Negative Pinky and Positive Pinky... Did you know Morpheus was Neo's father? He is also Trinity's Uncle. He is also the Haywire chicks' granddad but she was told by her white adoptive family not to help any black people and then she goes haywire. before she knows the reason.
Negative Pinky and Positive Pinky... Did you know Morpheus was Neo's father? He is also Trinity's Uncle. He is also the Haywire chicks' granddad but she was told by her white adoptive family not to help any black people and then she goes haywire. before she knows the reason. There is a movie called Pinky about young woman with a Black grandmother. She comes back home and helps. She did not carry a twisted psychological burden that says "..Black people can help me and whether they live or die, I will kill them and stifle them."
Positive Pinky
For this article, there is the positive Pinky behavior when you have a known Black relative such as a mother, grandfather, grandmother or father and you are a thankful and supportive family member involved in every way and helpful where you can be, solving the problem with your grandmother's business or your Aunt's squatter tenants who had no more than a license to occupy.
Negative Pinky
In negative Pinky behavior, you end up infertile somehow, twisted and sad as a drug addict or sex addict where you seem to be obsessed with bringing a person of darker hue who could be related or maybe not into some negative expectation that buttresses your deceit that you will be white or white enough if you sabotage and hurt them as Whiting. Dean Whiting must have been a Coyote working against the sheep dog who sent a young energy industry adviser to encourage a Kuwaiti Prince to save a little money and diversify He is someone who is about to sabotage or kill in Florida some kid who is about to go on scholarship. He is someone who mediates all day in Poquoson, VA that he kills someone just before he felt agitated to go to a bowling alley and start a fight with Allan Iverson as Iverson just started his scholarship. Trayvon's death was a premeditated murder. This is seen in the Imitation of Life(movie). The Imitation of Life is Negative Pinky where the antagonist or protagonist, it's hard to say, misses out on a husband to whom she was related with the same grandmother except his mother was more blonde. It's just that she denied family and refused to admit her Grandmother was Black so he kicked her in the gut like the elders in the family told him. She ended up infertile. Do you know England? Do you know New England? Do you know star fruit or tamarind? It's all the rage in Penzance. You should not watch it if you are not sure the Egyptians were a Black people since most people who do self identify as Black (we don't really use the terms Black or White any longer but human, Amerimongol or Euromongol if you like) and who do not acknowledge the Egyptians as Black people thank and act like technological troglodytes who seem to resent hearing about those ancient people and their sophistication. They also sabotage people who believe what the White Baptist Minister and White Pentecostal Minister told them from 5 years old.
I just gave away all my watches to motivate myself to work harder and buy some $20.00 Gearbest Jaragar and other brands when I need to appreciate myself. I scuffed them on the ground before I sent them.
Thank God as I know where I come from.
Warren A Lyon, Editor.
Positive Pinky
For this article, there is the positive Pinky behavior when you have a known Black relative such as a mother, grandfather, grandmother or father and you are a thankful and supportive family member involved in every way and helpful where you can be, solving the problem with your grandmother's business or your Aunt's squatter tenants who had no more than a license to occupy.
Negative Pinky
In negative Pinky behavior, you end up infertile somehow, twisted and sad as a drug addict or sex addict where you seem to be obsessed with bringing a person of darker hue who could be related or maybe not into some negative expectation that buttresses your deceit that you will be white or white enough if you sabotage and hurt them as Whiting. Dean Whiting must have been a Coyote working against the sheep dog who sent a young energy industry adviser to encourage a Kuwaiti Prince to save a little money and diversify He is someone who is about to sabotage or kill in Florida some kid who is about to go on scholarship. He is someone who mediates all day in Poquoson, VA that he kills someone just before he felt agitated to go to a bowling alley and start a fight with Allan Iverson as Iverson just started his scholarship. Trayvon's death was a premeditated murder. This is seen in the Imitation of Life(movie). The Imitation of Life is Negative Pinky where the antagonist or protagonist, it's hard to say, misses out on a husband to whom she was related with the same grandmother except his mother was more blonde. It's just that she denied family and refused to admit her Grandmother was Black so he kicked her in the gut like the elders in the family told him. She ended up infertile. Do you know England? Do you know New England? Do you know star fruit or tamarind? It's all the rage in Penzance. You should not watch it if you are not sure the Egyptians were a Black people since most people who do self identify as Black (we don't really use the terms Black or White any longer but human, Amerimongol or Euromongol if you like) and who do not acknowledge the Egyptians as Black people thank and act like technological troglodytes who seem to resent hearing about those ancient people and their sophistication. They also sabotage people who believe what the White Baptist Minister and White Pentecostal Minister told them from 5 years old.
I just gave away all my watches to motivate myself to work harder and buy some $20.00 Gearbest Jaragar and other brands when I need to appreciate myself. I scuffed them on the ground before I sent them.
Thank God as I know where I come from.
Warren A Lyon, Editor.
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