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Now, the natives in America fought the Native Irish Pict newcomers about rosaries and then the Native Americans decided to just say they read the bible and knew Peter could not have been a Pope if he was a crucified and a martyr before Rome accepted the Church. So, they decided to tell Catholics that they can take their denial of Peter's martyrdom and nonCatholic membership and then hedged against that unofficial apostasy by saying Jesus died on a tree. It was the imminence of saying Peter was the first Pope that generated other denominations predicated on the imminence of denying the truth of the word of God. Joseph Smith knows along with the Seventh Day people and the JW's. The Catholics have not paid compensation since it was unofficial talk of the unlearned since every Priest knows Peter was not a Pope. It's in the bible if you would but just read it. Now, this is one nation under God but it does not mean that anyone will tolerate ignorance It takes a lot of God in your soul to tolerate a drug addicted and Leary, sex addicted atheist at the DMV but we teach in a secular school that we must treat others in the way that we wish to be treated so that we will enjoy Black Friday, X mas and Pizza hut buffets or Golden Coral and Mcdonalds without Atheist fecal saliva from all of their anger and disbelief.
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