Some people are hoping that there will be only two white people in America when this is all over. Decisions are being made by White North American Amerindians to say North America sort of works. As it sort of works, you eventually become certainly depopulated, dependent on another country and you shut down. You see your authority. During Omega man, you have your authority but you are going to jail. They already issued an indictment for you Blash! They took the country. The goal of all of this intrusion upon your native battles and ways was to create a market for European goods. Ironically, your resistance of the universal minimum income support for your own personal vendettas is threatening markets, the actual sales of Goods. The real issue is the depopulation of the new world market, the western hemisphere; the Amerindian world; see because I would be a damn fool if I was not a European, an African , an human enough, a Mexican enough to say you are making decisions to anger people and create global tensions when Ford, GM, Audi, Volkswagen, Fiat and Honda want to just sell more vehicles. * The home builders want to sell more homes.* You have to be making decisions to say you wished you graduated or how do you like me now that I am French and more accepted than you?* Aren't you ridiculous? ************** Mengele is a North American Amerindian who was adopted at 10 years old by Germans. He and his children want you to have a Bud more often and buy vehicles without you violently interacting with the authorities and this means you will have the guarantee of a universal minimum income support at a dignified amount to satisfy all your Maslow needs with enough to approach a bank or car company for finance and to help you whether or not you have a job If the Court protects freedom by the barrel of the gun, they must also protect the financial system and it's operation by the barrel of the gun. A 0% sales tax policy may be a care free attempt at absolute authority, maybe a political jingle and insulting, demeaning backslap in the pockets of a population being shot down by a genocidal resistance of the UN ILO R202, while the 0% sales tax is treason and an arrestable offence. It is mischief. It betrays the national good. It betrays the national interest. He who loves God, loves his people also. See 1st John 4. Its so simple that what you are going through is a Maslow Christening. Do you understand? 7 If you had read or even watched enough Shakespeare on video, it would not be so much of a struggle in you. Respect humanity, the people, as you wish them to respect your humanity. But, this is what Want to say; the dog eats your supper if you make your allies cross. Find the crazy people and kill them who turn a crown temp job into a crown over the Crown. This is just emotions; not logic and you could have told Carter or McNamara to put his foot down in America and tell the pirate pimpernel to go and you would certainly help with a universal minimum income support for all in Wessamakca where he would have some authority; some authority. Some black people in the Western hemisphere are not the descendants of Africans with languages but afro aborigines who would have developed and also spoken aboriginal languages and no other before meeting any European or any African. If you dont respect universal humanity, how long does it take for you to bleed out? With 60 cent sales tax collected only 800 -timbit -times a day seven days a week per month on a $2.00 order equals....political wisdom with the UN ILO universal minimum income support that has one condition being the recipient is 17 years old. He or she does not have to leave home. They can ask join a national human resource core for rebuilding depopulated, abandoned towns and parts of cities. There will always be another president in 4 or 8 years. Yet, the essential constitutional policies cannot wait another day just as clean water cannot wait. Bull, we have an assignment for you in Mos Isley, the horn of Africa or the Yukon or are you a Pueblo white native in America wanting to try to understand your self in the abuse of other natives? Maybe just stay home and buy more uh Taco Bell or...uh maybe Jerk Chicken if its community that you are looking for. 7 Did you know you can't have any people to police and put your job on the line maybe to get what you want when the people do not have enough universal unconditional minimum income support to be a viable, abusable citizen? 7 I'll drop out next time and read my bible. There will always be errant humans beings but you should not provoke this with drugs in the Sonic food or the municipal water. You are having a war with your own human and economic capability; a war with the rules of your own "God Bless America" Constitution. Re-enAactment of fascism: The true moral gambit behind suffrage was always human equality. Some people really resent this evident truth that does not say there are no physical differences while legally, under a Court of Law, we would have to be treated equally by the Court as a subject of the Court's inquiry while there is a world you were expecting would follow your Jamaica plantation class structures and enshrine them for you in society. Darling, you say you should be able to, should have the authority to, if you are white', shoot and kill a real university graduate black Amerindian woman once a month who you hired as your secretary in your office as the Senator of New York; a different woman every month. Isn't European white? But, if I am White Amerindian, then I am whiteish. My Browner relatives are mixedish or blackish in our white walling of the World's emotions with our victim psychology. The Europeans resent this intrusion of their less inhumane emotions. Darling, they are not white; not Nazi like you!!!!! Some of you, want to know who is this boy who just finished at the University of Suffolk in Law; the second brown one to go to England and graduate? Will he be the new owner some day? But, see how hard you and the others work when he is reading books. Look, here comes someone who wants to know if we understand that we are white although we were promised, we would own the farm some day by the owner and maybe we can go to England with this gentleman and the owner says we should but I will always want to own that farm or whatever that boy is to own. The white grandson went to Scotland to study engineering. The other white one went to France to study French. Darling, there is a nonverbalised expectation and resentment going through the Anglo world system, cutting it down and separating instead of unifying when what class would he be in my imagination of the world from whence we came is a question based on inaccurate imagination of a world I presume stratified prestige based on colour only so that a black boy with that education is an argument in this false world view some hold and what would it matter in 2020 where we had our third Black President in history where Lincoln had the same skin tone as Obalma and is it war really that you want in the Anglo world in 2020 or trillions of dollars in coffee cup sales and tax revenue and vehicle sales revenue? The question "Who should live in America?" is like asking "Should we have a universal minimum income support or UBI in North America to address automation?" Darling, if I can ask these questions, during the 13th Continental Congress, then they will follow me and I will have authority over them. They will be barren eventually like me; Alexandria Hamilton and we will keep doing it until God can tell me to my face what I am. If you don't get the answer, I will whip you again like a bitch in some unnecessary conflict and this time you can go to the theatre at home; home theatres hurrah! Darling, you are starving as a population, other economies have this money to ensure there is regular and sufficient consumer demand and you, as white, who came from Africa, taken to Goat Island, then Jamaica and then America by 30 years old in 1960 wants to ask what is your position as a white if everyone is to get this money. You are a secure car dealer or bank manager. Don't worry. The Brown graduate is under you. He is just a consumer and maybe a humble car dealer with his soft haired Brown Cuban uncle. But, it seems when you see the picture of the brown graduate your brain goes into an anthropological temperament auto drive to ask what is your position now that he has come back? Maybe you could just steal your freedom, steal the farm, steal the vegetables, steal the prototype propane powered donkey cart. Take his teeth, devalue him so that when the authority comes, you will be equal but because you are bigger and maybe lighter, they might favor you and accept you over him, the owner, before the Court and you will tell the Court, he is already dead anyway want to know if you can just have the house since you worked really hard and many of the women near by had two for him or three for him so they are legitimate. You act like he owes you your freedom. It's genetic. Your grandson gave his life stealing my grandson's Running Shoes in California; his school track jacket and they damaged his vehicle also. Now, you ask what are the boundaries if, as a Clarenton wench hoping to be a princess like the story book, the owner says he could be your...father but he sees you once a month to farm you, plant you and he really does because he is a farmer rubbing up that plump fertile ground so that it does not get fallow. He is a farmer; you know???? You are a good field. So, what is a father? What is a husband? What are the boundaries ? Read Leviticus. It's 2020. You got a ring. ***** So, what bowl of eggs would you be? Many suffragists were, as based on evidence, not really female but had the "bullocks" to fight for the cause of human equality. As such, Article 25 of the UDHR and Article 11 of the OHCHR with the UN Ilo Recommendations R202 was to take precedence over any same sex marriage rights since the ceremony does not make rights of survivorship automatic in all jurisdictions. It also raises the question as to consummation being necessary for heterosexual unions. The real point here is that cohabitation is cohabitation. If you own property jointly, you own it jointly. If you someone in the union passes on, then the survivor owns it if it is registered jointly. If your wife was cut like Marilyn but has know..then you cannot consummate. If you cannot consummate, then you cannot be legally married. So, we get the point. Now, if she is cut like Marilyn but not really female I suppose you select gay union on the marriage licence website if you knew..if you did not save it for the 40th wedding anniversary. Darling, the point here is suffrage was always, therefore, about safeguarding human dignity under the law. That leads us now to the power of women and suffrageists to turn the power of the economy on with the right of every citizen to be in receipt of a universal unconditional minimum income support in the era of automation econometrics. Darling, the last bastion for Money is like electricity as both are needed for safety. Fascism works above and beyond the usual course of justice to uphold the minimum requirements of public safety required by the Magna Carta to protect intellectual property, real estate property and the physical person. In other words, absolute power or fascism can be used to protect the peace, order and good government wjen the usual safe guards and systems of justice have been abused unscrupulous,childish aliens to our Commonwealth. Did you know New York, Florida and Rhode Island are Commonwealths? As such, it is not fascism when the Monarch steps in with absolute authority to restore order and good government. In the alternative, fascism os used to steal and warps state power to interrupt safety. Darling, it refuses to implement the universal minimum income support solution suggested by automotive manufacturers and industry in general. It refuses the solution in and for the modern age to confirm he is from the stone age and would rather bring the whole world back to the beginning of time as he subconsciously confesses his intention to end our world. Frustrating money solutions in commerce is tantamount to frustrating electricity for commerce. In another generation, this dna in the "POT USE" may have refused to turn the power on so we would have to go backward instead of enjoy the current age. We know that Neither fascist offered as candidates have the intention to help as far as we can see although they have the authority. However, the campaign t shirt will say Authority and Power. One t -shirt in another campaign said Obligation. You must understand that the pirate Is a fascist and says everything can be bought; including the presidential election. There is no convention. Darling, there are no primaries and even Barney has stood aside due to horrendous intimidation. They smashed up his kitchen and cut his dog's throat. It is just that who ever says to the world that he is the candidate as Bid was, in fact, already the President for the two days that Obalma was in England speaking to the British parliament.....and Bid had full executive AUTHORITY on the defcon Board and at the big computer company. He looks and feels like a former President. It is obvious. Darling, he has the authority today to also solve the economy even as he is no longer in official retirement but campaigning for a balanced, safe America that will not be stolen by Black Monday. Darling, he understands the equation requiring a universal minimum income support and more than understanding the equation, he will action it now and then all the room temperature ice cream chilled to his specific taste at His house will be His again legitimately as the current POT USE seems stale on this issue. It is time to summarise the current POT USE. America does not have a king. Unofficially in terms of historic association only and some patterns of migration and indirect influence, she has a reigning Monarch who wants to see America enjoy the universal unconditional minimum income support like the English and then Americans can come and enjoy tourism in England more often. We need something alive. The reason why he was already president for two days is because the English were not sure what to do with Obalma; maybe they read the UN Ilo Recommendations R202 he signed in 2012 and asked what the problem is. HE will. He Can. Darling, they wanted America to commit and follow France, Japan and Germany so that the ridiculous white nigger reality of America was not so obvious. It's not that they do not have relatives in America but, if America is in need of the answer and can't solve it, then they should just copy. Not all white America are white niggers. But, the issue is a strand of DNA determined to take control of a ship, a town, City or country until all political participants speak his emotional intention. If you want hot water, you boil it. If you want the economy to work, you implement the universal minimum income support. Darling, there are good white people. But, Only the nigger intent on vendetta will say you should come and turn on the kettle yourself or come all the way from Germany or England and implement the universal minimum income support; yourself. He is not a Robert E. Lee but his minion used by him so that Robert E. Lee could get attention; from the English. He is the coup de le serviteur contre le propriété. We acknowledge Robert E. Lee and give him the attention. Biometric is the candidate or if he takes the constitution seriously and wants to be respected by children, he is telling us he is the hopeful candidate. He has not been nominated. We have not had a convention. Darling, we are dealing with Bidometrics outside of the usual course of the constitution. Come to my restaurant named Joseph Works™. Darling, opening our economy to spurious individuals so that they can try to understand a West Indian who graduated at NYU is treason. Of course; the West Indian graduated. What is it that you cannot believe as a "Wormer's" graduate or as the "A Man You late" graduate?

Some people are hoping that there will be only two white people in America when this is all over.  Decisions are being made by White North American Amerindians to say North America sort of works. As it sort of works, you eventually become certainly depopulated, dependent on another country and you shut down. You see your authority.    During Omega man, you have your authority but you are going to jail. They already issued an indictment for you Blash! They took the country. The goal of all of this intrusion upon your native battles and ways was to create a market for European goods. Ironically, your  resistance of the universal minimum income support for your own personal vendettas is threatening markets, the actual sales of Goods. The real issue is the depopulation of the new world market, the western hemisphere; the Amerindian world; see because I would be a damn fool if I was not a European, an African , an human enough, a Mexican enough to say you are making decisions  to anger people and create global tensions when Ford, GM, Audi, Volkswagen, Fiat and Honda want to just sell more vehicles. * The home builders want to sell more homes.* You have to be making decisions to say you wished you graduated or how do you like me now that I am French and more accepted than you?* Aren't you ridiculous?      


Mengele is a North American Amerindian who was adopted at 10 years old by  Germans. He and his children want you to have a Bud more often and buy vehicles without you violently interacting with the authorities and this means you will have the guarantee of a universal minimum income support at a dignified amount to satisfy all your Maslow needs with enough to approach a bank or car company for finance and  to help you whether or not you have a job If the Court protects freedom by the barrel of the gun, they must also protect the financial system and it's operation by the barrel of the gun. A 0% sales tax policy may be a care free attempt at absolute authority, maybe a political jingle and insulting, demeaning backslap in the pockets of a population being shot down by a genocidal resistance of the UN ILO R202,  while the 0% sales tax is treason and an arrestable offence. It is mischief. It betrays the national good. It betrays the national interest. He who loves God, loves his people also. See 1st John 4. Its so simple that what you are going through is a Maslow Christening. Do you understand? 7 If you had read or even watched enough Shakespeare on video, it would not be so much of a struggle in you. Respect humanity,  the people, as you wish them to respect your humanity. But, this is what Want to say; the dog eats your supper if you make your allies cross. Find the crazy people and kill them who turn a crown temp job into a crown over the Crown. This is just emotions; not logic and you could have told Carter or McNamara to put his foot down in America and tell the pirate pimpernel to go and you would certainly help with a universal minimum income support for all in Wessamakca where he would have some authority; some authority.    Some black people in the Western hemisphere are not the descendants of Africans with languages but afro aborigines who would have developed and also spoken aboriginal languages and no other before meeting any European or any African. If you dont respect universal humanity, how long does it take for you to bleed out? With 60 cent sales tax collected only 800 -timbit -times a day seven days a week per month on a $2.00 order equals....political wisdom with the UN ILO universal minimum income support that has one condition being the recipient is 17 years old. He or she does not have to leave home.  They can ask join a national human resource core for rebuilding depopulated, abandoned towns and parts of cities. There will always be another president in 4 or 8 years. Yet, the essential constitutional policies cannot wait another day just as clean water cannot wait. Bull, we have an assignment for you in Mos Isley, the horn of Africa or the Yukon or are you a Pueblo white native in America wanting to try to understand your self in the abuse of other natives? Maybe just stay home and buy more uh Taco Bell or...uh maybe Jerk Chicken if its community that you are looking for. 7 Did you know you can't have any people to police and put your job on the line maybe to get what you want when the people do not have enough universal unconditional minimum income support to be a viable, abusable citizen? 7  I'll drop out next time and read my bible. There will always be errant humans beings but you should not provoke this with drugs in the Sonic food or the municipal water. You are having a war with your own human and economic capability; a war with the rules of your own "God Bless America" Constitution. Re-enAactment of fascism: The true moral gambit behind suffrage was always human equality. Some people really resent this evident truth that does not say there are no physical differences while legally, under a Court of Law, we would have to be treated equally by the Court as a subject of the Court's inquiry while there is a world you were expecting would follow your Jamaica plantation class structures and enshrine them for you in society. Darling, you say you should be able to, should have the authority to, if you are white',  shoot and kill a real university graduate black Amerindian woman once a month who you hired as your secretary in your office as the Senator of New York; a different woman every month. Isn't European white? But, if I am White Amerindian, then I am whiteish. My Browner relatives are mixedish or blackish in our white walling of the World's emotions with our victim psychology. The Europeans resent this intrusion of their less inhumane emotions. Darling, they are not white; not Nazi like you!!!!! Some of you, want to know who is this boy who just finished at the University of Suffolk in Law; the second brown one to go to England and graduate? Will he be the new owner some day? But, see how hard you and the others work when he is reading books. Look, here comes someone who wants to know if we understand that we are white although we were promised, we would own the farm some day by the owner and maybe we can go to England with this gentleman and the owner says we should but I will always want to own that farm or whatever that boy is to own.  The white grandson went to Scotland to study engineering. The other white one went to France to study French. Darling, there is a nonverbalised expectation and resentment going through the Anglo world system, cutting it down and separating instead of unifying when what class would he be in my imagination of the world from whence we came is a question based on inaccurate imagination of a world I presume stratified prestige based on colour only so that a black boy with that education is an argument in this false world view some hold and what would it matter in 2020 where we had our third Black President in history where Lincoln had the same skin tone as Obalma and is it war really that you want in the Anglo world in 2020 or trillions of dollars in coffee cup sales and tax revenue and vehicle sales revenue? The question "Who should live in America?" is like asking "Should we have a universal minimum income support or UBI in North America to address automation?" Darling, if I can ask these questions, during the 13th Continental Congress, then they will follow me and I will have authority over them. They will be barren eventually like me; Alexandria Hamilton and we will keep doing it until God can tell me to my face what I am.     If you don't get the answer, I will whip you again like a bitch in some unnecessary conflict and this time you can go to the theatre at home; home theatres hurrah! Darling, you are starving as a population, other economies have this money to ensure there is regular and sufficient consumer demand and you, as white, who came from Africa, taken to Goat Island, then Jamaica and then America by 30 years old in 1960 wants to ask what is your position as a white if everyone is to get this money. You are a secure car dealer or bank manager. Don't worry. The Brown graduate is under you. He is just a consumer and maybe a humble car dealer with his soft haired Brown Cuban uncle. But, it seems when you see the picture of the brown graduate your brain goes into an anthropological temperament auto drive to ask what is your position now that he has come back? Maybe you could just steal your freedom, steal the farm, steal the vegetables, steal the prototype propane powered donkey cart. Take his teeth, devalue him so that when the authority comes, you will be equal but because you are bigger and maybe lighter, they might favor you and accept you over him, the owner, before the Court and you will tell the Court, he is already dead anyway want to know if you can just have the house since you worked really hard and many of the women near by had two for him or three for him so they are legitimate.     You act like he owes you your freedom. It's genetic. Your grandson gave his life stealing my grandson's Running Shoes in California; his school track jacket and they damaged his vehicle also. Now, you ask what are the boundaries if, as a Clarenton wench hoping to be a princess like the story book, the owner says he could be your...father but he sees you once a month to farm you, plant you and he really does because he is a farmer rubbing up that plump fertile ground so that it does not get fallow. He is a farmer; you know???? You are a good field. So, what is a father? What is a husband? What are the boundaries ? Read Leviticus. It's 2020. You got a ring. ***** So, what bowl of eggs would you be? Many suffragists were, as based on evidence, not really female but had the "bullocks" to fight for the cause of human equality. As such, Article 25 of the UDHR and Article 11 of the OHCHR with the UN Ilo Recommendations R202 was to take precedence over any same sex marriage rights since the ceremony does not make rights of survivorship automatic in all jurisdictions. It also raises the question as to consummation being necessary for heterosexual unions. The real point here is that cohabitation is cohabitation. If you own property jointly, you own it jointly. If you someone in the union passes on, then the survivor owns it if it is registered jointly. If your wife was cut like Marilyn but has know..then you cannot consummate. If you cannot consummate, then you cannot be legally married.  So, we get the point. Now, if she is cut like Marilyn but not really female I suppose you select gay union on the marriage licence website if you knew..if you did not save it for the 40th wedding anniversary. Darling, the point here is suffrage was always, therefore, about safeguarding human dignity under the law. That leads us now to the power of women and suffrageists to turn the power of the economy on with the right of every citizen to be in receipt of a universal unconditional minimum income support in the era of automation econometrics. Darling, the last bastion for Money is like electricity as both are needed for safety. Fascism works above and beyond the usual course of justice to uphold the minimum requirements of public safety required by the Magna Carta to protect intellectual property, real estate property and the physical person. In other words, absolute power or fascism can be used to protect the peace, order and good government wjen the usual safe guards and systems of justice have been abused unscrupulous,childish aliens to our Commonwealth. Did you know New York, Florida and Rhode Island are Commonwealths? As such, it is not fascism when the Monarch steps in with absolute authority to restore order and good government. In the alternative, fascism os used to steal and warps state power to interrupt safety. Darling, it refuses to implement the universal minimum income support solution suggested by automotive manufacturers and industry in general. It refuses the solution in and for the modern age to confirm he is from the stone age and would rather bring the whole world back to the beginning of time as he subconsciously confesses his intention to end our world. Frustrating money solutions in commerce  is tantamount to frustrating electricity for commerce. In another generation, this dna in the "POT USE" may have refused to turn the power on so we would have to go backward instead of enjoy the current age. We know that Neither fascist offered as candidates have the intention to help as far as we can see although they have the authority. However, the campaign t shirt will say Authority and Power. One t -shirt in another campaign said Obligation. You must understand that the pirate Is a fascist and says everything can be bought; including the presidential election. There is no convention. Darling, there are no primaries and even Barney has stood aside due to horrendous intimidation. They smashed up his kitchen and cut his dog's throat. It is just that who ever says to the world that he is the candidate as Bid was, in fact, already the President for the two days that Obalma was in England speaking to the British parliament.....and Bid had full executive AUTHORITY on the defcon Board and at the big computer company. He looks and feels like a former President. It is obvious. Darling, he has the authority today to also solve the economy even as he is no longer in official retirement but campaigning for a balanced, safe America that will not be stolen by Black Monday. Darling, he understands the equation requiring a universal minimum income support and more than understanding the equation, he will action it now and then all the room temperature ice cream chilled to his specific taste at His house will be His again legitimately as the current POT USE seems stale on this issue. It is time to summarise the current POT USE. America does not have a king. Unofficially in terms of historic association only and some patterns of migration and indirect influence, she has a reigning Monarch who wants to see America enjoy the universal unconditional minimum income support like the English and then Americans can come and enjoy  tourism in England more often. We need something alive. The reason why he was already president for two days is because the English were not sure what to do with Obalma; maybe they read the UN Ilo Recommendations R202 he signed in 2012 and asked what the problem is. HE will. He Can. Darling, they wanted America to commit and follow France, Japan and Germany so that the ridiculous white nigger reality of America was not so obvious. It's not that they do not have relatives in America but, if America is in need of the answer and can't solve it, then they should just copy. Not all white America are white niggers. But, the issue is a strand of DNA determined to take control of a ship, a town, City or country until all political participants speak his emotional intention. If you want hot water, you boil it. If you want the economy to work, you implement the universal minimum income support. Darling, there are good white people. But, Only the nigger intent on vendetta will say you should come and turn on the kettle yourself or come all the way from Germany or England and implement the universal minimum income support; yourself. He is not a Robert E. Lee but his minion used by him so that Robert E. Lee could get attention; from the English. He is the coup de le serviteur contre le propriété. We acknowledge Robert E. Lee and give him the attention. Biometric is the candidate or if he takes the constitution seriously and wants to be respected by children, he is telling us he is the hopeful candidate. He has not been nominated. We have not had a convention. Darling, we are dealing with Bidometrics outside of the usual course of the constitution. Come to my restaurant named Joseph Works™. Darling, opening our economy to spurious individuals so that they can try to understand a West Indian who graduated at NYU is treason. Of course; the West Indian graduated. What is it that you cannot believe as a "Wormer's" graduate or as the  "A Man You late" graduate?


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March 23rd, 2023. By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed. Incomplete There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also. Did you know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal? Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU. If we say "yes", then you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due. Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment. The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made. This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will participate in the design, conceptual and actual development of the idea and work as a company administrator. Click here.

Click here. 25 June 2024. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay. By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports. Money is an economic and legal formality along with the regular and consistent provision of money to every benefit recipient in the country. It maintains the population and we are happy to see others join us since he who has the most people wins since with people, you maintain your territory, dominion and your hegemony. You can expand and join other populations. You can afford to maintain yourself in any part of the world. You keep pace with the imagined competition. Is it Russia? They fund 100% of their population. They see that across Canada and the US, only 48% of the population is funded and it is as low as 28% in the US alone. So, then the other 72% of under funded Americans is the real issue behind weak consumer stimulus. It is rumored that Kenya has decided to increase its income support by .90 cents an hour. We are all the canary in the mine to say there is too much poison in the foods; DDT etc and it's illegal. We can have black legal counsel. Actually, we do have some. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavors that they must, will be sold; The Russians have always had a consistent buyer market with sufficient consumer stimulus since they always had an income support. You add to this a product diversity, choice and excited consumerism and you have the largest consumer market in the world; larger than America; absorbing American made and also Chinese goods with a certainty unseen in America that the goods will be sold. China is quite similar as it is certain that the citizen or the consumer as the citizen or benefit recipient has money. The benefit is paid by the government and not intercepted by any thieves in the banking system and when would such a fiasco be overlooked for years, affecting the economy and the government's plans? The Americans, in their talk about capitalism have missed their own point when you talk about marketing and selling where there is no market of regular, certain buyers while they focus on the freedom their system promises to adventuring marketers to create a gazillion candy bars, soft drinks, toys and new gadgets with product designers involving new product creation that is met by always comparatively low consumer stimulus and low buyer certainty. We asked why. One answer is the country still sees itself as a hinter land where the old east sees the burgeoning west with places like Utah, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Colorado as a land of wild heathens next to Vermont and that should not have this Vermont type income support until they can sing three church hymns from memory. So, the Vermont school teacher is the principal of the school in Colorado but the income support is still comparatively low so you sing the hymns, cross your T's and dot your I's and you must have sung the hymns by 1860, 1914, 1929 or 1939 but you still have not received the income support in sufficient amounts that are comparable to the east so you can wash in the river and be clean; buy the goods, obtain the goods without use of violence and consume what is being sold and offered to you with a seamless amount of consumer buying power across the country. Some are confused by the word or concept of Demand but "Demand" means "Buying Power." Supply must meet Buying Power/demand in sufficient measure or else the goods in the store do not sell and the manufacturer does not earn enough money and would have to close down in the usual case; a disaster. This is something that armed conflict within the country or with other countries cannot solve. It is about what you have done to you and your own people; what you have done to you. In our observation, it means the old east has some baring on what is happening in the country. The next issue is whether the people in the west would find it hard maybe in some hunter gatherer cultural resistance to just ensure every citizen in that region is above and beyond any want or need to fend and live off the land; hunt for a rabbit. But, wouldn't you need a knife at least to cut it and share it or you would eat it all by yourself with your hands?