A great man named Mr. Ronald Blake once said that many in the West Indian community are fixated on inheriting once and usually this fixation expresses itself when any family attempts to leave property behind legally under protection of law for some persons or maybe family members. Those fixated on inheritance see this phenomenon of property transfer as a personal matter of war where the phenomenon of inheritance has to be frustrated at all cost and loss of life. They break all laws in the process and the police take this very seriously as an offense involving property and sometimes it may go as far as uttering fraudulent documents or impersonation of the beneficiary who often ends up dead in interrupting a family's affairs and an entire city in making a communal event out of a Seiko watch or one little condo in Nova Scotia; maybe it was a four bed house. But, the police do not tolerate it and nor do they participate in getting several people to put deposits on a home that cannot be owned or enjoyed by the persons seeking deposits from young persons since in seeking deposits, you would have to have ownership. The property is not abandoned but subject to an on-going criminal enterprise. Former officers, by way of contract and due to their citizenry are obligated to uphold the law.
A great man named Mr. Ronald Blake once said that many in the West Indian community are fixated on inheriting once and usually this fixation expresses itself when any family attempts to leave property behind legally under protection of law for some persons or maybe family members. Those fixated on inheritance see this phenomenon of property transfer as a personal matter of war where the phenomenon of inheritance has to be frustrated at all cost and loss of life. They break all laws in the process and the police take this very seriously as an offense involving property and sometimes it may go as far as uttering fraudulent documents or impersonation of the beneficiary who often ends up dead in interrupting a family's affairs and an entire city in making a communal event out of a Seiko watch or one little condo in Nova Scotia; maybe it was a four bed house. But, the police do not tolerate it and nor do they participate in getting several people to put deposits on a home that cannot be owned or enjoyed by the persons seeking deposits from young persons since in seeking deposits, you would have to have ownership. The property is not abandoned but subject to an on-going criminal enterprise. Former officers, by way of contract and due to their citizenry are obligated to uphold the law.
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