But, amongst the European Creoles from across the entire world who carry Catholic dna regardless of Complexion, there are too many claims to the right to be hostile that collide with each other as they claim compensation form the Brit Milah system that gives them the right to dream of being able to do all things and be all they can be although they limit their own dream in the respective communities as there is evidently some kind of resistance again and again. You could call it an emotional subway grating or a Layer Cake but not a glass ceiling and the postal service and education has to be off limits but anyone who wishes to hold others back in their dreams have to be rats althoguh they look quite posh as 5th generation artful dodgers or forgetful Oliver Twists. Warren could not be working for the government and you fear you were put over but the government is working for him since no one has the right to be alive. God decides. The government is workng for you too so anyone who screws up your constiutional rights should be killed by his own hand or your hand in the layer cake game as it really could not be an assize time but the police have the authority to decide that their authority to capture and kill those involved in the mission impossible as they layer cake in their fear of jealousy as they tell the police as angry determined creoles with an English accent or American associations that they do not know, as angry Creoles, who they are working for or they tell the police that they are not sure if the police know who they are working for. You remember what Geraldine said when she called the provincial cities every day along with Joy.
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All posts by Warren A. Lyon, LL.B(Hons) U. of L. Tel: 1-914-395-9968 or 1-647-701-9478. 1-619-967-5405 email: w.a.Lyon.angelronan@mail.com.
The Men's Magazine(TM): Established 1996
The Men's Magazine(TM): Established 1996.
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Click here. 25 June 2024. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay. By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports. Money is an economic and legal formality along with the regular and consistent provision of money to every benefit recipient in the country. It maintains the population and we are happy to see others join us since he who has the most people wins since with people, you maintain your territory, dominion and your hegemony. You can expand and join other populations. You can afford to maintain yourself in any part of the world. You keep pace with the imagined competition. Is it Russia? They fund 100% of their population. They see that across Canada and the US, only 48% of the population is funded and it is as low as 28% in the US alone. So, then the other 72% of under funded Americans is the real issue behind weak consumer stimulus. It is rumored that Kenya has decided to increase its income support by .90 cents an hour. We are all the canary in the mine to say there is too much poison in the foods; DDT etc and it's illegal. We can have black legal counsel. Actually, we do have some. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavors that they must, will be sold; The Russians have always had a consistent buyer market with sufficient consumer stimulus since they always had an income support. You add to this a product diversity, choice and excited consumerism and you have the largest consumer market in the world; larger than America; absorbing American made and also Chinese goods with a certainty unseen in America that the goods will be sold. China is quite similar as it is certain that the citizen or the consumer as the citizen or benefit recipient has money. The benefit is paid by the government and not intercepted by any thieves in the banking system and when would such a fiasco be overlooked for years, affecting the economy and the government's plans? The Americans, in their talk about capitalism have missed their own point when you talk about marketing and selling where there is no market of regular, certain buyers while they focus on the freedom their system promises to adventuring marketers to create a gazillion candy bars, soft drinks, toys and new gadgets with product designers involving new product creation that is met by always comparatively low consumer stimulus and low buyer certainty. We asked why. One answer is the country still sees itself as a hinter land where the old east sees the burgeoning west with places like Utah, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Colorado as a land of wild heathens next to Vermont and that should not have this Vermont type income support until they can sing three church hymns from memory. So, the Vermont school teacher is the principal of the school in Colorado but the income support is still comparatively low so you sing the hymns, cross your T's and dot your I's and you must have sung the hymns by 1860, 1914, 1929 or 1939 but you still have not received the income support in sufficient amounts that are comparable to the east so you can wash in the river and be clean; buy the goods, obtain the goods without use of violence and consume what is being sold and offered to you with a seamless amount of consumer buying power across the country. Some are confused by the word or concept of Demand but "Demand" means "Buying Power." Supply must meet Buying Power/demand in sufficient measure or else the goods in the store do not sell and the manufacturer does not earn enough money and would have to close down in the usual case; a disaster. This is something that armed conflict within the country or with other countries cannot solve. It is about what you have done to you and your own people; what you have done to you. In our observation, it means the old east has some baring on what is happening in the country. The next issue is whether the people in the west would find it hard maybe in some hunter gatherer cultural resistance to just ensure every citizen in that region is above and beyond any want or need to fend and live off the land; hunt for a rabbit. But, wouldn't you need a knife at least to cut it and share it or you would eat it all by yourself with your hands?
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