The uninitiated has helped us see the dichotomy in human appreciation for human life in the western hemispheric new world vs. the evident appreciation of human life in the old world and its various cultures and languages managed under the magna carta for 600 years at least before this 'quiet creating' set of socio-economic and legal principles landed in North America and it seems America has achieved a good grade on being able to prepare a beef bourguignon or a croissant and they can shave and wear cuff link and oxford brogues and $70.00 automatic watch, start up and drive a vehicle and they want more, more, more but the commitment to the simple native law or European law to treat others as you wish to be treated and the "how" and the quiet principles that made automation possible with sufficient safety and stability seems to wane after automation comes on mass in North America because of the desperation in the unemployment caused by the simple fact that a machine unemployed a lot nice people while the solution known as basic income remains obvious and simple to achieve but it the problem in its absence causing desperation remains simply because it may take another 300 years before the" why" of the magna carta and the associated 'why' of basic income is not a question to anyone with the right to vote in North America and so we beg Europe and the older civilization in Africa to help save the people in North America who have played all the "you have to offer your teeth or your A-s" games after high school is over and these are people who are happy to be your consumers and your investment in being customers in the global businesses you own in North America for the globalism..for the globalism and for the vehicle and the purpose of the vehicle is the utility or joy of the driver or the people. The people is the purpose of the endeavor and if technology takes money out of the people's pockets, then we need to support the purpose as understood as the people with money. The people drive and enjoy the vehicle; Domo...Sze Sze...Cheers Boris Joggingson. You are asking us to support your dream and aspiration I suppose and will you support the Anglo people of the world with basic income presuming your dream is not a despotic one to see them continually left behind in economic desperation while they watch the ease and tourist joy and leisure of Europeans and Asians while the Anglo suffers; being crushed like bread? The desperation is a problem that another war of any kind would not solve when it may hire some as soldiers but only the White or Beige saxons seem to go on mass with Baptist and Anglican grandsons and daughters being invited to sit in the humvees that seem to blow up; not the other people and consumption of goods paid for by the government for the military only stimulates more hours for assembly line machines, not for people, and a few more hours for the same warehouse personnel. Basic income is the European solution to economic desperation after automation and the only solution. It is also the Asian solution. It is the Bugatti(TM) solution really. We could instinctively turn a blind eye at a woman who robs a bank to eat in a non-basic income state before she goes to Minnesota to join other Americans in being first class Americans and we turn the blind eye simply because we could say our culture has decided she has the right to just show up, like the movie says, and maybe discretely ask for what is the government's money; not your money. Have you seen Heat(the movie) 1995? There may have been some people who put this new Minnesota woman in her situation who resented her growing and independent Dress making business and told her that it is only for....she did not ask for permission her phone lines do not seem to get business calls. So, she went to Minnesota with complete immunity and she was able to just buy clothing and eat and be a happy consumer American. This is good; no? Our intention is to celebrate the civil liberties embodied in the constitutions of the Anglo peoples and the magna carta that is included therein and the neighbor principle that says we treat others as we wish to be treated and this will have to include the inexperienced Property magnate, peanut farmer or actor as history has afforded us in the American democracy or maybe a future Chinese buffet conglomerate owner or dairy farmer who decides to get into politics some day but right now democracy and the sitting president needs to be treated as we wish to be treated and his good instincts aided and respected by the system that is maintained for this purpose. The principle that we treat others as we wish to be treated underwrites the entire culture, the magna carta, the constitution and socio-economic system of various policies to keep us safe and secure. Some people may seek to impose their own agendas and aspirations as to near absolute power that is anathema to this culture and system. These aspirations may challenge the winner of a free and fair election when the aspiring despots in democracy have put their own people in every nook and cranny of every variable that could affect most anything involving their political aspirations that is supported by people like them regardless of complexion who eschew(reject) the purpose and value of education in life preparation in favor of a more reactionary and under educated people who do not understand that plagiarism of a Brown man's essay by a Brown man or a Beige woman is a criminal offence and immediate failure at any university or American university in the world and they do know you used someone's essay since the essays are quite old now and some people tried to use them as soon as they were handed in. As such, this people or electorate eating halal chicken in Connecticut is enjoying a great and exciting experience and I don't mind Halal chicken as it is very well prepared. The only issue is that an uninitiated candidate needs support, our faith in the system, as the only better alternative vs. a white war monger and upside down women's power advocate who never had any children who is responsible partially for this current 'upside down' rendition of the American system that began in 1992 under Bill and it seems to have begun its 'crawling poisonous vine', viral approach to politics at that time and what did really happen in the year 2000 in some kind of North-South divide(McCain on the south side and divisively dis-unifying in the GOP but honored and remembered in his passing as a war hero and a truly good, historic American ) but it does not serve the American constitution but a culture of association where association is more important than an evident, simple equation of economic truths leading to clean, safe secure water and safe, secure people with basic income. Toyota said in 1979 that you should get your money's worth and most of us did in a Toyota vehicle but they must have meant basic income really and we need the basic income to support the more globally minded and people- supporting drum of a Toyota beat. Some how the association game has become more important and those who are able to bestow favor on the young and hopeful; maybe also the old; they really love that feeling when you come to their porch down in Louisiana or the library of the former President in question maybe. We offer to buy American products with our basic income. I offer. I don't know ('I don't know' is not Chinese. It is english.) but while the uninitiated may have been the best alternative in being able to speak the voice of the constitution and maybe also the people and also maybe the voice of international economics who really don't mind a submitted a graduate who is judged as fully submitted at 100% but not submitted at 90% and then they want to bother you forever and ask who do you think you will be at 100% (a 3 hour Rock, Jazz concert or Beethoven concert with no wrong notes is 100%) and assessed as submitted but you graduate at least and honor them forever without complaint with a safe, less than accurate official grade, as such the uninitiated may have his own frailties that could interrupt the system on a more micro-economic level when he may decide he cannot really handle anyone telling him what to do although his feelings are correct while tariffs are probably wrong in the short and long term when mass individual consuming power is the really pressing issue here for the entire global system that demands a universal basic income in every major consumer trading block and nation. They even have a $500.00 per month US equivalent basic income in the region of the gulf of Oman so that the young men will not try to hold a Maersk ship ransom with a fishing boat again and a few AK47s; poor Captain Phillips. But, the point is the Omani Pirate is maybe the Joker in America and for the same reasons when the economy you are in has changed, displacing the only proponents of its culture. But, the uninitiated and best alternative needs to know that there are limits on his power and he could not make it more obvious that he could be the worst alternative maybe for a fully qualified engineer or Architect when he wants to know as the alternative nothing other than why you believe you, as a Black or Brown person, should be able to do anything that you believe in your dream that began in grade 11 but you being told unofficially to let go and give up on the dream or the system that fostered it that maybe gets attention from the uninitiated leader's under-educated and pliable population and the dream is really average when you think about it, whatever is being created. They would tell you to get out of school if you did not have a dream. the school's were built for a majority beige (used to be white) population had a minority immigrant population but the schools are now under occupied or mostly immigrant with fewer 6th to 10th generation who are told grade 8 is enough or fewer are reproducing as they offered their teeth or half of their lives, agreeing to die at 40 years old. The neighborhood and the schools surely becomes occupied by other people's whose children do not need to make those unusual offers as they have basic income from Asia. The grade 8 school leaver or the zombie who contracted to die at 40 years old just to have a reasonable consumer life finds the constitutional believer a bother and wants to know why he believes anything? But, for this emotional difficulty in some people in our world, this uninitiated alternative feels like a less tolerable alternative when people reading his emotions cannot enjoy their smart phone enabled and supportive but poorly attended free school trained and prepared American, Anglo Magna Carta dreams on one side. On the other side, on the other side you have people reading his trickling down emotions in the trickle down effect from the national rostrum that could unwittingly disable civil liberties with the wrong emotional rudder simply because he chanted "robber baron criminal" as a business man most of his life contrary to the FBI although he never did anything wrong really or else he would not have been a candidate more than once but some people now think they can steal your watch where ever you may be or your trademark like Navy Academy(TM) and get away with it under his watch and home invasions and occupations have gone up all over the world so we have to think about what faction he leads and supports on the micro level when he might get the answer correct partially and instinctively on the macro level economically as in the need for some economically productive independence when I do not need to wash my dishes in Japan with an automated dishwasher in Japan. I get an automated machine to do the work I want in America. The machine is the cheap Asian or American labor..American initially ; not your grandfather's strong human former auto worker hands. I just got a kebab at a pizza joint and then I picked up a bowl of Ramen soup right next door to the pizza join and I like this food and want to also make it at home and then I buy frozen pizzas and noodles for soup but some people from these new North American communities want to know why a North American educated Brown man can believe he could be a school teacher or an airport manager; Why not; his uncle is a pilot and his grandmother is a school teacher although you may not have seen this on tv where you come from but the brown school teacher is in movies and Porsche commercials and the brown pilot is in several movies and commercials if you look very closely; brown lawyers too. But, the short term value of a leader unprepared for the multi-complexioned human capability of the totality of America eventually comes to the surface. We avoided a war at least with the worst alternative in the last election by hiring the better alternative so we can finally see the light like Elroy in the Blues Brothers and the understanding of America's multi-complexioned human capability in the present and historically is not difficult to solve. It is not difficult to solve but how many dead Black employees in the US postal system with the EQ of an Army logistics officer can we tolerate when Cureyushernor never saw people like this in his entire life but now he has to try and understand and if Cureyushernor can appreciate it as his litmus then, it can stay and it seems then the potential school teacher would love to laugh all day as a Porter on the rail road but it is too much authority for his other litmus called Megan Muddle maybe; I don't know but they feel really ignorant and they better not be what the demanding technological world is being told to tolerate when even I know Egypt is in AFrica. Egypt starts with uh...E and I don't mean the pills; no pun intended. Are you Stan in the Red House taking Stan drugs with no time for this Mickey Mouse bull crap? It better be the Red House since you are going crazy in there with too many storms and angry children and wife who needs all of your attention and your reassurance about whether they are uh....beige enough. Beige and Brown is what you need to understand so you can calm down and the people stuck in color like you can calm down also when there are others who can see everything with the mindset as human beings first and only. Now, do not ask if you are white enough to kill a graduate regardless of complexion in Wyoming again so that you might see your global authority when all he did was buy a house as a Brown triple first graduate in Asian languages from Harvard or Oxford etc. The issue is that the schools were built for a majority beige or white population comprising a mishmash of dna by now that turns out beige for the census but the schools are empty simply because the high attendance is not happening either because some have given up on the value after grade 8 and granny was told she would have authority if she quit school at grade 8 any way so she told her daughter and grand daughter to do the same yet the world is relentless in its demands for capable 'out of the box' technologically efficient people and studying a phone is not enough when you might be asked for the lines of latitude in solving a GPS problem on a google app at work. The other issue is that these poorly educated people have offered too much for too long to eek out a reasonable consumer life style but with the offers they have made, they are usually dead by 40 years old in North America after all the ra ra ra with Biff, Marcus and Tanner and Singeon after school and we should not forget Carlton and his dance. The capitalist economy has brought other people who support each other in this territory suffering the basic income economic gap that is not being suffered in Asia or Europe and tariffs are not the real solution as it may cost small American companies quite a lot for small parts before they can find an alternative state side at more expensive prices while the market price against the cheaper Asian goods is the real test of survival where Asian goods are winning on the plan to produce very cheaply on mass global orders with material costs spread out over the next three hundred years. But, the small American producers that include GM need sales and sales demands consumer buying power and how can the consumer have buying power without basic income after automation that unemploys the consumer who is supposed to be funded with basic income at the minimum figure of $18000.00 so that he can rent one of Donald's friends' apartments and then they are happy ? You need the basic income to achieve mass consuming power. In between the Black Pangean rights and the White Pangean rights we see the Pirate rights or Southern rights vs. Northern or simple American people's rights movement where he advocates for no law or for a national leader that will choose white or black out of convenience as a pirate but ultimately the pirate in his pirate rights movement does not have a dream such as subway(tm) or Po Boy(TM) or McDonalds of his own. But he is being asked as a national leader or Monarch to ask for the Pirate if they could just take it and maybe just bury the trademark owner in the back and who would really care since this is what they really want and that is all really. But, for $60.00 in government fees and $1.00 for the contract, is it not better to buy it instead of proposing a mass hysteria in planning to kill a human being; nice boy aint he? You were also maybe hoping to get an education and find out what happens if the owner is dead; will the system open so that you could register it and isnt his or death worth finding out? No; his death means you are in limbo and who is going to run to find out every day if you could get it for free and you are in a race with every other scheming drug addicted hopeful to be the first to register but the business owns it; Ronan Patrick Consulting now. Now, you can buy Ronan Patrick(TM) for $1.00 and also Butter Magazine(TM) and Butter Channel(TM) for $1.00 and then You can be sure you own it instead of hoping and jiving with all of the other hopefuls, hoping he would just die and then maybe; who knows? Who Knows? Maybe you have a slim chance and maybe!

The uninitiated has helped us see the dichotomy in human appreciation for human life in the western hemispheric new world  vs. the evident appreciation of human life in  the old world and its various cultures and languages managed under the magna carta for 600 years at least before this 'quiet  creating' set  of socio-economic and legal principles landed in North America and it seems America has achieved a good grade on being able to prepare a beef bourguignon  or a croissant  and they can shave and wear cuff link and oxford brogues and $70.00 automatic watch,  start up and  drive a vehicle and they want more, more, more   but the commitment to the simple native law or European law to treat others as you wish to be treated  and the  "how" and the quiet  principles that made automation possible with sufficient safety and stability seems to wane after automation  comes on mass in North America because of the desperation in the unemployment caused by the simple fact that a machine unemployed a lot nice people  while  the solution known as basic income remains  obvious and simple to achieve but it the problem in its absence causing desperation  remains  simply because it may take another 300 years before the" why" of the magna carta and the associated 'why' of basic income  is not a question to anyone with the right to vote in North America and so we beg Europe and the older civilization in Africa  to help save the people in North America who have played all the "you have to offer your teeth or your A-s" games after high school is over and these  are  people who are happy to be your consumers and your investment in being customers in the global businesses you own in North America for the globalism..for the globalism and for the vehicle and the purpose of the vehicle is the utility or joy of the driver or the people. The people is the purpose of the endeavor and if technology takes money out of the people's pockets, then we need to support the purpose as understood as the people with money. The people drive and enjoy the vehicle; Domo...Sze Sze...Cheers Boris Joggingson.   You are asking us to support your dream and aspiration I suppose and will you support the Anglo people  of the world  with basic income presuming your dream is not a despotic one to see them continually left behind  in economic desperation while they watch the ease and tourist joy and leisure of Europeans and Asians while the Anglo suffers; being crushed like bread?    The desperation is a problem that another war of any kind would not solve when it may hire some as soldiers but only the White or Beige saxons seem to go on mass with Baptist and Anglican grandsons and daughters being invited to sit in the humvees that seem to blow up; not the other people and consumption of goods paid for by the government for the military only stimulates more hours for assembly line machines, not for people, and a few more hours for the same warehouse personnel.  Basic income is the European solution to economic desperation after automation and the only solution.  It is also the Asian solution.   It is the Bugatti(TM) solution really.  We could instinctively turn a blind eye at a woman who robs a bank to eat in a non-basic income state before she goes to Minnesota to join other Americans in being first class Americans and we turn the blind eye simply because we could say our culture has decided she has the right to just show up, like the movie says, and maybe discretely ask for what is the government's money; not your money. Have you seen Heat(the movie) 1995?  There may have been some people who put this new Minnesota woman in  her  situation who resented her growing and independent Dress making business and told her that it is only for....she did not ask for permission her phone lines  do not seem to get business calls. So, she went to Minnesota with complete immunity and she was able to just buy clothing and eat and be a happy consumer American. This is good; no?     Our intention is to celebrate the civil liberties embodied in the constitutions of the Anglo peoples and the magna carta that is included therein and the neighbor principle that  says we treat others as we wish to be treated and this will have to include the inexperienced Property magnate, peanut farmer or actor as history has afforded us in the American democracy or maybe a future Chinese buffet conglomerate owner or dairy farmer who decides to get into politics some day but right now democracy and the sitting president needs to be treated as we wish to be treated and  his good instincts aided and respected by the system that is maintained for this purpose. The principle that we treat others as we wish to be treated underwrites the entire culture, the magna carta, the constitution and socio-economic system of various policies to keep us safe and secure. Some people may seek to impose their own agendas and aspirations as to near absolute power that is anathema to this culture and   system. These aspirations may challenge the winner  of a free and fair election when the aspiring despots  in democracy have put their own people in every  nook and cranny of every variable that could affect most anything involving their political aspirations that  is supported by people like them regardless of complexion  who eschew(reject) the purpose and value of education in life preparation in favor of a more reactionary  and under educated people who do not understand that plagiarism of a Brown man's essay by a Brown man or a Beige woman is a criminal offence and immediate failure at any university or American university in the world and they do know you used someone's essay since the essays are quite old now and some people tried to use them as soon as they were handed in.  As such, this people  or electorate eating halal chicken in Connecticut  is enjoying a great and exciting experience and I don't mind Halal chicken as it is very well prepared.  The only issue is that an uninitiated candidate needs support, our faith in the system,  as the only better alternative vs. a white  war monger and upside down women's power advocate who never had any children  who is responsible partially for this current 'upside down'  rendition of the American system that  began in 1992 under Bill  and it seems to have begun its 'crawling poisonous vine', viral approach to politics  at that time and what did really happen in the year 2000 in some kind of North-South divide(McCain on the south side and divisively dis-unifying in the GOP but honored and remembered in his passing as a war hero and a truly good, historic American )  but it does not serve the American constitution but a culture of association where association is more important than an evident, simple  equation of economic truths  leading to clean, safe secure water and safe, secure   people with basic income. Toyota said in 1979 that you should get your money's worth and most of us did in a Toyota  vehicle but they must have meant basic income really and we need the basic income to support the more globally minded and people- supporting drum of  a Toyota beat.   Some how the association game has become more important   and those who are able to bestow favor on the young and hopeful; maybe also the old;  they really  love that feeling when you come to their porch down in Louisiana or the library of the former President in question maybe.   We offer to buy American products with our basic income.  I offer.    I don't know ('I don't know' is not Chinese. It is english.) but while the uninitiated may have been the best alternative in being able to speak the voice of the constitution and maybe also the people and also maybe the voice of international economics who really don't mind a submitted a graduate who is judged as fully submitted at 100% but not submitted at 90% and then they want to bother you forever and ask who do you think you will be at 100% (a 3 hour Rock, Jazz concert  or Beethoven concert with no wrong notes is 100%) and assessed as submitted but you graduate at least and honor them forever without complaint with a safe, less than accurate  official  grade, as such   the uninitiated may have    his own frailties that could interrupt the system on a more micro-economic level when he may decide he cannot really handle anyone telling him what to do although his feelings are correct while tariffs are probably wrong in the short and long term when mass individual consuming power  is the  really pressing issue here for the entire global system that demands a universal basic income in every major consumer trading block and nation. They even have a $500.00 per month US equivalent  basic income in the region of the gulf of Oman so that the young men will not try to hold a Maersk ship ransom with a fishing boat again and a few AK47s; poor Captain Phillips.   But, the point is the Omani Pirate is maybe  the Joker in America and for the same reasons when the economy you are in has changed, displacing the only proponents of its culture.  But, the uninitiated and best alternative needs to  know that there are limits on his power and he could not make it more  obvious that he could be the worst alternative maybe for a fully qualified engineer or Architect when he  wants to know as the alternative  nothing other than why you believe you, as a Black or Brown person, should be able to do anything that  you believe in your dream that began in grade 11 but you being  told unofficially to let go and give up  on the dream or the system that fostered it that maybe gets attention from the uninitiated  leader's   under-educated and pliable population and the dream is really average when you think about it, whatever is being created.  They would tell you to get out of school if you did not have a dream.  the school's were built for a majority beige (used to be white) population had a minority immigrant population but the schools are now under occupied or mostly immigrant with fewer 6th to 10th generation who are told grade 8 is enough or fewer are reproducing as they offered their teeth or half of their lives, agreeing to die at 40 years old.   The neighborhood  and the schools surely becomes occupied by other people's whose children do not need to make those unusual offers as they have basic income from Asia.  The grade 8 school leaver or the zombie who contracted to die at 40 years old just to have a reasonable consumer life finds the constitutional believer a bother and wants to know why he believes anything?    But, for this emotional difficulty in some people in our world,  this uninitiated alternative  feels like a less tolerable alternative when people reading his emotions cannot enjoy their smart phone enabled and  supportive  but poorly attended free school trained and prepared  American, Anglo Magna Carta  dreams on one side.  On the other side,  on the other side you have people reading his trickling down emotions in the trickle down effect from the national rostrum that could unwittingly disable  civil liberties with the wrong emotional rudder simply because he chanted "robber baron criminal" as a business man most of his life contrary to the FBI although he never did anything wrong really or else he would not have been a candidate more than once  but some people now   think they can steal your watch where ever you may be  or your trademark like Navy Academy(TM) and get away with it under his watch and home invasions and occupations have gone up all over the world  so we have to think about what faction he leads and supports on the micro level when he might get the answer correct  partially and instinctively  on the macro level  economically as in the need for some  economically productive independence when I do not  need to wash my dishes in Japan with an automated dishwasher in Japan. I get an automated machine to do the work I want in America.  The machine is the cheap Asian or American  labor..American initially ; not your grandfather's strong human former auto worker hands.   I just got a kebab at a  pizza joint and then I picked up a bowl of Ramen soup right next door to the pizza join  and I like this food and want to also make it at home and then I buy frozen pizzas and noodles for soup  but some people from these new North American communities want to know why a North American educated Brown man can believe he could be a  school teacher or an airport manager;   Why not; his uncle is a pilot and his grandmother is a school teacher although you may not have seen this on tv where you come from  but the brown school teacher is in movies and Porsche commercials and the brown pilot is in several movies and commercials if you look very closely; brown lawyers too.  But, the short term value of a leader unprepared for the multi-complexioned human  capability of  the totality of America eventually comes to the surface. We avoided a war at least with the worst alternative in the last election  by hiring the better alternative so we can finally see the light like Elroy in  the Blues Brothers  and  the understanding of America's multi-complexioned human  capability in the present and historically is not difficult to solve. It is not difficult to solve but how many dead Black employees in the US postal system with the EQ of an Army logistics officer can we tolerate when Cureyushernor never saw people like this in his entire life but now he has to try and understand and if   Cureyushernor  can appreciate it as his litmus then, it can stay and it seems then the potential school teacher would love to laugh all day as a Porter on the rail road but it is too much authority for his other litmus called Megan Muddle maybe;  I don't know but they feel really ignorant and they better not be what the demanding technological world is being told to tolerate when even I know Egypt is in AFrica. Egypt starts with uh...E and I don't mean the pills; no pun intended. Are you Stan in the Red House taking Stan drugs with no time for this Mickey Mouse bull crap?    It better be the Red House since you are going crazy in there with too many storms and angry children and  wife  who needs all of your attention and your reassurance about whether they are uh....beige enough.  Beige and Brown is what you need to understand so you can calm down and the people stuck in color like you can calm down also when there are others who can see everything with the mindset as  human beings  first and only.    Now, do not ask if you are white enough to kill a graduate  regardless of complexion in Wyoming again so that you might see your global authority when all he did was buy a house as  a Brown triple first graduate in Asian languages from Harvard or Oxford etc.    The issue is that the schools were built for a majority beige or white population comprising a mishmash of dna by now that turns out beige for the census but the schools are empty simply because the high attendance is not happening either because some have given up on the value after grade 8 and granny was told she would have authority if she quit school at grade 8 any way so she told her daughter and grand daughter to do the same yet the world is relentless in its demands for capable 'out of the box'  technologically efficient people and studying a phone is not enough when you might be asked for the lines of latitude in solving a GPS problem on a google app at work. The other issue is that these poorly educated people have offered too much for too long to eek out a reasonable consumer life style but with the offers they have made, they are usually dead by 40 years old in North America after all the ra ra ra with Biff, Marcus and Tanner and Singeon after school and we should not forget Carlton and his dance. The capitalist economy has brought other people who support each other in this   territory suffering the basic income economic gap that is not being suffered in Asia or Europe and tariffs are not the real solution as it may cost small American companies quite a lot for small parts before  they can find an alternative state side at more expensive prices while the market price against the  cheaper Asian goods is the real test  of survival where Asian goods are winning on the plan to produce very cheaply on mass global orders with material costs spread out over the next three hundred years. But, the small American producers that include GM need sales and sales demands consumer buying power and how can the consumer have buying power without basic income after automation that  unemploys the consumer who is supposed to be funded with basic income at the  minimum figure of $18000.00 so that he can rent one of Donald's friends' apartments and then they are happy ? You need the basic income to achieve mass consuming power.    In between the Black Pangean rights and the White Pangean rights we see the Pirate rights or Southern rights  vs. Northern or simple American people's rights  movement where he advocates for no law or for a national leader that will choose white or black out of convenience as a pirate but ultimately the pirate in his pirate rights movement does not have a dream such as subway(tm) or Po Boy(TM) or McDonalds of his own. But he is being asked as a national leader or Monarch to ask for the Pirate if they could just take it and maybe just bury the trademark owner in the back and who would really care since this is what they really want and that is all really. But, for $60.00 in government fees and $1.00 for the contract, is it not better to buy it instead of proposing a mass hysteria in planning to kill a human being; nice boy aint he? You were also maybe hoping to get an education and find out what happens if the owner is dead; will the system open so that you could register it and isnt his or death    worth finding out? No; his death means you are in limbo and who is going to run to find out every day if you could get it for free and you are in a race with every other scheming drug addicted hopeful to be the first to register but the business owns it; Ronan Patrick Consulting now. Now, you can buy Ronan Patrick(TM) for $1.00 and also Butter Magazine(TM) and Butter Channel(TM) for $1.00 and then You can be sure you own it instead of hoping and jiving with all of the other hopefuls, hoping he would just die and then maybe; who knows? Who Knows? Maybe you have a slim chance and maybe!


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March 23rd, 2023. By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed. Incomplete There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also. Did you know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal? Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU. If we say "yes", then you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due. Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment. The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made. This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will participate in the design, conceptual and actual development of the idea and work as a company administrator. Click here.

Click here. 25 June 2024. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay. By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports. Money is an economic and legal formality along with the regular and consistent provision of money to every benefit recipient in the country. It maintains the population and we are happy to see others join us since he who has the most people wins since with people, you maintain your territory, dominion and your hegemony. You can expand and join other populations. You can afford to maintain yourself in any part of the world. You keep pace with the imagined competition. Is it Russia? They fund 100% of their population. They see that across Canada and the US, only 48% of the population is funded and it is as low as 28% in the US alone. So, then the other 72% of under funded Americans is the real issue behind weak consumer stimulus. It is rumored that Kenya has decided to increase its income support by .90 cents an hour. We are all the canary in the mine to say there is too much poison in the foods; DDT etc and it's illegal. We can have black legal counsel. Actually, we do have some. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavors that they must, will be sold; The Russians have always had a consistent buyer market with sufficient consumer stimulus since they always had an income support. You add to this a product diversity, choice and excited consumerism and you have the largest consumer market in the world; larger than America; absorbing American made and also Chinese goods with a certainty unseen in America that the goods will be sold. China is quite similar as it is certain that the citizen or the consumer as the citizen or benefit recipient has money. The benefit is paid by the government and not intercepted by any thieves in the banking system and when would such a fiasco be overlooked for years, affecting the economy and the government's plans? The Americans, in their talk about capitalism have missed their own point when you talk about marketing and selling where there is no market of regular, certain buyers while they focus on the freedom their system promises to adventuring marketers to create a gazillion candy bars, soft drinks, toys and new gadgets with product designers involving new product creation that is met by always comparatively low consumer stimulus and low buyer certainty. We asked why. One answer is the country still sees itself as a hinter land where the old east sees the burgeoning west with places like Utah, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Colorado as a land of wild heathens next to Vermont and that should not have this Vermont type income support until they can sing three church hymns from memory. So, the Vermont school teacher is the principal of the school in Colorado but the income support is still comparatively low so you sing the hymns, cross your T's and dot your I's and you must have sung the hymns by 1860, 1914, 1929 or 1939 but you still have not received the income support in sufficient amounts that are comparable to the east so you can wash in the river and be clean; buy the goods, obtain the goods without use of violence and consume what is being sold and offered to you with a seamless amount of consumer buying power across the country. Some are confused by the word or concept of Demand but "Demand" means "Buying Power." Supply must meet Buying Power/demand in sufficient measure or else the goods in the store do not sell and the manufacturer does not earn enough money and would have to close down in the usual case; a disaster. This is something that armed conflict within the country or with other countries cannot solve. It is about what you have done to you and your own people; what you have done to you. In our observation, it means the old east has some baring on what is happening in the country. The next issue is whether the people in the west would find it hard maybe in some hunter gatherer cultural resistance to just ensure every citizen in that region is above and beyond any want or need to fend and live off the land; hunt for a rabbit. But, wouldn't you need a knife at least to cut it and share it or you would eat it all by yourself with your hands?