do you do when the police come as you cannot pay the bill? Will you rob the bank across the road from the hotel and hope to come back and pay the bill? No; just go to Rocket Loans online and they will pay the bill or maybe you could ask with the hotel to pay what you can on an account so long as you pay and if you don't keep paying through the online bill payment with your bank, they will send henchman. How could you be Jamaican and not know how to buy a property? How could you be a Jamaican and not understand all kinds of Jamaicans do great things like own a law firm as a law graduate? He's not really Jamaican though. He's Egyptian. #_&-+()/"':. #"':;!@#+ *"#*:!@*" You are being taken as a fool if you think you are more of a queen than Dannette. You seem to think Dannette has guaranteed you a choice of spouses. Warren is not on the list as one of your choices. He let go years ago when you stole his football shoes and then called the police to accuse him of an argument. The police said give the shoes back. They left. You did not give them back. He decided to let you keep them if you really needed them and he got a deal on some Adidas and then scored a hatrick at Regents Park. But, he is happy that you are doing well; a new school teacher and enjoying a newer three bed house in the public housing; classy! It has built in Alexa. It can't speak back but it listens. But, you went to Chicago and left the front door open on your new 3 bed house. Warren has children with his other girlfriends or former girlfriends; I think. I'm pretty sure. He had children with you due to Geronimo's culture, long before you met him. Joy has two of them because of Ms. Veronique Arthur. When you, Delila, think you are losing a husband choice or husband option because you believed in God about something, you abandon that something to ensure you do not lose any sense of approval you imagine in the husband choice being a choice. It's your imagination. You abuse drugs. You took four drug pills again. I didn't hear his name. I think his name is "Bitch Up Frank" and he has been sexing something while wearing blindfolds on and there is a video. He coveted a farmer girl at church who took $50.00 out of the offering plate who cannot...."you know" so she invited him to a party and said it would be Secret. She put blind folds on him and said she is going to get comfortable and it's a suprise. It was big, huge and tremendous. Another woman walked in and he got to do it but he cannot confirm how old she is. It turns out that she was 17 years old; I think... maybe. It's hard to say. Her father was a mechanic for 20 years and Bitch Up killed him after a newspaper article was published about his excellent work, giving him recognition for serving the community as a mechanic. He told the 9000 member church that the mechanic is a Target of his and that they should come to him for the oil changes; not the mechanic. Bitchup Frank's son named Harass stole the mechanic's K Swiss running shoes and his Eddie Bower jacket right after the article was published, saying "I will be him." He left his boots at the mechanic's home and hoped he would wear them, something about he would be the mechanic. The mechanic's wife and family were on some anthropological electric rails in the centre of Buckwellyoudidshiree( see the ramen and jamen in front of you in the thicket) so that they publicly resent rules of conveyancing and real property transfer and ownership but want to own and would risk giving someone a £100,000.00 at his front door without a contract while hoping they would move out. It was her mother's £100,000.00 saved from cleaning jobs. It is good to want to own. But, you never bought a stove, fridge or vehicle without a written contract. They called the police and arrested her for harassing the owner named Warren who was a Litigation Director. See his fun history page at Londinium Photo Directory. You are not in the picture. So, Bitchup Frank was arrested for assault as she could not consent legally. She was a squirrel and could not understand copulation meant family or she presumed you would understand squirrel language and just follow her every where she goes without any verbal or written social media communications; no Facebook, no email, no texts. Instead, you will my uncle who ate squirrel burgers at Burger FU to cut my car door. If you did not take up and leave your job, she was squirrled angry. She did send an unmarked gift but there is no phone call. Yes she could actually consent if he was sure of something or anything about this situation; situations and intentions; Friend or foe? But, he has blind folds on. He's blind and failed to Check her ID. She was not too young or he is not sure. They extorted him but she was really 17 years old and was about to convocate at Manchester but failed to do so as she was using Warren's essays. I am very sure of it. I know. She has a Michael Jordan poster on the wall and wore Davidoff; oooooooh aaaaaaah but nothing ever did really happen; not the right time. He barely knew her. But, she got enough attention to be a mother. He looked at her over a water glass and she sipped from it and then he breathed over it in prayer at Alone Square as it seems he was told she was dropping out. He is not sure why he heard this. The farmer girl came back in for a little feel up...a little oxygen. Her name was Shooseane and was shopping for a boob job as she was never born with any. She was hoping to inherit the man's house and your house. They stole his wallet with his blindfolds on and his car keys and he was often late for work after this party. They also have his oyster card. They wanted to see him dead so they could inherit the vehicle.; an Audi. .@#"'::;*;✓. The music had a chorus about "I am hot for you." It was House music. The last time it happened was four or five days ago. He ended up in situations like this but knew who he was dealing with. But, these people were real Spanish Town pirates from Danada. Bitch Up Frank's wife could not have sex also as she could know. Anyway, none of this ever did really happen and he decided to just get a Hagar from Clarendon who was the birth mother of his children from now on with his wife. His wife ran his Bitch Up office for his new Bitch Up Prick. The 17 year old put a device on and when she started dancing, his Bitch Up Prick expanded and the device with a circular razor blade cut into it and she took it to the farm girl who added it to her collection. She went to church the next day and played the piano. The congregation applauded. She decided to quit being angry as she needed a family; not just oxygen and decided to stay with the trumpeter who was a bit fudsy dudsy so he decided to shave the old hair off and look as cool as Samuel Jackson, the big actor. The car keys were found in a pub and the oyster card by a cool footballer and so he returned them once it could be ascertained that they belonged to Bitch Up who had been drugged with some offering wine at his third Ice's house who could not really. She was born a boy like the farmer girl; Shoesanne who cooked a mean pasta and at least chose good cologne for her job as an FCC director employee with her grade 10 education. She was not born with authority but suffered it, being changed on birth day and now was compensated with an opportunity to exercise Authority over little things like how many times Robert would have to rewrite his music teacher exams even though he passed it the first time and also ordering that every Bitch Up gets a full 3 years of attendance at the restaurant named Divinity to understand the importance of a pasta on Sunday to all the people. No exam was required. He invited Warren to give a talk about his photos from his travels. We all need acceptance but it's cheaper and more cost effective and more stable as you accept yourself instead of relying on other people. This says you have authority over your sense of worth, your self value and worth. You wear Seiko. Others may not feel that is the brand for them. Christopher Columbus may have had an innate sense of Authority from an early age. He's the captain. He should be winning. He should be the....master of the house and the captain of your fate. It should at least be equal. Maybe you have technology that can help me be more efficient. What can Honda learn from the Germans with Volkswagen and Porsche about building vehicles? Honda started with motorcycles. The Germans had a mature vehicle design culture about 40 years ahead of the Japanese who started building four wheel vehicles in the 1930's. You learn they can be so well balanced that traction in the winter going up icy hills is no problem with traction that marvels with well balanced torque in the low gear to get you where you are going. Toyota discovered something in auto racing with their Denso LMP1 vehicles using a three speed gear box. You get more compression and you save time in changing with higher average speed. A black guy discovered something thinking about the problem with space travel being refueling. With a self refueling shop that recycles food waste and human waste that is converted into hydrogen, then the ship does not have to return to Earth for fuel or get shipments of hydrogen for the fuel cell. Ultimately, you have lower fuel to weight ratio. You can build larger ships with more imaginative designs. This is Warren A. Lyon's Prions to Power™ or P2E™ concept. So, learning aids the captain's authority and position and how can he maintain his position if he can't direct the sails in the ship or understand how to rudder the boat? How can he be a captain if he does not know how to read a compass? He may have to digest his ego and unbridled emotions to be able to sit down and allow anyone to teach him anything since who are you to tell him anything, teach him anything when he is the boss and you don't teach him, he teaches you and if you tell him anything you are just serving him. You are not the boss. How can you be the head of the law firm if you can't teach the students in the firm how to file the documents requisite for the Court date if any documents are required? How can you be the head if you don't know how to explain Court procedures. Well, you could be the head of it as you have sales skills and your headship is nominal. But, if your unbridled emotions blinding logic as induced by phone frequencies say you need to kick the actual graduate lawyer out of his own firm to be the headship and you could work with him as invited, then you are an anthropoloigical marvel as an Absalom. You keep harassing him and you think the world is understanding what you are doing before you realise they are just taking notes, making observation as much of your confident that they understand is based on the fact that you say you are lighter, taller and more, more white you say by one shading it seems of Mocha Brown. Maybe the firm is so big that you are the head of it just nominally for sales and marketing. Warren is the head of Angel Ronan L.a.w. We do research. So, authority is aided by education in that you can teach others and help yourself and defend yourself.


You've been there for four days at $250.00 per day at the hotel.

The UK Assylum card you have as an assylum seeker only dispenses $300.00 per day as you are a citizen of Goodawanada; a new state found in Northern New York.  You booked a hotel room for 30 days but for 20 days at $200.00 per day, you were soo excited about the hotel and the included breakfast that you did not remember to take the daily cash from the machine in preparation to pay the final hotel bill and your credit card was not assigned but it has an available credit balance of $1995.00. So, what do you do when the police come as you cannot pay the bill? Will you rob the bank across the road from the hotel and hope to come back and pay the bill?   No; just go to Rocket Loans online and they will pay the bill or maybe you could ask with the hotel  to pay what you can on an account so long as you pay and if you don't keep paying through the online bill payment with your bank, they will send henchman.    How could you be Jamaican and not know how to buy a property?  How could you be a Jamaican and not understand all kinds of Jamaicans do great things like own a law firm as a law graduate?    He's not really Jamaican though.  He's Egyptian.     #_&-+()/"':. #"':;!@#+ *"#*:!@*" You are being taken as a fool if you think you are more of a queen than Dannette.  You seem to think Dannette has guaranteed you a choice of spouses. Warren is not on the list as one of your choices.   He let go years ago when you stole his football shoes and then called the police to accuse him of an argument. The police said give the shoes back.  They left. You did not give them back.  He decided to let you keep them if you really needed them and he got a deal on some Adidas and then scored a hatrick at Regents Park.           But, he is happy that you are doing well; a new school teacher and enjoying a newer three bed house in the public housing; classy!  It has built in Alexa.  It can't speak back but it listens.    But, you went to Chicago and left the front  door open on your new 3 bed house.    Warren has children with his other girlfriends or former girlfriends; I think.  I'm pretty sure.  He had children with you due to Geronimo's culture, long before you met him.  Joy has two of them because of Ms. Veronique  Arthur.     When you, Delila,  think you are losing a husband choice or husband option because you believed in God about something, you abandon that something to ensure you do not lose any sense of approval you imagine in the husband choice  being a choice.    It's your imagination.  You abuse drugs.  You took four drug pills again.     I didn't hear his name.  I think his name is "Bitch Up Frank" and he has been sexing something while wearing blindfolds on and there is a video. He coveted a farmer girl at church who took $50.00 out of the offering plate who cannot...."you know" so she invited him to a party and said it would be Secret. She put blind folds on him and said she is going to get comfortable and it's a suprise.   It was big, huge and tremendous.      Another woman walked in and he got to do it but he cannot confirm how old she is.  It turns out that she was 17 years old; I think... maybe. It's hard to say. Her father was a mechanic for 20 years and Bitch Up killed him after a newspaper article was published about his excellent work, giving him recognition for serving the community as a mechanic.       He told the 9000 member church that the mechanic is a Target of his and that they should come to him for the oil changes; not the mechanic. Bitchup Frank's son named Harass stole the mechanic's K Swiss running shoes and his Eddie Bower jacket right after the article was published, saying "I will be him."  He left his boots at the mechanic's home and hoped he would wear them, something about he would be the mechanic.   The mechanic's wife and family  were on some anthropological electric rails in the centre of Buckwellyoudidshiree( see the ramen and jamen in front of you in the thicket) so that they publicly resent rules of conveyancing and real property transfer and ownership but want to own and would risk giving someone a £100,000.00 at his front door without a contract while hoping they would move out.    It was her mother's £100,000.00 saved from cleaning jobs.   It is good to want to own. But, you never bought a stove, fridge or vehicle without a written contract.     They called the police and arrested her for harassing the owner named Warren who was a Litigation Director.   See his fun history page at Londinium Photo Directory.   You are not in the picture.    So, Bitchup Frank was arrested for assault as she could not consent legally.    She was a squirrel and could not understand copulation meant family or she presumed you would understand squirrel language and just follow her every where she goes without any verbal or written social media communications; no Facebook, no email, no texts. Instead, you will my uncle who ate squirrel burgers at Burger FU to cut my car door.    If you did not take up and leave your job, she was squirrled angry.   She did send an unmarked gift but there is no phone call.     Yes she could actually consent if he was sure of something or anything about this situation; situations and intentions;  Friend or foe?  But, he has blind folds on.  He's blind and failed to Check her ID.   She was not too young or he is not sure. They extorted him but she was really 17 years old and was about to convocate at Manchester but failed to do so as she was using Warren's essays.  I am very sure of it.  I know. She has a Michael Jordan poster on the wall and wore Davidoff; oooooooh aaaaaaah but nothing ever did really happen; not the right time.  He barely knew her. But, she got enough attention to be a mother. He looked at her over a water glass and she sipped from it and then he breathed over it in prayer at Alone Square as it seems he was told she was dropping out. He is not sure why he heard this.    The farmer girl came back in for a little feel up...a little oxygen.  Her name was Shooseane and was shopping for a boob job as she was never born with any.  She was hoping to inherit the man's house and your house.  They stole his wallet with his blindfolds on and his car keys and he was often late for work after this party.  They also have his oyster card.   They wanted to see him dead  so they could inherit the vehicle.; an Audi.   .@#"'::;*;✓.   The music had a chorus about "I am hot for you." It was House music.      The last time it happened was four or five days ago.  He ended up in situations like this but knew who he was dealing with.  But, these people were real Spanish Town pirates from Danada.  Bitch Up Frank's wife could not have sex also as she could know.  Anyway, none of this ever did really happen and he decided to just get a Hagar from Clarendon who was the birth mother of his children from now on with his wife.  His wife ran his Bitch Up office for his new Bitch Up Prick.  The 17 year old put a device on and when she started dancing, his Bitch Up Prick expanded and the device with a circular razor blade cut into it and  she took it to the farm girl who added it to her collection.  She went to church the next day and played the piano. The congregation applauded. She decided to quit being angry as she needed a family; not just oxygen and decided to stay with the trumpeter who was a bit fudsy dudsy so he decided to shave the old hair off and look as cool as Samuel Jackson, the big actor.  The car keys were found in a pub and the oyster card by a cool footballer and so he returned them once it could be ascertained that they belonged to Bitch Up who had been drugged with some offering wine at his third Ice's house who could not really. She was born a boy like the farmer girl; Shoesanne who cooked a mean pasta and at least chose good cologne for her job as an FCC director employee with her grade 10 education. She was not born with authority but suffered it, being changed on birth day and now was compensated with an opportunity to exercise Authority over little things like how many times Robert would have to rewrite his music teacher  exams even though he passed it the first time and also  ordering that every Bitch Up gets a full 3 years of attendance at the restaurant named Divinity to understand the importance of a  pasta on Sunday to all the people. No exam was required.    He invited Warren to give a talk about his photos from his travels.      We all need acceptance but it's cheaper and more cost effective and more stable as you accept yourself instead of relying on other people.  This says you have authority over your sense of worth, your self value and worth.  You wear Seiko. Others may not feel that is the brand for them.  Christopher Columbus may have had an innate sense of Authority from an early age.  He's the captain.  He should be winning. He should be the....master of the house and the captain of your fate.   It should at least be equal. Maybe you have technology that can help me be more efficient.  What can Honda learn from the Germans with Volkswagen and Porsche about building vehicles?  Honda started with motorcycles.  The Germans had a mature vehicle design culture about 40 years ahead of the Japanese who   started building four wheel vehicles in the 1930's.    You learn they can be so well balanced that traction in the winter going up icy hills is no problem with traction that marvels with well balanced torque in the low gear to get you where you are going. Toyota discovered something in auto racing with their Denso LMP1 vehicles using a three speed gear box. You get more compression and you save time in changing with higher average speed.    A black guy discovered something thinking about the problem with space travel being refueling.   With a self refueling shop that recycles food waste and human waste that is converted into hydrogen, then the ship does not have to return to Earth for fuel or get shipments of hydrogen for the fuel cell.  Ultimately, you have lower fuel to weight ratio.  You can build larger ships with more imaginative designs. This is Warren A. Lyon's Prions to Power™ or P2E™ concept.        So, learning aids the captain's authority and position and how can he maintain his position if he can't direct the sails in the ship or understand how to rudder the boat? How can he be a captain if he does not know how to read a compass?     He may have to digest his ego and unbridled emotions to be able to sit down and allow anyone to teach him anything since who are you to tell him anything, teach him anything when he is the boss and you don't teach him, he teaches you and if you tell him anything you are just serving him.  You are not the boss.    How can you be the head of the law firm if you can't teach the students in the firm  how to file the documents requisite for the Court date if any documents are required?  How can you be the head if you don't know how to explain Court procedures.  Well, you could be the head of it as you have sales skills and your headship is nominal.  But, if your unbridled emotions blinding logic as induced by phone frequencies say you need to kick the actual graduate lawyer out of his own firm to be the headship and you could work with him as invited, then you are an anthropoloigical marvel as an Absalom. You keep harassing him and you think the world is understanding what you are doing before you realise they are just taking notes, making observation as much of your confident that they understand is based on the fact that you say you are lighter, taller and more, more white you say by one shading it seems of Mocha Brown.     Maybe the firm is so big that you are the head of it just  nominally for sales and marketing.    Warren is the head of Angel Ronan L.a.w.   We do research.    So, authority is aided by education in that you can teach others and help yourself and defend yourself.                


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March 23rd, 2023. By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed. Incomplete There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also. Did you know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal? Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU. If we say "yes", then you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due. Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment. The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made. This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will participate in the design, conceptual and actual development of the idea and work as a company administrator. Click here.

Click here. 25 June 2024. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay. By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports. Money is an economic and legal formality along with the regular and consistent provision of money to every benefit recipient in the country. It maintains the population and we are happy to see others join us since he who has the most people wins since with people, you maintain your territory, dominion and your hegemony. You can expand and join other populations. You can afford to maintain yourself in any part of the world. You keep pace with the imagined competition. Is it Russia? They fund 100% of their population. They see that across Canada and the US, only 48% of the population is funded and it is as low as 28% in the US alone. So, then the other 72% of under funded Americans is the real issue behind weak consumer stimulus. It is rumored that Kenya has decided to increase its income support by .90 cents an hour. We are all the canary in the mine to say there is too much poison in the foods; DDT etc and it's illegal. We can have black legal counsel. Actually, we do have some. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavors that they must, will be sold; The Russians have always had a consistent buyer market with sufficient consumer stimulus since they always had an income support. You add to this a product diversity, choice and excited consumerism and you have the largest consumer market in the world; larger than America; absorbing American made and also Chinese goods with a certainty unseen in America that the goods will be sold. China is quite similar as it is certain that the citizen or the consumer as the citizen or benefit recipient has money. The benefit is paid by the government and not intercepted by any thieves in the banking system and when would such a fiasco be overlooked for years, affecting the economy and the government's plans? The Americans, in their talk about capitalism have missed their own point when you talk about marketing and selling where there is no market of regular, certain buyers while they focus on the freedom their system promises to adventuring marketers to create a gazillion candy bars, soft drinks, toys and new gadgets with product designers involving new product creation that is met by always comparatively low consumer stimulus and low buyer certainty. We asked why. One answer is the country still sees itself as a hinter land where the old east sees the burgeoning west with places like Utah, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Colorado as a land of wild heathens next to Vermont and that should not have this Vermont type income support until they can sing three church hymns from memory. So, the Vermont school teacher is the principal of the school in Colorado but the income support is still comparatively low so you sing the hymns, cross your T's and dot your I's and you must have sung the hymns by 1860, 1914, 1929 or 1939 but you still have not received the income support in sufficient amounts that are comparable to the east so you can wash in the river and be clean; buy the goods, obtain the goods without use of violence and consume what is being sold and offered to you with a seamless amount of consumer buying power across the country. Some are confused by the word or concept of Demand but "Demand" means "Buying Power." Supply must meet Buying Power/demand in sufficient measure or else the goods in the store do not sell and the manufacturer does not earn enough money and would have to close down in the usual case; a disaster. This is something that armed conflict within the country or with other countries cannot solve. It is about what you have done to you and your own people; what you have done to you. In our observation, it means the old east has some baring on what is happening in the country. The next issue is whether the people in the west would find it hard maybe in some hunter gatherer cultural resistance to just ensure every citizen in that region is above and beyond any want or need to fend and live off the land; hunt for a rabbit. But, wouldn't you need a knife at least to cut it and share it or you would eat it all by yourself with your hands?