The U.K. cannot leave it's commitment to Somerset vs. Stewart. It cannot leave the Magna Carta, it cannot leave it's commitment to the UDHR and it cannot leave it's synonymous commitments to U.K. legislation that is a perfect mirror of the UDHR. Brexit was really about wanting to know if the English and Scottish people are paying attention. They are really genocide victims with Sellafield and the UDHR article 25 breach in particular as evidence. It is not that every white person or every native with or without an Afro born in...? a monkey. But, the phenomenon of England today is what happens when you give a white monkey authority who is born in...?.., you adopt them and then you teach them an English accent and then you see what has happened. Real white people in Europe have given their entire population basic income. In advocating white rights, it is best that we follow the real white people...and its good for the native people too and the black people who are really native people with Afros since white people who own property will rent more apartment units to non-white people and white people who own car dealerships will sell more vehicles in the universal application of basic income for the benefit of the entire population regardless of complexion.
The U.K. cannot leave it's commitment to Somerset vs. Stewart. It cannot leave the Magna Carta, it cannot leave it's commitment to the UDHR and it cannot leave it's synonymous commitments to U.K. legislation that is a perfect mirror of the UDHR. Brexit was really about wanting to know if the English and Scottish people are paying attention. They are really genocide victims with Sellafield and the UDHR article 25 breach in particular as evidence. It is not that every white person or every native with or without an Afro born in...? a monkey. But, the phenomenon of England today is what happens when you give a white monkey authority who is born in...?.., you adopt them and then you teach them an English accent and then you see what has happened. Real white people in Europe have given their entire population basic income. In advocating white rights, it is best that we follow the real white people...and its good for the native people too and the black people who are really native people with Afros since white people who own property will rent more apartment units to non-white people and white people who own car dealerships will sell more vehicles in the universal application of basic income for the benefit of the entire population regardless of complexion.
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