Naked Photos of Basica Incoma; an 86 year old who looks as young as Marilyn in 1954! Oooooooh! Read more!
10,000 Black professionals died every month in North America during the Obama administration including professional industrial cleaners, plumbers, dry wallers, electricians, doctors and lawyers. Even so, this is how the White West Indies recouped their imaginary debt owed to them for Black honor as arranged by Misery Clinton. She had time to think about this in the absense of basic income as the only politician committed to perpetuating "black and white" 1843(started in 1843) race confusion although the U.S. Government has ended it. She also decided to try to hamstring the Obama Presidency with Wikileaks and planned to annul his Presidency along with Biden's Vice Presidency since he, in her imagination, would have been the only old White Arawak man to carry the historical indignity of taking orders from a younger and Black man; not something Arawaks suffer lightly and they would usually kill the younger one even if it's the Architect that they encouraged a 13 year old to be in 1985 and Arawaks from Spanish Town usualy do not encourage their children to do anything as they plan to kill them to confirm their identity. Their
children is all they have. Then, after
annuling the Obama Presidency she was going put Biden under her. What do you think all of this in the absence of basic income? No one mentioned it during the recent presidential campaign except for Bernie Sanders but he seemed to suggest that it was not likely to be seen except as a State's economic policy right after the inauguration. I don't recall what he did say. But, it was very intelligent; very intelligent people!
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