If the sale price is $1.00 for the coffee and sales tax is 30% with part of the National revenue being used to fund the universal unconditional minimum income support, the final price is $1.30. You always multiply the price by .30(30%, and 3% is .03) and then you add it back to get the final price. So, .30 x $1.00 equals thirty percent. So, then we have .30 +the original $1.00 equals $1.30. If the coffee is $2.00, the final price is $2.60. The revenue for the governrment or the bond yields .60 cents per cup at $2.00. With the rightly coded Wells American business account offering in partnership with de govament, de govament takes the 30 percent on all earnings on business sales every day. So, 400 cups of coffee every day at $2.00 will amount to what tax generated? 1000 coffee shops at 400 cups per shop per day generates $240,000.00 in revenue. There are so many rules and regulations involving one U.S. Navy submarine. When does "leadership style" take precedence over the constitution and "mount" the importance of various rules, treaties and laws designed for global commerce and national safety? ***************** Any market may reflect conditions of difference among participants in spite of genuine good intentions among business owners and consumers. Some may have a more prayerful respect for Maslow's hierarchy of needs; maybe less fear of group acceptance in doing the new while finding acceptance in the classic, old model vehicle and respected, coveted to the death. When the graduate dies, you say you are only decorating your emotions in the real world for your comfort and for people just as Nazi as you (Fe true; come nuh man?) but, you say, it's not really murder when it is how you feel!!!!! ********* However, it is possible that as a matter of harsh climate and experience therein, a population could read a cold, harsh emotion and anthropological phenomenon into the system of economics handed to you that is intended to operate to the benefit of those who designed the guns, nails, aprons, brushes, butter, milk, bread, vehicles, cowboy boots, hats, belts, robotic assembly and the system in general that all might be saved, benefit, participate and none would perish. You might even start to teach the harshness that said you left people dying of hypothermia and frost bite behind in a ditch on the way to New York. You close your mind to the suffering you leave behind. You start teaching this harshness in...Your version of socioeconomics as being part of what you say is your system where it becomes wasteful instead of generating its ability to safeguard the meaningfulness of human life. But, when did an American take credit for capitalism as a system? It is not your system. The ocean is not your water. The air is not your air. You are not the devil in the House on day one as the inexperienced politicians but you refuse help and the devil would allow himself to be crucified for this misapprehension of Capitalism that dates back two generations that does not work and rejects the meaningfulness of human life while ignoring the more cooperative, productive, original version of capitalism enjoyed in larger and also smaller countries who would wish to enjoy America as a useful consumer market predicated on fast, friendly convenience. You could have a pirate pimpernel public safety officer or former VP who holds a personal vendetta against real estate property purchase and sale but not the occupation of property. You should ask the culture that provided you with a Bud and 501's for help. In any event, there are many people praying around the clock for the leaky water pipe at the house to stop wasting their time. Joe, the plumber, could fix the economy in three moves. Raise sales tax to 30%. Collect sales tax automatically and daily during daily settlements with your bank at 3 pm. Pay a universal minimum income support to every citizen. See the economy reign in billions of Federal governrment revenue monthly. Don't ask Joe or Hillary. She is not coming back. She is disqualified from holding any office and you can't tolerate her glitch as a convict under the Espionage Act 1917 in any event. The last team made you tread water for four years using their enduring eight years of influence in fear that you would criticise them and only planning to take back the house. But,the national interest is not a board game. You and the tank commanders took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution. It's your show. Now, how many white Mexicans does it take to screw in a light bulb? It should not take four years. For November, this is what we are thinking about. You are white. You have your authority, you see your culpability, your position and your control. Will we sink as a market? Sales tax at 30% is the norm and is now all muey importante when the automation of the many processes have taken up job opportunities. Too many people who offered to help the new guy disappeared by now. But, we must help him. The goal is a clean, regenerative Edelweiss economy with cool, hybrid, hydrogen or electric regenerative vehicles and butter cup flowers in the fields that is not an apocalyptic burned wasteland but community where there is respect for the value of human life. So, we have pirate Robert E. Lee, an attache of the Columbus pirate school, who moved from pirating ships to pirating plantations, homes, carriages,trains, churches, car manufacturing plants and then politics in his adaptation of his pirate ways to socioeconomic phenomenon taking power, but quite often, he is not really sure how it works yet and the constitution is treated as an annoyance and inconvenience. He also tended to want to decide when people would die, a trait shared by Joseph Mengele, and thought Habeus Corpus Droit was a cheap white West Indian alcoholic drink only to gargle with. So, now that you understand Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ as an intellectual property farm, you know you cannot just pick my property, my intellectual cultivation. In French; So, maitnant tu comprend, Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ est le propriété intellectual ferme, tu connaitre tu ne fait pas prendre mon propriété, mon agriculture intellectual. How is it you're a Canadian and you do not speak French? ****** If he becomes involved in his adolescent coalescence of power, he may forget the reason why we have a separation of powers as we left a good King George following the rumour of tyrannical and absolute abuses of power so that we would not have a king again. But, the pirate wanted the English to ship everything twice or maybe you dilute the milk and call it lactose intolerant so you get 2 for 1 and sell ot for twice as much per litre or quart. So, when the soldier interrupts the Court to see his own justice and get what he wants, deciding he would like to see people tried multiple times for the same offence, we have someone fighting with the crown, Commonwealth and Magna carta and is the reincarnation of a treason witnessed in the 13 colonies before; possibly when the Kingsmen presumed the Court would not convict the British soldiers for shooting the colonialists at Boston in 1774. They were convicted and the Kingsmen started their own revolt in a contempt of Court and disabled the Court process. If there is no trust property, then there is no need for an administrative trust and the order for the trust was already vacated. The trust failed in any event due to lack of certainty in subject matter. There wasn't any trust account and, therefore, no trust property. Further to this, the ex parte order failed due to the provision of false information to the Court. You need to calm down though. You cannot always get what you want Blash. The world cannot let you jeopardise this mission; the mission to improve requisite consumer demand with your vomit about "needing to be accepted." You should know you are accepted while,now, you dismember the economy. You have your uses though if you would just hold your corner, catch the Omega man/Black Monday terrorists and work for the weekend. No one has authority over you but authority. Maybe you could bring back the 1970 milk quality. It's a bit watered down and sad to drink and we want tall can six packs now; better for the environment. But, what is the point of a Well America Card or a Trumpet Credit card if people are laid off due to automation and don't have a universal minimum income support to at least pay you back? ************************************* Some people have seen their jobs automated. Some people gamble or there is criminal market interference or murderous religious or educational intolerance. As such, we may see "haves" and "have nots" and this does not mean some are entirely left behind. In fact, the rule of Capitalism and the OECD and the UN is that No One is left behind as a "have not" and all citizens are guranteed a universal minimum income support to shield them from unfortunate poorly motivated, evil aspects of humanity since how could YOU be a graduate of a European Law School? I would rather just f=-;+k everything up to see what you will do, what authority can stop my poorly motivated non-graduate kind? ************************************ It is not the rule of Capitalism to guarantee inequity in its systemic engineering of markets and socioeconomic policy. It is to guarantee and safeguard the UDHR Article 25 and the OHCHR Article 11 by the barrel of the gun and military power. Whatever is good for France in socioeconomics is good for Canada and what is good for Quebec is good for Oatsawanario. But, the idea was for you to plan to expand into Asia instead while your domestic market contracts. Minimum income support shields the market and the citizen against the "market shrinking", "market reducing", "market shutting" results of total automation. The power of automation is causality. Automating three car assembly kinds may have meant 40% of the National car buying market dries up when those workers are laid off. Some of those people were engineering and sociology graduates. They are, like all skilled workers, are a valued aspect of the Nation's human resources. ************************ The citizen IS the market. Did you know squid or squid extract has an enzyme to fight acne? Gracias!! The citizen engineering graduate* is a soldier who can wash trucks, dish out food and make beds in the national hotel chain, clean national college buildings or work as general airport security. It gives the citizen something to work with for most of their immediate priority needs and they will approach the banks to finance the other more exciting new car, new electronics needs with some of their Minimum income support spending power. Who would ever think of robbing a bank in America* when they have a universal unconditional minimum income support of no less than $40,000.00 per year? This new upswing in automation is not a moment to stop and ask what is the the constitution or what type of people will be chosen to live, chosen to live and enjoy the new economy as in who is to be accepted and I know I never elected any terrorist who would visit his diffident terror on the population with questions like that originating in his terrorist mind? If Hitler ran North America like this and looked like Robert R or PM Vudeau they would be celebrated Amerindians since the victims is the governrment. This truth has defined a century. He is obviously intelligent and old enough to be responsible for smoking cigarettes in the library. ************* When someone points out a national UDHR and UN Ilo R202 commitment with car plants in Oddtarianawa shutting down, they mention shared obligations and the only question is when the central signatory upon whom the obligation is internationally binding will fulfil their share. It is shared in Russia and fulfilled for the entire population of Russia. ******** "Friends of the Nation" is a new political party; as rumored. All I know is McCain French fries and Rolo did not shoot the winner and would have been arrested if they worked to interrupt the constitution unless there was a devil in the House. But, it looks like he has a plan to stimulate the economy. Teacher , what is the law on adultery or mass murder? What is the constitution? What is the.....? ************** Maybe Truman should have enshrined the universal Medicare and the universal unconditional minimum income support with the risk of death of interrupted. Clearly, there are those in America who would resent Americans enjoying the UDHR economy where there is enough for all. These same people who interrupted Truman seek to forestall these necessary policies today. Friends of the nation are friends of BMW and Ford who have automated 59% of the jobs in America with automation. The market requires a universal minimum income support. By Mike Pueblo Cochise: " Chase Le Americain Delict" is not a bank. But, it is a reality. "Run American" could be a bank someday. Every governrment is in this fashion. Transactions generate revenue. But, we are suffering some static always on graduation day on the American side. The real trite Think of the UBI or the universal unconditional minimum income support as making every citizen an employee essentially as healthy enough to carry and fire a rifle if they had to. Germans, in fact, all European countries follow this motif in the application of the universal unconditional minimum income support program. It is also good for the economy; yes? **************** This 1430 dna may have found itself a place in a land where it is more accepted, favored and cared for under the rules of the UDHR. It treats those it left behind in Ontario or in America or in the Caribbean like the younger brother it wishes to see suffocate while celebrating his acceptance. Is he not more accepted and maybe you will figure it out and find your way while is he not more accepted? This finds itself in leadership and works as egotistical magnetic polar opposites instead of in brotherly synthesis; the murderer at seven years old that it is. Our economy is set up to serve the needs of people in a market; a market that is kept safe by the governors* and the government that provide security and safety from the various elements of humanity that would make the market dangerous for both consumers and sellers who, at either stage of the transaction will be owning property and holding sums of money. They would like to be able to return to their homes and enjoy tow result of their transactions. The agreement we make with governrment we set up collectively for safety and security is agreed and politely paid for in tax that funds the security function of government that keeps people, property and transactions safe. Most UN member states have a 30% sales tax and a universal unconditional minimum income support that will satisfy the average cost of living; including the average rent for a one bed apartment in that jurisdiction. In the France, it is about Euro 50,000.00 per year. The sales tax is 30% on small coffee cup sales, vacation packages and car sales in addition to monthly rents. The people in the economy generate transactions spending money; money they have primarily from the universal unconditional minimum income support and also from incomes earned working that is additional to and above the General unconditional universal minimum income support that everyone receives. The plethora of transactions generate sales tax. See the diagram. The rate of sales tax revenue the governrment receives slows down if you lower sales tax and if the people have less and less money to spend...due to automation for instance. What if all the coffee shops in France automated their services or what if car sales were automated and all dealt with online except for test drives? It may mean that 30% of the population sees a drop in their spending power by maybe $ Euros 30,000.00 a year while they will still have the economic life support from their universal unconditional minimum income support; so does the economy. Otherwise, everybody loses and sees the ultimate shutdown; the recession or the humongous bazoonga bust. See the diagram. The wheel represents the economy with a plethora of transactions. The hamster represents the people spending money in transactions that generate a sales tax of 30% ideally. Decreasing sales tax for political popularity is ruinous when you have to start cutting services when it is a painless tax that generates billions and can fund all functions and priorities of the government that begins,fist and foremost with funding people. Our most painful and powerful example for today and tomorrow is day one in a desert island economy running on robotic automation. What I want first on a desert island is lots of shelter for the people. This is the first key Tag expenditure. If we already have shelter, then the key expenditure is funding the people so they can pay for the shelter ,food, clothing and other niceties like music and chocolate and books. Civic defence is the purpose behind ensuring and protecting every citizen who are your first and last line of defence. In this, you find the purpose behind funding for free education up to the completion of a college or university degree and it is good to have citizens with these skills and abilities for national human resources. How can Warren A Lyon's Poo Power™ concept fuel a Passenger jet? Well, it can. You have been interrupted by a pirate pimpernel dna that thinks of theft, piracy , social authority and acceptance before consequences and whether he has enough people in the populous to pull off his treasonous, terrorist scams; people like him. Automation has disrupted the usual means by which people in the economy obtain monies. This pervasive interruption can shut down the economy when several jobs are automated. The pirate pimpernel and his machinations in such situations usually strengthens his pirate army in the desperation dragging the country into a continual state of violence. See Hobbes for more on this and the English Civil War. What if you had two candidates who suffered from the pirate pimpernel temperament who essentially but innately worked to turn the governrment into a mutiny on the Bounty and quietly committed treason with a celebrity AUTHORITY. ************** Tu as votre comprend. "If I maim him or them, then they will feel like me. They will need to be accepted." No one is playing a game with you if the issue is absolute authority. If you could do this Omega man thing, then you could make the economy work like the Chinese economy or the French economy; bravo! You could make all of Canada enjoy English socioeconomics or Quebecois socioeconomics. The world is a BMW, FORD, VOLKSWAGEN,HONDA , FIAT, Citroen and TOYOTA economy. The world is a car manufacturer's economy and it would take days to name all. Product testing and automation is about safe, durable, reliable and dependable machines that serve you and give you your money's worth on your way back home from your job that involves defending your Civil Liberties; our civil liberties. The elected Pot USE defends our civil liberties. THEY RESPECTED THE POWER OF AUTOMATION AND ALSO THE SOLUTION. TOTAL AUTOMATION =ZERO POPULATION + ZERO MARKET. TOTAL AUTOMATION + HALF THE AVERAGE FULL TIME YEARLY INCOME(AT 70 HRS /WK) ON MINIMUM WAGE PAID TO EVERY CITIZEN AS A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT + 30% SALES TAX FOR THE GOVERNMENT = A STABLE POPULATION + STABLE MARKET. THIS IS A WHITE PEOPLE EXAM AND IF YOUR WHITE ENOUGH, YOU SUPPORT THE UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT. A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT AND CLEAN WATER ARE REQUISITE, LEGAL, LOGICAL SOCIOECONOMIC REQUIREMENTS. YOU HAVE BEEN SIEVED IN THE SAND, WEIGHED IN THE BALANCE OF ECONOMIC intention. Your predilection seems to avoid solutions that would mean we have no problem. In other words, you are intent on war. You are under arrest. It would be better to implement the solution in the above equation and satisfy the investors and manufacturers in your economy. If it is about who will live in America, the answer is Creole Amerindian people like you who are part Amerindian, European, Middle Eastern and part African with *various complexions and hair textures* who may have blonde or black hair with the welcome of pure Amerindian people who may have blonde or black hair and who are likely to eat oatmeal and toast for breakfast and maybe watch the Starwars or maybe Batman or maybe Justice League. What is the question ?

If the sale price is $1.00 for the coffee and sales tax is 30% with part of the National revenue being used to fund the universal unconditional minimum income support, the final price is $1.30.  You always multiply the price by .30(30%, and 3% is .03) and then you add it back to get the final price. So, .30 x $1.00 equals thirty percent. So, then we have .30 +the original $1.00 equals $1.30.   If the coffee is $2.00, the final price is $2.60. The revenue for the governrment or the bond yields .60 cents per cup at $2.00. With the rightly coded Wells American business account offering in partnership with de govament, de govament takes the 30 percent on all earnings on business sales every day. So, 400 cups of coffee every day at $2.00 will  amount to what tax generated? 1000 coffee shops at 400 cups per shop per day generates $240,000.00 in revenue. There are so many rules and regulations involving one U.S. Navy submarine. When does "leadership style" take precedence over the constitution and "mount" the importance of various rules, treaties and laws designed for global commerce and national safety?


Any market may reflect conditions of difference among participants in spite  of genuine good intentions among business owners and consumers. Some may have a more prayerful respect for Maslow's hierarchy of needs; maybe less fear of group acceptance in doing the new while finding acceptance in the classic, old model vehicle and respected, coveted to the death. When the graduate dies, you say you are only decorating your emotions in the real world for your comfort  and for people just as Nazi as you (Fe true; come nuh man?) but, you say, it's not really murder when it is how you feel!!!!!


  However, it is possible that as a matter of harsh climate and experience therein, a population could read a cold, harsh emotion and anthropological phenomenon  into the system of economics handed to you that is intended to operate to the benefit of those who designed the guns, nails, aprons, brushes, butter, milk, bread, vehicles, cowboy boots, hats, belts, robotic assembly and the system in general that all might be saved, benefit, participate  and none would perish. You might even start to teach the harshness that said you left people dying of hypothermia and frost bite behind in a ditch on the way to New York. You close your mind to the suffering you leave behind. You start teaching this harshness in...Your version of socioeconomics as being part of what you say is your system where it becomes wasteful instead of generating its ability to safeguard the meaningfulness of human life.   But, when did an American take credit for capitalism as a system? It is not your system. The ocean is not your water. The air is not your air. You are not the devil in the House on day one as the inexperienced politicians but you refuse help and the devil would allow himself to be crucified for this misapprehension of Capitalism that dates back two generations that does not work and rejects the meaningfulness of human life while ignoring the more cooperative, productive, original  version of capitalism enjoyed in larger and also smaller countries who would wish to enjoy America as a useful consumer market predicated on fast, friendly convenience. You could have a pirate pimpernel public safety officer or former VP who holds a personal vendetta against real estate property purchase and sale but not the occupation of property. You should ask the culture that provided you with a Bud and 501's for help. In any event, there are many people praying around the clock for the leaky water pipe at the house  to stop wasting their time. Joe, the plumber, could fix the economy in three moves. Raise sales tax to 30%. Collect sales tax automatically and daily during daily settlements with your bank at 3 pm. Pay a universal minimum income support to every citizen. See the economy reign in billions of Federal governrment revenue monthly. Don't ask Joe or Hillary. She is not coming back. She is disqualified from holding any office and you can't tolerate her glitch as a convict under the Espionage Act 1917 in any event. The last team made you tread water for four years using their enduring eight years of influence in fear that you would criticise them and only planning to take back the house. But,the national interest is not a board game.  You and the tank commanders took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution. It's your show. Now, how many white Mexicans does it take to screw in a light bulb? It should not take four years. For November, this is what we are thinking about. You are white. You have your authority, you see your culpability, your position and your control. Will we sink as a market? Sales tax at 30% is the norm and is now all muey importante when the automation of the many processes have taken up job opportunities. Too many people who offered to help the new guy disappeared by now. But, we must help him. The goal is a clean, regenerative Edelweiss economy with cool, hybrid, hydrogen or electric regenerative vehicles and butter cup flowers in the fields that is not an apocalyptic burned wasteland but community where there is respect for the value of human life. So, we have pirate Robert E. Lee,  an attache of the Columbus pirate school, who moved from pirating ships to pirating plantations, homes, carriages,trains, churches, car manufacturing plants and then politics in his adaptation of his pirate ways to socioeconomic phenomenon taking power, but quite often, he is not really sure how it works yet and the constitution is treated as an annoyance and inconvenience. He also tended to want to decide when people would die, a trait shared by Joseph Mengele, and thought Habeus Corpus Droit was a cheap white West Indian alcoholic drink only to gargle with. So, now that you understand Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ as an intellectual property farm, you know you cannot just pick my property, my intellectual cultivation.

In French;  So, maitnant tu comprend,  Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ est le propriété intellectual ferme, tu connaitre tu ne fait pas  prendre mon propriété, mon agriculture intellectual.

How is it you're a Canadian and you do not speak French?


If he becomes involved in his  adolescent coalescence of power, he may forget the reason why we have a separation of powers as we left a good King George following the rumour of tyrannical and absolute abuses of  power so that we would not have a king again. But, the pirate wanted the English to ship everything twice or maybe you dilute the milk and call it lactose intolerant so you get 2 for 1 and sell ot for twice as much per litre or quart.    So, when the soldier interrupts the Court to see his own justice and get what he wants, deciding he would like to see people tried multiple times for the same offence, we have someone fighting with the crown, Commonwealth and Magna carta and is the reincarnation of a treason  witnessed in the 13 colonies before; possibly when the Kingsmen presumed the Court would not convict the British soldiers for shooting the colonialists at Boston in 1774. They were convicted and the Kingsmen started their own revolt in a contempt of Court and disabled the Court process. If there is no trust property, then there is no need for an administrative trust and the order for the trust was already vacated. The trust failed in any event due to lack of certainty in subject matter.  There wasn't any trust account and, therefore, no trust property. Further to this, the ex parte order failed due to the provision of false information to the Court. You need to calm down though. You cannot always get what you want Blash. The world cannot let you jeopardise this mission; the mission to improve requisite consumer demand with your vomit about "needing to be accepted." You should know you are accepted while,now, you dismember the economy. You have your uses though if you would just hold your corner, catch the Omega man/Black Monday  terrorists and work for the weekend. No one has authority over you but authority. Maybe you could bring back the 1970 milk quality. It's a bit watered down and sad to drink and we want tall can six packs now; better for the environment. But, what is the point of a Well America Card or a Trumpet Credit card if people are laid off due to automation and don't have a universal minimum income support to at least pay you back?


    Some people have seen their jobs automated.  Some people gamble or there is criminal market interference or murderous  religious or educational intolerance. As such, we may see "haves" and "have nots"  and this does not mean some are entirely left behind. In fact, the rule of Capitalism and the OECD and the UN is that No One is left behind  as a "have not" and all citizens are guranteed a universal minimum income support to shield them from unfortunate poorly motivated, evil aspects of humanity since how could YOU be a graduate of a European Law School? I would rather just f=-;+k everything up to see what you will do, what authority can stop my  poorly motivated non-graduate kind?


      It is not the rule of Capitalism to guarantee inequity in its systemic engineering of markets and socioeconomic policy.  It is to guarantee and safeguard the UDHR Article 25 and the OHCHR Article 11 by the barrel of the gun and military power.    Whatever is good for France in socioeconomics is good for Canada and what is good for Quebec is good for Oatsawanario. But, the idea was for you to plan to expand into Asia instead while your domestic market contracts.   Minimum income support shields the market and the citizen against the "market shrinking", "market reducing", "market shutting" results of total automation. The power of automation is causality. Automating three car assembly kinds may have meant 40% of the National car buying market dries up when those workers are laid off. Some of those people were engineering and sociology graduates. They are, like all skilled workers,  are a valued aspect of the Nation's human resources.


The citizen IS the market.   Did you know squid or squid extract has an enzyme to fight acne?  Gracias!! The citizen engineering graduate* is a soldier who can wash trucks, dish out food and make beds in the national hotel chain,  clean national college buildings or work as general airport security. It gives the citizen something to work with for most of their immediate priority needs and they will approach the banks to finance the other more exciting new car, new electronics  needs with some of their Minimum income support spending power. Who would ever think of robbing a bank in America* when they have a universal unconditional minimum income support of no less than $40,000.00 per year? This new upswing in automation is not a moment to stop and ask what is the  the constitution or what type of people will be chosen to live, chosen to live and enjoy the new economy as in who is to be accepted and I know I never elected any terrorist who would visit his diffident terror on the population with questions like that originating in his terrorist mind? If Hitler ran North America like this and looked like Robert R or PM Vudeau they would be celebrated Amerindians since the victims is the governrment. This truth has defined a century.    He is obviously intelligent and old enough to be responsible for smoking cigarettes in the library.


When someone points out a national UDHR and UN Ilo R202 commitment with car plants in Oddtarianawa  shutting down, they mention shared obligations and the only question is when the central signatory upon whom the obligation is internationally binding will fulfil their share. It is shared in Russia  and fulfilled for the entire population of Russia.


     "Friends of the Nation" is a new political party; as rumored.    All I know is McCain French fries and Rolo did not shoot the winner and would have been arrested if they worked to interrupt the constitution unless there was a devil in the House.   But, it looks like he has a plan to stimulate the economy. Teacher , what is the law on adultery or mass murder? What is the constitution? What is the.....?


Maybe Truman should have enshrined the universal Medicare  and the universal unconditional minimum income support with the risk of death of interrupted.  Clearly, there are those in America who would resent Americans enjoying the UDHR economy where there is enough for all.     These same people who interrupted Truman seek to forestall these necessary policies today. Friends of the nation are friends of BMW and Ford who have automated 59% of the jobs in America with automation.   The market requires a universal minimum income support. By Mike Pueblo Cochise: " Chase Le Americain Delict" is not a bank. But, it is a reality. "Run American" could be a bank someday. Every governrment is in this fashion.  Transactions generate revenue. But, we are suffering some static always on graduation day on the American side. The real trite Think of the UBI or the universal unconditional minimum income support as making every citizen an employee essentially as healthy enough to carry and fire a rifle if they had to.  Germans, in fact, all European countries follow this motif in the application of the universal unconditional minimum income support program. It is also good for the economy; yes?


This 1430 dna may have found itself a place in a land where it is more accepted, favored and cared for under the rules of the UDHR. It treats those it left behind in Ontario or in America or in the Caribbean like the  younger brother it wishes to see suffocate while celebrating his acceptance. Is he not more accepted and maybe you will figure it out and find your way while is he not more accepted? This finds itself in leadership and works as egotistical magnetic polar opposites instead of in brotherly synthesis; the murderer at seven years old that it is.   Our economy is set up to serve the needs of people in a market; a market that is kept safe by the governors* and the government that provide security and safety from the various elements of humanity that would make the market dangerous for both consumers and sellers who, at either stage of the transaction will be owning property and holding sums of money.  They would like to be able to return to their homes and enjoy tow result of their transactions. The agreement we make with governrment we set up collectively for safety and security is agreed and politely paid for in tax that funds the security function of government that keeps people, property and transactions safe. Most UN member states have a 30% sales tax and a universal unconditional minimum income support that will satisfy the average cost of  living; including the average rent for a one bed apartment in that jurisdiction. In the France, it is about Euro 50,000.00 per year. The sales tax is 30% on small coffee cup sales, vacation packages and car sales in addition to monthly rents. The people in the economy generate transactions spending money; money they have primarily from the universal unconditional minimum income support and also from incomes earned working that is additional to and above the General unconditional universal minimum income support that everyone receives. The plethora of transactions generate sales tax.  See the diagram. The rate of sales tax revenue the governrment receives slows down if you lower sales tax and if the people have less and less money to spend...due to automation for instance. What if all the coffee shops in France automated their services or what if car sales were automated and all dealt with online except for test drives? It may mean that 30% of the population sees a drop in their spending power by maybe $ Euros 30,000.00 a year while they will still have the economic life support from their universal unconditional minimum income support; so does the economy. Otherwise, everybody loses and sees the ultimate shutdown; the recession or the humongous bazoonga bust.  See the diagram. The wheel represents the economy with a plethora of transactions. The hamster represents the people spending money in transactions that generate a sales tax of 30% ideally. Decreasing sales tax for political popularity is ruinous when you have to start cutting services when it is a painless tax that generates billions and can fund all functions and priorities of the government that begins,fist and foremost with funding people. Our most painful and powerful example for today and tomorrow is day one in a desert island economy running on robotic automation. What I want first on a desert island is lots of shelter for the people. This is the first key Tag expenditure.    If we already have shelter, then the key expenditure is funding the people so they can pay for the shelter ,food, clothing and other niceties like music and chocolate and books. Civic defence is the purpose behind ensuring and protecting every citizen who are your first and last line of defence. In this, you find the purpose behind funding for free education up to the completion of a college or university degree and it is good to have citizens with these skills and abilities for national human resources. How can Warren A Lyon's Poo Power™ concept fuel a Passenger jet? Well, it can. You have been interrupted by a pirate pimpernel dna that thinks of theft, piracy , social authority and acceptance before consequences and whether he has enough people in the populous to pull off his treasonous, terrorist scams; people like him.     Automation has disrupted the usual means by which people in the economy obtain monies. This pervasive interruption can shut down the economy when several jobs are automated. The pirate pimpernel and his machinations in such situations usually strengthens his pirate army in the desperation dragging the country into a continual state of violence. See Hobbes for more on this and the English Civil War. What if you had two candidates who suffered from the pirate pimpernel temperament who essentially but innately worked to turn the governrment into a mutiny on the Bounty and quietly committed treason with a celebrity AUTHORITY.


   Tu as  votre comprend.

"If I maim him or them,   then they will feel like me.  They will need to be accepted."  No one is playing a game with you if the issue is absolute authority.  If you could do this Omega man thing, then you could make the economy work like the Chinese economy or the French economy; bravo! You could make all of Canada enjoy English socioeconomics or Quebecois socioeconomics.   The world is a BMW, FORD, VOLKSWAGEN,HONDA , FIAT, Citroen and TOYOTA economy. The world is a car manufacturer's economy and it would take days to name all. Product testing and automation is about safe, durable, reliable and dependable machines that serve you and give you your money's worth on your way back home from your job that involves defending your Civil Liberties; our civil liberties.  The elected Pot USE defends our civil liberties. THEY RESPECTED THE POWER OF AUTOMATION AND ALSO THE SOLUTION. TOTAL AUTOMATION =ZERO POPULATION + ZERO MARKET. TOTAL AUTOMATION + HALF THE AVERAGE FULL TIME YEARLY INCOME(AT 70 HRS /WK) ON MINIMUM WAGE PAID TO EVERY CITIZEN AS A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT + 30% SALES TAX FOR THE GOVERNMENT = A STABLE POPULATION + STABLE MARKET. THIS IS A WHITE PEOPLE EXAM AND IF YOUR WHITE ENOUGH, YOU SUPPORT THE UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT. A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT AND CLEAN WATER ARE REQUISITE, LEGAL, LOGICAL SOCIOECONOMIC REQUIREMENTS. YOU HAVE BEEN SIEVED IN THE SAND, WEIGHED IN THE BALANCE OF ECONOMIC intention.  Your predilection seems to avoid solutions that would mean we have no problem. In other words, you are intent on war. You are under arrest. It would be better to implement the solution in the above equation and satisfy the investors and manufacturers in your economy. If it is about who will live in America, the answer is Creole Amerindian people like you who are part Amerindian, European, Middle Eastern and part African with *various complexions and hair textures* who may have blonde or black hair with the welcome of pure Amerindian people who may have blonde or black hair and who are likely to eat oatmeal and toast for breakfast and maybe watch the Starwars or maybe Batman or maybe Justice League. What is the question ?


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March 23rd, 2023. By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed. Incomplete There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also. Did you know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal? Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU. If we say "yes", then you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due. Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment. The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made. This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will participate in the design, conceptual and actual development of the idea and work as a company administrator. Click here.

Click here. 25 June 2024. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay. By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports. Money is an economic and legal formality along with the regular and consistent provision of money to every benefit recipient in the country. It maintains the population and we are happy to see others join us since he who has the most people wins since with people, you maintain your territory, dominion and your hegemony. You can expand and join other populations. You can afford to maintain yourself in any part of the world. You keep pace with the imagined competition. Is it Russia? They fund 100% of their population. They see that across Canada and the US, only 48% of the population is funded and it is as low as 28% in the US alone. So, then the other 72% of under funded Americans is the real issue behind weak consumer stimulus. It is rumored that Kenya has decided to increase its income support by .90 cents an hour. We are all the canary in the mine to say there is too much poison in the foods; DDT etc and it's illegal. We can have black legal counsel. Actually, we do have some. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavors that they must, will be sold; The Russians have always had a consistent buyer market with sufficient consumer stimulus since they always had an income support. You add to this a product diversity, choice and excited consumerism and you have the largest consumer market in the world; larger than America; absorbing American made and also Chinese goods with a certainty unseen in America that the goods will be sold. China is quite similar as it is certain that the citizen or the consumer as the citizen or benefit recipient has money. The benefit is paid by the government and not intercepted by any thieves in the banking system and when would such a fiasco be overlooked for years, affecting the economy and the government's plans? The Americans, in their talk about capitalism have missed their own point when you talk about marketing and selling where there is no market of regular, certain buyers while they focus on the freedom their system promises to adventuring marketers to create a gazillion candy bars, soft drinks, toys and new gadgets with product designers involving new product creation that is met by always comparatively low consumer stimulus and low buyer certainty. We asked why. One answer is the country still sees itself as a hinter land where the old east sees the burgeoning west with places like Utah, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Colorado as a land of wild heathens next to Vermont and that should not have this Vermont type income support until they can sing three church hymns from memory. So, the Vermont school teacher is the principal of the school in Colorado but the income support is still comparatively low so you sing the hymns, cross your T's and dot your I's and you must have sung the hymns by 1860, 1914, 1929 or 1939 but you still have not received the income support in sufficient amounts that are comparable to the east so you can wash in the river and be clean; buy the goods, obtain the goods without use of violence and consume what is being sold and offered to you with a seamless amount of consumer buying power across the country. Some are confused by the word or concept of Demand but "Demand" means "Buying Power." Supply must meet Buying Power/demand in sufficient measure or else the goods in the store do not sell and the manufacturer does not earn enough money and would have to close down in the usual case; a disaster. This is something that armed conflict within the country or with other countries cannot solve. It is about what you have done to you and your own people; what you have done to you. In our observation, it means the old east has some baring on what is happening in the country. The next issue is whether the people in the west would find it hard maybe in some hunter gatherer cultural resistance to just ensure every citizen in that region is above and beyond any want or need to fend and live off the land; hunt for a rabbit. But, wouldn't you need a knife at least to cut it and share it or you would eat it all by yourself with your hands?