Unforgiven: Kent University students have banned fancy dress cowboy outfits
Fancy dress parties are fast becoming a minefield for students, with the archetypal cowboy outfit the latest to be deemed offensive.
The University of Kent’s student union has included cattle ranchers and wranglers, with their Stetsons, jeans and boots, in a long list of unacceptable costumes.
Other banned outfits include the “crusades, Nazi uniform, priests and nuns, Native Americans, IS bomber, Israeli soldier and the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him).” Also frowned upon are a Mexican sombrero, Harvey Weinstein, Jimmy Savile and Caitlyn Jenner, the transsexual television personality.
If that list left students a little stumped over who to dress as, there is some guidance in the “fancy dress guidelines”: cave people, aliens, the United Nations, Ancient Greeks and Romans are all fine.
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