Emotional control is the issue and who knows what school you missed while your uncle was banging your cup between the age of 10-20 years old and you resent it now as you did then and you had a lot of emotion to suppress while you take your anger out on anyone who has not seen your experience or your pain and you are almost 70 now and you have killed many while purporting that your experience with your uncle has to be normal so that you might be accepted socially and you never told anyone but there are many like you who have hurt a lot of people while you want to presume that you are right about whatever you imagine and you need to forgive this Uncle or Father figure and you can certainly express your anger against God and ask Him to help you but...Watch Hummingbird/Redemption with Jason Statham maybe to see your emotions yet.... this is why you would kill a Jesus today when emotional control is the whole point of our ten commandments, our laws and our neighborly principles summarized as our ten commandments of communal living. Look into Jesus' eyes: Jesus is a Palestinian aboriginal born in his homeland that was suffering an occupation by a foreign Roman power and He had to deal with a foreign ruler who was also an aboriginal born in Britannia that was his homeland also suffering foreign rule and occupation under the Romans. You need to submit your ego to the personality of Jesus who picked up His cross, denied himself and followed the Holy spirit. He is not demeaning you as the only begotten son who was approved by the Father like Abel was approved in whom the Father is well pleased. To join Him is to have His approval and to deny there is any righteousness in you as separate from the Father. He is like the centurion; a man under orders and approved thereby the order giver just as Abel was approved since if you too do what is right will you not too be accepted? Abel heard and followed. Cain did his own thing but was offered a chance to also hear and receive approval since it is not Jesus' will that is being done but the will of the Fathah. Cain can take the offer and if he did hear God, how did he choose to reject himself and an association with the Fathah except that he made a choice to follow the emotion of jealousy instead of the emotion of family at all costs. The emotion of Jealousy destroys and the emotion of family builds. But, you don't want to believe that people actually watched Star Wars first and then read the bible and I don't know how to say it but....we don't know what you are asking but try the Buddha version maybe if you find the Euro version hard for you and listen to Watchmen Nee and Witness Lee. You will see; Sze Sze!! You are a citizen and not a burrowing who has to offer his...you know...to live and eat in this world and as a citizen in an automated economy, you do not have to follow any immigrant who shows up to tell you that citizen is not it; that you have to offer since with citizenship, it does not work that way while he resents you and God when you believe anything about free school or universal health and he offers his children's health and re-productivity as some kind of ancestral Cayman Rico throw back named Asbun Narcoticly as conceived with his seed as kept alive in a bucket of frogs in Jamaica. Now, the father saves live on any day of the week that includes the Sabbath and the UNCHR saves life on any day of the week also. How can you let Asbun lead you to hell with and take away all of your Jamaican pride? He does not even know how to sing the Jamaican anthem by rote. You remember that word; innit? Now, how is that every writer of a Christian book or a law text book is the Messiah but you believe you have a right to resent them and steal their Nike winter hats as if they owe something in the odd chance that they know where you were born? Now, the bible says we know in part. That is good enough for me if we can eat like any French, Irish or Spaniard or Brazilian who has basic income or a Mexican. So you see the point and this is the particular problem we are dealing with. This is what you have been asking. So, enjoy your democracy. Thank God when America is the greatest nation on earth and what is that you did not understand about casting your net on the other side or someone showing you a more excellent way? Love is patient and love is kind etc etc; good! Yes; wrote it but you can plagiarize this one!

Emotional control is the issue  and who knows what school you missed while your uncle was banging your cup between the age of 10-20 years old and you resent  it now as you did then and you had a lot of emotion to suppress while you take your anger out on anyone who has not seen your experience or your pain and you are almost 70 now and you have killed many while purporting that your experience with your uncle has to be normal so that you might be accepted socially and you never told anyone but there are many like you who have hurt a lot of people while you want to presume that you are right about whatever you imagine and you need to forgive this Uncle or Father figure and you can certainly express your anger against God and ask Him to help you but...Watch Hummingbird/Redemption with Jason Statham maybe to see your emotions yet.... this is why you would kill a Jesus today when emotional control is the whole point of our ten commandments, our laws and our neighborly principles summarized as our ten commandments of communal living.     Look into Jesus' eyes: Jesus is a Palestinian aboriginal born in his homeland that was suffering an occupation by a foreign Roman power and He had to deal with a foreign ruler who was also an aboriginal born in Britannia that was his homeland also suffering foreign rule and occupation under the Romans.    You need to submit your ego to the personality of Jesus who picked up His cross, denied himself and followed the Holy spirit.   He is not demeaning you as the only begotten son  who was approved by the Father like Abel was approved in whom the Father is well pleased.  To join Him is to have His approval and to deny there is any righteousness in you as separate from the Father. He is like the centurion; a man under orders and approved thereby the order giver just as Abel was approved since if you too do what is right will you not too be accepted?  Abel heard and followed. Cain did his own thing but was offered a chance to also hear and receive approval since it is not Jesus' will that is being done but the will of the Fathah.   Cain can take the offer and if he did hear God, how did he choose to reject himself and an association with the Fathah except that he made a choice to follow the emotion of  jealousy instead of  the emotion of family at all costs. The emotion of Jealousy destroys and  the emotion of  family   builds.  But, you don't want to believe that people actually watched Star Wars first and then read the bible and I don't know how to say it but....we don't know what you are asking but try the Buddha version maybe if you find the Euro version hard for you and listen to Watchmen Nee and Witness Lee. You will see; Sze Sze!!   You are a citizen and not a burrowing who has to offer his...you know...to live and eat in this world and as a citizen in an automated economy, you do not have to follow any immigrant who shows up to tell you that citizen is not it; that you have to offer since with citizenship, it does not work that way while he resents you and God when you believe anything about free school or universal health  and he offers his children's health and re-productivity as some kind of ancestral Cayman Rico throw back  named Asbun Narcoticly as conceived with his seed as kept alive in a bucket of frogs in Jamaica.  Now, the father saves live on any day of the week that includes the Sabbath and the UNCHR saves life on any day of the week also.  How can you let Asbun lead you to hell with and take away all of your Jamaican pride?  He does not even know how to sing the Jamaican anthem by rote. You remember that word; innit? Now, how is that every writer of a Christian book or a law text book is the Messiah but you believe you have a right to resent them  and steal their Nike winter hats as if they owe something in the odd chance that  they know where you were born? 

Now, the bible says we know in part. That is good enough for me if we can eat like any French, Irish or Spaniard or Brazilian who has basic income or a Mexican. So you see the point and this is the particular problem we are dealing with.  This is what you have been asking. So, enjoy your  democracy.  Thank God when America is the greatest nation on earth and what is that you did not understand about casting your net on the other side or someone showing you a more excellent way?  Love is patient and love is kind etc etc; good! 

Yes;  wrote it but you can plagiarize this one! 


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March 23rd, 2023. By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed. Incomplete There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also. Did you know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal? Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU. If we say "yes", then you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due. Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment. The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made. This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will participate in the design, conceptual and actual development of the idea and work as a company administrator. Click here.