The Aslan Battley thought that authority and class in Jamaica was to have the right to hurt children and to actually hurt children with some kind of immunity and with this being his ultimate goal in life, he hurt his children; all of them but he wanted to displace the blame unto others and this included Leefsland, LeeP Banne and Grease who lived with them. He was also very vein and did not think about the drano affecting the boy's health and he did not grow sufficiently in time for school and it became a pain to think of having someone around who was abused and not in Aslan's vanity.
The Aslan Battley thought that authority and class in Jamaica was to have the right to hurt children and to actually hurt children with some kind of immunity and with this being his ultimate goal in life, he hurt his children; all of them but he wanted to displace the blame unto others and this included Leefsland, LeeP Banne and Grease who lived with them. He was also racist and did not like the boy's afro hair. He was also very vein and did not think about the drano affecting the boy's health and he did not grow sufficiently in time for school and it became a pain to think of having someone around who was abused and not in Aslan's vanity. He did not accuse Larry but LArry gave him money to hurt the boys also since Larry is a bumboclot and a murderer who asked for authority if he could burn Maneley's teeth since Maneley seems to have had upper crust education and as retired, what did it matter if Maneley got a little old. He was also motivated by his fear that his sons would turn around and tell him something about God some day because Leefsland told him to put a bible in his vehicle. But, he does not read the news in Jamaica. Look at what happened to the Chief in Dungareetown!!
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