Unconditional Love: Your mother will never sue for divorce, fight about support or access and she will never leave you! But, you have five children and....you could maybe....you could take that farm house a subway ride away. You could stay there from 9-5 pm and you could still sleep at your mothers and you and your 'baby moms' can enjoy the farm house when ever you want while you work things out over 1000 years but because of the fear of failure, you will never live together since she...you know..could lose her mind and tell you to GET OUT of your own house like in the horror movies. Read more!
Unconditional Love: Your mother will never sue for divorce, fight about support or access and she will never leave you! But, you have five children and....you could maybe....you could take that farm house a subway ride away. You could stay there from 9-5 pm and you could still sleep at your mothers and you and your 'baby moms' can enjoy the farm house when ever you want while you work things out over 1000 years but because of the fear of failure, you will never live together since she...you know..could lose her mind and tell you to GET OUT of your own house like in the horror movies. Live on your own but grow. But, if you never live together for more than 3 years, you are not a common law couple and just let your "sort of wife" have a license to remain in the premises. If her father changes the locks, then he is trespassing even if he offers all 5000 of them 10 percent in addition to all the Black people in public housing(10,000 of them) who gave $1000.00 each hoping to be the sole owner(where's the money?).
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