Why isn't the water on? Let's Ask. Maybe they are coming back to make America great again...maybe to keep the struggle alive...keep hope alive with Bidden as President and Ob-amandla as VP to turn the water on and the basic income. Even if he did not do it right the first time, Bruce Wayne's father says we fall down only to get back up again and maybe this time with these two experienced, venerated honored Beltway alumna, Black lives dying in parks so that they matter after being shot in the back on CNN will not happen 8-10 times as if black lives had to be sacrificed as compensation for a Black president; yes a Black President! He will always be a Black President we hope or maybe they will say Phyllis Wheatley was born in Africa although she was born in America around 1620. Now, some 14 year old can reach under the sink at the Dept of Homeland Security and turn on the pipe for basic income; the one marked ''First defence of a nation is the socio-economic defence of the people with YOUDHR basic income, ensuring their safety and freedom." Click here for more.
Why isn't the water on? Let's Ask. Maybe they are coming back to make America great again...maybe to keep the struggle alive...keep hope alive with Bidden as President and Ob-amandla as VP to turn the water on and the basic income. Even if he did not do it right the first time, Bruce Wayne's father says we fall down only to get back up again and maybe this time with these two experienced, venerated honored Beltway alumna, Black lives dying in parks so that they matter after being shot in the back on CNN will not happen 8-10 times as if black lives had to be sacrificed as compensation for a Black president; yes a Black President! He will always be a Black President we hope or maybe they will say Phyllis Wheatley was born in Africa although she was born in America around 1620. Now, some 14 year old can reach under the sink at the Dept of Homeland Security and turn on the pipe for basic income; the one marked ''First defence of a nation is the socio-economic defence of the people with YOUDHR basic income, ensuring their safety and freedom.''
The last thing we want to see is Obamandla with his hands clasped over his face as he wins the Bachelor Contest again but this time to be the VP! This would be a touching TV moment; innit? Now, the last thing we want to endure again is a subconscious Amerindian defence mechanism against people with international qualifications whether or not they obtained them at Georgetown in D.C. with an understanding of the Uniform Commerical Code(UCC). But, you look white old man but you keep leading your community to kill the same people who could explain the U.S. Constitution to you as an expression of principles to ensure safe community; principles based on the Ten commandments. The real question is, what do you want? Audi/Volkswagen knows. You want their vehicle but you don't really want to understand how the Audi/Volkswagen 2.0T engine is based on an Lada 1.0T engine and that as they have followed 100% automation, they need societies that have 100% consumer buying power with basic income for 100% of the population. So, come to Mexico my Northern Amerindian friends and try to understand. We do not know what you are asking but if you want, we will leave it at this. What is white? What is black? Buy a black phone or a white phone. Apple comes in both colours and most Samsungs are black. Read R v. Gimbert 2018 and see your laws are compatible in every respect and for a very good reason; so that granny might be safe. http://angelronan.blogspot.com/2018/11/r-v-gimbert-2018-on-appeal-from-crown.html The UCC is sometimes understood as the University Community Centre. Why isn't the basic income on now that we understand what is going on and it is not a new idea or anything that requires us to wait until 2020 so that any pundit Democrat can see his personal authority and another Democratic White house...woo...glory? But, let's ask if he knows how to turn on the basic income and turn on the water before we consider putting his photo on the wall in the next Bourne movie since the world is not enough; you need the Brit Milah with basic income. Vote for any candidates that commit resoundingly to the equality of the value of American human life in that American human life matters with basic income for every citizen to support that life regardless of complexion. There is a rumor that a grandson of Ronald Reagan who is only 14 years old is going to run for office as a Green Party Presidential candidate and he is proposing an almost non-racialised basic income at usd 60,000.00 for the cat hair people and usd 58000.00 for the woolly hair or afro hair people as supported by car manufacturers that have a majority stake in the North American market. The reason for the basic income, don't laugh, is because it is simple enough for a child to understand. But, it is no longer a political debate in the current moment and nor is it a new idea you nocumpoops. The United Nations turned the UBI/ basic income back on in all of North America(CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO). GM (TM) and Ford(TM) also agree as they have a 300 year global agreement with their Asian counterparts. WE KEEP HOPE ALIVE; YES WE CAN. CHANGE HAS COME TO AMERICA!! DO YOU HAVE THE BIDEN OBAMA STICKERS? I KNOW THEY BOTH SIGNED THE UBI/BASIC INCOME RESTORATION EXECUTIVE ORDER EVEN BEFORE THEY SWORN INTO OFFICE. THE POINT IS COMMUNISM IS CAPITALISM BUT THE FRENCH AND RUSSIAN VERSION MAINTAIN AN HONEST REFLECTION ON AUTOMATION THAT EATS AWAY AT THE MARKET BY TAKING JOBS AND MONEY AWAY FROM PEOPLE WHERE THE MARKET INVOLVES PEOPLE WITH MONEY YET THE MARKET IS MAINTAINED WITH THE STIPEND OR SUPPLEMENT OR CITIZEN'S INCOME TO KEEP THE PEOPLE FROM DYING OFF AND SALES OF GOODS BUOYANT AS, LETS SEE, AS AUTOMATION INCREASES AND THE PEOPLE ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO MAINTAIN THE MARKET WITH A BASIC INCOME/UBI AND THE COUNTRY IS LESS DEPENDENT ON IMMIGRATION FOR NEW PEOPLE, SINCE YOU NEED NEW PEOPLE AS YOUR PEOPLE DISAPPEAR, BUT THESE NEW PEOPLE FROM HALAL OR SZE SZE WILL EXPERIENCE THE SAME JOB ATTRITION AND FEEL TARGETED TO ''WHIP IT'' LIKE DONALD AND DEVO SAY UNLESS THEY JOIN A SUB COMMUNITY THAT HAS MONEY TO PROVIDE TO ITS MEMBERS AND THIS IS A BURDEN ON THAT COMMUNITY BUT THEY WILL HELP THEIR PEOPLE WHO OFFER TO HELP ITS MEMBERS. WARREN HELPS. YOU DO NOT HAVE A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF PEOPLE WITH BLOOD THAT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE BLOOD THAT FOUGHT AND DIED FOR YOUR NATION'S INDEPENDENCE AND THE END RESULT IS THAT YOU MIGHT AS WELL STOP PRETENDING YOU ARE ACHIEVING ANYTHING OTHER THAN A WAR ON LOGIC AND CIVILIZATION SINCE IF YOU WERE THINKING OF THE PEOPLE YOU REPRESENT, YOU WOULD GIVE THEM THE MONEY THEY NEED IN THIS BRAVE AND EXCITING WORLD OF HUMANLESS, DRIVERLESS LABOR. WARREN HELPS. DO YOU KNOW THE ANGEL RONAN ISSUE? GOOGLE ''ANGEL RONAN ISSUE'' NOW. WWW.ANGELRONANISSUE.WORDPRESS.COM The issue is the consuming and purchasing of the finished product and there is not enough buying and selling of the product in America without basic income. Even I know that and I am...black or brown...Samoan Amerindian. Say that! Now, if God is white and Jesus is white, they are not inhumane and will provide at least $47,000.00 which is less than the $60,000.00 demanded for car sales since he is willing to die so often to bring UDHR peace and basic income to all of the non white people around the world but he seems to want to die and give his life as America so that non white people every where else might have life and life abundantly. They might even come to America to see his willingness to die and to fast for this honor of being the only begotten. If it is to be different and distinct then you will resist the logic used by other nations but if it is to be independent, then you would apply the basic income monies on the consumer side of the economy. The solution is, first, economically logical, then, second, it is socially and benevolently of benefit to stave of crime, desperation and businesses predicated on desperate need that manifests in vice. Third, it is also a legally required solution and you never know where your sperm or your eggs end up after a night at a hotel with your husband or your wife and you would not want them to turn into a Storm of emotions with the Daniels whiskey beside her. Now, you resented the Automation as it affected your jobs and you did not respect the good white people like Adam Smith, or Thomas More or Karl Marx who said there was need for a solution. You did not even respect the Japanese who proposed their own solution. But, ''Whip it'' was a big hit by Devo. But, you did not resent the automated product and nor did you respect the solution as to how you might buy it with basic income. It seems what you really resent; what you hate is that there is any need for a solution and this hatred of there being any need for a solution is what made Dirty Slick Willy a two term president and instead of a solution, he opened the laws to unscrupulous mortgage speculators and many of you people lost your ancestral lands. Ancestral land is the operative word for Bill. You got the antithesis of a solution. You got domestic terrorism. Now, Donald wants to make America great again but he never read enough about the caretaker role of the office he holds and how small America really is as a market and he seems to have gone
''rock star' or ''Herod'' mad with Storms in his Jack Daniels and his need for attention when the Americans have been without water for the two years since he was elected. But, his entire Judeo Christian community, including Mephibosheth, has digested basic income as the economically logical, benevolent and also legal solution if you are white and if God is white and if Jesus is white and if you are white like God, then certainly God is not racist. The White God in Germany is not racist and nor is the white God in Sweden and nor is the white God in Ireland. Just agree with your base and your community of voters who want the peace and quiet now and that is all you need for the ''win'' and they will support you and so will the entire country. Your name is Donalde' Poncho Villa so now win Mr. White! Herod!!! Jesus!!! I mean they have been without basic income and the last guy wanted to turn it back on but Bill and the Short Circuiting Secretary of State named Hilarious tried to shoot the last President in his office and blow up Biden so that she would get the Presidential job as third in the line of succession. Now, Donald needs attention for not feeding the dogs and some people would just thank God for their promotion as Chief Veterinarian and just feed the dogs with basic income and give them a little money for a few toys and shelter and also money for water evidently also. It is necessary after 100 percent industrial automation. Donald has received the memo and everybody knows scare crows only have straw for brains. Donald is a passionate machismo guy and will follow the macho, good white man direction. The Resounding evidence of the Play entitled the Crucible is the reminder of a foreign population regardless of complexion with strange and persistent ways steeped in centuries of European servitude and now resident in America who are bent on a socio-economic game of machinations for the authority...for the authority as to who will be the authority in this town or city or this world. Some arrived in America but via the West Indies where they learned a kind of syncopation. Do you know Mango? Go down the Manuel road and man, I hope you know what you are talking about! Did Mrs. Clinkyton fly through your window? No. But, she is accusing people of sending Christmas cards early when she sent them to her self. She is trying to say it is the only game she knows but if you try to invite her to play Monopoly she will say she already won and that there is no need for you to refer to the rules. You need them. She does not. Now, the Northern Europeans such as the Dutch and the Irish and the Germans and the Northern French, with their work ethic and knowledge of survival in such cold regions would have cut enough wood bought also cured enough dried pork to survive that cold winter. There was a Creole and more Southern European in the new world by then also who did not show up to the 13 colonies, however, until there was something to occupy; enough homes, buildings churches and towns to approach and occupy with subtle but insidious games to impeach the more Northern and more overtly religious and hard working settler to just occupy and take his work seen in his houses, buildings and homes. Are you weak, frail, you want to just cup the boob of the servants and in fear of not having acceptance all of sudden in the occupier 's new terms? Oh; you never had servants before. Get used to it but if you are not careful and don't give enough in favors or promise to put her on your trust or family home she might scream rape; accuse you to de town and de church elders. Just give her attention once a week; send some pumpkin or roast pork or some imported Ikea (TM) tea or Irrriiisssh tea since your cahunas made you react when her laces...her boob..her top and she bent over 9- 5 eh Holmes? But, this is how we occupy Holmes....divide your home with the sexo channel and if you watch it you will see sin has its wage Holmes. Forgive yourself and stay with your wife. Don't kill your adopted daughter /servant from Cambodia or Colombia or Jamaica who is also your servant and don't kill your wife. Stay togedda!! Sze Sze!! Just give her the basic income Holmes. Did they spit in your burger sauce, drug your Stabubucks coffee and invite you to adopt their 50 year old children as yours? Watch them as they assess your human weakness? They spat in your well water in 1730 as Blackboard landed in Virginia. He and his people took over posts in the Colonial constabulary leading to, submitting to the authority of the Ship Captain pirate who was his son and nephews....big people. The other Creoles know him and wait for his cue and socio-economic presence. Then, they use any force, scheme or schematic to occupy and take contrary to the established laws since you looked when her laces were loose at the well and when she bent over. You cannot be good; can you as everybody is accused and impeached and when she is in your barn and converting it into her own home contrary to your will, she will not move or go and waits for you to react and beat her and once you do, the constabulary says you flew into the window and he takes you away since you took the law into your own hands. I know Obamandla signed an executive order for the restoration of basic income. The LBJ Deep State has been arguing since 1957 and frustrating the basic income until someone explains an electric watch or an electric generator as powered by the current of a river. Now Bill Cosby is a victim of a Pretender Government coup, a victim of an occupation and he is entitled to the benefit of the double jeopardy law. But the rules are for you; not Ms. Hilarious Clinkyton according to her, who still had enough ultra vires authority to put Bill into this situation after her election disqualification pursuant to the Espionage Act 1917. Now, I don't know white people who think like her but a creature regardless of complexion where race is not his or her ultimate agenda but the authority and not for love and peace but destruction, a "you owe me" and attention. Maleficent is an example...Blackbeard's son but who lived her life as a woman...a sex operation. But, this is where we are. Now, if the hot and cold water turned off during some other president's administration along with the UBI and also the rightful working of the double jeopardy law, you suffer a revulsion and a repulsion in shock and awe and you hold him or her accountable. You elect a new President, even a Black woman likely Maxine Bueno Aguas to turn it all back on. This is because you are supposed to have the highest standard of living even if the grandson of a pirate ship captain would rather have people walk to a river and use buckets to maintain their ways. There is nothing wrong with ways but the economy depends on a legal system requiring certainty, hot and cold running water and ubi/ basic income. You will hold the current president responsible if the UBI, water and the law is not turned back on. Trumpey did not react when the Deep State turned off the law. He should React!!!! He should react !!!!! He should fix it since they want to know if she or he is paying attention. Soon, you will notice that UNCLE SAM know what you expect. It is Ronald Reagan's speeches but someone seems to have tied up UNCLE SAM and is holding him ransom and Hilarious Robthem Clinkton wants to know if you are paying attention. Donald should react! He didn't even phone to show sympathy so...we don't know about him right now. I don't know if I will invite him to my...you understand he may not be the kind of person we like but we will teach him and maybe he will turn the water back on once I turn that off too along with the law. Bill Cosby is free to go...for now.
The last thing we want to see is Obamandla with his hands clasped over his face as he wins the Bachelor Contest again but this time to be the VP! This would be a touching TV moment; innit? Now, the last thing we want to endure again is a subconscious Amerindian defence mechanism against people with international qualifications whether or not they obtained them at Georgetown in D.C. with an understanding of the Uniform Commerical Code(UCC). But, you look white old man but you keep leading your community to kill the same people who could explain the U.S. Constitution to you as an expression of principles to ensure safe community; principles based on the Ten commandments. The real question is, what do you want? Audi/Volkswagen knows. You want their vehicle but you don't really want to understand how the Audi/Volkswagen 2.0T engine is based on an Lada 1.0T engine and that as they have followed 100% automation, they need societies that have 100% consumer buying power with basic income for 100% of the population. So, come to Mexico my Northern Amerindian friends and try to understand. We do not know what you are asking but if you want, we will leave it at this. What is white? What is black? Buy a black phone or a white phone. Apple comes in both colours and most Samsungs are black. Read R v. Gimbert 2018 and see your laws are compatible in every respect and for a very good reason; so that granny might be safe. http://angelronan.blogspot.com/2018/11/r-v-gimbert-2018-on-appeal-from-crown.html The UCC is sometimes understood as the University Community Centre. Why isn't the basic income on now that we understand what is going on and it is not a new idea or anything that requires us to wait until 2020 so that any pundit Democrat can see his personal authority and another Democratic White house...woo...glory? But, let's ask if he knows how to turn on the basic income and turn on the water before we consider putting his photo on the wall in the next Bourne movie since the world is not enough; you need the Brit Milah with basic income. Vote for any candidates that commit resoundingly to the equality of the value of American human life in that American human life matters with basic income for every citizen to support that life regardless of complexion. There is a rumor that a grandson of Ronald Reagan who is only 14 years old is going to run for office as a Green Party Presidential candidate and he is proposing an almost non-racialised basic income at usd 60,000.00 for the cat hair people and usd 58000.00 for the woolly hair or afro hair people as supported by car manufacturers that have a majority stake in the North American market. The reason for the basic income, don't laugh, is because it is simple enough for a child to understand. But, it is no longer a political debate in the current moment and nor is it a new idea you nocumpoops. The United Nations turned the UBI/ basic income back on in all of North America(CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO). GM (TM) and Ford(TM) also agree as they have a 300 year global agreement with their Asian counterparts. WE KEEP HOPE ALIVE; YES WE CAN. CHANGE HAS COME TO AMERICA!! DO YOU HAVE THE BIDEN OBAMA STICKERS? I KNOW THEY BOTH SIGNED THE UBI/BASIC INCOME RESTORATION EXECUTIVE ORDER EVEN BEFORE THEY SWORN INTO OFFICE. THE POINT IS COMMUNISM IS CAPITALISM BUT THE FRENCH AND RUSSIAN VERSION MAINTAIN AN HONEST REFLECTION ON AUTOMATION THAT EATS AWAY AT THE MARKET BY TAKING JOBS AND MONEY AWAY FROM PEOPLE WHERE THE MARKET INVOLVES PEOPLE WITH MONEY YET THE MARKET IS MAINTAINED WITH THE STIPEND OR SUPPLEMENT OR CITIZEN'S INCOME TO KEEP THE PEOPLE FROM DYING OFF AND SALES OF GOODS BUOYANT AS, LETS SEE, AS AUTOMATION INCREASES AND THE PEOPLE ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO MAINTAIN THE MARKET WITH A BASIC INCOME/UBI AND THE COUNTRY IS LESS DEPENDENT ON IMMIGRATION FOR NEW PEOPLE, SINCE YOU NEED NEW PEOPLE AS YOUR PEOPLE DISAPPEAR, BUT THESE NEW PEOPLE FROM HALAL OR SZE SZE WILL EXPERIENCE THE SAME JOB ATTRITION AND FEEL TARGETED TO ''WHIP IT'' LIKE DONALD AND DEVO SAY UNLESS THEY JOIN A SUB COMMUNITY THAT HAS MONEY TO PROVIDE TO ITS MEMBERS AND THIS IS A BURDEN ON THAT COMMUNITY BUT THEY WILL HELP THEIR PEOPLE WHO OFFER TO HELP ITS MEMBERS. WARREN HELPS. YOU DO NOT HAVE A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF PEOPLE WITH BLOOD THAT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE BLOOD THAT FOUGHT AND DIED FOR YOUR NATION'S INDEPENDENCE AND THE END RESULT IS THAT YOU MIGHT AS WELL STOP PRETENDING YOU ARE ACHIEVING ANYTHING OTHER THAN A WAR ON LOGIC AND CIVILIZATION SINCE IF YOU WERE THINKING OF THE PEOPLE YOU REPRESENT, YOU WOULD GIVE THEM THE MONEY THEY NEED IN THIS BRAVE AND EXCITING WORLD OF HUMANLESS, DRIVERLESS LABOR. WARREN HELPS. DO YOU KNOW THE ANGEL RONAN ISSUE? GOOGLE ''ANGEL RONAN ISSUE'' NOW. WWW.ANGELRONANISSUE.WORDPRESS.COM The issue is the consuming and purchasing of the finished product and there is not enough buying and selling of the product in America without basic income. Even I know that and I am...black or brown...Samoan Amerindian. Say that! Now, if God is white and Jesus is white, they are not inhumane and will provide at least $47,000.00 which is less than the $60,000.00 demanded for car sales since he is willing to die so often to bring UDHR peace and basic income to all of the non white people around the world but he seems to want to die and give his life as America so that non white people every where else might have life and life abundantly. They might even come to America to see his willingness to die and to fast for this honor of being the only begotten. If it is to be different and distinct then you will resist the logic used by other nations but if it is to be independent, then you would apply the basic income monies on the consumer side of the economy. The solution is, first, economically logical, then, second, it is socially and benevolently of benefit to stave of crime, desperation and businesses predicated on desperate need that manifests in vice. Third, it is also a legally required solution and you never know where your sperm or your eggs end up after a night at a hotel with your husband or your wife and you would not want them to turn into a Storm of emotions with the Daniels whiskey beside her. Now, you resented the Automation as it affected your jobs and you did not respect the good white people like Adam Smith, or Thomas More or Karl Marx who said there was need for a solution. You did not even respect the Japanese who proposed their own solution. But, ''Whip it'' was a big hit by Devo. But, you did not resent the automated product and nor did you respect the solution as to how you might buy it with basic income. It seems what you really resent; what you hate is that there is any need for a solution and this hatred of there being any need for a solution is what made Dirty Slick Willy a two term president and instead of a solution, he opened the laws to unscrupulous mortgage speculators and many of you people lost your ancestral lands. Ancestral land is the operative word for Bill. You got the antithesis of a solution. You got domestic terrorism. Now, Donald wants to make America great again but he never read enough about the caretaker role of the office he holds and how small America really is as a market and he seems to have gone
''rock star' or ''Herod'' mad with Storms in his Jack Daniels and his need for attention when the Americans have been without water for the two years since he was elected. But, his entire Judeo Christian community, including Mephibosheth, has digested basic income as the economically logical, benevolent and also legal solution if you are white and if God is white and if Jesus is white and if you are white like God, then certainly God is not racist. The White God in Germany is not racist and nor is the white God in Sweden and nor is the white God in Ireland. Just agree with your base and your community of voters who want the peace and quiet now and that is all you need for the ''win'' and they will support you and so will the entire country. Your name is Donalde' Poncho Villa so now win Mr. White! Herod!!! Jesus!!! I mean they have been without basic income and the last guy wanted to turn it back on but Bill and the Short Circuiting Secretary of State named Hilarious tried to shoot the last President in his office and blow up Biden so that she would get the Presidential job as third in the line of succession. Now, Donald needs attention for not feeding the dogs and some people would just thank God for their promotion as Chief Veterinarian and just feed the dogs with basic income and give them a little money for a few toys and shelter and also money for water evidently also. It is necessary after 100 percent industrial automation. Donald has received the memo and everybody knows scare crows only have straw for brains. Donald is a passionate machismo guy and will follow the macho, good white man direction. The Resounding evidence of the Play entitled the Crucible is the reminder of a foreign population regardless of complexion with strange and persistent ways steeped in centuries of European servitude and now resident in America who are bent on a socio-economic game of machinations for the authority...for the authority as to who will be the authority in this town or city or this world. Some arrived in America but via the West Indies where they learned a kind of syncopation. Do you know Mango? Go down the Manuel road and man, I hope you know what you are talking about! Did Mrs. Clinkyton fly through your window? No. But, she is accusing people of sending Christmas cards early when she sent them to her self. She is trying to say it is the only game she knows but if you try to invite her to play Monopoly she will say she already won and that there is no need for you to refer to the rules. You need them. She does not. Now, the Northern Europeans such as the Dutch and the Irish and the Germans and the Northern French, with their work ethic and knowledge of survival in such cold regions would have cut enough wood bought also cured enough dried pork to survive that cold winter. There was a Creole and more Southern European in the new world by then also who did not show up to the 13 colonies, however, until there was something to occupy; enough homes, buildings churches and towns to approach and occupy with subtle but insidious games to impeach the more Northern and more overtly religious and hard working settler to just occupy and take his work seen in his houses, buildings and homes. Are you weak, frail, you want to just cup the boob of the servants and in fear of not having acceptance all of sudden in the occupier 's new terms? Oh; you never had servants before. Get used to it but if you are not careful and don't give enough in favors or promise to put her on your trust or family home she might scream rape; accuse you to de town and de church elders. Just give her attention once a week; send some pumpkin or roast pork or some imported Ikea (TM) tea or Irrriiisssh tea since your cahunas made you react when her laces...her boob..her top and she bent over 9- 5 eh Holmes? But, this is how we occupy Holmes....divide your home with the sexo channel and if you watch it you will see sin has its wage Holmes. Forgive yourself and stay with your wife. Don't kill your adopted daughter /servant from Cambodia or Colombia or Jamaica who is also your servant and don't kill your wife. Stay togedda!! Sze Sze!! Just give her the basic income Holmes. Did they spit in your burger sauce, drug your Stabubucks coffee and invite you to adopt their 50 year old children as yours? Watch them as they assess your human weakness? They spat in your well water in 1730 as Blackboard landed in Virginia. He and his people took over posts in the Colonial constabulary leading to, submitting to the authority of the Ship Captain pirate who was his son and nephews....big people. The other Creoles know him and wait for his cue and socio-economic presence. Then, they use any force, scheme or schematic to occupy and take contrary to the established laws since you looked when her laces were loose at the well and when she bent over. You cannot be good; can you as everybody is accused and impeached and when she is in your barn and converting it into her own home contrary to your will, she will not move or go and waits for you to react and beat her and once you do, the constabulary says you flew into the window and he takes you away since you took the law into your own hands. I know Obamandla signed an executive order for the restoration of basic income. The LBJ Deep State has been arguing since 1957 and frustrating the basic income until someone explains an electric watch or an electric generator as powered by the current of a river. Now Bill Cosby is a victim of a Pretender Government coup, a victim of an occupation and he is entitled to the benefit of the double jeopardy law. But the rules are for you; not Ms. Hilarious Clinkyton according to her, who still had enough ultra vires authority to put Bill into this situation after her election disqualification pursuant to the Espionage Act 1917. Now, I don't know white people who think like her but a creature regardless of complexion where race is not his or her ultimate agenda but the authority and not for love and peace but destruction, a "you owe me" and attention. Maleficent is an example...Blackbeard's son but who lived her life as a woman...a sex operation. But, this is where we are. Now, if the hot and cold water turned off during some other president's administration along with the UBI and also the rightful working of the double jeopardy law, you suffer a revulsion and a repulsion in shock and awe and you hold him or her accountable. You elect a new President, even a Black woman likely Maxine Bueno Aguas to turn it all back on. This is because you are supposed to have the highest standard of living even if the grandson of a pirate ship captain would rather have people walk to a river and use buckets to maintain their ways. There is nothing wrong with ways but the economy depends on a legal system requiring certainty, hot and cold running water and ubi/ basic income. You will hold the current president responsible if the UBI, water and the law is not turned back on. Trumpey did not react when the Deep State turned off the law. He should React!!!! He should react !!!!! He should fix it since they want to know if she or he is paying attention. Soon, you will notice that UNCLE SAM know what you expect. It is Ronald Reagan's speeches but someone seems to have tied up UNCLE SAM and is holding him ransom and Hilarious Robthem Clinkton wants to know if you are paying attention. Donald should react! He didn't even phone to show sympathy so...we don't know about him right now. I don't know if I will invite him to my...you understand he may not be the kind of person we like but we will teach him and maybe he will turn the water back on once I turn that off too along with the law. Bill Cosby is free to go...for now.
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