The tension for every modern war is seen in Beowulf and Grendel. It is the tension between competing world views. It is the tension between piracy and natural law. It is the tension that pulls on a sword, a ring or any subject of the natural law. it breaks out into great conflict that becomes the sacrifice and shedding of blood until it is agreed by the majority again as to what peace must involve.

The tension for every modern war is seen in Beowulf and Grendel.   It is the tension between competing world views.  It is the tension between piracy and natural law. It is the tension  that pulls on a sword, a ring or any subject of the natural law as it breaks out into great conflict that becomes  the sacrifice and shedding of blood for remission of the sin until it is agreed by the majority again  and again as to what peace must involve.  If you pull on a ring or sword that is not yours, then there is war. Natural law may not be the same for a troglodyte innately but if a troglodyte owns a vehicle when he steps out of the society of the cave; the cave where personal property is irrelevant as you take what you need and do what you feel regardless of what killing of  a troglodyte life is required(the troglodyte sees the difference between troglodyte life and human life),  he will want police assistance and insurance compensation. He is entitled this assistance by way of social contract in the case of the police and by way of insurance contract in the case of his insurance. The troglodytes attitude toward natural law that does not accord with a human being's innate attitude toward natural law is pulling on the only natural law that is enforced by out military and police services where there is protection for life, liberty, health and property in addition to the peace, order and good government.  They used to say Scotch Quebecois but now it's Scots Quebecois just as there used to be Scottish Mafia but now it's just the pig farmers. How many pigs does it take to eat an entire malfunctioning 24 year old Maleficent Black male named Johnson who won't decide to honor his parents whomever they may be and where ever they may be since you need to decide who you are for yourself as the people raising you may not have digested your anger about parents breaking natural law or the peace that it should be avoided but you cannot let your natural anger toward broken natural law kill you or masquerade as a false culture of rebellion and aggression.    But again and again, it is always the same trigonometric answer as it comes to deciding what peace must involve.  There may be those who hedge against this peace and seek social authority by other means such as  a mobile phone caste system or a racial caste system that essentially says the adherent was too lazy to graduate above a D in high school and would seek social authority, not by understanding and reverence in addition to humble contribution, but by participation in the chaos that a caste system involves as it suggests the pot hole of the non-rule of law vs. the rule of law and truly humane natural law that protects personal property including the property of the troglodyte.  The troglodyte cannot have it both ways. Either we will take protection for all individual's personal property including his own and he will not seek to defend his war on the Brit Milah in the guise of caste and culture since he would have to get the police services to join him in this culture of human devaluation.  It is not an ancient culture but quite new and began when the Grendel decided to turn his theft of the clothing and swords of the Kings of Iceland into a rule book when he noticed how angry the King of Iceland must have felt when his sword was stolen. By the 21 Century this rule book involved frustrating the Brit Milah in all ways, shapes and forms while maintaining the appearance of involvement.  With one foot in and one foot out, you go to school but as is your endeavor, you don't really graduate  since you are relying on the Grendel organization or the Guyana organization. This rule book says hit someone in the head if you have to and take what you need to take. This is just Grendel from Beowulf(see the movie).    Instead of being in the cave, they decided to have someone involved  in everything and everywhere by any means. This is the grade 6 Officer Corps that now wants to call every big man a Troglodyte including all the WWE wrestlers and some of the big former Gulf war soldiers who have been working for the weekend; respecting  their existing Brit Milah romance.  But, the troglodytes of the West Indies and Arizona were known to be tiny people; like Bibbly Bare or Trevor Bare.  There is nothing wrong with a grade 6 educated  police officer but they should just work for the weekend and know their most honorable remit and socio-economic value.  Take the Bribes when they ask you to kill a big man who could be your uncle and just make noises on your mobile phone like the big man is falling down the stairs(Jesus Lord help me Lord ...Jesus  Lord!) and then give the briber a court date since you are very special, honored people everyday. You attend Schools and speak to all the kids about safety; including the Black kids who could be the descendants of a Pharaoh or a Black Saint.    Otherwise, It is very shadowy.  It is the Syndicate. It is the stupidity of Spectre and now we strip Spectre of the glamour since we know what they did last summer and also Last night;  last night.    It's on the mobile phone camera with all of the images recorded.  By the 21st Century, Grendel is as human as he wants to be and this is also true for his children. The police services cannot work for Grendel in this frustration and chaos. He is a minority. He is a thief.  They may tell you to read a little bit of the rule book now called Mein Kampf but all it teaches is the tension of hegemony between Grendel and the Nordic people as depicted in Beowulf.  See the movie(2005).      You meet someone, maybe Whiteish(not really white as real white people understanding nothing other than a working postal system) or some complexion (see foot note 1) who seems intelligent and they may have attended high school after 1998 in some countries. After acknowledging non verbally their intelligence, you may perceive them asking non-verbally if you are on their side and your nonverbal response is "I am a human being. I live in America.   I AM American" and then they seem to loose interest.  Then, you ask yourself what is going on in the world?
 Did I have to say non-verbally I eat pork?    Hegemony is the Grendel rule book; that feeling he gets when he steals Beowulf's sword. Charlie Bennett knows along with Mark OImguiltynigbe who preferred that feeling of disrespecting the the law and theft or mischief instead of paying $500.00 to avoid criminal liability. Tahlir chafeingherry   suffers from the same illness.    He learned how to write, never forgot the feeling and turned it into a process of destabilization, terrorism, extortion and harassment.  Did you ever get a Grendel judgment in court process where they used Trinidadian law although the jurisdiction involved a U.S Federal employee who was governed under a U. S Federal Statute and not a Trinidadian state or statute?   It is also called Mein Kampf nowadays and you should not read a little in High School since reading a little is just killing of the white people.   Entire cities are being occupied by other peoples and cultures where ever a school board decided that they would teach a little of this cave man conflict on the rules of peace.  It is not their culture and is opening up the territories taken in the faith of the Brit Milah to any community that is more organized but that needs the quiet of the Brit Milah in spite of all of their organization.  Yet they are running raids against the Brit Milah from this shadowy Grendel or Nazi state that incubates in Guyana their unfounded resentment after two world wars.  Getting what they want in a church service is more important than the right answer as if someone should decide to syncopate the American Constitution or current events of the entire process of POTUS; syncopated on TV!         Now this is what you do to feel Grendel's/Mein kampf's or  Bibbly Bare's (who sent Paderson her notebook and put the Reverend's stolen watch in Paderson's hand)  troglodyte  will to power as thieves and hegemons against the Brit Milah ;  piss on your neighbor's lawn. Start a disturbance at  McDonalds and the Troglodyte colleagues in the police will come to help you and you are actually a Black kid getting help. Obey!   You beat up white people walking out of the KEg, the victims call the police and then nothing happens; all  for the Troglodyte's will to power.  Obey!  This unveils the troglodyte band of unity as your only aim in the disturbance that is to kill a few white kids who must be in their final year of high school in the suburbs and they feel the authority.  The Troglodyte King is just a pirate but when depicted as medieval king or Sherrif of Tosca or Nottingham in movies, Charles got confused.   The high school kids will be killed if they take their self defense into their own hands.  Take the keys to his vehicle and pour urine in his vehicle. Put your saliva in all the coffee at McDonalds and get your people to spit in the coffee in all of the offices so they get the Grendel disease.  Also, the societies who teach a little of this book seem to be bereft of people who believe in their own creativity or productivity.   The society dies.  Everything dies for a plasma screen TV designed in Germany in 1936 or mobile phone LCD screen TV in 2011.    They have one or two car companies; nothing else since taking what you want when you want it and hitting anyone in the head who you decide is in your way is just the antithesis of societal growth and it renders commerce and economies small and uncertain. You do not grow but you die and you see yourself going right back to the cave eventually since you  are  breaking a natural law that governs ethereally in and outside of the cave the troglodyte and the human being whether or not you wish to accept it.  But you feel frightening and great and terrible for a while with all eyes on you in the McDonalds or the school cafeteria as you go on nuff and big and bad as you insulted and hurt someone quite horribly actually.  This is not the real you so no more   Booyakah or being "seen and heard" which is definition of Arawak(seen and heard) unless you are an opera singer like Kathleen Battle or a band leader like Bob Marley or a great jurist like Thurogood Marshall  where part of his  ancestry finds its place in Westmoreland, Jamaica.   Do you understand?  We could be equal but what about hegemony?  We are certainly equal regardless of someone's continual and unnecessary fight for space and a place in this world as a Troglodyte.  The troglodyte is welcome but he must accept that there is only one rule for all; one rule to bind them; one rule for all; one rule to salve them.  The battle of the five armies is just the extermination of the male and female reproductive age children of five argumentative devolved(as in devolution of parliament) Anglomongol  societies who have not understood that they get the power to feel just as good and dignified as any French man with $40,000 euros basic income until the date of death after 90+ years unless there is an accident.    Fais tu veux the' ou cafe dans une verre?    You do not need to be led on socio-economic issues. Do what you want under s.99 of the British Dignity Act to fulfill the mandate for peace, order and good dignity.  You don't need to join the EU.  Some states provide this income to their people in addition to some provinces. Are you worried that the young men and women don't jack off enough  or say the creed enough? Which one is it? It must be the creed. So, you know what to do in that case.  Design television scripts that herald more God in society and not only more technology. You could call it the 1960's Star Trek EQ.  You may have been sexually abused for more than 400 years by Mongol D'anglais Picts  who said that they would do to you what was done to them in the processes of assimilation and extermination by the Romans and then the Victimized Catholics-not all Catholics(they get arrested these days) but they must see there aren't any street signs in mongol languages on the highway in Belgium or the Banks except in Chinese and you might be big boned on deer meat, some of you, but even a monkey would take the basic income f@$#ing cash and give it to everyone in their economy as France certainly gives it everyone; including the reindeer people up north in Northern France.

   They would like to pretend that the scepter for the Throne of the King of Iceland or the King of France is in Jamaica and some people write it on a piece of paper all day long since they like the feeling of authority. But, the scepters are where they aught to be.   This ends the caste system that began at a whiter mongol Picts summer barbecue Dorset in the year 610 A.D/CE when an old lady who saw some of the Romanic Assimilating when growing up decided to tell a young woman who was just as fair as her to choose someone other than the young woman's most treasured male friend who was tanned like Weissmuller or Linekar and very athletic as she seems to have been intending betrothal. The young lady did not acquiesce and the couple eventually became a Baronage.   But, the old lady wrote down her experiences and what she believed should be passed on so that she might be equal in what she suffered in this world.  The Romans put a cast on her face to make it more orange.  The hue was a bit red or tanned so orange was the goal; like King Edward who seems to have thought Orange was brilliant.    I don't know what the difference is; orange or red but it's kind of stupid.  It is not a culture originating in Asia.   But, the English perpetuated this after the American Civil War(1865) in all of their colonies; especially India and then also Guyana.  But, this is not a culture.This is divide and conquer you right down to the bone and "infertilise"  you as you seek "whiterness"  or "whiting" drinking lye and nickel hydride, turning the shape of your nose into a billion dollar industry and then they tell you how they just revere the Africans from Africa,  how they have a tradition, family values , their own names and a culture but not the West Indian or North American with Amerimongol dna and the sacraments since 16th Century in some cases and certainly  1664 in Jamaica.  The Caste system; it would give a Cretan dunce, dysfunctional human being who is orange all the more social stature than a Sicilian today or a Roman African.   But, the Sicilians had Roman blood so it didn't really matter what you looked like. The Roman African  had Roman blood.  If the Sicilian or African  did not have Roman blood, they certainly  had the citizenship in paradise; that is Rome where there is peace and order.   Romans, African, Middle Eastern or European are beautiful and dignified because they respect the Brit Milah. But, you Picts could be sort of Hebrew who took off up north during the first Babylonian occupation but you don't remember. The system was really to sow the divide and conquer right down to the bone and it manifested in more modern territories of assimilation as  Scotch Quebecois vs. Native Quebecois that divided families as some children in a house hold with a native parent and a Scots or more Euro native parent would be classified as Scots Quebecois or Native Quebecois depending on the tint of their skin against a plaster board.   This also ends Grendel's book who learned how to take his more fair skin as it emerged in his cave people and use it to hit darker people over the head with it as in "now I Hollywood and comely and blonde but still a troglodyte in my only true loyalty and my great grandchildren will sing and write songs to tell people we don't need no education...teacher leave us alone."        Machiavelli's work is evidence in addition to Rousseau and Hobbes.  It is the straight line to peace with a straight path to go to commodious living.  School teachers talk about the golden rule all day and they  are not considered evil.  It is the reason for standing armies.  It is not for the protection and celebration of one human being.  For those who favor piracy, it seems that after WW2  only twenty years of rest delayed the pattern of emotions for these individuals who seem to believe they have a right to just do what they want and what they feel while they pant about it and pull or hold the person, place or thing that is the subject of their unlawful possession.  It is the unlawful possession of property belonging to another contrary to the Monarch's or the community's peace.
They hold peace ransom. It is the most important intangible object. It is the purpose of the fine sword, the crafted crown made out of gold and the books.  Grendel  is holding civilization ransom. It is  a tendency every time there is a mass wave of some form of new technology; a technological tower pf Babel.   The musket is an example.    Herodians  may hold civilization ransom but in his indecision as to what needs to be done in applying the straight line of peace or salus populi vs. the attention he seeks in holding the decision and seeing millions die under him when the right logical decision is not made.  We can predict when another great tension will ensue and it will be much like the smart phone technological tower of Babel that has just ended since everybody knows where peace is and jack offs are certainly people too. We cannot police the home or bedroom but we can police the jackoffs public disdain for communal and corporate integrity. My father is not named Vince or Vincent but if it was his name his family name would be Van Gogh.  My Van Gogh is at 1908-18 Youngtown.       But, it will happen again when their is a hologram television and the Ewoks  among us will say "aaaaah.....ooowwhh"  while they abandon peace and the natural law that binds us all that I might know where you come from  and know where you belong.  The response of marvel and appreciation is understandable but why start putting potholes in the road and reducing the peace in your family and in community at large as if saying "good morning" is no longer relevant and all civil services are turned into the subject of bribery just because the shadows in the medium with the message have higher resolution?         With new technology, this the unrefined troglodyte with a gym membership in the current generation or church membership and sacraments in England in 1600's that boiled into civil war (15th century from 1642-1651 just as St. Andrew was being established as a Parish in the West Indies with the cavaliers or royalists; see...The monopoly of the Church of England on Christian worship in England ended with the victors' consolidating the established  Catholic Ascendancy in Ireland as they believe Christ is a historical figure.   Constitutionally, the wars established the precedent that an English monarch cannot govern without Parliament's consent, although the idea of Parliament as the ruling power of England was only legally established as part of the Glorious Revolution in 1688.[2] at wikipedia ) says, "..This is my chance with the musket to show them my power instead of seeing this technology as  simply new technology that serves my greater community...chanting "white Troglodyte", "Nazi" or "White more time."  David Cameron knows all about the first Creole occupation where you really don't know who won except the troglodyte pirate King and his family in Buckinghamshire Palais has little agreement with anyone as to a magna carta except in theory but says he can still put his fingers in everyone's kitchen pie if he wants like a Herodian  and would still be under him but we would use the national leading brand with the dignity income, just like the French people and Spanish people, who have no doubt that Pontius Pilate met Jesus and that they are both real whether or not the translation says someone flew into a window  in Salem or walked on water. But, you seem to prefer the truth of the parting of the cleavage of the woman who says your brother flew into her window at Salem or at Edinburgh instead of the truth of the parting of the Red Sea so suffer until you believe the historical truth of the gospel my Danglais puppies  and darlings.  The Anglais King is your slave Foreman and savage foreman  but also a Humanzee puppet like a Theoden but maybe nobody knows any longer what really happened or they forgot since they put logic and the safety of the people under his seat as if the basic dignity participatory income and the vehicle building droids are not the solutions you need. The dignity income is always good.  It is always there to tide you over until you find the hotel job or some other job as a functionaire.    40 or more years of leaded gasoline after an unnecessary second World War( but necessary only because of the piracy) and carburetors in  England is the evidence but they did feel English, innit?, until the engines had to become intelligent and fuel injected like the German vehicles in the 1980's.        But he was appointed by a believing and non-heathen Europe until all the Anglos believe and get out of their Troglodyte piracy.  You stole something precious from a French Royal sailing to Martinique and you will pay; all of you with your blood to the end of time unless you choose to believe in  the absence of separateness in religion and that you are invited to partake.  Get the cave out of your mind and respect your neighbor's property; no more jokes about other  people's property and never encourage children who may be in need of a father to steal or covet other people's property; F#@$@ing troglodyte.       We would certainly polish the bridge when we do not need to grind the wheat. The windmill and water wheel brought automation. The cavaliers were pirates and Creole Southern Amerimongols; the second kind of gorilla warriors- much like the more hearty and hungry old fashioned Picts who fought the Romans and who had now become gentrified and a bit soft in the Roman baths.  Play more man! Come to Jamaica as its government says the people now get $500.00(USD) per month like their former pirate cousins in the gulf of Oman who pleaded for help with Captain Phillips  and they work, just like the Jamaicans will,  in the tourist industry and make sure the roads are smooth for Fleury( he had a black grandmother) when he comes to visit.     In the smart phone technological tower of Babel, people started to break service delivery contracts and if you did not record your interaction at the train ticket station window or at the airport, then you were not safe and subject to customer service molestation. But, the molesters were the same people who told you non-verbally that you had to record it or else they would hang up on the 1-800 line or delay in speaking with you at the ticket window and act like you are not sophisticated.       It creates the feeling of war and of  something imminent about to transpire. Those who engage in this pattern of behavior mindlessly have a hypothalamus that functions like a dog that may believe it is being playful or seeking attention from its master like a dog or monkey that steels slippers or cushions.  When this pattern of behavior is found in the lowest and highest levels of society or social administration whether or not it threatens a human life,  the only response is the extermination of the offender in possession of another's property and  in breach of natural law.  To remember the importance of this 'Gideon' will to act, a reasonable all inclusive package under $700.00 for 3-5 days at Calais might help that we might say 'Je souviens et Je suis reconnaissant.'  High order detonation; have a nice day.

A bon petite  dejeuner.

    W. A. Lyon, Editor and Founder.

Footnote:  1.(we don't use that terminology any longer since it was just Grendel classifying and objectifying life and working against the existing world of civilization)


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