English population's, authority and The final answer in our world is an airline passenger information and passport verification terminal as depicted in the movie Fargo; not Aboriginal covert resistance in our established system of laws to protect them and all of us. Anybody can graduate and school is an enriching experience to enable us to be conversant and capable when the questions as to the final answer is put before us in the Court. The final answer is not changing. Click here for more. St. Magnus, The Martyr, solved a problem in Court several times under the hallowed principles of the Common law that establishes that the allegation must be knowable and corroborated with verifiable evidence above and beyond the oral testimony of witnesses that could be believed above the testimony of the accused or possibly disbelieved but if there is nothing else, there is really nothing for the Court to go on and that golden thread was certainly enshrined in St. Magnus' jurisprudence. It is as follows: there is a duty upon the prosecution to prove the matter beyond a reasonable doubt and the oral testimony of witnesses alone will not satisfy the proof to fulfill the duty. This took place in the middle ages in the year 1116 actually before the Magna Carta was signed and was written based on the Roman legal principles of Cicero. The real reason is to avoid the incidence of wrongful accusation and arbitrary detention and this would be the case in any civilised part of the world that is not beset by fascist power hungry malicious dictators or Warlords who just arrest people who teach God's name as the ''I Am'' where God says ''I am that I am'' and understanding this is the clearing away of all of the names and titles that beset us and is in essence religion itself or, better yet, it is worship since like most things, friend, I am nothing and then the Lord says pick up your cross and deny yourself and follow the Lord. This need for proof as to the guilty mind and also of a foul act of deliberate or reckless behavior is the essence of our criminal law and this is what they teach you in law school with various codified situations that old men have meditated upon for a very long time to work out a balance and a fulcrum that keeps McDonalds safe any where in the world along with the 7 Star Hotel and your luggage on your flight back home to paradise. It keeps you safe as well since you must have a receipt for the coffee, muffin and the Big Mac. Three years of meditation on these issues turns the study into music with principles turned into chords and crescendos when a situation sounds like a Contract dispute and another situation sounds like a Tort case and another situation sounds like something falling somewhere in between Contract and Trust law such as the Quistclose Trust and I will sit at the back as Co litigator, you will be the Lead Litigator and the file will cost only a ''smalls'' for now with the work being done by who does the work at the back and there is no need for me to come to Court unless somebody can't read the typing and why would that happen? But, it has to be done by a willing human being since, the first rule of the pirate is ransom and that is also understood as the Error and omissions obligation. There has to be something that will promote the fear of death and life in the heart of the potentially helpful law graduate who could lie to you and get away with it if you don't know the difference. Machines are machines but a human being in a machine is a creative being and could creatively decide not to answer at all and why should he when he is nothing to lose or gain by helping you but I suppose you think he would help for the honor. What honor is there if you killed him? Why would anyone tell you the truth if you already took his freedom to live and to enjoy life? Why would he tell you the truth? Maybe you can find a willing Yale graduate who is 170 years old who wants to be a machine but for $60,000.00 per year as a private stipend or retainer, I am sure the graduate will read through the muck and maybe even help police authorities develop air tight cases so people can't just walk due to rights violations. With the $60,000.00 he or she will buy a Kia or a tiny GM Vehicle and get on with life. Hear the Lead when he reads the solution in Court as typed by the file processor since somebody has to go through the muck to find the Golden thread and we do the work. Please see following: Sankey's judgment in Woolmington v DPP [1935] AC 462 is famous for iterating the duty inherent on the prosecution to prove the prisoner's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. In pertinent part, his judgment stated: Throughout the web of the English criminal law one golden thread is always to be seen – that it is the duty of the prosecution to prove the prisoner's guilt subject to what I have already said as to the defence of insanity and subject also to any statutory exception... This judgment is usually referred to as the "golden thread". These principles find their origin in our ancient law as the stems of the ten commandments in various re applications of those foundational principles since my house is your house if you come as a guest but you can't just kill, steal and destroy or else we will be at war and your crops and livestock are yours and they are capable of suffering theft and if so, it is an offense that we mutually and collectively disdain so that we might have peace and it is not a question that is being imposed on us from a far away land. It is your own native law and this is what you must see. The language is the issue but the raw principle is yours and you should not exclude yourself but invite yourself when some part of your dna must or maybe it could find some root in the history and in the people that wrote these principles down even if it is only the Roman or the African Roman or the African since Jacob's Indigenous, Nomadic Israel received a culture from Egypt rather evidently. The question is why would you think that you could be in that particular home ? Why do you think that you only have to show more force or willingness to occupy it or more association to what bum since you already had a court date and convicted for Theft over but you went back to the same address with the intention to what next; kill the owner? Now, with every legal matter there will be a final answer and that answer can be known and understood before you get into the court since you can't say ''...I just thought that it would be...and that I believe that you could because of tv.'' What cases are relevant? What principles are relevant since is it not written? ----- Now, the indigenous population in North America owns trillions of dollars of property and so do the West Indians. This is protected by law. The English legal principles constitute the laws that protect these lands in both the foundational English principles and the re application in the immediate jurisdiction. The resentment, the resistance and the lack of reception to the system of laws is endemic simply because there is an ancestral hurt or preemption of a sense of personal and cultural suffocation that brings a knee jerk sense of revolt to that ''foreign'' and ''far away'' authority telling you how to live your life on Cosmic Beach in Negril or in Hopetario since it feels like an imposition although McDonalds could not exist without these laws and the intention of these laws crafted in the realm of St. Magnus in 1116 is to protect you in and outside of your home always and also to protect your luggage to and from that island paradise where you buy Nikes, Audis and Coca Cola quite a lot these days and you want to be able to enjoy this safety and quiet so how do we sit down and learn these laws while not suffocating in a sense of cultural extermination as we read about Carlill vs. Carbolic Smoke Ball or as we read Chapelton and Berry? We need to see what besets us and it is to find our story in the story and your mind is telling you that you are not Black Irish while there are many Black people born in Ireland who were exported to the West Indies before and after slavery and many West Indians at some stage have returned to Ireland, Scotland and the UK with a continual interchange and intermingling of the population. But, you could be a West Indian with a dna that needs an acknowledgement of its foundational root before it will function in the world; an acknowledgement or else settling down to learn anything in a structured environment if it is not the ancestral environment is difficult and you could be that Japanese dna from a the year 1600 when an expeditionary force settled in Jamaica before the English came in greater numbers. If you are that dna, it may help if you imagine yourself learning for Japan and that the school your are sitting in is an English School in Japan and that as the English are in Japan, the Japanese can learn about the English in England or in other Anglo territories since we share foods, sports and global technological culture. Japanese headship is what you are looking to acknowledge in yourself. It is ancestral. Once you do, purpose in learning and ancestral honoring ignites. There is no question about ability and the real difference between a Grade 1 student who succeeds and the grade 1 student who is held back is submission. When you turn 18 years old, your need for submission to succeed in structured school environments does not change when, in spite of your West Indian girth and machismo , who is teaching whom... for the exams at least? There is much to understand and what drug says you will rely on all the other world populations to ensure there is sufficient product safety as required by legislation and as defended in Tort law principles seen in the seminal case of Donoghue and Stevenson? You need to understand these principles. You need to understand something before you open your mouth and give advice since negligent advice is a litigious issue with tortious liability. See the case of Junior Books vs. Vetchi and Hedley Byrne vs. Heller since these laws govern that beautiful airport in Kingston Jamaica and that beautiful hotel...all the beautiful hotels and the food also. There is no need for a facade of unqualified and inexperienced people in the legal system who are exterminated by their own guttural emotion of resistance and resentment against a foreign rulership; European rulership that you would wish would just leave you alone so that you could just not only self govern but feel your self in governorship; see yourself act out what you see on TV. TV is enough to teach and educate us on what lawyer-ing is since what is the law governing the airport in Africa or in Japan? You can do it. You know you can as you are tall, big and handsome. What is the law governing the safety of property and person? See R v. Palmer for more. The issue is that for many years, the population has unwittingly killed many lawyers who were qualified and they even tried to turn Marcus Garvey into a machine as he finished at Oxford with a ''Second Class'' degree classification which is quite good. But, he faked his death with the help of an older West Indian who was 170 years old from the Bahamas where they blew up a boat and then Marcus took on a new identity and built the Court house you see today in Downtown Kingston. The emotion is that every paper in this received European culture is a line of demarcation in your emotions where you must navigate your willingness to engage in submission to that culture or resist. Now, when the tool and die teacher passes on, he says his plan is to have this member of a family occupy this one property he owns. You say you don't want to respect it or honor it and you don't want to have any formal registered wedding either. The formal wedding document still activates a knee jerk reaction in many people that causes them to prefer an unwritten, non-paper union and the people seem to struggle also with the notion of inheritance documents and at every demarcation or papered expression of this foreign culture an old relative would rather see resistance and a fight and what you lose is an opportunity for safety and security when the people dying in the fight are your own people; your own family and you are not closer to being equal or more successful. This is the ''jumbie'' who had a wedding in a nice tuxedo and who does not want to let go of the guerrilla warfare in his soul to resist the English in the Caribbean. He used to run magnets across the top of the vehicle hoods at the race track in Kingston and the engine would not start without a new alternator. They drove in from Spanish Town in a pick up truck. Now, when does the ''jumbie'' decide he has permission to own a hotel on his own ancestral beach in the West Indies and have it registered to him and his family? But, you read books about wealth all day long while resisting ownership and the papered reality of that wealth and the various formalities of ownership and wealth. In fact, Warren could teach a course on it since the issue of formalities was a subject in his Trust Law Course at University. You could be the beneficiary of something but you will not own it until the shares are transferred in a register; putting your name on it. But, how you could you let your son or relative believe he can do something or enjoy what he could do, if you do not believe you can do it yourself and maybe if you cannot believe you can do it yourself, you might just preach the gospel of hard work and then resist him once he is a fully trained lawyer. You are the ''jumbie'' emotionally and psychologically who looks like one of the Four Tops. He drives a Benz in Oklahoma and drinks Dutch Brandy while resisting his son's enjoyment of his own English translation business as a Scottish Law School graduate. You go to jail and you are not enjoying the freedom due to a misperception of opportunity to be progressive. But, Larrsey is an unusual block also when he was raised as an orphan every day to spit in all the food to be confident that the family with whom he was placed was the real family and so he would just take the food and spit right in front of them but the boy had his own PH levels and it was spit in the Arangusta and the hot sauce so the husband would ask if the wife was trying to tell him something but in those days either the wife or the helper would get beats or maybe the helper would get a baby and the food would have to be thrown out since if it wasn't the wife, then who and it could not be any 3 year old and then the family would break up with the spit wedge in between them and he was told not to do it and then he would do it again and then you would have to beat him as a child but at 80 years of age, he covets any sense of family and will break in with his people to spit if he sees you at Walmart and it looks like you just came from church and it feels like he is coveting and the bible says thou shall not covet but how can he covet if, as a pirate, he already took what you.... so what is covet and they don't understand?' But, then who would follow this man who only covets and wishes to destroy family so he can get back to his cave as the 3 year old troglodyte beach comber who is now 80 years old and it seems to be about leadership; leading your wife to the foreign paper world or back to the cave and some seem to want the spit disease and the cave rather emotionally, innately with a hatred of what the English people after 1920 did or of what they do or intend to do again now that they feel so bereft of authority in their own newly halal and kebab infused towns and they want to feel authority again while sufficient money per citizen is the answer to feel global Anglo authority where you buy, not one bottle of wine but two at dim sum in Shanghai and you stay three nights; not two or you stay four nights; not one while on your travel journey and the waiter can see the £2000.00 Seiko or £ 300.00 Tudor(TM) watch on your hand and he says the English people of the earth are big and enjoying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i95ZDcpQo-Ya . So the beachcomber cave girl going to church every Sunday and heading toward a formal wedding is also resisted and when she asks about the marriage bed and wants to know about this when the only answer she wants is that it cannot be defiled if we are already married and sleeping on it but we are in church every Sunday and people are expecting a white wedding although she says she is a virgin but she had sex with Sean who got her pregnant in 1993, she broke up and did not want to deal with him again and then she got engaged with him 1997 and the car was fine with all the power options but she said the ring was too small and then she also wanted to go to church on Sunday and all kinds of strip clubs on Friday night because her Friend ''V'' was not gay but willing to block her and then her husband who was not in any way was just supposed to stay home on Friday night while she was out with the girls and the truth is she was just a beach comber hunting for shells to be sold at market who allowed V to block her always the night before an opportunity to be betrothed dating back to when they were 12 and when it could have happened with Mr. Big Stuff when they were 16 years old, she did not let Mr. Big Stuff because she was afraid that he would feel what had happened with ''V''; not a fruit seller or farmer's wife? ''V'' had four children and raised them. Mr. Big Stuff had sex with ''V'' once a month. No matter what, she should have stayed with Sean anyway but it seems ''V'' would target and block the church goers among her high school graduating class and do anything like it was guerilla war to block their approach to a paper union if they could not just be with that person and get on with it and then maybe celebrate formally and then maybe take the property protection in a civil union document like a any joint bank account or dual car insurance as the civil document helps for what could happen in the event of death So, you would sabotage and lose ten lawyers; especially those educated in Europe or America since you want to imagine that they have been permanently tainted with an appreciation of the local and international legality that makes your new modern airport viable and then you choose to support the unqualified who cannot solve the problems with the immediacy and efficacy of training or experience but yes; they can speak well, dress well and convince you that God has a name although you have to cuss a bit for fear of the Herodians, confuse them, while now you are back to only food and clothing and good speech and maybe you could muddle with some of those missing lawyers' files as you portend to help your community and who you could have helped with a cooperative outlook where you can go to court and get the honor as a part of that existing firm set up by that lawyer and the lawyer will just read, solve and write the file and maybe we will decide that you will take all of the burden as to whether a trial or motion is feasible in the spin off business since you need to take honor in the franchise at ''Ronan Dit Lavage Bien'' and pay ''Ronan Aime Scripta'' for the research and case research at cad 1000.00 and you will keep the cad 1200.00 on a file billed at Cad 2200.00 until we get used to the working arrangement and if you can't work together and cooperate then you end up right back at food, clothing and big speech with no rules of physics or rules of law and you are no longer as associated with Europe or with the white association that you need or desire and it might be a part of your ancestry. So, how can your community succeed when you are cutting yourselves off from the final answer when law is technology and what is the value of a Native Carib life vs. a business concept you think you can just run without the designer and , there is it again with that feeling when I say owner and what is the value of your own life if you keep devaluing your own people as you end up with one facade or a few facades who are financed and big and this may not be a bad idea but who should contract the piece meal services of trained, experienced and proven people since it can work for the community to ensure the skilled workers and professionals like ''Angel Ronan Greefield Urban(TM)'' are financed who outsource to the facade, to facade people like ''Ronan Aime Scripta'' and the sums are reasonable since somebody has to do the work and your cologne is of no relevance to the Judge and nor is your girth really but you thought that is what is happening in Manhattan and Toronto to win the case so you got a penis extension but the only thing that matters is the list of cases that demonstrate there is no evidence to satisfy the Crown's onus or if there is some evidence, what credible defense can your client be afforded on this fact scenario? Why did he pick up a large cooking knife at the back of the restaurant and walk with it in the alley toward some onlookers who worked in the Kebab shop down the way? Why was he in the alley when the police were called about a man in an alley with a large cooking knife? Maybe he is just a cook at the Jamaican takeout or a Neighborhood watch officer and the knife was old and ready for disposal. So, do sit down Mr.....? What did you say your name is? We are soo pleased you could join us. Pop the champagne and then we eat!!!

English population's, authority and The final answer in our world is an airline passenger information and passport verification terminal as depicted in the movie Fargo; not Aboriginal covert resistance in our established system of laws to protect them and all of us.  Anybody can graduate and school is an enriching experience to enable us to be conversant and capable when the questions as to the final answer is put before us in the Court.  The final answer is not changing.   Click here for more.    St. Magnus,  The Martyr, solved a problem in Court several times under the hallowed principles of the Common law  that establishes that the allegation must be knowable and corroborated with verifiable evidence above and beyond the oral testimony of witnesses that could be believed above the testimony of the accused or possibly disbelieved but if there is nothing else, there is really nothing for the Court to go on and that golden thread was certainly enshrined in St. Magnus' jurisprudence. It is  as follows:  there is a duty  upon the prosecution to prove the matter beyond a reasonable doubt and the oral testimony of witnesses alone will not satisfy the proof to fulfill the duty.    This took place in the middle ages in the year 1116 actually before the Magna Carta was signed and was written based on the Roman legal principles of Cicero.   The real reason is to avoid the incidence of wrongful accusation and arbitrary detention and this would be  the case in any civilised part of the world that is not beset by fascist power hungry malicious dictators or Warlords who just arrest people who  teach God's name as the ''I Am'' where God says ''I am that I am'' and  understanding this  is the clearing away of all of the names and titles that beset us and  is in essence  religion itself or, better yet,  it is worship since like most things, friend, I am nothing and then the Lord says pick up your cross and deny yourself and follow the Lord.   This need for proof as to the guilty mind and also of a foul act of deliberate or reckless behavior  is the essence of our criminal law and this is what they teach you in law school with various codified situations that old men have meditated upon for a very long time to work out a balance and a fulcrum that keeps McDonalds safe any where in the world along with the 7 Star Hotel and your luggage on your flight back home to paradise.  It keeps you safe as well since you must have a receipt for the coffee, muffin and the Big Mac.     Three years of meditation on these issues turns the study into music with principles turned into chords and crescendos when a situation sounds like a Contract dispute and another situation sounds like a Tort case and another situation sounds like something falling somewhere in between Contract and Trust law such as the Quistclose Trust  and I will sit at the back as Co litigator, you will be the Lead Litigator  and the file will cost only a ''smalls'' for now with the work being done by who does the work at the back and there is no need for me to come to Court unless somebody can't read the typing and why would that happen?  But, it has to be done by a willing human being since, the first rule of the pirate is ransom and that is also understood as the  Error and omissions  obligation.  There has to be something that will promote the fear of death and life in the heart of the potentially helpful law graduate who could lie to you and get away with it if you don't know the difference. Machines are machines but a human being in a machine is a creative being and could creatively decide not to answer at all and why should he when he is nothing to lose or gain by helping you but I suppose you think he would help for the honor. What honor is there if you killed him?    Why would anyone tell you the truth if you already took his freedom to live and to enjoy life?  Why would he tell you the truth? Maybe you can find a willing Yale graduate who is 170 years old who wants to be a machine but for $60,000.00 per year as a  private stipend or retainer,  I am sure the graduate will read through the muck and maybe even help police authorities develop air tight cases so people can't just walk due to rights violations.  With the $60,000.00 he or she will buy a Kia or a tiny GM Vehicle and get on with life.       Hear the Lead when he reads the solution in Court as typed by the file processor since somebody has to go through the muck to find the Golden thread and we do the work.  Please see following:     Sankey's judgment in Woolmington v DPP [1935] AC 462 is famous for iterating the duty inherent on the prosecution to prove the prisoner's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. In pertinent part, his judgment stated:  Throughout the web of the English criminal law one golden thread is always to be seen – that it is the duty of the prosecution to prove the prisoner's guilt subject to what I have already said as to the defence of insanity and subject also to any statutory exception...  This judgment is usually referred to as the "golden thread".    These principles find their origin in our ancient law as the stems of the ten commandments in various re applications of those foundational principles since my house is your house if you come as a guest but you can't just kill, steal and destroy or else we will be at war and your crops and livestock are yours and they are capable of suffering theft and if so, it is an offense that we mutually and collectively disdain so that we might have peace and it is not a question that is being imposed on us from a far away land. It is your own native law and this is what you must see. The language is the issue but the raw principle is yours and you should not exclude yourself but invite yourself when some part of your dna must or maybe it could find some root in the history and  in the people that wrote these principles down even if it is only the Roman or the African Roman or the African since Jacob's Indigenous, Nomadic Israel received a culture from Egypt rather evidently.  The question is why would you think that you could be in that particular  home ?    Why do you think that you only have to show more force or willingness to occupy it or more association to what bum since you already had a court date and convicted for Theft over but you went back to the same address with the intention to what next; kill the owner?    Now, with every legal matter there will be a final answer and that answer can be known and understood before you get into the court since you can't say ''...I just thought that it would be...and that I believe that you could because of tv.''   What cases are relevant? What principles are relevant since  is it not written?  -----      Now, the indigenous population in North America owns trillions of dollars of property and so do the West Indians.   This is protected by law.   The English legal principles constitute the laws that protect these lands in both the foundational English principles and the re application in the immediate jurisdiction. The resentment, the resistance and the lack of reception to the system of laws is endemic simply because there is an ancestral hurt or preemption of a sense of personal and cultural suffocation  that brings a knee jerk sense of revolt to that ''foreign'' and ''far away'' authority telling you how to live your life on Cosmic Beach in Negril or in Hopetario since it feels like an imposition although McDonalds could not exist without these laws and the intention of these laws crafted in the realm of St. Magnus in 1116  is to protect you in and outside of your home always and also to protect your luggage to and from that island paradise where you buy Nikes, Audis and Coca Cola quite a lot these days and you want to be able to enjoy this safety and quiet so how do we sit down and learn these laws while not suffocating in a sense of cultural extermination as we read about Carlill vs. Carbolic Smoke Ball or as we read Chapelton and Berry? We need to see what besets us and it is to find our story in the story and your mind is telling you that you are not Black Irish while there are many Black people born in Ireland who were exported to the West Indies before and after slavery and many West Indians at some stage have returned to Ireland, Scotland and the UK with a continual interchange and intermingling of the population.   But, you could be a West Indian with a dna that needs an acknowledgement of its foundational root before it will function in the world; an acknowledgement or else settling down to learn anything in a structured environment if it is not the ancestral environment is difficult and you could be that Japanese dna from a the year 1600 when an expeditionary force settled in Jamaica before the English came in greater numbers.  If you are that dna, it may help if you imagine yourself learning for Japan and that the school your are sitting in is an English School in Japan and that as the English are in Japan, the Japanese can learn about the English in England or in other Anglo territories since we share foods, sports and global technological culture. Japanese headship is what you are looking to acknowledge in yourself. It is ancestral. Once you do, purpose in learning and ancestral honoring ignites. There is no question about ability and the real difference between a Grade 1 student who succeeds and the grade 1 student who is held back is submission.  When you turn 18 years old, your need for submission to succeed in structured school environments does not change when, in spite of your West Indian girth and machismo , who is teaching whom... for the exams at least?  There is much to understand and what drug says you will rely on all the other world populations to ensure there is sufficient product safety as required by legislation and as defended in Tort law principles seen in the seminal case of Donoghue and Stevenson?  You need to understand these principles. You need to understand something before you open your mouth and give advice  since negligent advice is a litigious issue with tortious liability. See the case of Junior Books vs. Vetchi and Hedley Byrne vs. Heller since these laws govern that beautiful airport in Kingston Jamaica and that beautiful hotel...all the beautiful hotels and the food also.     There is no need for a facade of unqualified and inexperienced people in the legal system who are exterminated by their own  guttural emotion of resistance and resentment against a foreign rulership; European rulership  that you would wish would just leave you alone so that you could just not only self govern but feel your self  in governorship; see yourself act out what you see on TV. TV is enough to teach and educate us on what lawyer-ing is  since  what is the law governing the airport in Africa or in Japan?  You can do it. You know you can as you are tall, big and handsome.    What is the law governing the safety of property and person?  See R v. Palmer for more. The issue is that for many years, the population has unwittingly killed many lawyers who were qualified and they even tried to turn Marcus Garvey into a machine as he finished at Oxford with a ''Second Class'' degree classification which is quite good. But, he faked his death with the help of an older West Indian who was 170 years old from the Bahamas where they blew up a boat and then Marcus took on a new identity and built the Court house you see today in Downtown Kingston.   The emotion is that every paper in this received European culture is a line of demarcation in your emotions where you must navigate your willingness to engage in submission to that culture or resist. Now, when the tool and die teacher passes on, he says his plan is to have this member of a family occupy this one property he owns. You say you don't want to respect it or honor it and you don't want to have any formal registered wedding either.   The formal wedding document still activates a knee jerk reaction in  many people that causes them to prefer an unwritten, non-paper union and the people seem to struggle also with the notion of inheritance documents and at every demarcation or papered expression of this foreign culture an old relative would rather see resistance and a fight and what you lose is an opportunity for safety and security when the people dying in the fight are your own people; your own family and you are not closer to being equal or more successful.     This is the ''jumbie''  who had a wedding in a nice tuxedo and who does not want to  let go of the guerrilla warfare in his soul to resist the English in the Caribbean.   He used to run magnets across the top of the vehicle hoods at the race track in Kingston and the engine would not start without a new alternator. They drove in from Spanish Town in a pick up truck.  Now, when does the ''jumbie'' decide he has permission to own a hotel on his own ancestral beach in the West Indies and have it registered to him and his family? But, you read books about wealth all day long while resisting ownership and the papered reality of that wealth and the various formalities of ownership and wealth. In fact, Warren could teach a course on it since the issue of formalities was a subject in his Trust Law Course at University. You could be the beneficiary of something but you will not own it until the shares are transferred in a register; putting your name on it.   But, how you could you let your son or relative believe he can do something or enjoy what he could do, if you do not believe you can do it yourself and maybe if you cannot believe you can do it yourself, you might just preach the gospel of hard work and then resist him once he is a fully trained lawyer.    You  are  the   ''jumbie'' emotionally and psychologically who looks like one of the Four Tops.  He drives a Benz in Oklahoma and drinks Dutch Brandy  while resisting his son's enjoyment of his  own English translation business  as a Scottish Law School graduate.     You go to jail and you are not enjoying the freedom due to a misperception of opportunity to be progressive. But, Larrsey is an unusual block also when he was raised as an orphan every day to spit in all the food to be confident that the family with whom he was placed was the real family and so he would just take the food and spit right in front of them  but the boy had his own PH levels and it was spit in the Arangusta and the hot sauce  so the husband would ask if the wife was trying to tell him something but in those days either the wife or the helper would get beats or maybe the helper would get a baby and the food would have to be thrown out since if it wasn't the wife, then who and it could not be any 3 year old and then the family would break up with the spit wedge in between them  and he was told not to do it and then he would do it again and then you would have to beat him as a child but at 80 years of age, he covets any sense of family and will break in with his people to spit if he sees you at Walmart and it looks like you just came from church and it feels like he is coveting and the bible says thou shall not covet but how can he covet if, as a pirate, he already took what you.... so what is covet and they don't understand?'  But, then who would follow this man who only covets and wishes to destroy family so he can get back to his cave as the 3 year old troglodyte beach comber who is now 80 years old and it seems to be about leadership; leading your wife to the foreign paper world or back to the cave and some seem to want the spit disease and the cave rather emotionally, innately   with a hatred of what the English people after 1920  did or of what they do or intend to do again now that they feel so bereft of authority in their own newly halal and kebab infused towns and they want to feel authority again while sufficient money per citizen is the answer to feel global Anglo authority where you buy, not one bottle of wine but two at dim sum in Shanghai and you stay three  nights; not two or you stay four nights; not one while on your travel journey and the waiter can see the £2000.00 Seiko or £ 300.00 Tudor(TM) watch on your hand and he says the English people of the earth are big and enjoying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i95ZDcpQo-Ya .  So the beachcomber cave girl going to church every Sunday and heading toward a formal wedding is also resisted and when she asks about the marriage bed and wants to know about this when the only answer she wants is that it cannot be defiled if we are already married and sleeping on it but we are in church every Sunday and people are expecting a white wedding although she says she is a virgin but she had sex with Sean who got her pregnant in 1993, she broke up and did not want to deal with him again and then she got engaged with him 1997 and the car was fine with all the power options but she said the ring was too small and then she also wanted to go to church on Sunday and all kinds of strip clubs on Friday night because her Friend ''V'' was not gay  but willing to block her and then her husband who was not in any way  was just supposed  to stay home on Friday night while she was out with the girls and the truth is she was just a beach comber hunting for shells to be sold at market who allowed V to block her always the night before an opportunity to be betrothed dating back to when they were 12 and when it could have happened with Mr. Big Stuff  when they were 16 years old, she did not let Mr. Big Stuff because she was afraid that he would feel what had happened with ''V''; not a fruit seller or farmer's wife?  ''V'' had four children and raised them.  Mr. Big Stuff had sex with ''V'' once a month.   No matter what, she should have stayed with Sean anyway but it seems ''V'' would target and block the church goers among her high school graduating class and do anything like  it was guerilla war to block their approach to a paper union if they could not just be with that person and get on with it and then maybe celebrate formally and then maybe take the property protection in a civil union document  like a any joint bank account  or dual car insurance as the civil document helps  for what  could happen in the event of death  So, you would sabotage and  lose ten lawyers; especially those educated in Europe or America since you want to imagine that they have been permanently  tainted with an appreciation of the local and international legality that makes your new modern airport viable  and  then you choose to support the unqualified who cannot solve the problems with the immediacy and efficacy of training or experience but yes; they can speak well, dress well and convince you that God has a  name although you have to cuss a bit for fear of the Herodians, confuse them, while now you are back to only food and clothing and good  speech and maybe you could muddle with some of those missing lawyers' files as you portend to help your community and who you could have helped with a cooperative outlook where you can go to court and get the honor as a part of that existing firm set up by that lawyer and the lawyer will just read, solve and write the file and maybe we will decide that you will take all of the burden as to whether a trial or motion is feasible in the spin off business since you  need to take honor in the franchise at ''Ronan Dit Lavage Bien'' and pay ''Ronan  Aime  Scripta'' for the research and case research at cad 1000.00 and you will keep the cad 1200.00  on a file billed at Cad 2200.00 until we get used to the working arrangement  and if you can't work together and cooperate then you end up  right back at food, clothing and big speech with no rules of physics or rules of law and you are no longer as associated with Europe or with the white association that you need or desire and it might be a part of your ancestry.   So,  how can your community succeed when you are cutting yourselves off from the final answer  when law is technology and what is the value of a Native Carib life vs.  a business concept you think you can just run without the designer and  , there is it again with that feeling when I say owner and  what is the value of your own life if you keep devaluing your own people  as you end up  with one facade or a few facades who are financed  and big and this may not be a bad idea  but who should contract the piece meal services of trained, experienced and proven  people since it can work for the community to ensure the skilled workers and professionals  like ''Angel Ronan Greefield Urban(TM)''  are financed who outsource to the facade,  to facade people like ''Ronan Aime Scripta''  and the sums are reasonable since somebody has to do the work and your cologne is of no relevance to the Judge and nor is your girth really but you thought that is what is happening in Manhattan and Toronto  to win the case so you got a penis extension but the only thing that matters is the list of cases that demonstrate there is no evidence to satisfy the Crown's onus or if there is some evidence, what credible defense can your client be afforded on this fact scenario? Why did he pick up a large cooking knife at the back of the restaurant and walk with it in the alley toward some onlookers who worked in the Kebab shop down the way? Why was he in the alley when the police were called about a man in an alley with a large cooking knife?  Maybe he is just a cook at the Jamaican takeout or  a Neighborhood watch officer  and the knife was old and ready for disposal.      So, do sit down Mr.....? What did you say your name is? We are soo pleased you could join us. Pop the champagne and then we eat!!!


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March 23rd, 2023. By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed. Incomplete There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also. Did you know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal? Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU. If we say "yes", then you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due. Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment. The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made. This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will participate in the design, conceptual and actual development of the idea and work as a company administrator. Click here.

Click here. 25 June 2024. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay. By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports. Money is an economic and legal formality along with the regular and consistent provision of money to every benefit recipient in the country. It maintains the population and we are happy to see others join us since he who has the most people wins since with people, you maintain your territory, dominion and your hegemony. You can expand and join other populations. You can afford to maintain yourself in any part of the world. You keep pace with the imagined competition. Is it Russia? They fund 100% of their population. They see that across Canada and the US, only 48% of the population is funded and it is as low as 28% in the US alone. So, then the other 72% of under funded Americans is the real issue behind weak consumer stimulus. It is rumored that Kenya has decided to increase its income support by .90 cents an hour. We are all the canary in the mine to say there is too much poison in the foods; DDT etc and it's illegal. We can have black legal counsel. Actually, we do have some. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavors that they must, will be sold; The Russians have always had a consistent buyer market with sufficient consumer stimulus since they always had an income support. You add to this a product diversity, choice and excited consumerism and you have the largest consumer market in the world; larger than America; absorbing American made and also Chinese goods with a certainty unseen in America that the goods will be sold. China is quite similar as it is certain that the citizen or the consumer as the citizen or benefit recipient has money. The benefit is paid by the government and not intercepted by any thieves in the banking system and when would such a fiasco be overlooked for years, affecting the economy and the government's plans? The Americans, in their talk about capitalism have missed their own point when you talk about marketing and selling where there is no market of regular, certain buyers while they focus on the freedom their system promises to adventuring marketers to create a gazillion candy bars, soft drinks, toys and new gadgets with product designers involving new product creation that is met by always comparatively low consumer stimulus and low buyer certainty. We asked why. One answer is the country still sees itself as a hinter land where the old east sees the burgeoning west with places like Utah, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Colorado as a land of wild heathens next to Vermont and that should not have this Vermont type income support until they can sing three church hymns from memory. So, the Vermont school teacher is the principal of the school in Colorado but the income support is still comparatively low so you sing the hymns, cross your T's and dot your I's and you must have sung the hymns by 1860, 1914, 1929 or 1939 but you still have not received the income support in sufficient amounts that are comparable to the east so you can wash in the river and be clean; buy the goods, obtain the goods without use of violence and consume what is being sold and offered to you with a seamless amount of consumer buying power across the country. Some are confused by the word or concept of Demand but "Demand" means "Buying Power." Supply must meet Buying Power/demand in sufficient measure or else the goods in the store do not sell and the manufacturer does not earn enough money and would have to close down in the usual case; a disaster. This is something that armed conflict within the country or with other countries cannot solve. It is about what you have done to you and your own people; what you have done to you. In our observation, it means the old east has some baring on what is happening in the country. The next issue is whether the people in the west would find it hard maybe in some hunter gatherer cultural resistance to just ensure every citizen in that region is above and beyond any want or need to fend and live off the land; hunt for a rabbit. But, wouldn't you need a knife at least to cut it and share it or you would eat it all by yourself with your hands?