The real white people, some with afros, also respected the power of automation and also the solution. Total automation =zero population + zero market. Total automation + half the average full time yearly income(at 70 hrs /wk) on minimum wage paid to every citizen as a universal unconditional minimum income support + 30% sales tax for the government = a stable population + stable market. This is a white people exam and if your white enough, you support the universal unconditional minimum income support. A universal unconditional minimum income support and clean water are requisite, legal, logical socioeconomic requirements.
The real white people, some with afros, also respected the power of automation and also the solution. Total automation =zero population + zero market. Total automation + half the average full time yearly income(at 70 hrs /wk) on minimum wage paid to every citizen as a universal unconditional minimum income support + 30% sales tax for the government = a stable population + stable market. This is a white people exam and if your white enough, you support the universal unconditional minimum income support. A universal unconditional minimum income support and clean water are requisite, legal, logical socioeconomic requirements.
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