The logic of a modern socio-economic system, subway or water system or educational system or healthcare system or socio-economic system that benefits the richest and the poorest with the simple higher sales tax rate at 17.5-18 Percent is evident. Everybody gets the basic income in Europe, North America and Asia. The amount in all Nafta countries per citizen is $50000.00 USD in equivalence. The socio-economic and technological application of the the constitution and magna Carta to achieve the mutual peace and tranquility at every economic or technological juncture has to be independent of the partisan politics we call our method of democracy to ensure there is no despotism but politics that represents the good of the people. Clean and safe water is more and so is basic income and either are within the mutual peace and tranquility such that with more, if you want more, you have to say who would argue with more? It is more in our mutual decision to defend a mutual peace and tranquility even though it is not your money and is federally insured and you should probably run for your life if the economy will be left to the pirate's rights as to no laws when he is hungry and his presumption contrary to law to just take it even though it is not his money either but our mutually insured monies no matter what if it is the government's money and it should be used to give us all a minimum safety net or economic floor from where we can rent a house or apartment and carry on in our mutual peace and tranquility at the juncture where jobs are technologically occupied in our mutual benefit more so every day by robots and machines for our mutual beneft, peace, rest and security economically.
The logic of a modern socio-economic system, subway or water system or educational system or healthcare system or socio-economic system that benefits the richest and the poorest with the simple higher sales tax rate at 17.5-18 Percent is evident. Everybody gets the basic income in Europe, North America and Asia. The amount in all Nafta countries per citizen is $50000.00 USD in equivalence. The socio-economic and technological application of the the constitution and magna Carta to achieve the mutual peace and tranquility at every economic or technological juncture has to be independent of the partisan politics we call our method of democracy to ensure there is no despotism but politics that represents the good of the people. Clean and safe water is more and so is basic income and either are within the mutual peace and tranquility such that with more, if you want more, you have to say who would argue with more? It is more in our mutual decision to defend a mutual peace and tranquility even though it is not your money and is federally insured and you should probably run for your life if the economy will be left to the pirate's rights as to no laws when he is hungry and his presumption contrary to law to just take it even though it is not his money either but our mutually insured monies no matter what if it is the government's money and it should be used to give us all a minimum safety net or economic floor from where we can rent a house or apartment and carry on in our mutual peace and tranquility at the juncture where jobs are technologically occupied in our mutual benefit more so every day by robots and machines for our mutual beneft, peace, rest and security economically.
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