A man is Egyptian and respected by white AMERICANS WITH HIS Afro hair and celebrated, different. If his children are born in America and speak American English, gosh darn, dogeonit, hostess cupcakes, they are black and might get to understand the struggle, keeping hope alive that change may come to America. We have to be aware of the pigmy foreigners who joined Accompong Town and want to cause contention as cultural orphans. They tend to be cultural orphans much like all other Aboriginals. The European Hegemonists say they have no culture but could you say sushi is not aboriginal Japanese culture. You must define yourself and promote your own culture as a "culture" but what if you suffer in the culture gap where your original culture has been obliterated maybe an Iroquois culture or some other Aborigine culture possibly from Goat Island and following socioeconomic intimidation, you are asked to hide in and adorn your self in and adopt a culture, maybe Spanish, maybe Latino Anglo Creole my honey bunch, maybe a phone system or phone culture, "appl", also as you are told you will be accepted? The phone system also seems to be demanding that you cannot rest until you acknowledge your real original culture no matter how many kinds of mustard or pizza or curries you may still continue to eat. You are a Bushman pigmy in many cases deep down, singing American rap songs as a six foot tall American girl in Oklahoma who can acknowledge the power of dietary differences with all that horse and cow milk blended together and sold on the supermarket shelf. With Nike's, a basketball bravado and a Black American accent and swagger assumed within one generation, you would never know this was a bushman who may suffer a bit as a cultural orphan but with all that support and reinforcement, you go boy, go on girl, you have a fortification and cultural support in the blackness and you will eat your pounded yam in the school cafeteria for lunch and show them, breathe a bit as these Americans could never be as clean as an African; so your granny says. Also, they never respect Egypt enough as being in Africa. Your math grades are higher for your intellectual honesty that they miss, an humanizing intellectual honest they fail to arrive at as they borrow culture and steal technology in the pirate Wayfair shipwreck tradition seen in the West Indies in their effort to feel a false sense of hegemony over the entire world. The technology is borrowed but the need or tendency to seek hegemony over others is Columbus and Cabot. The pigmy is a pure blood in his psychology and may resent every decision he makes in reluctant navigation for socioeconomic acceptance provoked by intimidation from larger human beings. The Cabot dna in particular is seeking to be accepted and has no cultural bedrock that or buckstop defending family and family propagation. Cabot dna is also a cultural orphan who needed to be accepted in spite of all his proximity living in the boiler room of the Royal Chateau with his mother and the father, fearing the king or his servants said the boy could be...could be the son of...as the hotentot maid did use the toilet as permitted... therefore. The water splashed up on her poontang. They want power more than family and community; many of them. They create a world full of differences, stratas and cute little requisites. You are not accepted until you sing the anthem in French, they say, in spite of your math degrees. Mais, il, ne connaitre pas beaucoup mot en Francais. Mais, il dit il veut a' de'cide. However, he just arrived from Goat Island or Haiti and his historical memory, when it comes to acceptance, is very short and the fashions raging and Hollywood blaring do not reference a black Egypt very often. So, he is not sure yet, something he endured in his ancestry when a certain authority was not sure yet about adopting one of these bush babies from the boiler room to be a coach man and then maybe an Explorer with his mother since who did she think she would be with her pounded yam hotentot ass so thick and heavy; the mother to the heir of the French throne? So, to be accepted I will process my hair to be less...me! Smash my own nose as I would smash a Sphinx since there are not enough black people in the carbolic smoke ball advertising. If there were, I would leave the sphinx alone. They want to say they should have authority but they depend and rely on us in their state of cultural displacement and see how they pretend to be more West Indian than you; Super West Indian. But, who are they to judge Accompong? They can barely be at peace with themselves while Accompong is used to new arrivals from Goat Island from all over and teaches people how we can be family and get along. We all have pain we all get excited at real naked titties; not the Hermaphrodite kind. Yes; you look....uh Italian or Irish or Mediterranean but you don't know how to define "cucchiaino" in Italian. You don't know how to describe "Fual" in English? Maybe I am more Irish than you, but you say you are white and that as white you deserve to dit Irish est plus blanc et il n'est pas humane avec noir personnes et blanc personnes ou rouge personnes. But, you are just a North American aboriginal who has emerged white maybe after many years of dead settlers turn Ed into ground hamburger for cabbage rolls and Goulash and other stews like John Cabot shows you. You see, as a white Aboriginal, you think "buttress" is a job title like waitress but at a strip club because you still resent the English with their subject and predicate. White hegemony or Cabot hegemony is relentless as based in a child's hurt about rejection. What if you adopted a child like a pet and then sent them to boarding school or to North America as an Explorer? What if you were Afro pale skin? What if the child was uh..more caucasian but with Afro hair also? If you are struggling with acceptance and rejection as an Explorer, maybe you pass this burden down the line and those who accept the gospel, feeling quietly accepted and at peace seem to be viewed by you and your dna as a threat. The new books from Europe are your secret, new messages about technology, new mysteries and new discoveries. You learned about Gravity, reading the book. You learned about garter belts and white women from these books. You have not seen any black women yet or your Afro father. All the sketches are of white people with white people hair. Your respond to the smart phone was genetically patterned in the bowels of Cabot. You did not see your father in the catalogue or people like him so you took it as vindication since if he is Authority, shouldn't he be on the book cover or in the catalogue? Your reaction to the smart phone is the key thing here. You read it all day as the new story book to see if your father and you are rejected again. How do you change your hair texture to be like the image; the past time of many Western Hemispheric Mulattos like you? But, you don't see the other message you communicate to yourself and the world is self rejection but it is soo wide spread, that you and people like you are resenting people who have not joined your culture of self devaluation and energetic excitement over the new and the fury to douse yourself in chemicals to powder or nickel hydrides your real self in self-erasure. You pass this pressure on to others as if they must join you; join. Participate. Devalue you yourself and your family. You learned the word predicate the other day for the first time; on the job as a Brown white hegemony sick VP. What about humanity vs. hegemony; the humanity that says everything has its special quality and human contributions to the history of human civilization? Warren A. Lyon has his contribution with Angel Ronan ™ photos that people steal in the name of white hegemony since how could a black man take such a beautiful photo , they say of a family on a beach in Cuba? Anyone can take the photo but you have to go to Cuba first. Warren A. Lyon designed technologically, the Poo Power ™ energy supply system for all kinds of transportation vehicles and for home use also, turning human waste or food waste into molecular energy but you are sitting there asking yourself how it impacts white hegemony. Who are you? Who the devilrey are you? She comes from a clan of badword damned homicidal lunatics; signs and wonders. Kamala told Joe to F_-k off today in her imagination. It's all recorded by radio; the one in her teeth and the other radio in her posterior. I think it's her posterior. Then, this boy called and says he went to UBC and is graduating in 2022 from a masters in Leadership Development. He says he wants me dead so he can use my legitimacy essay as his white power stick. This is criminal harassment. Try my noodles...try my socioeconomics.Try my technology. You will see. You will like it. It's good for everything..for the cold..the arthritis...a little ginseng for your wife..stamina...Samsung...Huawei...........power!!!! This article is looking into how some phone programmers have used the vibration and radio waves running through smart phones to generate a subconscious Nuremberg rally. Is it possible? It certainly is. The most popular American Fruity phone, Appel, is the most likely victim of this hack along with its customers. If you say you are accepted, you are at rest. You are in heaven. If you say you need to be accepted, you will probably end up with an Appel phone as the energy says you, like others, need to shelter behind a clique, group or modulation of identity possibly as people who are aboriginals, finding a race or racial affiliation based in appearance before you really have a culture. Appel has become a global technological race or brand, defending and carrying the Amerocentric aboriginals last stand globally in the desire to express a sense of place and hegemony. The phone is made by Samsung. The container holding the Asian technology says Appel. The map says America. The land and territory is owned by Asia. So, the map is not the territory. Appel is not the technology. Samsung is. The territory is...Asia although the map says America as Asia holds more U.S. debt than any other stakeholder. You could at least finance your people need the top end of minimum income support to feel good again. Maybe try the Singaporean style of income support with 2 years of mandatory military service for every citizen. Yes; you look....uh Italian or Mediterranean but you don't know how to define "cucciani" in Italian. You stole Warren to he accepted and now you are trying to demean him as you resent yourself for needing to be accepted. As this discussion is looking into how some phone programmers have used the vibration and radio waves running through smart phones to generate a subconscious radio atmpospheric Nuremberg rally, maybe you are a victim as a person in a technological milieu of newness never seen before as everyone is First told they are not accepted unless...then they are seeking acceptance from a self deprecating, self depreciating white hegemony instead of a system of universal humanity. The Sony phone or Nokia both running in android offer a universal humanity. Some people need or rely on that sense of place or routing that is similar to hegemony. We all do. What does Campbell's Soup have to do with you in Vietnam or Cambodia with all of its promises of acceptance, family and love? Maybe you will buy some. Butz ten can s in your cupboard may anger granddad and his sense of place so defensively, he will tell you about hegemony in North America when he opens ten ramen and Jamen restaurants. NOW YOU ARE EQUAL AGAIN. Hegemony is more of an overt REACTION in response to a threat to one's place. Joe knows when he cuts a Japanese vehicle tire but he does not know the solution. It cannot be Campbell's sold in Asia. It has to be more American people, more North American Aboriginal people who can have their finance help them relax anywhere in the world, maybe opening up an Irish breakfast restaurant or a small KFC maybe. Certainly Pasta is equally enjoyable to Ramen but will pasta threaten me in Thailand? The Asian response might be to buttress their place in the world and sell ramen and Stir fry beef noodles in Tuscany or Venice, in every city in the world, no matter what the cost and his government gives Minimum income support/basic income funding to them or him or her and their people as soliders of culture or soldiers of fortune; fortune cookies. The most popular American Fruity phone, Appel, if the most likely victim of this Nuremberg hack along with its customers. Purchasers are considered guilty after six months of they keep the phone whose browser does not offer any real browser history. There is no Casting to the television. For various reasons, it's a just different and just a watered down Samsung experience while Samsung makes the phone. Then, the appel culture around you steals from you. Your bank statements and bank accounts are interrupted. You are a victim because of your guilt by association as an Appel Nuremberg conspirator. Joe, why are you paying people to damage the shocks on foreign vehicles like the Porsche? You dont even want people to buy domestic vehicles. You want people to steal them and have the government pay the car company. does it mean the cops will look the other way or will they all end up as convicts like you. /////// If you say you are accepted, you are at rest; you are in heaven. If you say you need to be accepted, you sin as human beings come in all shapes and sizes and colours as Yahweh made them so you will probably end up with an Appel phone as the energy says you, like others, need to shelter behind a clique, group or modulation of identity possibly as people who are aboriginals, finding a race or racial affiliation based in appearance before you really have a culture as the people who struggle with culture as Aboriginal cultural orphans where Leviticus and certain accepted norms such as the avoidance of infidelity in a marital union is difficult. You were taught about adultery watching soap operas and really, as aboriginals, maybe banging any bush that asks is less culturally astringent than a Levitical family since adultery is loaded cultural term. What was an ancient Aboriginal woman's response to your flinging your seed around? Maybe she called it farming or kin if you respected what she wanted to find the children and bring them and the mother and we all have a big yard family, a village. They are your property. If another man came to leave nearby who are more Viagra root, maybe you get unsettled and have a war over hegemony; right Joe. Maybe he is more pale skin after living on an ocean coast and further up north. You are more tanned skin and you don't hear when your wife says the ginger is just as good or maybe just one speck of the Viagra in your tongue because she has to go and forage for coconuts to make a new bra as she learned about clothing the other day from these new ocean coastal people. Why is she changing? You feel threatened in your sense of place. You start rapping and beat boxing like the whiter coastal guy. Now, you are equal. You are pretty good as rap took hegemony. Then, she suggests raw fish for dinner so in your hegemony, you Joe her. You never had sushi before. So, you scruff her up a bit and try to do a WWE solar plexus on her, feeling like a man again. You never really checked to see if she had a Vagina. She is a Sarai, saying yes to do the work ( "SAR" is work in Arabic. "AI" is yes) and it is Feminine but she is not really capable when she is young or at any age and then you stuff her cupboards with Craft dinner. So, she parrys with raw fish and Craft dinner. You see a black lady real estate agent and you never noticed she was black before. You start asking how could she....? You realise she bought a Honda electronic Piano and now she is too black to just be left alone. So, you see what you are doing. She is not on your side in your subconscious hegemonic mind as subconsciously, you find Honda threatening. Your neighbor on the coast plays chess and you don't. Your wife suggests you play or call him to do some Geico work with him a he's a broker but you refuse because you would lose your feelings of hegemonise. The truth is, you anticipate, you have improvisation but the problem is not techniques. You just have no game. You don't play. You don't study efficiency. You have no 4 cylinder, fuel injected 1.8T engines of your own. You refused to adapt engine technology to defend ignorant, childish notions of Amerocentric hegemony. But, in the real world efficiency and nutrition wins. Fish, chicken and beef vs. beef only for your nutrition. Put more weight on fish and you will see the difference. Fuel injection beats carbeuraters. You ask if you can go hunt rabbits Instead of playing chess. He agrees. He uses six stones and kills six rabbits in one go. He called the rabbits to take a photo first and pose with their legs open; six bunnies dead. They shouldn't be posing anyways; Catholic hegemonise. We have children around here, you see but maybe you needed to understand what you are angry about, hitting your head on a brick wall in the basement at night. We need money for families and for the government to finance North American people and how can we have any Amerocentric North American hegemony next to Asian people or European people if their people have money right across their territories and our people don't? Soon, all pasta noodles will be fast boiling dough like ramen around the world; for efficency. All internal con busting engines will be fuel injected. So, then we are equal. All passenger airlines will have airlock and will be able fly to an international space station like the A380 as global community takes precedence over selfish self defeating non adaptive hegemony. We do not enjoy watching you die off. My mother had a son for an American GI who ran off during the 1953 Korean war. We could be family. Learn something here boy. You do not think. You react. You killed my son, the law graduate and now that you have been found out, you threaten to kill more law graduates as you just follow your stupid neanderthal, non adaptive, hegmonic ways and emotions that has killed North America. We know you are not European because Europe and Asia are your targets. You are just an angry Aborigine Joe. I could be kind of close enough to understand as your student once but you don't learn although you are handing out the exam books. You are expressing an Aboriginal sense of technological and socioeconomic malaise. You are not thinking. Input the requisite universal unconditional minimum income support and stop this devaluation of your people and your populations. So, your hegmonic willingness to kill has helped you politically in Louisiamerieeea as you beat up the other candidates as you say the power of his real economic comprehension resisteth Joe's dictatorial proclivities but once you get in, you will use the boy's efficency wisdom as updated with the evidence of an existing programme in Vermont since how could he or she , as a new comer, have authority over Joe, the former....? Your ways helped your politically in that wild America that would tolerate you but it hurt you economically. All Joe needed was someone to point to the light...in Vermont and now he will be just fine. Thank Economy Joe™!! Now, your 7 Hagars from Louisiana with real vaginas and wombs will have babies for you Joe. ////// God will use Egypt to send you a Hagar. Egypt will. She was Egyptian. Then your Sarai, not your wife, buys a Sony TV; the best but for your hegejoemony, you want RCA. Pharaoh says she is your wife but, she cannot have a...maybe she can. Hagar takes no time to conceive. Maybe Sarai cannot consummate but Pharoah says she is your wife. But, you Joe, cemented the door of the black woman estate agent living in her Docklands condo so she cannot get out. You also cemented the door of a female black police officer you did not want to speak to in New Jersey. The only way for her to escape is off the balcony. Neither victim of this overt Joe white hegemonic illness is dead. Yes; you look....uh Italian or Irish or Mediterranean but you don't know how to define "cucchiaino" in Italian. You don't know how to describe "Fual" in English? Maybe I am more Irish than you, but you say you are white and that as white you deserve to dit Irish est plus blanc et il n'est pas humane avec noir personnes et blanc personnes ou rouge personnes. But, you are just a North American aboriginal who has emerged white maybe after many years of dead settlers turn Ed into ground hamburger for cabbage rolls and Goulash and other stews like John Cabot shows you. You see, as a white Aboriginal, you think "buttress" is a job title like waitress but at a strip club because you still resent the English with their subject and predicate. White hegemony or Cabot hegemony is relentless as based in a child's hurt about rejection. What if you adopted a child like a pet and then sent them to boarding school or to North America as an Explorer? What if you were Afro pale skin? What if the child was uh..more caucasian but with Afro hair also? If you are struggling with acceptance and rejection as an Explorer, maybe you pass this burden down the line and those who accept the gospel, feeling quietly accepted and at peace seem to be viewed by you and your dna as a threat. The new books from Europe are your secret, new messages about technology, new mysteries and new discoveries. You learned about Gravity, reading the book. You learned about garter belts and white women from these books. You have not seen any black women yet or your Afro father. All the sketches are of white people with white people hair. Your respond to the smart phone was genetically patterned in the bowels of Cabot. You did not see your father in the catalogue or people like him so you took it as vindication since if he is Authority, shouldn't he be on the book cover or in the catalogue? Your reaction to the smart phone is the key thing here. You read it all day as the new story book to see if your father and you are rejected again. How do you change your hair texture to be like the image; the past time of many Western Hemispheric Mulattos like you? But, you don't see the other message you communicate to yourself and the world is self rejection but it is soo wide spread, that you and people like you are resenting people who have not joined your culture of self devaluation and energetic excitement over the new and the fury to douse yourself in chemicals to powder or nickel hydrides your real self in self-erasure. You pass this pressure on to others as if they must join you; join. Participate. Devalue you yourself and your family. You learned the word predicate the other day for the first time; on the job as a Brown white hegemony sick VP. What about humanity vs. hegemony; the humanity that says everything has its special quality and human contributions to the history of human civilization? Warren A. Lyon has his contribution with Angel Ronan ™ photos that people steal in the name of white hegemony since how could a black man take such a beautiful photo , they say of a family on a beach in Cuba? Anyone can take the photo but you have to go to Cuba first. Warren A. Lyon designed technologically, the Poo Power ™ energy supply system for all kinds of transportation vehicles and for home use also, turning human waste or food waste into molecular energy but you are sitting there asking yourself how it impacts white hegemony. Who are you? Who the devilry are you? By Jerald D. Bunk and Grace D. Bunk. Fleet Street Journal.

 A man is Egyptian and respected by white AMERICANS WITH HIS Afro hair and celebrated, different.    If his children are born in America and speak American English, gosh darn, dogeonit, hostess cupcakes, they are black and might get to understand the struggle, keeping hope alive that change may come to America.  

   We have to be aware of the pigmy foreigners who joined Accompong Town and want to cause contention as cultural orphans. They tend to be cultural orphans much like all other Aboriginals.  The European Hegemonists say they have no culture but could you say sushi is not aboriginal Japanese culture.  You must define yourself and promote your own culture as a "culture" but what if you suffer in the culture gap where your original culture has been obliterated maybe an Iroquois culture or some other Aborigine culture possibly from Goat Island and following socioeconomic intimidation, you are asked to hide in and adorn your self in and adopt a culture, maybe Spanish, maybe Latino Anglo Creole my honey bunch,  maybe a phone system or phone culture, "appl",  also as you are told you will be accepted?  The phone system also seems to be demanding that you cannot rest until you acknowledge your real original culture no matter how many kinds of mustard or pizza or curries you may still continue to eat.  You are a Bushman pigmy in many cases deep down, singing American rap songs as a six  foot tall  American girl in Oklahoma who can acknowledge the power of dietary differences with all that horse and cow milk blended together and sold on the supermarket shelf. With Nike's, a basketball bravado and a Black American accent and swagger assumed within one generation, you would never know this was a bushman who may suffer a bit as a cultural orphan but with all that support and reinforcement, you go boy, go on girl, you have a fortification and cultural support in the blackness and you will eat your pounded yam in the school cafeteria for  lunch and show them, breathe a bit as these Americans could never be as clean as an African; so your granny says. Also, they never respect Egypt enough as being in Africa.  Your math grades are higher for your intellectual honesty that they miss, an humanizing intellectual honest they fail to arrive at as they borrow culture and steal technology in the pirate Wayfair shipwreck tradition seen in the West Indies in their effort to feel a false sense of hegemony over the entire world. The technology is borrowed but the need or tendency to seek hegemony over others is Columbus and Cabot.  The pigmy is a pure blood in his psychology and may resent  every decision he makes in reluctant navigation for socioeconomic acceptance provoked by intimidation from larger human beings. The Cabot dna in particular is seeking to be accepted and has no cultural bedrock that or buckstop defending family and family propagation.  Cabot dna is also a cultural orphan who needed to be accepted in spite of all his proximity living in the boiler room of the Royal Chateau with his mother and the father, fearing the king or his servants said the boy could be...could be the son of...as the hotentot maid did use the toilet as permitted... therefore.   The water splashed up on her poontang.       They want power more than family and community; many of them. They create a world full of differences, stratas and cute little requisites.  You are not accepted until you sing the anthem in French, they say, in spite of your math degrees.  Mais, il, ne connaitre pas beaucoup mot en Francais.  Mais, il dit il veut  a' de'cide.   However, he just arrived from Goat Island or Haiti and his historical memory, when it comes to acceptance, is very short and the fashions raging and Hollywood blaring do not reference a black Egypt very often. So, he is  not sure yet, something he endured in his ancestry when a certain authority was not sure yet about adopting one of these bush babies from the boiler room to be a coach man and then maybe an Explorer with his mother since who did she think she would be with her pounded yam hotentot ass so thick and heavy; the mother to the heir of the French throne?      So, to be accepted I will process my hair to be less...me!   Smash my own nose as I would smash a Sphinx since there are not enough black people in the carbolic smoke ball advertising.  If there were, I would leave the sphinx alone.      They want to say they should have authority but they depend and rely on us in their state of cultural displacement and see how they pretend to be more West Indian than you; Super West Indian.    But, who are they to judge Accompong? They can barely be at peace with themselves while Accompong is used to new arrivals from Goat Island from all over and teaches people how we can be family and get along.  We all have pain  we all get excited at real naked titties; not the Hermaphrodite kind.  Yes; you look....uh Italian or Irish or Mediterranean but you don't know how to define     "cucchiaino" in Italian.  You don't know how to describe "Fual" in English?  Maybe I am more Irish than you, but you say you are white and that as white you  deserve to dit Irish est plus blanc et il n'est pas humane avec noir personnes et blanc personnes ou rouge personnes.  But, you are just a North American aboriginal who has emerged white maybe after many years of dead settlers turn Ed into ground hamburger for cabbage rolls and Goulash and other stews like John Cabot shows you.  You see, as a white Aboriginal, you think "buttress" is a job title like waitress but at a strip club because you still resent the English with their subject and predicate. White hegemony or Cabot hegemony is relentless as based in a child's hurt about rejection.  What if you adopted a child like a pet and then sent them to boarding school or to North America as an Explorer?  What if you were Afro pale skin?  What if the child was uh..more caucasian but with Afro hair also?  If you are struggling with acceptance and rejection as an Explorer, maybe you pass this burden down the line and those who accept the gospel, feeling quietly accepted and at peace seem to be viewed by you and your dna as a threat.  The new books from Europe are your secret, new messages about technology, new mysteries and new discoveries.  You learned about Gravity, reading the book.  You learned about garter belts and white women from these books.  You have not seen any black women yet or your Afro father.  All the sketches are of white people with white people  hair.  Your respond to the smart phone was genetically patterned in the bowels of Cabot.  You did not see your father in the catalogue or people like him so you took it as vindication since if he is Authority, shouldn't he be on the book cover or in the catalogue?  Your reaction to the smart phone is the key thing here.  You read it all day as the new story book to see if your father and you are rejected again.  How do you change your hair texture to be like the image; the past time of many Western Hemispheric Mulattos like you?  But, you don't see the other message you communicate to yourself and the world is self rejection but it is soo wide spread, that you and people like you are resenting people who have not joined your culture of self devaluation and energetic excitement over the new and the fury to douse yourself in chemicals to powder or nickel hydrides your real self in self-erasure.  You pass this pressure on to others as if they must join you; join. Participate.  Devalue you yourself and your family.   You learned the word predicate the other day for the first time; on the job as a Brown white hegemony sick VP.  What about humanity vs. hegemony; the humanity that says everything has its special quality and human contributions to the history of human civilization?  Warren A. Lyon has his contribution with Angel Ronan ™ photos that people steal in the name of white hegemony since how could a black man take such a beautiful photo , they say of a family on a beach in Cuba?  Anyone can take the photo but you have to go to Cuba first.  Warren A. Lyon designed technologically, the Poo Power ™ energy supply system for all kinds of transportation vehicles and for home use also, turning human waste or food waste into molecular energy but you are sitting there asking yourself how it impacts white hegemony.  Who are you?  Who the devilrey are you?

She comes from a clan of badword damned homicidal lunatics; signs and wonders.     Kamala told Joe to F_-k off today in her imagination.  It's all recorded by radio; the one in her teeth and the other radio in her posterior.  I think it's her posterior.     Then, this boy called and says he went to UBC and is graduating in 2022  from a masters in Leadership Development.  He says he wants me dead so he can use my legitimacy essay as his white power stick.  This is criminal harassment.    Try my noodles...try my socioeconomics.Try my technology.   You will see. You will like it. It's good for everything..for the cold..the arthritis...a little ginseng for your wife..stamina...Samsung...Huawei...........power!!!!        This  article is looking into how some phone programmers have used the vibration and radio waves running through smart phones to generate a subconscious Nuremberg rally.  Is it possible?  It certainly is.   The most popular American Fruity phone, Appel,  is the most likely victim of this hack  along with its customers.   If you say you are accepted, you are at rest.  You are in heaven.  If you say you need to be accepted, you will probably end up with an Appel phone as the energy says you, like others, need to shelter behind a clique, group or modulation of identity possibly as people who are aboriginals, finding a race or racial affiliation based in appearance before you really have a culture. Appel has become a global technological race or brand, defending and carrying the  Amerocentric aboriginals last stand globally in the desire to express  a sense of place and hegemony.   The phone is made by Samsung. The container holding the Asian technology says Appel.  The map says America.  The land and territory is owned by Asia.  So, the map is not the territory.  Appel is not the technology.  Samsung is.  The territory is...Asia although the map says America as Asia holds more U.S. debt than any other stakeholder.   You could at least finance your people need the top end of minimum income support to feel good again.  Maybe try the Singaporean style of income support with 2 years of mandatory military service for every citizen.      Yes; you look....uh Italian or Mediterranean but you don't know how to define "cucciani" in Italian. You stole Warren to he accepted and now you are trying to demean him as you resent yourself for needing to be accepted.      As this discussion is looking into how some phone programmers have used the vibration and radio waves running through smart phones to generate a subconscious radio atmpospheric Nuremberg rally, maybe you are a victim as a person   in a technological milieu of newness never seen before as everyone is First told they are not accepted unless...then they  are seeking acceptance from a self deprecating, self depreciating white hegemony instead of a system of universal humanity. The Sony phone or Nokia both running in android offer a universal humanity.    Some people need or rely on that sense of  place or routing that is similar to hegemony. We all do.  What does Campbell's Soup have to do with you in Vietnam or Cambodia with all of its promises of acceptance, family and love?   Maybe you will buy some. Butz ten can s in your cupboard may anger granddad and his sense of place so defensively, he will tell you about hegemony in North America when he opens ten ramen and Jamen restaurants. NOW YOU ARE EQUAL AGAIN.    Hegemony is more of an overt REACTION in response to a threat to one's place. Joe knows when he cuts a Japanese vehicle tire but he does not know the solution.  It cannot be Campbell's sold in Asia.  It has to be more American people, more North American Aboriginal people who can have their finance help them relax anywhere in the world, maybe opening up an Irish breakfast restaurant or a small  KFC maybe.   Certainly Pasta is equally enjoyable to Ramen but will pasta threaten me in Thailand?  The Asian response might be to buttress their place in the world and sell ramen and Stir fry beef noodles in Tuscany or Venice,  in every city in the world, no matter what the cost and his government gives Minimum income support/basic income funding to them or him or her and their people as soliders of culture or soldiers of  fortune; fortune cookies.   The most popular American Fruity phone, Appel,  if the most likely victim of this Nuremberg hack  along with its customers. Purchasers are considered  guilty after six months of they keep the phone whose browser does not offer any real browser history.  There is no Casting  to the television. For various reasons, it's a just different and just a watered down Samsung experience while Samsung makes the phone.  Then, the appel culture around you steals from you.  Your bank statements and bank accounts are interrupted.  You are a victim because of your guilt by association as an Appel Nuremberg conspirator. Joe, why are you paying people to damage the shocks on foreign vehicles like the Porsche?  You dont even want people to buy domestic vehicles. You want people to steal them and have the government pay the car company.  does it mean the cops will look the other way or will they all end up as convicts like you. 


 If you say you are accepted, you are at rest; you are in heaven.  If you say you need to be accepted, you sin as human beings come in all shapes and sizes and colours as Yahweh made them so you will probably end up with an Appel phone as the energy says you, like others, need to shelter behind a clique, group or modulation of identity possibly as people who are aboriginals, finding a race or racial affiliation based in appearance before you really have a culture as the people who struggle with culture as Aboriginal cultural orphans where  Leviticus and certain accepted norms such as the avoidance of infidelity in a marital union is difficult.  You were taught about adultery watching soap operas and really, as aboriginals, maybe banging any bush that asks is less culturally astringent than a Levitical family since adultery is loaded cultural term.  What was an ancient Aboriginal woman's response to your flinging your seed around? Maybe she called it farming or kin if you respected what she wanted to find the children and bring them and the mother and we all have a big yard family, a village.  They are your property.  If another man came to leave nearby who are more Viagra root,  maybe you get unsettled and have a war over hegemony; right Joe.  Maybe he is more pale skin after living on an ocean coast and further up north. You are more tanned skin and you don't hear when your wife says the ginger is just as good or maybe just one speck of the Viagra in your tongue because she has to go and forage for coconuts to make a new bra as she learned about clothing the other day from these new ocean coastal people. Why is she changing?  You feel threatened in your sense of place.  You start rapping and beat boxing like the whiter coastal guy.  Now, you are equal.   You are pretty good as rap took hegemony.   Then, she suggests raw fish for dinner so in your hegemony, you Joe her.  You never had sushi before. So, you scruff her up a bit and try to do a WWE solar plexus on her, feeling like a man again. You never really checked to see if she had a Vagina.  She is a Sarai, saying yes to do the work ( "SAR" is work in Arabic.  "AI" is yes) and it is Feminine but she is not really capable when she is young or at any age and then you stuff her cupboards with Craft dinner. So, she parrys with raw fish and Craft dinner.  You see a black lady real estate agent and you never noticed she was black before.  You start asking how could she....? You realise she bought a Honda electronic Piano and now she is too black to just be left alone.  So, you see what you are doing.  She is not on your side in your subconscious hegemonic mind as subconsciously, you find Honda threatening.  Your neighbor on the coast plays chess and you don't.  Your wife suggests you play or call him to do some Geico work with him a he's a broker but you refuse because you would lose your feelings of hegemonise.  The truth is, you anticipate, you have improvisation but the problem is not techniques.  You just have no game. You don't play. You don't study efficiency. You have no 4 cylinder, fuel injected 1.8T engines of your own.    You refused to adapt engine technology to defend ignorant, childish notions of  Amerocentric hegemony. But, in the real world efficiency and nutrition wins. Fish, chicken and beef vs. beef only for your nutrition. Put more weight on fish and you will see the difference.   Fuel injection beats carbeuraters.    You ask if you can go hunt rabbits Instead of playing chess.    He agrees.  He uses six stones and kills six rabbits in one go. He called the rabbits to take a photo first and pose with their legs open; six bunnies dead.  They shouldn't be posing anyways; Catholic hegemonise.   We have children around here, you see but maybe you needed to understand what you are angry about, hitting your head on a brick wall in the basement at night. We need money for families and for the government to finance North American people and how can we have any Amerocentric North American hegemony next to Asian people or European people if their people have money right across their territories and our people don't?  Soon, all pasta noodles will be fast boiling dough like ramen around the world; for efficency.  All internal con busting engines will be fuel injected.  So, then we are equal. All passenger airlines will have airlock and will be able fly to an international space station like the A380 as global community takes precedence over selfish self defeating non adaptive hegemony. We do not enjoy watching you die off.  My mother had a son for an American GI who ran off during the 1953 Korean war.  We could be family.    Learn something here boy. You do not think.  You react.  You killed my son, the  law graduate and now that you have been found out, you threaten to kill more law graduates as you just follow your stupid neanderthal, non adaptive, hegmonic ways and emotions that has killed North America.  We know you are not European because Europe and Asia are your targets.   You are just an angry Aborigine Joe.  I could be kind of close enough to understand as your student once but you don't learn although you are handing out the exam books.  You are expressing an Aboriginal sense of technological and socioeconomic  malaise.  You are not thinking.  Input the requisite universal unconditional minimum income support and stop this devaluation of your people and your populations. So, your hegmonic willingness to kill has helped you politically in Louisiamerieeea  as you beat up the other candidates as you say the power of his real economic comprehension resisteth Joe's dictatorial proclivities but once you get in, you will use the boy's efficency wisdom as updated with the evidence of an existing programme in Vermont since how could he or she , as a new comer, have authority over Joe, the former....? Your ways helped your politically in that wild America that would tolerate you but it hurt you economically.    All Joe needed was someone to point to the light...in Vermont and now he will be just fine.  Thank Economy Joe™!! Now, your 7  Hagars from Louisiana with real vaginas and wombs  will have babies for you Joe. 



  God will use Egypt to send you a Hagar. Egypt will. She was Egyptian.   Then your Sarai, not your wife, buys a Sony TV; the best but for your hegejoemony, you want RCA.   Pharaoh says she is your wife but, she cannot have a...maybe she can.  Hagar takes no time to conceive.  Maybe Sarai cannot consummate but Pharoah says she is your wife.   But, you Joe, cemented the door of the black woman estate agent living in her Docklands condo so she cannot get out.  You also cemented the door of a female black police officer you did not want to speak to in New Jersey.   The only way for her to escape is off the balcony.  Neither victim of this overt Joe white hegemonic illness is dead.      Yes; you look....uh Italian or Irish or Mediterranean but you don't know how to define     "cucchiaino" in Italian.  You don't know how to describe "Fual" in English?  Maybe I am more Irish than you, but you say you are white and that as white you  deserve to dit Irish est plus blanc et il n'est pas humane avec noir personnes et blanc personnes ou rouge personnes.  But, you are just a North American aboriginal who has emerged white maybe after many years of dead settlers turn Ed into ground hamburger for cabbage rolls and Goulash and other stews like John Cabot shows you.  You see, as a white Aboriginal, you think "buttress" is a job title like waitress but at a strip club because you still resent the English with their subject and predicate. White hegemony or Cabot hegemony is relentless as based in a child's hurt about rejection.  What if you adopted a child like a pet and then sent them to boarding school or to North America as an Explorer?  What if you were Afro pale skin?  What if the child was uh..more caucasian but with Afro hair also?  If you are struggling with acceptance and rejection as an Explorer, maybe you pass this burden down the line and those who accept the gospel, feeling quietly accepted and at peace seem to be viewed by you and your dna as a threat.  The new books from Europe are your secret, new messages about technology, new mysteries and new discoveries.  You learned about Gravity, reading the book.  You learned about garter belts and white women from these books.  You have not seen any black women yet or your Afro father.  All the sketches are of white people with white people  hair.  Your respond to the smart phone was genetically patterned in the bowels of Cabot.  You did not see your father in the catalogue or people like him so you took it as vindication since if he is Authority, shouldn't he be on the book cover or in the catalogue?  Your reaction to the smart phone is the key thing here.  You read it all day as the new story book to see if your father and you are rejected again.  How do you change your hair texture to be like the image; the past time of many Western Hemispheric Mulattos like you?  But, you don't see the other message you communicate to yourself and the world is self rejection but it is soo wide spread, that you and people like you are resenting people who have not joined your culture of self devaluation and energetic excitement over the new and the fury to douse yourself in chemicals to powder or nickel hydrides your real self in self-erasure.  You pass this pressure on to others as if they must join you; join. Participate.  Devalue you yourself and your family.   You learned the word predicate the other day for the first time; on the job as a Brown white hegemony sick VP.  What about humanity vs. hegemony; the humanity that says everything has its special quality and human contributions to the history of human civilization?  Warren A. Lyon has his contribution with Angel Ronan ™ photos that people steal in the name of white hegemony since how could a black man take such a beautiful photo , they say of a family on a beach in Cuba?  Anyone can take the photo but you have to go to Cuba first.  Warren A. Lyon designed technologically, the Poo Power ™ energy supply system for all kinds of transportation vehicles and for home use also, turning human waste or food waste into molecular energy but you are sitting there asking yourself how it impacts white hegemony.  Who are you?  Who the devilry are you? 


By Jerald D. Bunk and Grace D. Bunk. 

Fleet Street Journal.  


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March 23rd, 2023. By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed. Incomplete There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also. Did you know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal? Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU. If we say "yes", then you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due. Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment. The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made. This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will participate in the design, conceptual and actual development of the idea and work as a company administrator. Click here.

Click here. 25 June 2024. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay. By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports. Money is an economic and legal formality along with the regular and consistent provision of money to every benefit recipient in the country. It maintains the population and we are happy to see others join us since he who has the most people wins since with people, you maintain your territory, dominion and your hegemony. You can expand and join other populations. You can afford to maintain yourself in any part of the world. You keep pace with the imagined competition. Is it Russia? They fund 100% of their population. They see that across Canada and the US, only 48% of the population is funded and it is as low as 28% in the US alone. So, then the other 72% of under funded Americans is the real issue behind weak consumer stimulus. It is rumored that Kenya has decided to increase its income support by .90 cents an hour. We are all the canary in the mine to say there is too much poison in the foods; DDT etc and it's illegal. We can have black legal counsel. Actually, we do have some. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavors that they must, will be sold; The Russians have always had a consistent buyer market with sufficient consumer stimulus since they always had an income support. You add to this a product diversity, choice and excited consumerism and you have the largest consumer market in the world; larger than America; absorbing American made and also Chinese goods with a certainty unseen in America that the goods will be sold. China is quite similar as it is certain that the citizen or the consumer as the citizen or benefit recipient has money. The benefit is paid by the government and not intercepted by any thieves in the banking system and when would such a fiasco be overlooked for years, affecting the economy and the government's plans? The Americans, in their talk about capitalism have missed their own point when you talk about marketing and selling where there is no market of regular, certain buyers while they focus on the freedom their system promises to adventuring marketers to create a gazillion candy bars, soft drinks, toys and new gadgets with product designers involving new product creation that is met by always comparatively low consumer stimulus and low buyer certainty. We asked why. One answer is the country still sees itself as a hinter land where the old east sees the burgeoning west with places like Utah, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Colorado as a land of wild heathens next to Vermont and that should not have this Vermont type income support until they can sing three church hymns from memory. So, the Vermont school teacher is the principal of the school in Colorado but the income support is still comparatively low so you sing the hymns, cross your T's and dot your I's and you must have sung the hymns by 1860, 1914, 1929 or 1939 but you still have not received the income support in sufficient amounts that are comparable to the east so you can wash in the river and be clean; buy the goods, obtain the goods without use of violence and consume what is being sold and offered to you with a seamless amount of consumer buying power across the country. Some are confused by the word or concept of Demand but "Demand" means "Buying Power." Supply must meet Buying Power/demand in sufficient measure or else the goods in the store do not sell and the manufacturer does not earn enough money and would have to close down in the usual case; a disaster. This is something that armed conflict within the country or with other countries cannot solve. It is about what you have done to you and your own people; what you have done to you. In our observation, it means the old east has some baring on what is happening in the country. The next issue is whether the people in the west would find it hard maybe in some hunter gatherer cultural resistance to just ensure every citizen in that region is above and beyond any want or need to fend and live off the land; hunt for a rabbit. But, wouldn't you need a knife at least to cut it and share it or you would eat it all by yourself with your hands?