You were born in 1975 and you were always told to imagine that you are royalty. You parents have 4 small, small homes in Compton and one near Howard in Washington D.C. You intend to be the only one though even before your family decides who or what will inherit in spite of your family's intentions. She intends to have everyone share as in 6 siblings will be registered on the property as joint tenants before her passing to avoid any confusion and occupation by speculators, thieves and complexion sick, Afro people who do not believe Black people can own anything or buy a $160,000.00 condo in Gatineau or Chatham with a river view, parking space and a coffee shop but no swimming pool and who needs it when you can do Kung Fu? This is their opportunity to squat and claim to be You and inherit and one of you are the siblings working with the squatters as you used your older brother's essay to graduate but you never really did. Your brother said we will share and nothing will be sold which is what she wants. but, you are thinking about succession and competition and have attacked his vehicle, his professional career and seem to be working on something even if you are told you are the only child your parents had and that your brother is the orphan. But you saw the baby sitter and your father and she had a kid...the hoola hoops girl. You saw another baby sitter but with the neighbour and what is it that you want? Be family some where but why hurt the people who fed you, clothed you and saved you from the polar bear water pool at the zoo when you almost dropped in. You go to architecture school but don't like it so you switch to Chiropractic care. You do well and your girlfriend reminds you that you are a king as you are IN Chiropractic College yet you are not a graduate of Chiropractic College. 3 days before the exam, your girlfriend needs all of your attention and she makes you Feel Good and she treats you like the King, loving you like cook food but by the end of the 1st day and the third hour, she becomes distant and despondent but she did say she loves you like cook food but while she loves you do you love yourself and the two of you; together with your degree completed at 23 and a baby on the way and not in limbo like her ancestor in the ocean. He was a king too it seems and before he went to sea, his wife kept a sheet with his testimony on it.
You were born in 1975 and you were always told to imagine that you are royalty. You parents have 4 small, small homes in Compton and one near Howard in Washington D.C. You intend to be the only one though even before your family decides who or what will inherit in spite of your family's intentions. She intends to have everyone share as in 6 siblings will be registered on the property as joint tenants before her passing to avoid any confusion and occupation by speculators, thieves and complexion sick, Afro people who do not believe Black people can own anything or buy a $160,000.00 condo in Gatineau or Chatham with a river view, parking space and a coffee shop but no swimming pool and who needs it when you can do Kung Fu? This is their opportunity to squat and claim to be You and inherit and one of you are the siblings working with the squatters as you used your older brother's essay to graduate but you never really did. Your brother said we will share and nothing will be sold which is what she wants. but, you are thinking about succession and competition and have attacked his vehicle, his professional career and seem to be working on something even if you are told you are the only child your parents had and that your brother is the orphan. But you saw the baby sitter and your father and she had a kid...the hoola hoops girl. You saw another baby sitter but with the neighbour and what is it that you want? Be family some where but why hurt the people who fed you, clothed you and saved you from the polar bear water pool at the zoo when you almost dropped in. You go to architecture school but don't like it so you switch to Chiropractic care. You do well and your girlfriend reminds you that you are a king as you are IN Chiropractic College yet you are not a graduate of Chiropractic College. 3 days before the exam, your girlfriend needs all of your attention and she makes you Feel Good and she treats you like the King, loving you like cook food but by the end of the 1st day and the third hour, she becomes distant and despondent but she did say she loves you like cook food but while she loves you do you love yourself and the two of you; together with your degree completed at 23 and a baby on the way and not in limbo like her ancestor in the ocean. He was a king too it seems and before he went to sea, his wife kept a sheet with his testimony on it.
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