Western models of Christianity and religion have been stuck in the hegemony of the packaging ; as in the portrayal of our salvation while historical truth is important for truth 's sake. Jesus may never be brown skinned enough and for a sufficient duration of time to bend the knees of the soul and heart as juxtaposed with the body that bends for all kinds of reasons but not always for submission to truth. As a result, Buddha is refreshing in its relief from the baggage of Christian iconic burdens that hinder reception of Christianity's simplicity that resonates in similitude and practical profundity to Buddhism; awoh! Many have read Buddha and have found Christ in the process in all the "do unto others" practicality. Asian models of socio-economic phenomenon have been stuck in the hegemony of effectiveness and growth to be fruitful and multiply and have dominion on the earth. If Keithland was any darker,
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