The Pirate and the joy of ownership in the modern world when there is really enough for everyone: The pirate cannot say there is any insufficiency in this world where he could not design his own trademark or ask someone to do it for him, there are enough women where he would not have need for any other man's wife or family and there a sufficient number of vehicles but the joy of ownership for the pirate is to own what belonged legally or spiritually to thy neighbor and what is the law or how is she your wife or how is it yours...this vehicle if I am in your vehicle or in your...and you don't don't know. But maybe I do and I have your answer. She is not my wife and the vehicle is stolen property and your possession of a key to my house is also evidence of stolen property where you are. It does not matter if you are the Chief Postal Officer. Woman are not property. But, you may not want her or have the joy of owning her as a wife if you don't feel she is with the other guy any more.
The Pirate and the joy of ownership in the modern world when there is really enough for everyone: The pirate cannot say there is any insufficiency in this world where he could not design his own trademark or ask someone to do it for him, there are enough women where he would not have need for any other man's wife or family and there a sufficient number of vehicles but the joy of ownership for the pirate is to own what belonged legally or spiritually to thy neighbor and what is the law or how is she your wife or how is it yours...this vehicle if I am in your vehicle or in your...and you don't don't know. But maybe I do and I have your answer. She is not my wife and the vehicle is stolen property and your possession of a key to my house is also evidence of stolen property where you are. It does not matter if you are the Chief Postal Officer. Woman are not property. But, you may not want her or have the joy of owning her as a wife if you don't feel she is with the other guy any more.
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