I love white people. Just imagine a space shuttle with independent take off and re entry capabilities. Actually Space Shuttle Atlantis and Discovery had these capabilities. It did not need booster rockets to achieve orbit and leave the atmosphere. If you put rotatable thrusters on the side of this ship, it could land vertically on the moon and take off. Imagine a space shuttle that is as large as a submarine with wings, a massive turbo fan engine at the back and turbo fan engines on the side that rotate to enable vertical take off and landing and also forward thrust; wow! Would we let Politician Grendel starve us, the same one who refused to go to school in 1500 and chose his ways in the cave instead of life in the log house with the Reik and what about Grendel's cloned son looking like Ronald Reagan or the average Boston bus driver who refused to go to school in 1965 but says he should be able to have your house and your vehicle and just walk off with your possessions because he says your ways of property ownership cause his cave man hunter- gatherer ways to be challenged and he does not believe he should ever have to buy or own a house? But,we say he could always have enough money to rent a home if he wanted and practice his music, run a small prayer and music fellowship if he wanted. All of your ancestral misgivings are forgiven in the act of four forgivings. You stick your finger in your ear four times accepting your ancestors forgiveness as you confess for them, accepting God's forgiveness for yourself and for others and you forgive yourself also. All we need in the world of persistent automation to ensure we have a market and population is a sales tax of 20% to 30% to pay a universal unconditional minimum income support for all citizens that ensures and guarantees a continued settlement and occupation of the territory that automation was engineered for the people and by the people to serve; these two policies are all we need to avoid a technologically induced, market depleting and population evaporating holocaust as occasioned by automation. We are thankful. Resistance and resentment, however, of change should not supercede our thankfulness to move from "well" water to "piped in" water that arrives in your home. It's still water. It's just more automated. This is how we do it. The money is now "automation" automatic. Make your father proud. How can there be an America without Ford? How can there be a Ford without America? Who would not want more money and more education for himself and for his community? There is not much else and school is social, it's involvement, it's free and its new world job preparation in a continuous lived experience defined by macro and micro experiences with automation. Microwave popcorn is an example of automation as a labor, energy and time saving constructive experience with technology. So, in walking into the evident future involving the converse of joblessness which is evidently consumerism, travel and re education with less work although work will still exist, what ego confesses that he believes he and his prediliction for resentment of normal experiences like regular school designed to prepare people to be mothers and fathers, consumers and citizens providing school up to 80 years of age "for free" if you choose to attend is more important than all of the life, all the monies, all the families and all the individuals yet he is the elected From promising us more food and more beer and more life? So, what elected official as the local leader of his people would refuse any programme or proposal that brings more to everyone? He will get the credit and the honor for implementing the proposal so what is there to resist except but he resists the brief hour in time of his own magnification? He will not be Reik forever but we will help him and honor him with technology and every wisdom until the hour comes that he will help another Reik. We will help him and magnify him. This article discusses the power of theory and practice in evolution involving groupings, a "people" and families. Some people conceive of social units primarily as "People" but "People" could just be a yard or farm of people coexisting to solve and answer the Maslow-Lyon Hierarchy of needs where there are several senior males, brands and females but no identifiable singular mother and father so that the ten Commandments with the assigned, identifiable mother and father is an evolutionary step. Some people and cultures start with and think of family primarily as the identifiable grouping. We should not presume that families do not exist in every culture. They do and they have existed for eons. However, the evidence is that there was a North American cave dweller who found family and family structures a significant cultural leap when discovered in Goat Island and other West Indian Islands living as they did as cave dwellers and beach combers for 100's of years after the great continental divide. Some may look African but in the great cultural separation that took place sometime just before and during Noah's flood, they only had their ancient aboriginal language as a time marker but it is a language that resembles Ojibwe and some Asian languages like Tagalog or West African Twi. Much of this evidence in the Caribbean was obliterated entirely during the two world wars. Some survivors were moved to Bikini Atoll in the creation of the myth that all Afro haired persons in the West Indies were arrivals as African slaves and not existing Aboriginals who were present before the arrival of the Spanish. There were those who resisted the arrival of the Spanish on day one of that collision of worlds, cultures and existing technological evolutions and ways of life. A family unit that was separate from the larger grouping may have been a threat to the presumptive leader and existing chieftain. For instance, how could you think of living on your own and raising a family behind your own door in a dwelling of some kind; possibly a cave as to exclude the group. That might be perceived as a threat when your son thinks of moving on to his own dwelling. Maybe your mother who gave birth at 7 years old to you becomes your first wife when the day comes that you must become family units under duress or pressure of some kind. That pressure may have been the arrival or a new cultural chieftain with technology to intimidate and scare you to conform. There would be resistance evidently since it means a self denial and a new life of separation, distance and compartmentalism with a new factor in the comprehension of social and cultural behavior and people formation. You now have family units within the group or within the people. You also now have individuals who will, most likely, pass on what they see as advantageous to their survival and they may threaten those who do not agree with them about the group or people standing as paramount to the more individualistic family unit. The two are certainly combined. My group may be Springfield and yours is Boston Bay or Robbins Bay or Megamart; maybe Ocho Rios or Mandev or it may be the building owner in Yonkers named Lawrench. My family unit with one wife and 10 kids coexists productively within the larger Lawrench group. If I need a vehicle, Mr. Lawrench will be honored if I give him the $2000.00 for the 2004 Audi I have chosen to acquire with the LPG system and then he signs it over to me. Otherwise, if I buy it entirely on my own, his neanderthal anthropology from Goat Island may provoke him to damage my vehicle, putting Drano in my crankshaft or my baby mother's crankshaft until I submit but a phone call would have been helpful and I could just send him a photo with a note on it that says,. "I salute you. I honor you." I don't know who he is but I have car damage. He says he is a law graduate but at 95 years old, he has never read a law exam and can barely explain or name five English judges or spell out the scintilla of a Tort case but all the law graduates in the West Indies are being harassed for his sense of hegemony for years and years because this is what his anthropological proclivity will provoke him to do. His 39 year old son is much the same. They argue the group is family and they may not want their children to have ID cards. Only one father should negotiate with the modern world as an identifiable individual in that system. There are two worlds here existing today side by side and they can coexist if you take time to decide what young man will sit with your young woman who must know her purpose before it is stolen and subverted by other socio- cultural notions in the sociocultural samba such as the powerful single career Cosmo woman that may not satisfy more ensuring ng cultural and familial ancestral imperatives so you have to keep these in mind; especially for your namaste Buddha Babylonian Israeli,. Nigerian Chinese or Egyptian happiness. As such, you have a family unit and a people. Now, what happens when a young man or woman that loves one man goes to school and graduates. There may be some resistance and anxiety in the evolving group as concerning authority and leadership if it is the first generation that has to deal with children going to school and young men and women starting families. You may resist the notion of full time school and may wish to steal the wife of your son to try and ensure she has your great grandfather's child in addition to your son's because you don't want your son and his woman to feel independent. You see any such independence as threatening your group. But, how could we find a way to negotiate your emotions that reverberate so loudly in our communal experience? It is as if a marriage between your son, daughter and a viable fertile being of the opposite sex is opposed by you as a threat and collision of worlds, collision of cultural agendas as threatening your boney assed cross dressing self and your position and hegemony as you are really male. You should want your sons and grandsons to have families with real females instead of being held up with pretenders who are not really female. Look at what happened to every one of them except for the most humble who chose to stay away from people who told them they would hurt them in the end by cutting his three car tires. A wedding with some female with a womb is ideal. Ah ah..don't you know you are de king of Africa? Well, you cannot be. Subconscious Michal theories and MICHAL proclivitities about family and reproduction may exist. But, even of children are grown and not born, what is the point if they dont know how-to grow carrots, start a fire, catch a fish or buy a vehicle or raise a family? All we would see Aslton is you and your ego in self importance; desolation. Anyone who encourages you to think more widely, you harass them about authority and you get arrested but you never learn and then you get arrested again. Bring the children unto Rabbi or unto the Chinese School or the Geronimo School where they you bow to buy a hotel or car dealership. Maybe try to be the king of yourself. Rule yourself dog! Some women are trying to be the ruler of your own personal Israel instead of the wife and family in that Israel. So, how do you feel when your grandson buys a property and moves in? Do you feel abandonment in addition to some threat in terms of your position? Is it that we should follow you on your predilection about people as taking precedence over family with you as chieftain; or should we follow the notion of family as taking precedence over people since how can you have a people without families and individuals and you could still be the chieftain. " "We would pay you a small fee or provide some free services to confirm our submission to you. " " It seems you will say "people" is family but Uncle Wallz is not paying your child support payment or your phone bills. You are an individual with individual responsibilities in the modern world. Does Uncle Wallz pay your $7000.00 fine for being in possession of marijuana in quantities above the accepted personal use exception of 20 grams? You cannot say you bought in bulk for medical purposes. If you are found with more than 20 grams in your home, vehicle or on your person, you are allegedly presumptively trafficking. So, you pay a $7000.00 fine and you can have a hearing to challenge the fine and the allegations and or ask for time to pay and the drugs are seized. 10 grams should be good for pain. Maybe chew green tea or smoke it with ground up aspirin. Yet, a tug of war between the paramountcy of the group vs. the secure family and the paramountcy of the viable individual set on creating a family unit within the larger grouping, your dignified curry goat eating grouping and people is what we see transpiring in a sociocultural samba. There is no stopping you and you are rising, going up and taking yourselves higher but what is rising and higher in Wilmington Spokane if you see none of your children have spouses or viable family units and no houses or properties because you and your wife from Goat Island conspired to be the king and queen of the group living in America until you are dead and "king" and "queen" meant being the only married bonded couple in the group right up to 90+ years of age? But, you could see your children and their wives as citizens beneath you whether or not they have wives and husbands, property and families. You want a good man to join your people and give your daughter companionship but you don't want him to be too educated since what is your authority if he finishes high school and has high school diplomas when you are really from Goat Island? But, now you live in Huntington and own a carpet cleaning business. Your shemale daughter is hoping to be a basketball scholarship and an actress in a Secret Deodorant commercial. But, maybe your other actually reproductive daughter with the full system had the kids using the Beat Street boy's saliva from his football water bottle or underwear. He will help your people or The People with anything he has learned from all the accounting schools he attended. Keep hope alive. Change has come...booya! You may have a shemale daughter for authority but you need to make an arrangement for her benefit that provides normalcy, stability and reproductivity with reproductive children. She can't just be a huggy spare for child care when you are on a bender. She needs companionship. She will figure it out eventually and maybe she will content herself as a "Pret a Pizza or "Tru Pizza" owner and manager. If she needs to feel equal and bonded, she can go to art class with people like her and they can take photos of each other with clothing on or get a dog that is also like her or shim I mean. As we shuffle back and forth between two cultural determinations, how many people can you maintain in a three bed and two bath town house? So, there will be compartmentalism as modern life takes its hold of your ways and thinking since you want to adapt and stay involved as technology impacts you. You want to have authority. You want a hybrid Ford regenerative F150 instead of a regularly aspirated Ford F150. You are moving from the "well water" to "piped water." You feel like your world is passing way. The "well" replaced attending at the rivers for buckets of water. Remember your first experience with a pocket sized mobile phone. You told God you could take it from here as Boss with your Digicel, your Flow, your Lime or your Vodafone. So, what is wrong with your grandson having his own extension family unit under your authority and within the grouping of your people after all his hard work to honor you? He honors you. How should he honor in our modern world except but to have a family? If you did not have a chance to join the NASA JAG programme, he studied to do so if not for you but Kunta KENTE. He is qualified and he is black. Did you watch it? Did you see him whooped so that you would have a better life? Well, it never really did happen like that in America. That was a Roman thing with the loin cloths. I think Apostle Paul was beaten like that. Do you understand how civilization can beat you? So, what we need to do is ensure and guarantee that all citizens have a universal unconditional minimum income support that satisfies the cost of living with mouth daily to get a hotel room, cover transportation and food. In some countries like the Ireland it work s out yearly to $60,000.00 USD which is about $1153.00 a week paid bi-weekly but not yearly so it's not so burdensome and the government earns it back as sales tax of 25% to 30%. Why would you resist at this moment and hour of civilization? Il est le espirit de le Francais pour le societe'. Fais tu as votre livre pour le histoire de le monde? Who knows what is going on with Haille Selasie's dna at Goat Island? It looks like they are breeding Astronauts. /////// Now, the issue is understanding your territory and your borders. Home is everything. It is crucial. What is the point of going to battle if, when you get back, you have burned out at home or over run by Covid, economic suffocation as caused by errodite policy that erodes the markets and the consumers therein so that our cannot occupy your own economy and territories or what is the point now that you are occupied by foreigners from another economy who have other cultural and linguistic loyalties but maybe they are related as Eskimo Apache cousins but all they can do is smile and feed you foods at takeouts and gas station s they own as you, the Latino Anglo, disappears. You need to keep your home occupied with people and families who can remain strong and healthy because Home is everything. Food is very important to all cultures, Greek food, Chinese food, fried snails and chips, but what is the point if you cannot buy the food, enjoy your community and just sit down to enjoy it? Now what is the point of defence except but to defend your home and occupy your own territory? You are a cultural whore but you have no real commitment and relationship with the purpose of everything which is to raise another generation to at least carry your honorable 1862 Civil War or 1942 WW2 ancestral, personal story and testimony forward. You are the people on this continent with great ideas and the continent should look like it. But, if defending home is the purpose of defence, all you have been doing is getting your technological jollies and your gear addict rocks off in one desert or the other or some jungle for the most part and you've been dying off when you forget little things like a military base in a valley surrounded by hills is the "would be" sniper's turkey shoot; big boy. You are heroes, worthy of your honors. We thank you. Now, the best way to keep your home and territory occupied is with a sufficient number of people who are committed to this territory as their primary home and primary market for the purposes of carrying that story forward about your nation, your territory and your country's experiences that involves our mutual and shared experiences with multiculturalism where all cultures have participated and will continue to participate in the future as multicultural North American rebranded aboriginals; namaste. Das vidanya. How you do Mas Horace? Tings good you see!! It's minus 30 degrees out there. I'm going back to Calcutta. You have missed the point and misused the military mission for educational purposes it seems for too long now. Who knows what you were trying to achieve but the evidence of what the international community achieved with tampons in your family's fish bucket was tremendous. You will try again next month or isn't she full of the shrimp to be able to ignite a conception? You have been depopulated, underfunded and drugged up with foods and drinks for a long time now, anesthestising you to turn you into impossible burgers; namaste if you are not a real American enjoying the real American experience living in a basic income/Minimum Income Support state. When she drops the tampon, she will have a baby. For education, there will be a peace core again after there is a universal unconditional minimum income support. You will have children and communities again. You will be happy. There is certainly something anthropological going on but I think lots of money is the best way to keep the Americans happy; at home and if they want to move to Europe let them come but maybe we prefer that you have more than enough in America when you may not understand family comes first to a European and no matter how good you are, I will feel like I don't know what to do with you if you must come and eat in my home at a party or something. It's best you stay home and save America, occupy America. You can save her. But, you are invited. I want you to come. We have to help because I don't want to help too much if things get out of hand. It would be easier to help when there is still some semblance of order and a worthy market to invest in and I would not really like it if all of you would have to come at once with your argumentative Pink Floyd collecting resistant dna; fools! The music did help so we could see what Berwulf dna looks like now. So, if your enemy defends his home and territory using a universal unconditional minimum income support of $65,000.00 per citizen, maybe you compete by implementing a universal unconditional minimum income support of $65,999.00 per citizen. You can do anything or nothing but to win, you have to do something before he buys you out in a global free market. He said, "I buy it." ///////// Now, Saul's head was cut off; we are told. His dna, The 1430 dna, was eaten by Wolves but then cloned over and over again to understand him. Napoleon or Apoleon had one hand and the head Butler in Jamaica had one leg for a very long time to get you to repent from Saul's need to be the only one...and to pay attention to your teaching. Did you throw away your son's post office job confirmation letter to see if he had more favor than you or to say you have authority over the government? Maybe you demolish everyone around you to ensure people can see how well you did in those last hours; including your grand children and your one daughter on your way to your egotistic Apoleon heaven...which is really hell with all of your Apoleon relatives; your relatives since in your family how could your children be more than you when your nigger Apoleon "counting up" day comes? But, because of slavery you will try to repent of that crap or maybe you will continue to keep hope alive. We do not hope for what we have already achieved and received but if we frustrate ourselves, then we can hope again. Resisting something because it is new is different from resisting something because you are the descendant of the Saul, the King of Israel, who resisted God and his wisdom when you don't know what you see is actually resistance for resistance sake. Berwulf in the Netflix show Barbarians resisted for resistance sake; so did King Saul. They died in resistance when only a simple thing was asked of them. Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you and then you will have peace with Israel and Rome. Saul was to retire with Michal and go to the Philistines who would have granted him Asylum. Michal was a Philistine. Harriet Pocahontas Tubman


I love white people.  Just imagine a space shuttle with independent take off and re entry capabilities. Actually Space Shuttle Atlantis and Discovery had these capabilities. It did not need booster rockets to achieve orbit and leave the atmosphere.   If you put rotatable thrusters on the side of this ship, it could land vertically on the moon and take off.     Imagine a space shuttle that is as large as a submarine with wings, a massive turbo fan engine at the back and turbo fan  engines on the side that rotate to enable vertical take off  and landing and also forward thrust; wow!    Would we let Politician Grendel starve us, the same one who refused to go to school in 1500 and chose his ways in the cave instead of life in the log house with the Reik and  what about Grendel's cloned son looking like Ronald Reagan or the average Boston bus driver who refused to go to school in 1965 but says he should be able to have your house and your vehicle and just walk off with your possessions because he says your ways of property ownership cause his cave man hunter- gatherer ways to be challenged and he does not believe he should ever have to buy or own a house? But,we say he could always have enough money to rent a home if he wanted and practice his music, run a small prayer and music fellowship if he wanted.  All of your ancestral misgivings are forgiven in the act of four forgivings.  You stick your finger in your ear four times accepting your ancestors forgiveness as you confess for them, accepting God's forgiveness for yourself and for others and you forgive yourself also.     All we need in the world of persistent automation to ensure we have a market and population is a sales tax of 20% to 30% to pay a universal unconditional minimum income support for all citizens that ensures and guarantees a continued settlement and occupation of the territory that automation was engineered for the people and by the people to serve; these two policies are all we need to avoid a technologically induced, market depleting and population evaporating holocaust as occasioned by automation.    We are thankful.  Resistance and resentment, however, of change  should not supercede our thankfulness to move from "well" water to "piped in" water that arrives in your home. It's still water. It's just more automated.  This is how we do it.    The money is now "automation" automatic.  Make your father proud.    How can there be an America without Ford?  How can there be a Ford without America? Who would not want more money and more education for himself and for his community?  There is not much else and school is  social, it's involvement, it's free and its new world job preparation in a continuous lived experience defined by macro and micro experiences with automation. Microwave popcorn is an example of automation as a labor, energy  and time saving constructive experience with technology.    So, in walking into the evident future involving  the converse of joblessness which is evidently consumerism, travel  and re education with less work although work will still exist, what ego confesses that he believes he and his prediliction for resentment of normal experiences like regular school designed  to prepare people to be mothers and fathers, consumers and citizens providing school  up to 80 years of age "for free" if you choose to attend  is more important than all of the life, all the monies,  all the families and all the individuals yet he is the elected From promising us more food and more beer and more life?   So, what elected official as the local leader of his people would refuse any programme or proposal that brings more to everyone?  He will get the credit and the honor for implementing the proposal so what is there to resist except but he resists the brief hour in time of his  own magnification?   He will not be Reik forever but we will help him and honor him with technology and every wisdom until the hour comes that he will help another Reik.  We will help him and magnify him.         

  This article discusses the power of  theory and practice in evolution involving  groupings, a "people" and families.  Some people conceive of social units primarily as "People" but "People" could just be a yard or farm of people coexisting to solve and answer the Maslow-Lyon Hierarchy of needs where there are several senior males, brands and females but no identifiable singular  mother and father so that the ten Commandments with the assigned, identifiable  mother and father is an evolutionary step.    Some people and cultures start with and  think of family primarily as the identifiable grouping.   We should not presume that families do not exist in every culture.  They do and they have existed for eons.  However, the evidence is that there was a North American cave dweller who found family and family structures a significant cultural leap when discovered in Goat Island and other West Indian Islands living as they did as cave dwellers and beach combers for 100's of years after the great continental divide.  Some may look African but in the great cultural separation that took place sometime just before and during  Noah's flood, they only had their ancient aboriginal language as a time marker but it is a language that resembles Ojibwe and some Asian languages like Tagalog or West African Twi.   Much of this evidence in the Caribbean was obliterated entirely during the two world wars.  Some survivors were moved to Bikini Atoll in the creation of the myth that all Afro haired persons in the West Indies were arrivals as African slaves and not existing Aboriginals who were present before the arrival of the Spanish.  There were those who resisted the arrival of the Spanish on day one of that collision of worlds, cultures and existing technological evolutions and ways of life.  A family unit that was separate from the larger grouping may have been a threat to the presumptive leader and existing chieftain.  For instance, how could you think of living on your own and raising a family behind your own door in a dwelling of some kind; possibly a cave as to exclude the group.  That might be perceived as a threat when your son thinks of moving on to his own dwelling.  Maybe your mother who gave birth at 7 years old to you becomes your first wife when the day comes that you must become family units under duress or pressure of some kind. That pressure may have been the arrival or a new cultural chieftain with technology to intimidate and scare you to conform.   There would be resistance evidently since it means a self denial and a new life of separation, distance and compartmentalism with a new factor in the comprehension of social and cultural  behavior  and people formation.  You now have family units within the group or within the people.  You also now have individuals who will, most likely, pass on what they see as advantageous to their survival and they may threaten those who do not agree with them about the group or people standing as paramount to the more individualistic family unit.   The two are certainly combined.  My group may be Springfield and yours is Boston Bay or Robbins Bay or Megamart; maybe Ocho Rios or Mandev or it may be the building owner in Yonkers named Lawrench. My family unit with one wife and 10 kids coexists productively within the larger Lawrench group.  If I need a vehicle, Mr. Lawrench will  be honored if I give him the $2000.00 for the 2004 Audi I have chosen to acquire with the LPG system and then he signs it over to me. Otherwise, if I buy it entirely on my own, his neanderthal anthropology from Goat Island may provoke him to  damage my vehicle, putting Drano in my crankshaft or my baby mother's crankshaft until I submit but a phone call would have been helpful and I could just send him a photo with a note on it that says,. "I salute you. I honor you." I don't know who he is but I have car damage.  He says he is a law graduate but at 95 years old, he has never read a law exam and can barely explain or name five English judges or spell out the scintilla of a Tort case but all the law graduates in the West Indies are being harassed for his sense of hegemony for years and years because  this is what his anthropological proclivity will provoke him to do. His 39 year old son is much the same.  

They argue the group is family and they may not want their children to have ID cards.  Only one father should negotiate with the modern world as an identifiable individual in that system.  There are two worlds here existing today side by side  and they can coexist if you take time to decide what young man will sit with your young woman who must know her purpose before it is stolen and subverted by other socio- cultural  notions in the sociocultural samba  such as the powerful single career  Cosmo woman that may not satisfy more ensuring ng cultural and familial ancestral imperatives so you have to keep these in mind; especially for your namaste Buddha Babylonian Israeli,. Nigerian Chinese or Egyptian happiness. As such, you have a family unit and a people.    Now, what happens when a young man or woman that loves one man  goes to school and graduates.  There may be some resistance and anxiety in the evolving group as concerning authority and leadership if it is the first generation that  has to deal with children going to school and young men and women starting families.  You may resist the notion of full time school and may wish  to steal the wife of your son to try and ensure she has your great grandfather's child in addition to your son's because you don't  want your son and his woman to feel independent.  You see any such independence as threatening your group.  But, how could we find a way to negotiate your emotions that reverberate so  loudly in our communal experience?  It is as if a marriage between your son, daughter and a viable fertile being of the opposite sex is opposed by you as a threat and  collision of worlds,  collision of cultural agendas as threatening your boney assed cross dressing  self and your position and hegemony as you are really male.  You should want your sons and grandsons to have families with real females instead of being held up with pretenders who are not really female.  Look at what happened to every one of them except for the most humble who chose to stay away from people who told them they would hurt them in the end by cutting his three car tires.  A wedding with some female with a womb is ideal.      Ah ah..don't you know you are de king of Africa? Well,  you cannot be.  Subconscious Michal theories and MICHAL proclivitities about family and reproduction may exist. But, even of children are grown and not born, what is the point if they dont know how-to grow carrots, start a fire, catch a fish or buy a vehicle or raise a family? All we would see Aslton is you and your ego in self importance; desolation.   Anyone who encourages you to think more widely, you harass them about authority and you get arrested but you never learn and then you get arrested again. Bring the children unto Rabbi or unto the Chinese School or the Geronimo School where they you bow to buy a hotel or car dealership.  Maybe try to be the king of yourself. Rule yourself dog!   Some women are  trying to be the ruler of your own personal Israel instead of the wife and family in that Israel.  

So, how do you feel when your grandson buys a property and moves in? Do you feel abandonment in addition to some threat in terms of your position?    Is it that we should follow you on your predilection about people as taking precedence over family with you as chieftain; or should we follow the notion of family as taking precedence over people since how can you have a people without families and individuals and you could still be the chieftain.  " "We would pay you a small fee or provide some free services to confirm our submission to you. " "        It seems you will say "people" is family but Uncle Wallz  is not paying your child support payment or your phone bills. You are an individual with individual responsibilities in the modern world.  Does Uncle Wallz pay your $7000.00 fine for being in possession of marijuana in quantities above the accepted personal use exception of 20 grams? You cannot say you bought in bulk for medical purposes. If you are found with more than 20 grams in your home, vehicle or on your person, you are allegedly presumptively trafficking. So, you pay a $7000.00 fine and you can have a hearing  to challenge the fine and the allegations and or ask for time to pay and the drugs are seized.  10 grams should be good for pain.  Maybe chew green tea or smoke it with ground up aspirin.       Yet, a tug of war between the paramountcy  of the group vs. the secure family and the paramountcy of the viable individual set on creating a family unit within the larger grouping, your dignified  curry goat eating grouping and people is what we see transpiring in a sociocultural samba.   There is no stopping you and you are rising, going up and taking yourselves higher but what is rising and higher in Wilmington Spokane  if you see none of your children have spouses or viable  family units  and no houses or properties because you and your wife from Goat Island conspired to be the king and queen of the group living in America until you are dead and "king" and "queen" meant being the only married bonded couple in the group right up to 90+ years of age?  But, you could see your children and their wives as citizens beneath you whether or not they have wives and husbands, property and families.     You want a good man to join your people and give your daughter companionship but you don't want him to be too educated since what is your authority if he finishes high school and  has high school diplomas when you are really from Goat Island?   But, now you live in Huntington and own a carpet cleaning business.  Your shemale daughter is hoping to be a basketball scholarship and an actress in a Secret Deodorant commercial.   But, maybe your other actually reproductive daughter with the full system had the kids using the Beat Street boy's saliva from his football water bottle or underwear.  He will help your people or The People with anything he has learned from all the accounting schools he attended.       Keep hope alive. Change has come...booya!  You may have a shemale daughter for authority but you need to make an arrangement for her benefit that provides normalcy, stability and reproductivity with reproductive children. She can't just be a huggy spare for child care when you are on a bender.  She needs companionship.   She will figure it out eventually and maybe she will content herself as a "Pret a Pizza or "Tru Pizza" owner and manager.     If she needs to feel equal and bonded, she can go to art class with people like her and they can  take photos of each other with clothing on or get a dog that is also like her or shim I mean.            As we shuffle back and forth between two cultural determinations, how many people can you maintain in a three bed and two bath town house?  So, there will be compartmentalism as modern life takes its hold of your ways and thinking since you want to adapt and stay involved as technology impacts you. You want to have authority.  You want a hybrid Ford regenerative  F150 instead of a regularly aspirated Ford F150.   You are moving from the "well water" to "piped water."  You feel like your world is passing way. The "well" replaced attending at the rivers for buckets of water.     Remember your first experience with a pocket sized mobile phone. You told God you could take it from here as Boss with your Digicel, your Flow, your Lime or your Vodafone. So, what is wrong with your grandson having his own extension family unit under your authority and within the grouping of your people after all his hard work to honor you?  He honors you.  How should he honor in our modern world except but to have a family?  If you did not have a chance to join the NASA JAG programme, he studied to do so  if not for you but Kunta KENTE. He is qualified and he is black.    Did you watch it? Did you see him whooped so that you would have a better life? Well, it never really did happen like that in America.    That was a Roman thing with the loin cloths.  I think Apostle Paul was beaten like that.   Do you understand how civilization can beat you? So, what we need to do is ensure and guarantee that all citizens have a universal unconditional minimum income support that satisfies the cost of living with mouth daily to get a hotel room, cover transportation and food.  In some countries like the Ireland it work s out yearly to $60,000.00 USD which is about $1153.00 a week paid bi-weekly but not yearly so it's not so burdensome and the government earns it back as sales tax of 25% to 30%.  Why would you resist at this moment and hour of civilization?  Il est le espirit de le Francais pour le societe'. Fais tu as votre livre pour le histoire de le monde?     Who knows what is going on with Haille Selasie's dna at Goat Island? It looks like they are breeding Astronauts.      


 Now, the issue is understanding your territory and your borders.  Home is everything.  It is crucial.  What is the point of going to battle if, when you get back, you have burned out at home or over run by Covid,   economic suffocation as caused by errodite  policy that erodes  the markets  and the consumers therein so that our cannot occupy your own economy and territories  or what is the point now that you are occupied by foreigners from another economy who  have other cultural and linguistic loyalties but maybe they are  related as Eskimo Apache  cousins but all they can do is smile and feed you foods at takeouts and gas station s they own as you, the Latino Anglo, disappears. You need to keep your home occupied with people and families who can remain strong and healthy because Home is everything.    Food is very important to all cultures, Greek food, Chinese food, fried snails and chips,  but what is the point if you cannot buy the food, enjoy your community and just sit down to enjoy it?    Now what is the point of defence except but to defend your home and occupy your own territory?  You are a cultural whore but you have no real commitment and relationship with the purpose of everything which is to raise another generation to at least carry your honorable 1862 Civil War or 1942 WW2 ancestral,  personal  story and testimony forward. You are the people on this continent with great ideas  and the continent should look like it.     But, if defending home is the purpose of defence, all you have been doing is getting your technological jollies and your gear addict  rocks  off in one desert or the other or some jungle for the most part and you've been dying off when you forget little things like a military base in a valley surrounded by hills is the  "would be" sniper's turkey shoot; big boy.   You are heroes, worthy of your honors. We thank you.   Now, the best way to keep your home  and territory occupied is with a sufficient number of people who are committed to this territory as their primary home and primary market for the purposes of carrying that story forward about your nation, your territory and your country's experiences that involves our mutual and shared experiences with multiculturalism where all cultures have participated and will continue to participate in the future as multicultural North American rebranded aboriginals; namaste. Das vidanya. How you do Mas Horace?  Tings good you see!! It's minus 30 degrees out there. I'm going back to Calcutta.   You have missed the point and misused the military mission for educational purposes it seems for too long now.  Who knows what you were trying to achieve but the evidence of what the international community achieved with tampons in your family's fish bucket was tremendous. You will try again next month or isn't she full of the shrimp to be able to ignite a conception?  You have been depopulated, underfunded and drugged up with foods and drinks for a long time now, anesthestising you to turn you into impossible burgers; namaste if you are not a real American enjoying the real American experience living in a basic income/Minimum Income Support state.    When she drops the tampon, she will have a baby.  For education, there will be a peace core again after there is a universal unconditional minimum income support.   You will have children and communities again.  You will be happy.   There is certainly something anthropological going on but I think lots of money is the best way to keep the Americans happy; at home and if they want to move to Europe let them come but maybe we prefer that you have more than enough in America when you  may not understand family comes first to a European and no matter how good you are, I will feel like I don't know what to do with you if you must come and eat in my home at a party or something. It's best you stay home and save America, occupy America. You can save her.    But, you are invited.  I want you to come.   We have to help because I don't want to help too much if things get out of hand.  It would be easier to help when there is still some semblance of order and a worthy market to invest in and  I would not really like it if all  of you would have to come at once with your argumentative Pink Floyd collecting resistant dna; fools! The music  did help so we could see what Berwulf dna  looks like now.  So, if your enemy defends his home and territory using   a universal unconditional minimum income support  of $65,000.00 per citizen, maybe you compete by implementing a universal unconditional minimum income support of $65,999.00 per citizen. You can do anything or nothing but to win, you have to do something before he buys you out  in a global free market. He said, "I buy it."  


Now,  Saul's head was cut off;  we are told.  His dna, The 1430 dna, was eaten by Wolves but then cloned over and over again to understand him.  Napoleon or Apoleon had one hand and the head Butler in Jamaica had one leg for a very long time to get you to repent from Saul's need to be the only one...and to pay attention to your teaching.   Did you  throw away your son's post office job confirmation letter to see if he had more favor than you or to say you have authority over the government?  Maybe you demolish everyone around you to ensure people can see how well you did in those last hours; including your grand children and your one daughter on your way to your egotistic Apoleon heaven...which is really hell with all of your Apoleon relatives; your relatives since in your family how could your  children be more than you  when your nigger Apoleon   "counting up" day comes?    But, because of slavery you will try to repent of that crap or maybe you will continue to keep hope alive.  We do not hope for what we have already achieved and received but if we frustrate ourselves, then we can hope again.    Resisting something because it is new is different from resisting something because you are the descendant of the Saul, the King of Israel, who resisted God and his wisdom when you don't know what you see is actually resistance for resistance sake.    Berwulf in the Netflix show Barbarians resisted  for resistance sake; so did King Saul.  They died in resistance when only a simple thing was asked of them.   Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you and then you will have peace with Israel and Rome.  Saul was to retire with Michal and go to  the Philistines who would have granted him Asylum.  Michal was a Philistine.  

Harriet Pocahontas Tubman



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March 23rd, 2023. By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed. Incomplete There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also. Did you know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal? Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU. If we say "yes", then you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due. Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment. The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made. This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will participate in the design, conceptual and actual development of the idea and work as a company administrator. Click here.

Click here. 25 June 2024. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay. By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports. Money is an economic and legal formality along with the regular and consistent provision of money to every benefit recipient in the country. It maintains the population and we are happy to see others join us since he who has the most people wins since with people, you maintain your territory, dominion and your hegemony. You can expand and join other populations. You can afford to maintain yourself in any part of the world. You keep pace with the imagined competition. Is it Russia? They fund 100% of their population. They see that across Canada and the US, only 48% of the population is funded and it is as low as 28% in the US alone. So, then the other 72% of under funded Americans is the real issue behind weak consumer stimulus. It is rumored that Kenya has decided to increase its income support by .90 cents an hour. We are all the canary in the mine to say there is too much poison in the foods; DDT etc and it's illegal. We can have black legal counsel. Actually, we do have some. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavors that they must, will be sold; The Russians have always had a consistent buyer market with sufficient consumer stimulus since they always had an income support. You add to this a product diversity, choice and excited consumerism and you have the largest consumer market in the world; larger than America; absorbing American made and also Chinese goods with a certainty unseen in America that the goods will be sold. China is quite similar as it is certain that the citizen or the consumer as the citizen or benefit recipient has money. The benefit is paid by the government and not intercepted by any thieves in the banking system and when would such a fiasco be overlooked for years, affecting the economy and the government's plans? The Americans, in their talk about capitalism have missed their own point when you talk about marketing and selling where there is no market of regular, certain buyers while they focus on the freedom their system promises to adventuring marketers to create a gazillion candy bars, soft drinks, toys and new gadgets with product designers involving new product creation that is met by always comparatively low consumer stimulus and low buyer certainty. We asked why. One answer is the country still sees itself as a hinter land where the old east sees the burgeoning west with places like Utah, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Colorado as a land of wild heathens next to Vermont and that should not have this Vermont type income support until they can sing three church hymns from memory. So, the Vermont school teacher is the principal of the school in Colorado but the income support is still comparatively low so you sing the hymns, cross your T's and dot your I's and you must have sung the hymns by 1860, 1914, 1929 or 1939 but you still have not received the income support in sufficient amounts that are comparable to the east so you can wash in the river and be clean; buy the goods, obtain the goods without use of violence and consume what is being sold and offered to you with a seamless amount of consumer buying power across the country. Some are confused by the word or concept of Demand but "Demand" means "Buying Power." Supply must meet Buying Power/demand in sufficient measure or else the goods in the store do not sell and the manufacturer does not earn enough money and would have to close down in the usual case; a disaster. This is something that armed conflict within the country or with other countries cannot solve. It is about what you have done to you and your own people; what you have done to you. In our observation, it means the old east has some baring on what is happening in the country. The next issue is whether the people in the west would find it hard maybe in some hunter gatherer cultural resistance to just ensure every citizen in that region is above and beyond any want or need to fend and live off the land; hunt for a rabbit. But, wouldn't you need a knife at least to cut it and share it or you would eat it all by yourself with your hands?