The evidence of your 1430 dna is not that you need to have a sense of social position. Is it that you cannot wait to have position? There is some kind of economic cost we all suffer when your impatience says there is no time to read a book and all the world is a stage. Now, who would want to download a black man's photos and give people a $1000.00 to spit in everyone of some white dude's ex- girlfriend's mugs? The Train fight in SPECTRE is an Anglo civil war or a Human vs. 1430 Anglo dna civil war. Bond represents the Anglo cuckoo! They are not cuckoo any longer as they finally implemented the universal minimum income support. You see your authority and you see your dependency. Some act like having a "people" to think about is a nuisance. You must implement the 30% sales tax and the unconditional universal minimum income support. How can you go to the library and you don't wear a suit? You don't understand my fear of shame. You can buy a $10.00 pizza or a sub sandwich and I am very happy. But, how can YOU, who are YOU as a Black to donate $10.00 to the Santo Church? Oh; I apologise. You are a Cuban so that's okay. There is something else. You say to me "..You are the Don, the King. You are old and experienced. You did it all; on your own! Who can tell you anything when you know to get the finance and you build, build, build? But, after you build you never sell fast enough to pay the debt and you sell the whole project at the break even cost. But, after you build, to whom do you sell your properties when the people do not have enough money and how will they have money when automation took the majority of employment and 59% of senators understand the universal minimum income support while one old black lady says we have to be tough, they will find a....they will get a.....!! But, how soon will they get a job when UPS and TOYOTA/GM with FIAT and MAZDA/FORD automated also? There is also an old white senator who says openly with an insurance salesman that he doesn't want too many people in North America but you already built 100000's of new homes. You need consumers who are capable emotionally and financially of buying them. But, you know the Americans(Canadians) are still angry when they argue with the certainty of a Square's trigonometry or with the necessity of a universal minimum income support in automation economies. If you can plagiariase a book or books, you can pliagarise an economy. Follow the stats at the OECD. Maybe you wrote the book or maybe you plagiarized it as all you want is the title; title...get it? Your economy and its people need to pull its weight globally in terms of the global consumption of goods and how can your economy consume the goods, the vehicles and clothing and apartments being built if only a few states have a universal minimum income support and there is insufficient enforcement of this policy and compliance without a federal NAFTA policy enforcement. Now Maybe you will take a further big historic moment and settle the impeachment process , removing all confusion for the people in the USA, USA, USA once and forever, settling the process so that it is free of the purple haze and also trite and moot. Put a junior adviser at the DOJ to resolve it, ensure it is resolved so the average grade 8 educated person can understand. Use a Betty Crocker mystique with a misdemeanor procedure. You should have been impeached in a drugged up America but there are still many sober good American people who decided it was unfair to the honor of the ...American people. Maybe when you don't have any people we dont have any arguments. However, I would love to invest because I do but you don't have a secure market or not much of a market really at all without the universal minimum income support per citizen. I invested in uh....Chile. There are differences among us as the pale skin. Some accept our Amerindian, aboriginal origin as Pictures or Cheddar men or as Eskimo in Europe or in North America who still herd reindeer. Some accept their African origins. Some are really sick and do not accept with peace and so who could you be? Some are Puerto kicked Up people who will regenerate their hurt, rains and suffering under the burgeoning civilization before they stop and say no more. The lighter Pueblo uses the darker Pueblo or Amerindian to confirm the experience when the lighter says I am up here..You darker down there and just take the sacrament and don't show me what you know from engineering school..You see because you are not supposed to...not supposed to have any authority and when would I call you for my oil changes when you are not supposed to? Now , what is the law if I have a genetic imperative to say what happened to my people in the year 3025 and that you are not supposed to be happy in a 2009 used, well maintained Toyota FJ cruiser, Jeep, 2010 Audi or 2020 KIA Teluride ? How do you get out of grade 13 as a black Pueblo with a Jamaican upbringing and burn down every black business you can, embezzling while you talk about what you will do when you grow up but you were shot at 43 years old for breaking into a school friend's home and for attempted burglary with a stolen key. No forced entry is not a defence. Now, who you are you to say how could YOU by a house om your own with your various legal experiences working for various counsel and yourself because I don't permit myself to do it and woukd rather hinder, frustrate and harass you if I am not really fully dead yet? Maybe you are the sons and daughters of Hexadecaroons; you Jamoke and you never thought about honouring all of your brilliant ancestry quietly with the purchase of some art maybe! For some, the angle or degree measurement of all the angles in a square is not a debate or question. For some, a more efficient engine with fuel injectors or a more efficient power plant with a fuel cell or hybrid regeneration system is not a cause for debate. The fact that Egypt is in Africa is not a debate. Sir; may I suggest that without a universal minimum income support following near total automation the probability of having a population is less than 0. The nations with whom you argued about technology and energy know this quite well and how can you be their friends if you still argue? There is a Spectre of evil and confusion walking to and fro on the earth seeking whom they may devour and who suggests that he will block the sale of the most efficient hybrid vehicles in the UK. He refuses to acknowledge that all four angles in a square add to 360 degrees and thought that if he was white, he would not have to understand anything and he would still have authority. He would like to piss on Commonwealth people and say "We own you!" The European people disagree. We need to help the POTUS; watch his back. Hand him the simple Duncan Hines UDHR formula of political and economic success with the UN ILO Recommendations R202 so WE fit in to the world finally and not feel awkward as North American Anglos. This is something I cannot be honest about although I would say I am a capitalist. My feelings are as follows: 1. I am "class sick" and have to be the bum they put at the very top to tear the economy to shreds if I could as a Jesse James seed and the reason is that in spite of what I allegedly own and could rent to people at full rents when they have the Universal minimum income support at a paltry $35,000.00-$60,000.00 per citizen, I think about competition and being the only one and safeguarding my position instead of seeing the people who may only have a universal minimum income support as the peasants who can at least pay me the full rent as the people in my society and economy....and what will I do if, after and during automation, I don't have peasants or I do have peasants with $30,000.00 per year Unconditional universal minimum income support who can pay me the full rent as tenants in my buildings or my colleague's buildings and buy my vehicles as the car dealer. It is just a little money to cover them in this reality of on-going automation and it guarantees sufficient market activity to absorb and consume all of the robotically made goods. Alexa, turn on the real European people or the original Eastern seaboard amerindian white and black dna to run the constitution and shield the various branches of government from the incalculable influence an empty headed Presidential hypothalamus can have on empty headed people when the Empty headed President holds a mobile phone to his head. This is a warning of what is happening under the Bidden Coup or under Donald maybe; I don't know but it's the Bidden influence probably since what is going on began with a shooting in Ottawa to detract what Angel Ronan occupation was intended in 2014. You have healed and made donations at the wailing wall so now the Empty headed people who are turned and tossed by every wind of opinion will see your school of consequence. They will go to jail for picking one grape off a bunch at Waitrose if they don't buy it for the $2.50 pounds. You are not so much of a bum now that you understand the class structure is not upset by every citizen having $40,000.00-$60,000.00 a year as a universal minimum income support and sales tax is at 30%. All the wealthy upper class people will be able to demand and receive their full rents with this direct government enabled grease to the economy; the needed and necessary economic Grease so domo Arigato! I would have to find people from another country; maybe Asia or Mexico and there is never enough people. My town and buildings in America are empty; 2. The other thing is that, as anthropology, I did not have to go to school and I woukd rather see any of my people not have to go to school no matter what it costs as they embarrass me at the State Department and I should have told him to just collect rent for me and go to real estate school and maybe just come to the State Department for the parties but maybe I needed justify my existence in America since wouldnt it be normal if I am white not to have to go to school and to have social authority but if I have social authority shouldnt I understand and how can I understand if I don't have education so if the other guy is not white, maybe I am a serial killer to defend my presumptive social position and I am not European since if I was European, I would instinctually go to school to understand my culture and enjoy the education. The cobble stones in Siena and Vienna are evenly cut since the 10th century you mucho stupido Americano and my people had a universal minimum income support since 1910 and if you need my The evidence of your 1430 dna is not that you need to have a sense of social position. Is it that you cannot wait to have position? There is some kind of economic cost we all suffer when your impatience says there is no time to read a book and all the world is a stage. Now, who would want to download a blackman's photos and give people a $1000.00 to spit in everyone of some dude's ex- girlfriend's backsides? The Train fight in SPECTRE is an Anglo civil war or a Human vs. 1430 Anglo dna civil war. Bond represents the Anglo cuckoo! You see your authority and you see your dependency. Some act like having a "people" to think about is a nuisance. You must implement the 30% sales tax and the unconditional universal minimum income support. How can you go to the library and you don't wear a suit? You don't understand my fear of shame. You can buy a $10.00 pizza or a sub sandwich and I am very happy. But, how can YOU, who are YOU as a Black to donate $10.00 to the Santo Church? Oh; I apologise. You are a Cuban so that's okay. There is something else. You say to me "..You are the Don, the King. You are old and experienced. You did it all; on your own! Who can tell you anything when you know to get the finance and you build, build, build? But, after you build you never sell fast enough to pay the debt and you sell the whole project at the break even cost. But, after you build, to whom do you sell your properties when the people do not have enough money and how will they have money when automation took the majority of employment and 59% of senators understand the universal minimum income support while one old black lady says we have to be tough, they will find a....they will get a.....!! But, how soon will they get a job when UPS and TOYOTA/GM with FIAT and MAZDA/FORD automated also? There is also an old white senator who says openly with an insurance salesman that he doesn't want too many people in North America but you already built 100000's of new homes. You need consumers who are capable emotionally and financially of buying them. But, you know the Americans(Canadians) are still angry when they argue with the certainty of a Square's trigonometry or with the necessity of a universal minimum income support in automation economies. If you can plagiariase a book or books, you can pliagarise an economy. Follow the stats at the OECD. Maybe you wrote the book or maybe you plagiarized it as all you want is the title; title...get it? Your economy and its people need to pull its weight globally in terms of the global consumption of goods and how can your economy consume the goods, the vehicles and clothing and apartments being built if only a few states have a universal minimum income support and there is insufficient enforcement of this policy and compliance without a federal NAFTA policy enforcement. Now Maybe you will take a further big historic moment and settle the impeachment process , removing all confusion for the people in the USA, USA, USA once and forever, settling the process so that it is free of the purple haze, trite and moot. Put a junior adviser at the DOJ to resolve it, ensure it is resolved so the average grade 8 educated person can understand. Use a Betty Crocker mystique with a misdemeanor procedure. You should have been impeached in a drugged up America but there are still many sober good white people. Maybe when you don't have any people we dont have any arguments. However, I would love to invest because I do but you don't have a secure market or not much of a market really at all without the universal minimum income support per citizen. I invested in uh....Chile. There are differences among us as the pale skin. Some accept our Amerindian, aboriginal origin as Pictures or Cheddar men or as Eskimo in Europe or in North America who still herd reindeer. Some accept their African origins. Some are really sick and do not accept with peace and so who could you be? Some are Puerto kicked Up people who will regenerate their hurt, rains and suffering under the burgeoning civilization before they stop and say no more. The lighter Pueblo uses the darker Pueblo or Amerindian to confirm the experience when the lighter says I am up here..You darker down there and just take the sacrament and don't show me what you know from engineering school..You see because you are not supposed to...not supposed to have any authority and when would I call you for my oil changes when you are not supposed to? Now , what is the law if I have a genetic imperative to say what happened to my people in the year 3025 and that you are not supposed to be happy in a 2009 used, well maintained Toyota FJ cruiser, Jeep, 2010 Audi or 2020 KIA Teluride ? How do you get out of grade 13 as a black Pueblo with a Jamaican upbringing and burn down every black business you can, embezzling while you talk about what you will do when you grow up but you were shot at 43 years old for breaking into a school friend's home and for attempted burglary with a stolen key. No forced entry is not a defence. Now, who you are you to say how could YOU by a house om your own with your various legal experiences working for various counsel and yourself because I don't permit myself to do it and woukd rather hinder, frustrate and harass you if I am not really fully dead yet? Maybe you are the sons and daughters of Hexadecaroons; you Jamoke and you never thought about honouring all of your brilliant ancestry quietly with the purchase of some art maybe! For some, the angle or degree measurement of all the angles in a square is not a debate or question. For some, a more efficient engine with fuel injectors or a more efficient power plant with a fuel cell or hybrid regeneration system is not a cause for debate. The fact that Egypt is in Africa is not a debate. Sir; may I suggest that without a universal minimum income support following near total automation the probability of having a population is less than 0. The nations with whom you argued about technology and energy know this quite well and how can you be their friends if you still argue? There is a Spectre of evil and confusion walking to and fro on the earth seeking whom they may devour and who suggests that he will block the sale of the most efficient hybrid vehicles in the UK. He refuses to acknowledge that all four angles in a square add to 360 degrees and thought that if he was white, he would not have to understand anything and he would still have authority. He would like to piss on Commonwealth people and say "We own you!" The European people disagree. We need to help the POTUS; watch his back. Hand him the simple Duncan Hines UDHR formula of political and economic success with the UN ILO Recommendations R202 so WE fit in to the world finally and not feel awkward as North American Anglos. This is something I cannot be honest about although I would say I am a capitalist. My feelings are as follows: 1. I am "class sick" and have to be the bum they put at the very top to tear the economy to shreds if I could as a Jesse James seed and the reason is that in spite of what I allegedly own and could rent to people at full rents when they have the Universal minimum income support at a paltry $35,000.00-$60,000.00 per citizen, I think about competition and being the only one and safeguarding my position instead of seeing the people who may only have a universal minimum income support as the peasants who can at least pay me the full rent as the people in my society and economy....and what will I do if, after and during automation, I don't have peasants or I do have peasants with $30,000.00 per year Unconditional universal minimum income support who can pay me the full rent as tenants in my buildings or my colleague's buildings and buy my vehicles as the car dealer. It is just a little money to cover them in this reality of on-going automation and it guarantees sufficient market activity to absorb and consume all of the robotically made goods. Alexa, turn on the real European people or the original Eastern seaboard amerindian white and black dna to run the constitution and shield the various branches of government from the incalculable influence an empty headed Presidential hypothalamus can have on empty headed people when the Empty headed President holds a mobile phone to his head. This is a warning of what is happening under the Bidden Coup or under Donald maybe; I don't know but it's the Bidden influence probably since what is going on began with a shooting in Ottawa to detract what Angel Ronan occupation was intended in 2014. You have healed and made donations at the wailing wall so now the Empty headed people who are turned and tossed by every wind of opinion will see your school of consequence. They will go to jail for picking one grape off a bunch at Waitrose if they don't buy it for the $2.50 pounds. You are not so much of a bum now that you understand the class structure is not upset by every citizen having $40,000.00-$60,000.00 a year as a universal minimum income support and sales tax is at 30%. All the wealthy upper class people will be able to demand and receive their full rents with this direct government enabled grease to the economy; the needed and necessary economic Grease so domo Arigato! I would have to find people from another country; maybe Asia or Mexico and there is never enough people. My town and buildings in America are empty; 2. The other thing is that, as anthropology, I did not have to go to school and I woukd rather see any of my people not have to go to school no matter what it costs as they embarrass me at the State Department and I should have told him to just collect rent for me and go to real estate school and maybe just come to the State Department for the parties but maybe I needed justify my existence in America since wouldnt it be normal if I am white not to have to go to school and to have social authority but if I have social authority shouldnt I understand and how can I understand if I don't have education so if the other guy is not white, maybe I am a serial killer to defend my presumptive social position and I am not European since if I was European, I would instinctually go to school to understand my culture and enjoy the education. The cobble stones in Siena and Vienna are evenly cut since the 10th century you mucho stupido Americano and my people had a universal minimum income support since 1910 and if you need my acceptance, then you better follow my example as to tax rate and the provision of universal minimum income support for every citizen. See the OECD evidence because I would like to invest and eat with you, maybe send more wine and beer and maybe I have family who can be family with you. Come make we walk and talk; mucho importante.", then you better follow my example as to tax rate and the provision of universal minimum income support for every citizen. See the OECD evidence because I would like to invest and eat with you, maybe send more wine and beer and maybe I have family who can be family with you. Come make we walk and talk; mucho importante."

The evidence of your 1430 dna is not that you need to have a sense of social position. Is  it that you cannot wait to have position?   There is some kind of economic cost we all suffer when your impatience says there is no time to read a book and all the world is a stage.  Now, who would want to download a black man's photos and give people a $1000.00 to spit in everyone of  some white dude's  ex- girlfriend's mugs?  The Train fight in SPECTRE is an Anglo civil war or a Human vs. 1430 Anglo dna  civil war.  Bond represents the Anglo cuckoo!  They are not cuckoo any longer as they finally implemented the universal minimum income support.   You see your authority and you see your dependency.  Some act like having a "people" to think about is a nuisance.   You must implement the 30% sales tax and the unconditional universal minimum income support.  How can you go to the library and you don't wear a suit?  You don't understand my fear of shame.      You can buy a $10.00 pizza or a sub sandwich and I am very happy. But, how can YOU, who are YOU as a Black to donate $10.00 to the Santo Church?  Oh; I apologise.  You are a Cuban so that's okay.   There is something else.   You say to me  "..You are the Don, the King. You are old and experienced. You did it all; on your own!   Who can tell you anything when you know to  get the finance and you build, build, build? But, after you build you never sell fast enough to pay the debt and you sell the whole project at the break even cost.  But, after you build, to  whom do you sell your properties when the people do not have enough money and how will they have money when automation took the majority of employment and 59% of  senators understand the universal minimum income support while one old black lady says we have to be tough, they will find a....they will get a.....!!  But, how soon will they get a job when UPS and TOYOTA/GM with FIAT and MAZDA/FORD  automated also? There is also an old white  senator who says openly with an insurance salesman that he doesn't want too many people in North America but you already built 100000's of new homes.  You need consumers who are  capable emotionally and financially of buying them.   But, you know the Americans(Canadians) are still angry when they argue with the certainty of a Square's trigonometry or with the necessity of a universal minimum income support in automation economies.  If you can plagiariase a book or books, you can pliagarise an economy.  Follow the stats at the OECD. Maybe you wrote the book or maybe you plagiarized it as all you want is the title; title...get it?  Your economy and its people need to pull its weight globally in terms of the global consumption of goods and how can your economy consume the goods, the vehicles and clothing and apartments being built if only a few states have a universal minimum income support and there is insufficient enforcement of this policy and compliance without a federal NAFTA  policy enforcement.      Now Maybe you will take a further big historic moment and settle the impeachment process , removing all confusion for the people in the USA, USA, USA once and forever, settling the process so that it is free of the purple haze and also  trite and moot.   Put a junior adviser at the DOJ to resolve it, ensure it is resolved so the average grade 8  educated person can understand.  Use a Betty Crocker mystique with a misdemeanor procedure.  You should have been impeached in a drugged up America but there are still many sober good  American  people who decided it was unfair to the honor  of the ...American people.   Maybe when you don't have any people we dont have any arguments. However, I would  love to invest because I do but you don't have a secure market or not much of a market really at all without the universal minimum income support per citizen.   I invested in uh....Chile.  There are differences among us as the pale skin. Some accept our Amerindian, aboriginal origin as Pictures or Cheddar men or as Eskimo in Europe or in North America who still herd reindeer. Some accept their African origins.  Some are really sick and do not accept with peace and so who could you be? Some are Puerto kicked Up people who will regenerate their hurt, rains and suffering under the burgeoning civilization before they stop and say no more. The lighter Pueblo uses the darker Pueblo or Amerindian to confirm the experience when the lighter says I am up here..You darker down there and just take the sacrament and don't show me what you know from engineering school..You see because you are not supposed to...not supposed to have any authority and when would I call you for my oil changes when you are not supposed to?   Now , what is the law if I have a genetic imperative to say what happened to my people in the year 3025 and that you are not supposed to be happy in a 2009 used, well maintained Toyota FJ cruiser, Jeep, 2010 Audi or 2020 KIA Teluride ?   How do you get out of grade 13 as a black Pueblo with a Jamaican upbringing and burn down every black business you can, embezzling while you talk about what you will do when you grow up but you were shot at 43 years old for breaking into a school friend's home and for attempted burglary with a stolen key. No forced entry is not a defence. Now, who you are you to say how could YOU by a house om your own with your various legal experiences working for various counsel and yourself because I don't permit myself to do it and woukd rather hinder, frustrate and harass you if I am not really fully  dead yet?   Maybe you are the sons and daughters of Hexadecaroons; you Jamoke and you never thought about honouring all of your brilliant ancestry quietly with the purchase of some art maybe!     For some, the angle or degree measurement of all the angles in a square is not a debate or question. For some, a more efficient engine with fuel injectors or a more efficient power plant with a fuel cell or hybrid regeneration system is not a cause for debate. The fact that Egypt is in Africa is not a debate. Sir; may I suggest that without a universal minimum income support following near total automation the probability of having a population is less than 0.  The nations with whom you argued about technology and energy know this quite well and how can you be their friends if you still argue?  There is a Spectre of evil and confusion walking to and fro on the earth seeking whom they may devour and who suggests that he will block the sale of the most efficient hybrid vehicles in the UK. He refuses to acknowledge that all four angles in a square add to 360 degrees and thought that if he was white, he would not have to understand anything and he would still have authority. He would like to piss on Commonwealth people and say "We own you!" The European people disagree.  We need to help the POTUS; watch his back. Hand him the simple Duncan Hines UDHR formula of political and economic success with the UN ILO Recommendations R202 so WE fit in to the world finally and not feel awkward as North American Anglos.  This is something I cannot be honest about although I would say I am a capitalist. My feelings are as follows: 1.  I am "class sick" and have to be the bum they put at the very top to tear the economy to shreds if I could as a Jesse James seed  and the reason is that in spite of what I allegedly own and could rent to people at full rents when they have the Universal minimum income support at a paltry $35,000.00-$60,000.00 per citizen, I think about competition and  being the only one and safeguarding my position instead of seeing the people who may only have a universal minimum income support as the peasants who can at least pay me the full rent as the people in my society and economy....and what will I do if, after and during  automation,   I don't have peasants or I do have peasants  with $30,000.00 per year Unconditional universal minimum income support who can pay me the full rent as tenants in my buildings or my colleague's buildings and buy my vehicles as the car dealer.    It is just a little money to cover them in this reality of on-going automation and it guarantees sufficient market activity to absorb and consume all of the robotically made goods. Alexa, turn on the real European people or the original  Eastern seaboard amerindian white and black dna to run the constitution and shield the various branches of government from the incalculable influence an empty headed Presidential hypothalamus can have on empty headed people when the Empty headed President holds a mobile phone to his head.  This is a warning of what is happening under the Bidden Coup or under Donald maybe; I don't know but it's the Bidden influence probably since what is going on began with a shooting in Ottawa to detract what Angel Ronan occupation was intended in 2014.   You have healed and made donations at the wailing wall so now the Empty headed people who are turned and tossed by every wind of opinion will see your school of consequence.  They will go to jail for picking one grape off a bunch at Waitrose if they don't buy it for the $2.50 pounds. You are not so much of a bum now that you understand the class structure is not upset by every citizen having $40,000.00-$60,000.00 a year as a universal minimum income support and sales tax is at 30%.  All the wealthy upper class people will be able to demand and receive  their full rents with this direct government enabled grease to the economy; the needed and necessary economic  Grease so domo Arigato!      I would have to find people from another country; maybe Asia or Mexico and there is never enough people.  My town and buildings in America are empty;  2.  The other thing is that, as anthropology, I did not have to go to school and I woukd rather see any of my people not have to go to school no matter what it costs as they embarrass me at the State Department and I should have told him to just collect rent for me and go to real estate school and maybe just come to the State Department for the parties but maybe I needed justify my existence in America since wouldnt it be normal if I am white not to have to go to school and to have social authority but if I have social authority shouldnt I understand and how can I understand if I don't have education so if the other guy is not white, maybe I am a serial killer to defend my presumptive social position and I am not European since if I was European, I would  instinctually go to school to understand my culture and enjoy the  education. The cobble stones in Siena and Vienna are evenly cut since the 10th century  you mucho stupido Americano and my people had a universal minimum income support since 1910 and if you need my The evidence of your 1430 dna is not that you need to have a sense of social position. Is  it that you cannot wait to have position?   There is some kind of economic cost we all suffer when your impatience says there is no time to read a book and all the world is a stage.  Now, who would want to download a blackman's photos and give people a $1000.00 to spit in everyone of  some dude's  ex- girlfriend's backsides?  The Train fight in SPECTRE is an Anglo civil war or a Human vs. 1430 Anglo dna  civil war.  Bond represents the Anglo cuckoo! You see your authority and you see your dependency.  Some act like having a "people" to think about is a nuisance.   You must implement the 30% sales tax and the unconditional universal minimum income support.  How can you go to the library and you don't wear a suit?  You don't understand my fear of shame.      You can buy a $10.00 pizza or a sub sandwich and I am very happy. But, how can YOU, who are YOU as a Black to donate $10.00 to the Santo Church?  Oh; I apologise.  You are a Cuban so that's okay.   There is something else.   You say to me  "..You are the Don, the King. You are old and experienced. You did it all; on your own!   Who can tell you anything when you know to  get the finance and you build, build, build? But, after you build you never sell fast enough to pay the debt and you sell the whole project at the break even cost.  But, after you build, to  whom do you sell your properties when the people do not have enough money and how will they have money when automation took the majority of employment and 59% of  senators understand the universal minimum income support while one old black lady says we have to be tough, they will find a....they will get a.....!!  But, how soon will they get a job when UPS and TOYOTA/GM with FIAT and MAZDA/FORD  automated also? There is also an old white  senator who says openly with an insurance salesman that he doesn't want too many people in North America but you already built 100000's of new homes.  You need consumers who are  capable emotionally and financially of buying them.   But, you know the Americans(Canadians) are still angry when they argue with the certainty of a Square's trigonometry or with the necessity of a universal minimum income support in automation economies.  If you can plagiariase a book or books, you can pliagarise an economy.  Follow the stats at the OECD. Maybe you wrote the book or maybe you plagiarized it as all you want is the title; title...get it?  Your economy and its people need to pull its weight globally in terms of the global consumption of goods and how can your economy consume the goods, the vehicles and clothing and apartments being built if only a few states have a universal minimum income support and there is insufficient enforcement of this policy and compliance without a federal NAFTA  policy enforcement.      Now Maybe you will take a further big historic moment and settle the impeachment process , removing all confusion for the people in the USA, USA, USA once and forever, settling the process so that it is free of the purple haze, trite and moot.   Put a junior adviser at the DOJ to resolve it, ensure it is resolved so the average grade 8  educated person can understand.  Use a Betty Crocker mystique with a misdemeanor procedure.  You should have been impeached in a drugged up America but there are still many sober good  white  people.     Maybe when you don't have any people we dont have any arguments. However, I would  love to invest because I do but you don't have a secure market or not much of a market really at all without the universal minimum income support per citizen.   I invested in uh....Chile.  There are differences among us as the pale skin. Some accept our Amerindian, aboriginal origin as Pictures or Cheddar men or as Eskimo in Europe or in North America who still herd reindeer. Some accept their African origins.  Some are really sick and do not accept with peace and so who could you be? Some are Puerto kicked Up people who will regenerate their hurt, rains and suffering under the burgeoning civilization before they stop and say no more. The lighter Pueblo uses the darker Pueblo or Amerindian to confirm the experience when the lighter says I am up here..You darker down there and just take the sacrament and don't show me what you know from engineering school..You see because you are not supposed to...not supposed to have any authority and when would I call you for my oil changes when you are not supposed to?   Now , what is the law if I have a genetic imperative to say what happened to my people in the year 3025 and that you are not supposed to be happy in a 2009 used, well maintained Toyota FJ cruiser, Jeep, 2010 Audi or 2020 KIA Teluride ?   How do you get out of grade 13 as a black Pueblo with a Jamaican upbringing and burn down every black business you can, embezzling while you talk about what you will do when you grow up but you were shot at 43 years old for breaking into a school friend's home and for attempted burglary with a stolen key. No forced entry is not a defence. Now, who you are you to say how could YOU by a house om your own with your various legal experiences working for various counsel and yourself because I don't permit myself to do it and woukd rather hinder, frustrate and harass you if I am not really fully  dead yet?   Maybe you are the sons and daughters of Hexadecaroons; you Jamoke and you never thought about honouring all of your brilliant ancestry quietly with the purchase of some art maybe!     For some, the angle or degree measurement of all the angles in a square is not a debate or question. For some, a more efficient engine with fuel injectors or a more efficient power plant with a fuel cell or hybrid regeneration system is not a cause for debate. The fact that Egypt is in Africa is not a debate. Sir; may I suggest that without a universal minimum income support following near total automation the probability of having a population is less than 0.  The nations with whom you argued about technology and energy know this quite well and how can you be their friends if you still argue?  There is a Spectre of evil and confusion walking to and fro on the earth seeking whom they may devour and who suggests that he will block the sale of the most efficient hybrid vehicles in the UK. He refuses to acknowledge that all four angles in a square add to 360 degrees and thought that if he was white, he would not have to understand anything and he would still have authority. He would like to piss on Commonwealth people and say "We own you!" The European people disagree.  We need to help the POTUS; watch his back. Hand him the simple Duncan Hines UDHR formula of political and economic success with the UN ILO Recommendations R202 so WE fit in to the world finally and not feel awkward as North American Anglos.  This is something I cannot be honest about although I would say I am a capitalist. My feelings are as follows: 1.  I am "class sick" and have to be the bum they put at the very top to tear the economy to shreds if I could as a Jesse James seed  and the reason is that in spite of what I allegedly own and could rent to people at full rents when they have the Universal minimum income support at a paltry $35,000.00-$60,000.00 per citizen, I think about competition and  being the only one and safeguarding my position instead of seeing the people who may only have a universal minimum income support as the peasants who can at least pay me the full rent as the people in my society and economy....and what will I do if, after and during  automation,   I don't have peasants or I do have peasants  with $30,000.00 per year Unconditional universal minimum income support who can pay me the full rent as tenants in my buildings or my colleague's buildings and buy my vehicles as the car dealer.    It is just a little money to cover them in this reality of on-going automation and it guarantees sufficient market activity to absorb and consume all of the robotically made goods. Alexa, turn on the real European people or the original  Eastern seaboard amerindian white and black dna to run the constitution and shield the various branches of government from the incalculable influence an empty headed Presidential hypothalamus can have on empty headed people when the Empty headed President holds a mobile phone to his head.  This is a warning of what is happening under the Bidden Coup or under Donald maybe; I don't know but it's the Bidden influence probably since what is going on began with a shooting in Ottawa to detract what Angel Ronan occupation was intended in 2014.   You have healed and made donations at the wailing wall so now the Empty headed people who are turned and tossed by every wind of opinion will see your school of consequence.  They will go to jail for picking one grape off a bunch at Waitrose if they don't buy it for the $2.50 pounds. You are not so much of a bum now that you understand the class structure is not upset by every citizen having $40,000.00-$60,000.00 a year as a universal minimum income support and sales tax is at 30%.  All the wealthy upper class people will be able to demand and receive  their full rents with this direct government enabled grease to the economy; the needed and necessary economic  Grease so domo Arigato!      I would have to find people from another country; maybe Asia or Mexico and there is never enough people.  My town and buildings in America are empty;  2.  The other thing is that, as anthropology, I did not have to go to school and I woukd rather see any of my people not have to go to school no matter what it costs as they embarrass me at the State Department and I should have told him to just collect rent for me and go to real estate school and maybe just come to the State Department for the parties but maybe I needed justify my existence in America since wouldnt it be normal if I am white not to have to go to school and to have social authority but if I have social authority shouldnt I understand and how can I understand if I don't have education so if the other guy is not white, maybe I am a serial killer to defend my presumptive social position and I am not European since if I was European, I would  instinctually go to school to understand my culture and enjoy the  education. The cobble stones in Siena and Vienna are evenly cut since the 10th century  you mucho stupido Americano and my people had a universal minimum income support since 1910 and if you need my acceptance, then you better follow my example as to tax rate and the provision of universal minimum income support for every citizen. See the OECD evidence because I would like to invest and eat with you, maybe send more wine and beer and maybe I have family who can be family with you. Come make we walk and talk; mucho importante.", then you better follow my example as to tax rate and the provision of universal minimum income support for every citizen. See the OECD evidence because I would like to invest and eat with you, maybe send more wine and beer and maybe I have family who can be family with you. Come make we walk and talk; mucho importante."


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March 23rd, 2023. By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed. Incomplete There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also. Did you know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal? Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU. If we say "yes", then you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due. Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment. The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made. This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will participate in the design, conceptual and actual development of the idea and work as a company administrator. Click here.

Click here. 25 June 2024. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay. By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports. Money is an economic and legal formality along with the regular and consistent provision of money to every benefit recipient in the country. It maintains the population and we are happy to see others join us since he who has the most people wins since with people, you maintain your territory, dominion and your hegemony. You can expand and join other populations. You can afford to maintain yourself in any part of the world. You keep pace with the imagined competition. Is it Russia? They fund 100% of their population. They see that across Canada and the US, only 48% of the population is funded and it is as low as 28% in the US alone. So, then the other 72% of under funded Americans is the real issue behind weak consumer stimulus. It is rumored that Kenya has decided to increase its income support by .90 cents an hour. We are all the canary in the mine to say there is too much poison in the foods; DDT etc and it's illegal. We can have black legal counsel. Actually, we do have some. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavors that they must, will be sold; The Russians have always had a consistent buyer market with sufficient consumer stimulus since they always had an income support. You add to this a product diversity, choice and excited consumerism and you have the largest consumer market in the world; larger than America; absorbing American made and also Chinese goods with a certainty unseen in America that the goods will be sold. China is quite similar as it is certain that the citizen or the consumer as the citizen or benefit recipient has money. The benefit is paid by the government and not intercepted by any thieves in the banking system and when would such a fiasco be overlooked for years, affecting the economy and the government's plans? The Americans, in their talk about capitalism have missed their own point when you talk about marketing and selling where there is no market of regular, certain buyers while they focus on the freedom their system promises to adventuring marketers to create a gazillion candy bars, soft drinks, toys and new gadgets with product designers involving new product creation that is met by always comparatively low consumer stimulus and low buyer certainty. We asked why. One answer is the country still sees itself as a hinter land where the old east sees the burgeoning west with places like Utah, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Colorado as a land of wild heathens next to Vermont and that should not have this Vermont type income support until they can sing three church hymns from memory. So, the Vermont school teacher is the principal of the school in Colorado but the income support is still comparatively low so you sing the hymns, cross your T's and dot your I's and you must have sung the hymns by 1860, 1914, 1929 or 1939 but you still have not received the income support in sufficient amounts that are comparable to the east so you can wash in the river and be clean; buy the goods, obtain the goods without use of violence and consume what is being sold and offered to you with a seamless amount of consumer buying power across the country. Some are confused by the word or concept of Demand but "Demand" means "Buying Power." Supply must meet Buying Power/demand in sufficient measure or else the goods in the store do not sell and the manufacturer does not earn enough money and would have to close down in the usual case; a disaster. This is something that armed conflict within the country or with other countries cannot solve. It is about what you have done to you and your own people; what you have done to you. In our observation, it means the old east has some baring on what is happening in the country. The next issue is whether the people in the west would find it hard maybe in some hunter gatherer cultural resistance to just ensure every citizen in that region is above and beyond any want or need to fend and live off the land; hunt for a rabbit. But, wouldn't you need a knife at least to cut it and share it or you would eat it all by yourself with your hands?