The real issue here is that the native North American is infected by the disease and psychology of the Marie Antoinette sex operation lookalike who was born a boy but then made to be a lookalike for the Real Antoinette who was thrown overboard. Cristobal was the progenitor and while he was consciously being Herrodian in his motive he followed the motive of revenge. The power to decide is its motive.. READ MORE. Click here.
There was a Ssnhedrin that said they did not understand saving a life on the Sabbath. They kept saying ' I dont understand...I dont understand' and likewise America could save its economy, respect life and civilization with basic income while they say 'I don't understand....I don't understand.' The real issue here is that the native North American is infected by the disease and psychology of the Marie Antoinette sex operation lookalike who was born a boy but then made to be a lookalike for the Real Antoinette who was thrown overboard. Cristobal was the progenitor and while he was consciously being Herrodian in his motive he followed the motive of revenge. The power to decide is its motive...whether it would be male or female...whether it would bring life into the world or kill as a monster until it has its answer. In the end, they demonstrate their desire to get attention while holding a position to make a decision. The lookalike on the French throne who refused to feed the people with bread as the windmill and water wheel reduced the need for human labor and they moved to the city to find solace. Who was the lookalike? In the end, it was Marie Antoinette; the sex operation. Now. this Marie Antoinette lookalike dna was spilled all over the West Indies and incubated. Her; I mean his diary. Now, Herod made it obvious that he did not have the understanding to be the King of Israel and it might have been more evident if he did not create a Sanhedrin to cover his lack of understanding and his less than genuine intention to run Israel in his demonstration of personal power. name and personal position. What does America have to do with it Bill, Pinse, Obama. and Donald? The issue here is a decision to be made while Marie Antoinette's lookalike had Humanzee dna as born in the West Indies and the monkeys need for human acceptance has been compounded by Marie Antoinette's need for acceptance as a wombless sex operation who was never allowed to see Louis the 16th and spent most of her energy seeking an impossible acceptance like an insufficiently educated dark haired girl who graduated from high school in 2014 but who reads Cosmopolitan whose founder was a sex operation. Here is the decision based in logic. It is an automated economy. It requires basic income. You need it to eat. In s hunter gatherer economy that covered the majority of North America as late as 1690, you used mostly fish hooks and bows and arrowed. You use these tools to eat and as such, the bow. arrow and fish hook are just as logical. You need them to eat. Did you know Ned in Unforgiven was part native? But in your resentment you are now at a mass rendition of John Dillinger to pay the electrical company before you would decide in your native authority to watch school house rocks and get the bill to Capital Hill to initiate universal basic income. This is how we see the emotionally disabled who will not feed themselves like Europeans who are all part native. Now I think a sober native who is free of corrupt dna, the bitter Marie Antoinette dna, would be free to make the decision to Eat and go forward by applying the basic income which is the only logical decision in an automated economy. This is the decision that is not being made since the dna of a lookalike sex operation is a quite ready and willing to seek attention; nothing else as North American politicians. Their people are told by their media to resent Russians while they drive vehicles produced and sold in America by 12 car companies.
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