You could blame the black guy who had 8 years to solve the problem and signed for the nation the UN ILO recommendations R202. It was initially communicated in 1944. As it was in the new beginning, so shall it be today as we finally respect the universal unconditional minimum income support. If you say he is responsible, then you are responsible. It also says the last administration knew the problem and the solution as evidenced in the UN Ilo Recommendations R202. They knew. If they knew, then they are liable. There is a lot of talk about a polite American genocide these days, utilizing a socioeconomic widget that slowly starves the population. It is called job automation. The decision not to implement a universal minimum income support exacerbates the problem and confirms the intention. It affects more than people. It affects the entire landscape; the entire economy. It turns out that the new guy is a hexadecaroon black so when you say "black guy at the House about to get an award for most attacked, embattled, dignified new guy" he put his hand up also. I was referring to the other black guy who is the new decorator for the presumptive, returning old black guy. Somebody has to save the ship from burning up and going down. You heard of an electoral college. Now we need a policy college that will involve Supreme Court nominees who will judicially confirm policy direction. The solution is so simple. A political system that guarantees there are only two parties for national elections with very little opportunity for a third party candidate to win is as logical as the Omega Man movie Terrorist plot involving the fake pandemic. There is also a lot of energy being spent on a presumptive third time in office but with little commitment to the life support North America needs in terms of a universal minimum income support. The former POTUS is ironically one person at his level of former security clearance that is talking about a basic income. The presumptive next, new president is not talking about it. The former POTUS did not set policy in 1996 when the problem began. You could blame the POTUS of 1996. You could blame FDR. But, if we could take our power to vote and know anything can be done, it should be to have the confidence that clean municipal drinking water and the unconditional socioeconomic love of God in the form of a universal minimum income support is beyond political debate and interruption with *every citizen as a recipient.* The Chinese , Japanese, the Russians, the Pakistanis, the Indians and the Europeans enjoy this unconditional socioeconomic love of God seen in 2nd Chronicles 31. America only preaches about this love. The Chinese, the Japanese and the Russians show me their faith by their works. They have the money to buy your Christian books and recordings. They must be very faithful to your teachings. They are also super UBER capitalists. They funded unlimited supply by committing to efficiency in supply and production with automation. They also funded markets and market demand with the universal unconditional minimum income support. What was your name? You are very intelligent. You are American. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you and if you can, then your market should have at least 1/3 of the buying power of Asia. Right now, you are operating at 1/8 of market capacity and many chain stores and malls are shutting in America. They don't seem to be shutting in Russia or China. You need to pay attention. The bible does say respect the powers that be but what if the power is Hitler or some other maniac who would use inhumane tactics to kill some ignorant white West Amerindians and White Indians, what do you do with your power to vote? He is killing you. In respecting the powers that be, the power in democracy is the power of the vote. ******************** Read 2nd Samuel 8 and 9. It is to be a servant and submitted. Mephibosheth is the father of Absalom. The goal, based on the evidence of dwindling economic indicators like dwindling bread sales and dwindling motor oil changes per year would be to spend money fueling all important demand. A universal unconditional minimum income support fuels demand. Some states have this policy. If you can't understand what is happening to your economy as malls shut down and large retailers move to other economies that have a universal minimum income support, you would probably be good to just imitate those other economies and their socio-economic programmes that involve a universal minimum income support. The real issue is to understand a temperament that plagues North America and that is, in fact, the fundamental Christopher Columbus dna with it's temperament that provides the backbone psychology of the thought processes of many individuals in leadership but not all individuals. What is it that you did really want? This is what I want you to do for me. I want you to just understand something right now. You don't have a crisis. You have deliberate, orchestrated diffidence. You are 1430 dna. +++++++++ There is a tendency to need to be equal. You are an engineer and you could understand Law is like a bakery or a pizzeria and that you could just hire lawyers like you hire bakers and share the fee equally. . But, you seem to say you need to go to Law school to be equal. ++++++++++ -There is a tendency to want to be in control of the ship or the business; take over the bakery owned by your neighbour, for example, before you understand how to bake a cheesecake. You want to take over a law firm before you could spell actus reus or recite the thin skull rule or the principle of Novus Actus Interveniens. -There is a tendency to infiltrate authority and want the country to follow you as the Chief of Trench Town Police instead of the country following the Monarch, the UN or their elected official who is advised to implement the universal minimum income support. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' -You need to be the only one. You dont intend to share the farm with your ten siblings. -You need to be accepted instead of affirming that you are accepted. - You, Christopher Columbus, are racially sick but you are essentially a Black European Aboriginal who was given authority. The difficulty with you is that you would kill to be accepted and "Black and White" did not exist when you started your journey. You seemed to presume "Black" meant down and white meant up. Minimum income support is not to help the poor. It helps everyone. Everyone gets it. But, once Black and white began in the mid 1650', you became very angry and may have started the formal powder culture and were also willing to cut a person's limb off to show you are not really black as a way of dissociation from Black people. You would literally engineer a context with anyone around you to show your authority. Who would cut a hand off and then try to give people money as an apology or invite them to a church dance except people from Jamamaca? ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' -You jealously guard your position. Who is there around you who is capable, maybe younger and who might have more official qualifications although you have position? You would probably, like Absalom, kill Amnon who was betrothed to Tamar since you did not want any competition and then make her have your children although Anon was first in. You would then challenge your father's position since you could not for him to choose his successor and treat him as dead by taking all of his wives as your own. So, kill the oldest to take position and then you attack the younger one that you see as competition. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' -Without enough education, you dont see how you can be happy and raise a family and this is amplified by the lack of money. You turn your children, if you have them, into social competition quite often whether or not you have education. This is the key problem causing depopulation when you dont understand the purpose of of family. You express this best when you resent the independent success of others; including your family. You and the mayor killed too many Supermen from Iowa who were athlete of the year and good graduates who won prizes as real estate agents or journalists. You are a thrill seeker who calls Europe home, Your temperament will settle down in America and call America home if there is sufficient moneys for every citizen that will mean sufficient European Association and less of that emotional and cultural isolation. If there is not enough money which says there is not enough compliance and submission to Europe and the disbursement, you go into some kind of adrenaline addiction because you are panicking into survival mode. Watch Law and Order. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Then you start to manifest your pirate tendencies. You will destabilise the country and everyone else around you must be helping since they all have to be 1/7 Christopher Columbus and just as angry as you are. The real problem with you is you would rather pirate and this works best in crisis although you could lead people to implement the universal minimum income support. The reason why you would rather pirate on the community around on America is because you call Europe home and you could take a vacation to Sardinia and enjoy it bit essentially you don't believe America should exist. You call Europe home and your acceptance. You need to be accepted and acceptance means you find a reason to go back home or you ask Europe to come and run America because you don't believe America should have the authority. The best way to go back home is to say America is dead and that means you want to go back home or its death which is what you are saying. The reason why this discussion has emerged is because the tension within America is looking for release and you seem to want to release your frustration on some other national community to feel good, feel big, feel in charge and feel authority but what you feel is not Asia's fault or Europe"s fault. It's you. Much of the frustration will go away if you would just sit down and write a basic grade 8 trigonometry exam that involves solving the equation for the missing side. That is what you said. Thank you. We have a solution to help all of the white people whose businesses are shutting down. They are helped when the black people have more cash to be happy customers on abusive chatter finance agreements where the white people can use them, abuse them and maybe extort them for a Few dollars more and say they own that customer's a-s with every car interest payment or every appliance interest payment. This is chattel finance slavery. The malls will reopen or they will be rebuilt and you can abuse my a-s as I shop on the universal unconditional minimum income support. He told his customers I would whip them and beat them if they don't pay. They are so happy they can participate and pay with their universal minimum income support and they are soo humble. You know, I like them....something familiar. _______________ Lastly, you need to see that there is still work they want you to do like implement the universal minimum income support and this would be to your service, to honor your culture that wants to have markets expanding away from HOME.

You could blame the black guy who had 8 years to solve the problem and signed for the nation  the UN ILO recommendations R202. It was initially communicated in 1944. As it was in the new beginning, so shall it be today as we finally respect the universal unconditional minimum income support.   If you say he is responsible, then you are responsible. It also says the last administration knew the problem and the solution as evidenced in the UN Ilo Recommendations R202.  They knew. If they knew, then they are liable. There is a lot of talk about a polite American genocide these days, utilizing a socioeconomic widget that slowly starves the population.  It is called job automation. The decision not to implement a universal minimum income support exacerbates the problem and confirms the intention.  It affects more than people. It affects the entire landscape; the entire economy. It turns out that the new guy is a hexadecaroon black  so when you say "black guy at the House about to get an award for most attacked, embattled, dignified new guy" he put his hand up also.   I was referring to the other black guy who is the new decorator for the presumptive, returning old black guy.  Somebody has to save the ship from burning up and going down.  You heard of an electoral college. Now we need a policy college that will involve Supreme Court nominees who will judicially confirm policy direction.  The solution is so simple.    A political system that guarantees there are only two parties for national elections with very little opportunity for a third party candidate to win is as logical as the Omega Man movie Terrorist plot involving the fake pandemic.  There is also a lot of energy being spent on a presumptive third time in office but with little commitment to the life support North America needs in terms of a universal minimum income support.  The former POTUS is ironically one person at his level of former  security clearance that is talking about a basic income.  The presumptive next, new president is not talking about it.  The former POTUS did not set policy in 1996 when the problem began.  You could blame the POTUS of 1996.  You could blame FDR.   But, if we could take our power to vote and know anything can be done, it should be to have the confidence  that clean municipal drinking water and the unconditional socioeconomic love of God  in the form of a universal minimum income support is beyond political debate and interruption with *every citizen as a recipient.*   The Chinese , Japanese, the Russians, the Pakistanis, the Indians and the Europeans enjoy this unconditional socioeconomic love of God seen in 2nd Chronicles 31.  America only preaches about this love.     The Chinese, the Japanese and the Russians show me their faith by their works. They have the money to buy your Christian books and recordings. They must be very faithful to your teachings. They are also super UBER capitalists. They funded unlimited supply by committing to efficiency in supply and production with automation. They also funded markets and market demand with  the universal unconditional minimum income support. What was your name?  You are very intelligent. You are American. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you and if you can, then your market should have at least 1/3 of the buying power of Asia. Right now, you are operating at 1/8 of market capacity and many chain stores and malls are shutting in America. They don't seem to be shutting in Russia or China.  You need to pay attention.   The bible does say respect the powers that be but what if the power is Hitler or some other maniac who would use inhumane tactics to kill some ignorant white West Amerindians and White Indians, what do you do with your power to vote?  He is killing you. In respecting the powers that be, the power in democracy is the power of the vote.  

 ********************  Read 2nd Samuel 8 and 9.  It is to be a servant and submitted. Mephibosheth is the father of Absalom.   The goal, based on the evidence of dwindling economic indicators like dwindling bread  sales and dwindling motor oil changes per year would be to spend money  fueling all important demand. A universal unconditional minimum income support fuels demand. Some states have this policy.  If you can't understand what is happening to your economy as malls shut down and large retailers move to other economies that have a universal minimum income support, you would probably be good to  just imitate those other economies and their socio-economic programmes that involve a universal minimum income support.    The real issue is to understand a temperament that plagues North America and that is, in fact,  the fundamental Christopher Columbus dna with  it's temperament that provides the  backbone psychology of  the thought processes of many individuals in leadership  but not all individuals. What is it that you did really want?   This is what I want you to do for me.  I want you to just understand something right now. You don't have a crisis. You have deliberate, orchestrated diffidence.   You are 1430 dna.   +++++++++ There is a tendency to need to be equal. You are an engineer and you could understand Law is like a bakery or a pizzeria and that you could just hire lawyers like you hire bakers and share the fee equally.  . But, you seem to say you need to go to Law school to be equal.     ++++++++++   -There is a tendency to want to be in control of the ship or the business; take over the bakery owned by your neighbour, for example,  before you understand how to bake a cheesecake. You want to   take over a law firm before you could spell actus reus or recite the thin skull rule or the principle of Novus Actus Interveniens.      -There is a tendency to infiltrate authority and want the country to follow you as the  Chief of Trench Town Police instead of the country following the Monarch, the UN or their elected official who is advised to implement the universal minimum income support.  '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''    -You need to be the only one. You dont intend to share the farm with your ten siblings.  -You need to be accepted instead of affirming that you are accepted.  - You, Christopher Columbus,  are racially sick but you are essentially a  Black European Aboriginal who was given authority.  The difficulty with you is that you would kill to  be accepted and "Black and White" did not exist when you started your journey.  You seemed to presume "Black" meant down and white meant up.  Minimum income support is not to help the poor. It helps everyone. Everyone gets it.  But, once Black and white began in the mid 1650',  you became very angry and may have started the formal powder culture and were also willing to cut a person's limb off to show you are not really black as a way of dissociation from Black people.  You would literally engineer a context with anyone around you to show your authority. Who would cut a hand off and then try to give people money as an apology or invite them to a church dance except people from Jamamaca?   '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''  -You jealously guard your position. Who is there around you who is capable, maybe younger and who might have more official qualifications although you have position? You would probably, like Absalom, kill Amnon who was betrothed to Tamar since you did not want any competition and then make her have your children although Anon was first in. You would then challenge your father's position since you could not for him to choose his successor and treat him as dead by taking all of his wives as your own.  So, kill the oldest to take position and then you attack the younger one  that you see as competition.  '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''    -Without enough education, you dont see how you can be happy and raise a family and this is amplified by the lack of money.   You turn your children, if you have them, into social competition quite often whether or not you have education.   This is the key problem causing depopulation when you dont understand the purpose of of family.  You express this best when you resent the independent success of others; including your family. You and the mayor killed too many Supermen from Iowa who were athlete of the year and good graduates who won prizes as real estate agents or  journalists.   You are  a thrill seeker who calls Europe home,  Your temperament will settle down in America and call America home if there is sufficient moneys for every citizen that will mean sufficient European Association and less of that emotional and cultural isolation.    If there is not enough money which says there is not enough compliance and submission to Europe and the disbursement, you go into some kind of adrenaline addiction because you are panicking into survival mode. Watch Law and Order.   ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''  Then you start to manifest your pirate tendencies. You will destabilise the country and everyone else around you must be  helping  since they all have to be 1/7 Christopher Columbus and just as angry as you are. The real problem with you is you would rather pirate and this works best in crisis although you could lead people to implement the universal minimum income support.  The reason why you would rather pirate on the community around on America is because you call Europe home and you could take a vacation to Sardinia and enjoy it bit essentially you don't believe America should exist. You call Europe home and your acceptance.  You need to be accepted and acceptance means you find a reason to go back home or you ask Europe to come and run America because you don't believe America should have the authority. The best way to go back home is to say America is dead and that means you want to go back home or its death which is what you are saying.  The reason why this discussion has emerged is because the tension within America is looking for release and you seem to want to release your frustration on some other  national community to feel good, feel big, feel in charge and feel authority but what you feel is not Asia's fault or Europe"s fault. It's you.  Much of the frustration will go away if you would just sit down and write a basic grade 8 trigonometry exam that involves solving the equation for the missing side.  That is what you said.  Thank you.    We have a solution to help all of the white people whose businesses are shutting down. They are helped when the black people have more cash to be happy customers on abusive chatter finance agreements where the white people can use them, abuse them and maybe extort them for a Few dollars more and say they own that customer's a-s with every car interest payment or every appliance interest payment. This is chattel finance slavery.  The malls will reopen or they will be rebuilt and you can abuse my a-s as I shop on the universal unconditional minimum income support.   He  told his  customers I would whip them and beat them if they don't pay.   They are so happy they can participate and pay with their universal minimum income support and they are soo humble. You know, I like them....something familiar.     _______________  Lastly, you need to see that there is still work they want you to do like implement the universal minimum  income support and this would be to your service,  to honor your culture that wants to have markets expanding away from HOME. 


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March 23rd, 2023. By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed. Incomplete There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also. Did you know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal? Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU. If we say "yes", then you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due. Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment. The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made. This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will participate in the design, conceptual and actual development of the idea and work as a company administrator. Click here.

Click here. 25 June 2024. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay. By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports. Money is an economic and legal formality along with the regular and consistent provision of money to every benefit recipient in the country. It maintains the population and we are happy to see others join us since he who has the most people wins since with people, you maintain your territory, dominion and your hegemony. You can expand and join other populations. You can afford to maintain yourself in any part of the world. You keep pace with the imagined competition. Is it Russia? They fund 100% of their population. They see that across Canada and the US, only 48% of the population is funded and it is as low as 28% in the US alone. So, then the other 72% of under funded Americans is the real issue behind weak consumer stimulus. It is rumored that Kenya has decided to increase its income support by .90 cents an hour. We are all the canary in the mine to say there is too much poison in the foods; DDT etc and it's illegal. We can have black legal counsel. Actually, we do have some. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavors that they must, will be sold; The Russians have always had a consistent buyer market with sufficient consumer stimulus since they always had an income support. You add to this a product diversity, choice and excited consumerism and you have the largest consumer market in the world; larger than America; absorbing American made and also Chinese goods with a certainty unseen in America that the goods will be sold. China is quite similar as it is certain that the citizen or the consumer as the citizen or benefit recipient has money. The benefit is paid by the government and not intercepted by any thieves in the banking system and when would such a fiasco be overlooked for years, affecting the economy and the government's plans? The Americans, in their talk about capitalism have missed their own point when you talk about marketing and selling where there is no market of regular, certain buyers while they focus on the freedom their system promises to adventuring marketers to create a gazillion candy bars, soft drinks, toys and new gadgets with product designers involving new product creation that is met by always comparatively low consumer stimulus and low buyer certainty. We asked why. One answer is the country still sees itself as a hinter land where the old east sees the burgeoning west with places like Utah, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Colorado as a land of wild heathens next to Vermont and that should not have this Vermont type income support until they can sing three church hymns from memory. So, the Vermont school teacher is the principal of the school in Colorado but the income support is still comparatively low so you sing the hymns, cross your T's and dot your I's and you must have sung the hymns by 1860, 1914, 1929 or 1939 but you still have not received the income support in sufficient amounts that are comparable to the east so you can wash in the river and be clean; buy the goods, obtain the goods without use of violence and consume what is being sold and offered to you with a seamless amount of consumer buying power across the country. Some are confused by the word or concept of Demand but "Demand" means "Buying Power." Supply must meet Buying Power/demand in sufficient measure or else the goods in the store do not sell and the manufacturer does not earn enough money and would have to close down in the usual case; a disaster. This is something that armed conflict within the country or with other countries cannot solve. It is about what you have done to you and your own people; what you have done to you. In our observation, it means the old east has some baring on what is happening in the country. The next issue is whether the people in the west would find it hard maybe in some hunter gatherer cultural resistance to just ensure every citizen in that region is above and beyond any want or need to fend and live off the land; hunt for a rabbit. But, wouldn't you need a knife at least to cut it and share it or you would eat it all by yourself with your hands?