You have ten percent building occupancy right now. Car sales are way down. Total war is a solution to the phenomenon of "under consumption" when, in fact, basic income is the right solution and the truly final means and method to resolve "under consumption." It is what fuels economic activity in Japan, China, France and Ireland; Germany too and Russia but you want to believe the Germans are racist and do not utilise this policy to benefit every citizen they have and you don't know there are Black German citizens. But, there are. A total war gets everybody shopping. A basic income gets everybody shopping. War has no purpose except death and it really and truly is unnecessary when the only anxiety here is the lack of regular consistent ROI( Return on Investment) and economic activity to generate it. Three years of Total war will involve cost and funding people you do not really need in uniform. After the war, you may have two years of continued consistent buoyant economic activity and then you will notice that your building occupancy rates will return to the current 10 percent building occupancy rates and the lack of human employment you are currently experiencing due to job automation and the total adoption to robotics. Instead of adopting total war, you need a total adoption of basic income. You could add an "on call" public works obligation that requires the citizen to report to duty at any location required such as the airport to assist passengers with directions or to help clear runways or you may be called to be a presence at Nationally funded universities that are suffering strikes.
You have ten percent building occupancy right now. Car sales are way down. Total war is a solution to the phenomenon of "under consumption" when, in fact, basic income is the right solution and the truly final means and method to resolve "under consumption." It is what fuels economic activity in Japan, China, France and Ireland; Germany too and Russia but you want to believe the Germans are racist and do not utilise this policy to benefit every citizen they have and you don't know there are Black German citizens. But, there are. A total war gets everybody shopping. A basic income gets everybody shopping. War has no purpose except death and it really and truly is unnecessary when the only anxiety here is the lack of regular consistent ROI( Return on Investment) and economic activity to generate it. Three years of Total war will involve cost and funding people you do not really need in uniform. After the war, you may have two years of continued consistent buoyant economic activity and then you will notice that your building occupancy rates will return to the current 10 percent building occupancy rates and the lack of human employment you are currently experiencing due to job automation and the total adoption to robotics. Instead of adopting total war, you need a total adoption of basic income. You could add an "on call" public works obligation that requires the citizen to report to duty at any location required such as the airport to assist passengers with directions or to help clear runways or you may be called to be a presence at Nationally funded universities that are suffering strikes.
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