After all of our teachings, there will still be the evil Guyanese White American cut out type who has the Perry Mason look like Cutter who will lock Dave out of the space station airlock in competition and say he does not know what happened. This is the average inconsistency of the average human being who could have bad motivators and we need to know who they are beyond a certain safety grade in what human work remains. There will always be a Cain, a Saul, a bad son named Amnon, Absalom or 11 brothers who may try to kill your dream when you tell them you have a dream that one day, Herod will forgive his mother's death as a Black man or the Herod as a white man. Herod is the best critic of this world and its system as influenced by Jeroboam's more Sauline motives( As in King Saul) as a non Israeli King of Israel who used the same temptation as seen in the wilderness with Moses that involved the one golden calf and the death and pleasure while Jeroboam offered two calves in two different temples with the death and passion. Herod is his son and Jeroboam's heir while Boadicea or any Pict woman and victim provided the egg. While Jeroboam's sin is recorded in the bible and the judgement against him, his predilection to attain position without a servant's heart for the betterment of his people is still here with us in the guise of a resistant pseudo religious victim's authority (as seen in the JW's in America who could be the multi-complexioned children of dead native Amerindian women but who resist the simple socio-economic answer but you are having a party and you ask the other children if they want to come as you reverberate some sense of determined displacement or continual searching for community; Want to come?) who as Herod and his dna is all over the world, telling you that he does not understand how it is lawful to heal anyone on the sabbath while it may be the spirit of the law since it may be written but it is not in the only teaching Herod and the Sanhedrin may have in the abbreviated ten equations of communal living known as the Ten commandments that can be summarized as the law that saves life known as the Pikuach nefesh but a son of Levite and a true Heir would have to know these things since we truly only do what we see the Father doing and He saves life not only worshipfully on the sabbath but every day of the week and you really, as adoptions, should be imitators of Him since we are all now Heirs in the spirit and Herod's dead mother who was dead when he was conceived from her eggs that lived beyond her death needs to be honored as her Pictish blood cries out like Abel's from the grave. So, now Herod shall show us his rendition in the authority given to the victim's people just what the answer shall be for us all except for nuclear winds and poisoned oceans since you must forgive Herod as you wish to be forgiven and he who is without sin shall cast the first Tomahawk hatchet, not missile, another day. Are you now telling your children to chant that they are Kings and to eschew education in your authority but you cannot solve an equation that involves your dead ancestral Pict mother's human value?; bumbuclot! So, greater things you shall do, forgive as you wish to be forgiven or you will kill yourself immediately or slowly with poisons in the pain sown into your flesh due to the death in your flesh as born from a dead woman's egg. This sin is acknowledged and Herod and his children receive an apology before you continue to say you do not understand the purpose of the law is life and to save life where there is no law against saving life but civilization would have to offer life and friendship when it comes in peace but then kill if you resisted at Dover and threw stones from a position of superior elevation and killed the bearer of peace and also your certain future and there will be a road, a subway system or underground system, automated bread bakeries, robotic vacuums, viaducts, PONT du Gard, hot and cold Roman Levitical running water, a road and basic income, a space station but on the moon as the ISS moon base for truly long term observations of life outside of earth's atmosphere and at less cost. But, the dragon fly with all of those solar fans and insufficient fuel cells is great; great idea but have you seen the modular ship concept as proposed by the relative of...well, he proposed a modular design to be built on the earth and then assembled in space that would lo lo feel more...look more...look looks more like 2001 a Space Odyssey or what you have been pushing on people with good motivators in Star Wars; innit? Cheers. Halleluljah! Well, I have to go and watch the Ozark season 2 on Netflix. Thank God for the life, basic income, the health and property. Amen!
After all of our teachings, there will still be the evil Guyanese White American cut out type who has the Perry Mason look like Cutter who will lock Dave out of the space station airlock in competition and say he does not know what happened. This is the average inconsistency of the average human being who could have bad motivators and we need to know who they are beyond a certain safety grade in what human work remains. There will always be a Cain, a Saul, a bad son named Amnon, Absalom or 11 brothers who may try to kill your dream when you tell them you have a dream that one day, Herod will forgive his mother's death as a Black man or the Herod as a
white man. Herod is the best critic of this world and its system as influenced by Jeroboam's more Sauline motives( As in King Saul) as a non Israeli King of Israel who used the same temptation as seen in the wilderness with Moses that involved the one golden calf and the death and pleasure while Jeroboam offered two calves in two different temples with the
death and passion. Herod is his son and Jeroboam's heir while Boadicea or any Pict woman and victim provided the egg. While Jeroboam's sin is recorded in the bible and the judgement against him, his predilection to attain position without a servant's heart for the betterment of his people is still here with us in the guise of a resistant pseudo religious
victim's authority (as seen in the JW's in America who could be the multi-complexioned children of dead native Amerindian women but who resist the simple socio-economic answer but you are having a party
and you ask the other children if they want to come as you reverberate some sense of determined
displacement or continual searching for community;
Want to come?) who as Herod and his dna is all over the world, telling you that he does not understand how it is lawful to heal anyone on the sabbath while it may be the spirit of the law since it may be written but it is not in the only teaching Herod and the Sanhedrin may have in the abbreviated ten equations of communal living known as the Ten commandments that can be summarized as the law that saves life known as the Pikuach nefesh but a son of Levite and a true Heir would have to know these things since we truly only do what we see the Father doing and He saves life not only worshipfully on the sabbath but every day of the week and you really, as adoptions, should be imitators of Him since we are all now Heirs in the spirit and Herod's dead mother who was dead when he was conceived from her eggs that lived beyond her death needs to be
honored as her Pictish blood cries out like Abel's from the grave. So, now Herod shall show us his rendition in the authority given to the victim's people just what the answer shall be for us all except for nuclear winds and poisoned oceans since you must forgive Herod as you wish to be forgiven and he who is without sin shall cast the first Tomahawk hatchet, not missile,
another day. Are you now telling your children to chant that they are Kings and to eschew education in your authority but you cannot solve an equation that involves your dead ancestral Pict mother's human value?; bumbuclot! So, greater things you shall do, forgive as you wish to be forgiven or you will kill yourself immediately or slowly with poisons in the pain sown into your flesh due to the death in your flesh as born from a dead woman's egg. This sin is acknowledged and Herod and his children receive an apology before you continue to say you do not understand the purpose of the law is life and to save life where there is no law against saving life but civilization would have to offer life and friendship when it comes in peace but then kill if you resisted at Dover and threw stones from a position of superior elevation and killed the bearer of peace and also your certain future and there will be a road, a subway system or underground system, automated bread bakeries, robotic vacuums, viaducts, PONT du Gard, hot and cold Roman Levitical running water, a road and basic income, a space station but on the moon as the ISS moon base for truly long term observations of life outside of earth's atmosphere and at less cost. But, the dragon fly with all of those solar fans and insufficient fuel cells is great; great idea but have you seen the modular ship concept as proposed by the relative of...well, he proposed a modular design to be built on the earth and then assembled in space that would lo lo feel more...look more...look looks more like 2001 a Space Odyssey or what you have been pushing on people with good motivators in Star Wars; innit? Cheers. Halleluljah! Well, I have to go and watch the Ozark season 2 on Netflix. Thank God for the life, basic income, the health and property. Amen!
white man. Herod is the best critic of this world and its system as influenced by Jeroboam's more Sauline motives( As in King Saul) as a non Israeli King of Israel who used the same temptation as seen in the wilderness with Moses that involved the one golden calf and the death and pleasure while Jeroboam offered two calves in two different temples with the
death and passion. Herod is his son and Jeroboam's heir while Boadicea or any Pict woman and victim provided the egg. While Jeroboam's sin is recorded in the bible and the judgement against him, his predilection to attain position without a servant's heart for the betterment of his people is still here with us in the guise of a resistant pseudo religious
victim's authority (as seen in the JW's in America who could be the multi-complexioned children of dead native Amerindian women but who resist the simple socio-economic answer but you are having a party
and you ask the other children if they want to come as you reverberate some sense of determined
displacement or continual searching for community;
Want to come?) who as Herod and his dna is all over the world, telling you that he does not understand how it is lawful to heal anyone on the sabbath while it may be the spirit of the law since it may be written but it is not in the only teaching Herod and the Sanhedrin may have in the abbreviated ten equations of communal living known as the Ten commandments that can be summarized as the law that saves life known as the Pikuach nefesh but a son of Levite and a true Heir would have to know these things since we truly only do what we see the Father doing and He saves life not only worshipfully on the sabbath but every day of the week and you really, as adoptions, should be imitators of Him since we are all now Heirs in the spirit and Herod's dead mother who was dead when he was conceived from her eggs that lived beyond her death needs to be
honored as her Pictish blood cries out like Abel's from the grave. So, now Herod shall show us his rendition in the authority given to the victim's people just what the answer shall be for us all except for nuclear winds and poisoned oceans since you must forgive Herod as you wish to be forgiven and he who is without sin shall cast the first Tomahawk hatchet, not missile,
another day. Are you now telling your children to chant that they are Kings and to eschew education in your authority but you cannot solve an equation that involves your dead ancestral Pict mother's human value?; bumbuclot! So, greater things you shall do, forgive as you wish to be forgiven or you will kill yourself immediately or slowly with poisons in the pain sown into your flesh due to the death in your flesh as born from a dead woman's egg. This sin is acknowledged and Herod and his children receive an apology before you continue to say you do not understand the purpose of the law is life and to save life where there is no law against saving life but civilization would have to offer life and friendship when it comes in peace but then kill if you resisted at Dover and threw stones from a position of superior elevation and killed the bearer of peace and also your certain future and there will be a road, a subway system or underground system, automated bread bakeries, robotic vacuums, viaducts, PONT du Gard, hot and cold Roman Levitical running water, a road and basic income, a space station but on the moon as the ISS moon base for truly long term observations of life outside of earth's atmosphere and at less cost. But, the dragon fly with all of those solar fans and insufficient fuel cells is great; great idea but have you seen the modular ship concept as proposed by the relative of...well, he proposed a modular design to be built on the earth and then assembled in space that would lo lo feel more...look more...look looks more like 2001 a Space Odyssey or what you have been pushing on people with good motivators in Star Wars; innit? Cheers. Halleluljah! Well, I have to go and watch the Ozark season 2 on Netflix. Thank God for the life, basic income, the health and property. Amen!
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