So, the old man who was conceived with Grendel dna and French courtier dna in addition to Pirate dna was abandoned as a child as he grew up in French Town or maybe it was really Spanish Town but they are close enough. After being left in a well for a very long time, he seems to have developed a fear of being left by others and when his son bought a house, he seems to have feared vehemently due to other insidious misdeeds like trying to buy his math grades and scholarship offers that he preferred to buy a key to the house from unknown sources and also sold copies to people instead of just investing in the house with him. In fact, it seems he broke into the development office and stole the keys with the lot number. Again, he was left in the well to ensure he would be appreciative as an orphan conceived with the seed of the family that raised him.
So, the old man who was conceived with Grendel dna and French courtier dna in addition to Pirate dna was abandoned as a child as he grew up in French Town or maybe it was really Spanish Town but they are close enough. After being left in a well for a very long time, he seems to have developed a fear of being left by others and when his son bought a house, he seems to have feared vehemently due to other insidious misdeeds like trying to buy his math grades and scholarship offers that he preferred to buy a key to the house from unknown sources and also sold copies to people instead of just investing in the house with him. In fact, it seems he broke into the development office and stole the keys with the lot number. Again, he was left in the well to ensure he would be appreciative as an orphan conceived with the seed of the family that raised him.
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