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Jesus and Nicodemus. God has no Grand children. Everyone has to be born again for himself. How are you a teacher in Israel or in the Seventh Day or any other denomination in Iowa and you do not understand these things? Israel is everywhere. Have you seen gangs of New York? Go see the China man and see how you must understand. Go see the Irish man and ask him why anyone wrote the movie or Fast Time at Ridgemount High? The love of the blessed virgin has to be in your heart. I'm part Irish. But, men from the Klondike or from the bottom of the potato bin in the USA or Westham named Louis find this hard to compute after 1846 when their malfeasance was given a leg up with 'White' although they were victims from time to time as Oliver Twist will attest but they should not go so far as to lambaste and traverse in domestic terrorism the laws and the constitution to enjoy their exodus as 'White' Now, go and register 'Auto Grand Prix Television(TM)' for free since I cannot read white and black back into history post 1846 forever just because of red headed Darwin type anxiety. President Busch already dealt with this idiocy in 1970 when he went to China and he sponsored and supported Billy Graham; the second coming! It's you and you and you and you. We are all apart of the bride of Christ. What did you say you wanted at Mcdonalds? You want clean food; good food! Listen to Daniel Day Louis. I order you to disperse; fire!!!!! This is not an assize time but this does not mean there is no absolute authority to address the power to kill that you have taken into your own hands.
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