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The universal minimum income support is like feeding a cow to get the milk. The universal minimum income support is the cow feed. The sales tax revenue is the milk. The rats(12th generation indentured servants) spit in the milk when they wanted to know their position just as the noose of automation got closer and closer. It happened in the 1920's when Hoover designed his vacuum cleaner.


The Rotolactor is the first invention for milking a large number of cows successively and largely automatically, using a rotating platform. It was developed by the Borden Company in 1930, and is known today in the dairy industry as the "rotary milking parlor".[1][2]
Modern 2008 "rotary milking parlor" (Rotolactor), Großerkmannsdorf, Germany
Process typeCow milking apparatus
Industrial sector(s)Dairy
Main technologies or sub-processesMilking a large number of cows
Product(s)Rotary milking parlor
Main facilitiesWalker-Gordon Laboratories dairy
InventorHenry W. Jeffers
Year of invention1930
Developer(s)Borden Company


The Rotolactor was the first invention for milking a large number of cows using a rotating platform.[3][4] It was invented by Henry W. Jeffers.[3][5] The Rotolactor was initially installed in a "lactorium," a building specifically designed for milking cows, in Plainsboro, New Jersey.[3] The rotating mechanical milking machine was first used by the Walker-Gordon Laboratories dairy and was put into operation on November 13, 1930.[3][6]
Jeffers conceived the idea for the Rotolactor in 1913 as a cost-cutting and labor-saving method for milking a large number of cows. Development of the project was put on hold during World War I. In 1928, the Walker-Gordon Laboratories dairy was purchased by the Borden Company, and Rotolactor development resumed in earnest.[7] Borden provided $200,000 in 1929 for building the Rotolactor at the Walker-Gordon Laboratories dairy farm.[8]


The first line of the Abstract of the 1930 Cow Milking Apparatus (Rotolactor) patent starts:
"The object of this invention is to provide an apparatus whereby an indefinitely large number of cows may be milked successively and largely automatically..."[9]
The Rotolactor (roto + lactor ium) was a large rotating "merry-go-round" style platform[10] for holding 50 cows.[8] The machine brought the cows into position for milking with automatic milking machines. The rotating platform machine was sixty feet in diameter and made one complete revolution about every twelve and a half minutes, which was the time required to prepare and milk each cow.
The first step for each new cow was receiving a bath. They were bathed with warm water and automatic showers, supplemented by two men using pressure hoses, who "devote their attention to the cleansing of udders and flanks."[11]
The next operator prepared the udder for the milking. Then the teat-cups of the automatic milking machine were attached to the cow's udder. The cow was then milked for the twelve and a half minutes during the Rotolactor's one-time complete rotation. The teat-cups would then be detached at the end of the twelve and a half minute rotation.[12] The cow would then step off the platform and return to the barn to her stall.[6]
The milk was drawn by a vacuum to sealed glass containers above the cow's head.[10] It was then transported in pipes to weighing and recording apparatuses.[6] Then it was piped to another room where the milk was cooled and bottled.[10] This was faster and more efficient than the methods previously used.[6] Human hands never touched the milk, and the milk never came into contact with air,[6] which was important to prevent premature spoiling.[6] The Rotolactor could milk the Walker-Gordon dairy's 1,680 cows three times daily.[6] This produced 26,000 quarts of milk.[8]
The August 1931 issue of the American Journal of Public Health and the Nation's Health described the Rotolactor as an advance in cleanliness and hygienefor milk production.[11]


See also



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March 23rd, 2023. By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed. Incomplete There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also. Did you know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal? Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU. If we say "yes", then you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due. Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment. The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made. This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will participate in the design, conceptual and actual development of the idea and work as a company administrator. Click here.