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All posts by Warren A. Lyon, LL.B(Hons) U. of L. Tel: 1-914-395-9968 or 1-647-701-9478. 1-619-967-5405 email:
The Men's Magazine(TM): Established 1996
The Men's Magazine(TM): Established 1996.
Showing posts from February, 2021
The North American undereducated White is Huxley's imaginary noble Savage glamourisied in early Hollywood; well dressed, big, obnoxious and loud but given global radiant attention; authority. But, who is leading in global Anglo culture? Forget about White. Running into a majority of Anglos who cant explain a complete sentence is annoying but they have Coca Cola. After five cokes, you decided to kill them all anyway. Now, that you are finished killing them and have no more time to argue about sentence structure, carbeuraters, fuel injectors or ice cream machines vs. the ice scream scoop, you realise you need them, want them as a market for the sale of European goods and vehicles. You are fixated on the irksome truth of half Germanic people incubated in America from the age of five years old, ship loads of them since 1867 following the Civil War that killed off those really irksome really Dutch Irish English half Americans but you are still not satisfied with them. You have more forbearance for the Asians, the Mexicans. You disdain the North American Anglo when he was once German, born German but culturally Anglo North American by the time he reaches 18 years old in Wisconsin or Oklahoma. Yet, he is a worthy pliable consumer who is a happy undereducated person. A vassel economy is a vassel economy and should operate in conformity to its master economy. The vassel cannot decide food quality, food safety, water quality and excellence economic quality. How does the vassel have power to hamstring your senses of Hegemony; make you look like a....."bad word" or a follower; not the leader. > Anthropologically, Uncle Joe is trying to tell us why he does not really have time to read the Constitution. It is because his culture took his big toe when he was 10 years old and he has been very distracted. But, it does not mean he is beyond learning or concurring with the mathematical facts involving economic demand fueled by a general minimum income support known in Massachusetts as an SSP and paid for by Sales Tax. He says that if he was the President of the U.S. since 1901, America would be dead. If the state of Vermont was the acting President or Executive of the United States since 1901, America would have today every town or shopping mall it ever built in ongoing economic expansion with zero recessions. But, you are the only ship captain on the boat who murderously guarded your position and you saw your children as competition; not all ship captains do as you do. Most prepare their children to pilot more ships in the family businesses. In spite of all you have come to learn, you still reason as an individual and not as family with your concern being social competition; a poor minded person, a man or woman, who would rather tear down a family member, hoping to take their place or interrupt their place. You were invited to your husband's office ball as he is a London solicitor and you only intend, as a graduate of a high school in St. Albans who grew up in housing 10 minutes from the fox hunt, to take his colleague for lunch sex and interrupt your own family. Some how, you never took the neighbor but you anticipate taking his colleague. This is what you say you would do. You are competing for association as an individual; trying to be the only one. You are not thinking like a family unit in some fear of class dissociation while attending an office ball with him, that he will be leaving you..the milk maid or butter maid. You kill yourself on the word "submit" but fail to see partnership or friendship or respecting his knowledge and experience before you burn your teeth up and turn into a Pilar of salt. But, you do have a husband and how do you want him to feel about everything? You are not rejected but let's pretend you just decided to spend time with him after his master's graduation. You did not miss but you pulled his pants off at the front door. He said he wanted to find a job first. He stopped you from being you. Now, you jeopardise your happiness and your children's safety when you barely trust anyone around them but you bring more than one man into your home as a school teacher and you keep asking who are the school staff to judge you yet, truly, you are bouncing between the acceptance and affirmation you receive from your professional life as a teacher and your sordid fleeting personal life where you deny your wisdom to just have one partner where at least you meet him at the hotel at Hitchin, the Fortis Hotel at Posh Knightsbridge from 6:00 pm on Friday to 6:00 pm on Saturday or in the privacy of his home. This is your wisdom. If he visits, he does not stay over night because you are not ready for that yet. In either case, you are too dependent on outside affirmations to decide for you what connotes acceptance. You married the bus driver but one glance from an old West Indian woman moves you to break up. She was only worried that would get more than her. She wasn't that old, she ate some fish and now she is cooking the bus driver's fish dinners. If I chose to be a bus driver only and nothing else or the happy postal worker or school football coach, this never would have happened. You threw your children overboard or you threw them out just as they became useful to pilot another ship in what would be your growing family business. Then you became a pastor or choir mistress in the church or the only central authority figure in the home who guarded your position mindlessly when, Anthropologically, it is what you do as seeing a threat to your position instead of seeing a growth opportunity. If you are a European power like England, you would see Canada over whom you have total legal authority as a threat to your ego and position instead of a growth opportunity. Just run the country of Danada like it's a Middlesex home county, an amusement park, a golf course, a McDonald's franchise or an Airport. There are lots of UN rules to follow at an Airport. But, wouldn't it preempt several murders in the next generation of the graduating Law School class if we kill "authority sick" Maleficent today? Herod, the mob and the barbarous Molech rock people who resent our civilization, our predilection with cleanliness, Brit Milah, family and the boundaries of appropriate coitus recorded in Leviticus seem to be in the majority but even a gorilla respects these bounds. Maybe you left the economy bereft of the requisite legally guaranteed funding per citizen just to see what your West Indian Creole and Amerindian relatives, your subjects would do when they are hungry. Now you have the evidence. They will eat high school graduates who get an A in English in Grade 12 as a burger meat near your local restaurant. They will kill,steal and destroy like hungry animals. What did the English do? Same thing; that's what I thought. But, your French citizens eat very well. They are coded in the system as really true citizens of France. You would not starve an economy as Napoleon just to spite a graduate; no you would not. He's irrelevant. But, the mediocre black graduate will be a happy citizen as he recites the wisdom of Europe and Africa as well as Asia all day long in seeing a regenerative, automated economy that pays a small $900.00 a week stipend to each citizen while collecting 31 percent sales tax. Then Anthropologically, it would be better to have a father in the home. But, as a mother you worked it out that you would raise the children on your own no matter how good the father is because Anthropologically, you weren't ready yet as you were getting use to having authority over yourself and your disguises. Taking partnership with and advice from an older stable progenitor culture would be wise Anthropologically. But, Anthropologically, you just want these people to allow you to have authority over yourselves and you promise to impress them with an F22 that has only 5 seconds worth of machine gun firing time as you remember to design a remote kill switch that can turn off any train locomotive by satellite from the central rail company control room. Put the kill switch on a key fob also. But, those Europeans have advice that can help. The military is dependent on a viable socioeconomic system that generates enough money daily to pay for the citizen's defence. A universal unconditional minimum income support is part of the citizens' defence. It is part of national security. The citizen's security is national security. The Democrats failed. The effort to impeach is really context to sully his reputation prior to his removal even when impeachment is not guaranteed to clear Donald out of the office. How do they intend to remove him? He can sign an executive order to say that he does not have to resign. However. If the Democrats more the zero sales tax policy and the failure to comply with the UN ILO Recommendations R202 in their articles of impeachment , the articles of impeachment will succeed with their integrity restored. But, otherwise de whole nation guilty and confuses a broken system with independence from the UN and Europe as if it's a foreign power and foreign influence (Europe) as this confusion seems to be the underlying theory in their mutual Democrat and Republican practice. Instead of a socioeconomic death and a North American financial depression, why don't you ask Thomas Jefferson, the computer, to patriate and implement the UN ILO Recommendations R202 with a hip Americentric paraphrasing....with a sprinkling of the guarantee to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Donald buys foreign European art and chandeliers twice as often as he buys American but says he is not sure about NATO and UN authority over us. He is a confused Mohican. Es no Bueno! Instead of 20/20 ($20,000.00 Min.income .support / 20 sales tax) for North American citizens that do not currently enjoy a minimum income support that covers the cost of living, he has followed the policy of a dead assassinated president at 0% sales tax instead of thinking about life and life more abundantly. Did you know the whitest white people always have black people working for them in professional roles? When you are not really white, you think about competition. How is there a criminal conspiracy for murder to kill the writer of just some undergraduate essays? Ignorance of the law, insisting on beong white or more white or Lack of education are not defences to criminal prosecution. Did you say the victim is Amerindian Black and educated? Your Cousin from Crasqui has come to North America with no education but want to inherit your high school English book and says she is more...more white...and more sophisticated and fascistly asserts her opinions when she sees everybody just wants to vent their resentment in not having enough education to read a McDonald's receipt. She is the father of every politician and reserve or national guardsmen under 89 years old in North America who help in the fascist assertion of her opinions regardless of the constitution. She resents home ownership and wants to know if you have authority over a High School Graduate. She is also willing to offer her sexual health and her children to find out and wants to show you how she can make your toaster stop working or your watch by rubbing two attentive scotch bonnet peppers on the bible. When she is angry she shouts "tres mal stupide desolate anglais" instinctually. Read the following concerning the English world as written by Aldous Huxley, Vanity Fair, The Future Of The Past, 1927: The future is no less various. The coming world inhabited at one moment by politicians , at another by craftsmen and now by perfectly rational utilitarians, now by supermen, now by Proletarian Submen. Each generation pays its money and takes its choice(Anglo Democracy from 2015-2019). The ignorant have one great advantage over those who know: they can be certain. Certainty decreases at the same rate as knowledge grows. Our ancestors who knew very little about the past, Could feel quite certain that the little they did know was all that was worth knowing. Today we know comparatively, a great deal about the past. We are, in consequence, much more tolerant, much less cocksure than our fathers. For them, the past was Greece, Rome, and Palestine. Secure in their ignorance, they could con-temptuously neglect all the rest. All that was not Greek or Roman was barbarous; all that was not Hebrew or early Christian was heathen and immoral. Their creed was simple and satisfying; but knowledge(Knowledge of Egypt as evident in Hebrew and Christian History ) has made it impossible for us to accept it. Can I really have the authority as Molech to kill 3 people every week just for offering my own children as dead if I ask my Anglican Priest so long as I come to church to confess my sin, my fault, my inexorable fault? Can I have authority over my school friend and his business also? He's Catholic. If I am to be accepted as self respecting, shouldn't I respect all of my ancestry regardless of complexion when Serena and Venus are the best? Did you hear the pastor say that the prayer for hunger is one that God will always answer? It helps to say what type of hunger since the word says He is supposed to supply all your needs in His riches and glory, the glory of the minimum income support. You have cover. Cabot, Champlain and Laurier Motors were bought out by Toyota and Nissan in North America in 1867. They also took out an imaginary 5000 year lease on the continent so they can tell the North American that the problem is their racism, and their lack of understanding; not their anticipation or their improvisation. I want to know if you can come and help me with something. If you say yes, who are you to think you can help me? Could photogenic politics take precedence over logical, economically sensible, legal, common sense, life saving (humane) politics? No. It could not. But, in an EWok part of the world West of France with an Anglo Ewok queen about to give birth to an ewok king who is very anxious without education about his position, what does it matter if everything is backward compared to the Dutch so long as he has attention and authority from the countries under him that are suffering for the authority with insufficient UDhR and UN ILO R202 provision? The king and the kingdom have very simple goals; have it your way in the frustration as you get used to having authority over yourselves where the kingland is imaginarily big and the subject countries are depleted, under utilized and are to feel small although they are legally subject and connected. They fail to see the subject countries as an opportunity for the extension of their glory. This involves some human devaluation when and where the failure to extend the program of civilization set out in the OHCHR and the U.N. ILO R202 occurs. The PR. Known as .io. is an example. This is eventually a global problem as the population and business activity dwindles. What is not solved on one side of the global economy is a problem on the other side while you, as North Americans, get used to having authority over yourselves. The culture with the 5000 year imaginary lease on North America send their people who have $50000.00 minimum income support whether they have a job or not. Do what you see other nations doing (The UN ILO R202) and follow your Constitution or just follow the person who calls after twelve am and says in an intimidating cockney accent "...0%; do as you are told; alright?" The Nazi was just an official, deliberate summation of this violence while you get used to having authority over yourselves in an existing world with 500 year old purity laws in Germany. Cleanliness is next to AUTHORITY. A Universal Unconditional Minimum income support is next to AUTHORITY. You notice that North America is a school for the English just to see what they understand. England became a school for the English just to see what they understand after Henry the 8th declared a new Anglican Church that was separate from Rome. It is not entirely separate today. Who builds the roads, sewers and waterways just as they did in England? It is Europe. Arkansas is here today and underwater tomorrow. They opened a dam in the Yukon for 3 minutes. If you are white or accepted by white, shouldn't you have a copy of the bible in your home and on your phone? Shouldn't you help your grandchildren and not compete with them? If you are white or accepted as white, Shouldn't you believe God is White, Black or has No Color as Spirit and that God is not racist or ignorant? Do you submit? Education is cover. Europe can help! Werner Von Braun came to study your motivations and simple goals(to feel authority, to feel big) your hatred and see why you would be willing to offer your children just to be a part of something including his family. Donald did. Instead of thinking of surviving, the Anglo ewok should be thriving. But, that requires a little agreement with civilization and the program of civilization, agreement with the UN ILO Recommendations R202 instead of resistance and argument as you get used to having authority over yourselves. A successful English Christmas Fruit cake and a successful economy in the automated industrial world require submission and agreement with a set formula, a set process. But, if I am white, how does he ski soo good if he's black? Look at the PM, the President and the candidates. Yet, there is something illogical going on that is a genocide offence. Photogenic does not have to be illogical. But, we do know the people found with bow and arrow and afro hair on the banks of PEI at the time of the Titanic disaster were similar to other people found on the coast of the Danube at the same time who were given clothing and the first words they heard were " Join society." They were told to join society. Every time my engine shuts off, they want to claim supernatural authority for it. Their grand children stole codes from Ibm and the car company to make sure it shuts off to claim authority. But, photogenic politics does not have to be illogical. A beautiful vehicle does not have to be painfully stupid. If you had a government that goes bankrupt every 3rd transaction on the 5th hour, there is something illogical going on, something stupid. How can that be if everyone in government is controlled and limited and aided by a kind Driver Assist/ OHCHR UN ILO R202 & Constitutional Assist or a Constitutional Grammerly. The President or anyone can access it for free on the internet on any issue like the Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America for cooperation in the examination of refugee status claims from nationals of third countries(countries other than the US or CANADA Under the agreement persons from third party countries seeking refugee status must make their claim in the first country they arrive in, either the United States or Canada, unless they qualify for an exception. This does not mean you are prevented from making cross border refugee applications as Canadians or Americans. You may have a reason for the said applications. But, the government employees would have to be prepared sufficiently in regular K-12 education so that no one has to explain the concept of a "teaspoon of sugar to help the knowledge go down" or the concept of "refugee" for the first time while on the job. There will be a special Government Assist program based on the AS400 that must be followed on issues of policy without delay. If it is not followed, you will be removed, tried ,convicted and executed For treason and conspiracy to commit by a Court of law on a video phone. Candidates and Congress men and women are not exceptions. Your system will shut down and your id cancelled. Proposals for improvement must first stipulate what the current guaranteed, ensured legal position is as to guaranteeing the cost of living for every citizen. We don't have time for what is currently happening. We don't have time for this Mickey mouse Stuff. Read the following on education and society by Aldous Huxley: Enthusiastically in the native equality and ultimate perfectibility of men, they Pictured a future in which good laws and good education would have Made all men reasonable and virtuous, would have abolished war and the necessity of repressIve legislation, would have developed the genius latent in every normal human being. Experience of the workings of democracy and knowledge of the results of education have made us doubtful of the Premises from which our ancestors started on their prophetic argument; the sciences of psychology and genetics have yielded results which confirm the doubts inspired by practical experience. We no longer believe in equal- ity and perfectibility. We know that nurture cannot alter nature and that no amount of education or good government will make men completely virtuous and reasonable, or abolish their animal instincts. In the Future that we envisage, eugenics will be practiced in order to improve the human breed and the instincts will not be ruthlessly repressed but, as far as possi-ble, sublimated so as to express themselves in socially harmless ways(; sort of like Donald) Education will not be the same for all individuals. Children of different types will receive different training. Society will be organized as a hierarchy of mental quality and the form of government will be aristocratic in the lit eral sense of the word-that is to say, the best will rule. The Future of the immediate future will be a more definite and detailed version of the Future of the present. Our children may look forward to the establishment of a new caste system based on differences in natural ability, to a Machiavel-lian system of education designed to give the members of the lower castes only that which it is profitable for the members of the upper castes that they should know. In time eugenic breeding may to a great extent falsity these prophecies by abolishing the lower castes altogether, in which case it is possible that political democracy may be revived in a new form. Aldous Huxley, Vanity Fair, September 1927 There are some people involved in politics like Donald and Bidden who have not gotten beyond the adulation of winning and into the joy of getting problems solved pursuant to the Constitution. Danny in Bourne wanted to solve problems. Abama understands the problem but hasn't solved it with the Democrats for fear of crucifixion. But, if I am the current President of Disney World , then I care if we earn a necessary .20 cents on every dollar spent in the park as the Walt Disney sales and Gratuity Tax that is paid directly to the United States of Walt. As to the government, you have to fix it and if you dont, then you will need a pool of living water, a balm of Gilead, an ever present help in times of trouble; help like the ISAF! If I am white and good, then I am free of racism in upholding the old grand narratives indicative of civilization while re -applying them to new socioeconomic contexts dealing with automation. If I am white and he is black , am I responsible for my 0% sales tax policy? There are other ways to deal with the fear of overcrowding. What you do is ensure Canada and America do not grow and then you just expand into their economy. Those people are paralysed in self hatred of their cheddar man, amerindian, Eskimo or part African ancestry. Japan has no plugin vehicles. The good thing about fuel cell vehicles is that the electricity is produced on board without big, expensive environmentally destructive batteries. Look at Japan. If you are intending to bring a motion to own a company, you should be first in line. Do it now. Did you know Shakespeare is the second coming of Christ? If you are an English passport holder and waiting for the black guy to be dead for a business name just to see what the legal position is, you are not immune from prosecution. The position is the same as if you died with a watch as your only earthly possession and no will except here, the company is also dead with no one able to maintain its operation. But, what is humane politics if you are shooting people who don't speak French fast enough? Maybe French should be spoken with a communal intention. The Answer is... il EST possible pour parle' en francais sans vite. Your North American economy(Canada and the US) has a financial leak and miscalculation. How long does it take to fix it? There is a 20/20 model you could follow so that in 3 years($20000.00 univ. Min.income support and 20% sales tax) you would be out of debt to China. Anybody can start an engine or follow Japanese cooking or generally accepted government management practices for automated economies. Will it be you? If I am toblerone accepted as white and superior, how can my majority white North America be in debt to China? Who is running the government? Is he white? Putting all this stuff aside, there is a Black guy who is my obsession. He says he is not interested in politics but he won't just die when I say (I put the date for a death on my phone) so I just want to fear he will be a politician and use him as an outlet for the worship of a North American version of White superiority. This is all about white superiority or a manipulation of white superiority to get you to refuse to implement requisite economic variables and without them, your population dies off. To some the Anglo, in spite of some Leif Erickson, Arawak, Honored Court Jester, Cheddar man, cave man, African and Norman dna is still just a barbarian and outside of Europe and real white and real African; real Amerindian eludes him also. Acceptance is one. There are many pathways to acceptance. Do you speak French? Do you have a family? The evidence of the barbarian condition as to the Anglo population is the resistance among them to the universal minimum income support. If I am to be accepted as white, then I cannot take photos with the Hon.Abamla when he is dead. But, maybe in 1920 America I could. But, in what direction is Donald going? What does Donald feel like in terms of his parameters for white since in his world and Abama's world since 2011 if I am white and accepted as white then I am supposed to have a disease? What was Rodham's version? But, there has to be different versions of white superiority; different iterations of white. There is no white cikture cikture culture synonymous with hatred, synonymous with ignorance, synonymous with hatred and ignorance. The European versions celebrate ethnic interchange and socioeconomic nuances protecting every citizen, the authority gained for White superiority with universal minimum income support compliance for all citizens since that is the "white superiority" demands for the world while celebrating economic efficiency that cannot tolerate any citizen disenfranchised or left behind regardless of complexion. What we do need is an umpire of great ancient wisdom, a Joseph or a mythical Pai Mei who can come back and remind the people to get back to work, follow the Buddha and that we need a socioeconomic and cultural balance; some stupid Black and stupid White North Americans in the economy for Yin and some intelligent Asians ,Africans and Europeans of all complexions for the Yang. But, how does white superiority play out in an Obalma world?; a world of political correctness? You should just get it out with ex lax, whatever it is, and get arrested. It's a crime. I can work with white superiority in an Abama world but white superiority could not mean I embarrass white people like Donald, good Donald, with the wrong answer to make an idiot feel good. That would be idiot superiority. Perspective is the answer because if I had to run a government, I know I could do it better than he can. I already did. Say my name!! Say my name!! If I had to recognise a music bully who won't get off the soloist podium, how do I recognise him? He won't give the new guy a chance; sick, defensive, afraid of what "white sick" might do to you "fratenising nigger loving whites" and stupid "white ass kissing blacks" and your people still get shot up all in here on CNN(CENTRAL Nazi Network) ; FOR REAL! In fact, it is not easy to imitate this playful, firm accent as you only talk like that on football game day usually but I just came from a wedding and I got to dance with a black woman again.... when I have had three or four drinks. Nonetheless, there is no minimum income support to date which is rather dreadful but it is never too late as former heavy weight champion of the Abama world to talk like Adam Smith and make money for America like Medici. Is the new guy Canadian or American or a 1st generation Nigerian born in Jamaica but raised in America? He's the only contestant, winner and loser on the "...Sales Tax Is Right." When the answer is wrong, North Americans die no matter what. He stays popular but notorious, losing. Are there air brakes on this thing? Is his goal to hope that the US government will have to sell art in national museums and he and his kind might pick up a few freebie Faberge eggs in a museum loading dock? This is, maybe, the Muppets but in this version every character, including the news casters, look and feel like Mrs. Piggy. When the news on every news channel starts to feel like a sound bite jukebox where you see all the oldies and goodies; the Navy Seal, the Nuclear sub that spurts more poison to kill the ocean than all that plastic water bottle waste combined, you wonder who is making this a living, breathing murder indictment for white superiority but decoying it? It is also easier to spot a nuclear sin by satellite and the path of nuclear waste in the water. A fuel cell is ideal for propulsion just like the fuel cell propelling the 500 horsepower vehicle on the road; much cheaper although a sub is never difficult to find really. You realise, somebody is sitting somewhere and deciding what might help. Maybe this might help; a little disco from the 1970's maybe from a more antibiotic intelligent, recombinant generation, accepting evidently of everyone. A fuel cell is ideal; much cheaper although a sub is never difficult to find really. You realise, somebody is sitting somewhere and deciding what might help. Maybe this might help; a little soul from the 1970's maybe from a more recombinant generation, accepting evidently of everyone. If we are all related as 1/9 cousins, then racism is really stupid though. But, if I am white, how can a Black Amerindian man own Angel Ronan(TM) during a Black Presidency and own P2E(TM) afterwards? There are a lot of ethnic representatives on tv though. It seems you need a scape goat. If you need a scape goat, you just blame the dog. You don't have one. As of ....your situation is being taken over because somebody very old is pushing you like a marionette and the program he is using is Capone. You will implement the universal minimum income support. You will do as you are told. You will not be impeached. You will have your one term. Dont think two. What do you want the office for? Am I speaking to President Bidden or no? You will listen. Could democracy really have the answer on the internet but then tolerate a dysfunctional government and for how long when democracy has to fix it? It's not your fault but it is your fault. You ate the inaugural cake and we are more white than you. You are too hard on yourself but you hold the uh personas good. How many do you have? You looked a little shaky but you are steady now. As rumoured, the Democrats plan is...the plan is to secretly bankrupt, disarm, and disable America since we cant have any powerful nation that fails the oxygen, fish and pond water question soo often or the money, automation, human life and socioeconomy question. When someone asks you who is the 24th President, you say Google it you lazy..." When someone asks you how to reduce national revenue and compound U.S. debt obligations, you say "...That is a rather expansive problem." We just had to see what you would offer to be accepted. You seem to need my acceptance. The black dude knows he already has my acceptance for Three or four Shakespeare, all the back ground culture to have a chat with anyone and trusted in a cab with the mates. That is why you want the black dude dead. He has white friends who can't multiply any longer because of all the LSd in the OAK filled rooms. It happened right after graduation in 1994 for some. Drugs rob people of the powers of simple observations. If they could multiply, they would run a large law firm but instead, it's a small law firm and the black dude gets $5000.00 per month From the $15000.00 generated at 70 questions on average per month billed at $214.00 per question. This is good; yes? You are whatever I say you are. You are now a genius financier that has erased America's debt in the last three years during your campaign that has helped to expose what de facto power has been running America. But, we had a fear of a Black planet. That is all; angry but catchy rap group. Now, sit down and see what a fool America has made of you. It's not your fault but maybe plagiarize the Spanish socioeconomically. Do whatever they do. I really hate myself for resenting this black guy. He is not bad at tennis but the sense of privilege my people wanted me to feel involved very little formal school as granny was told white says after WW2, if you are to be accepted and feel privilege as white , then white does not go to school, white offers to live until 50 years old and then you will have position, privilege and prestige like in one Herodian biblical sanhedrin but no Rabbinical education. But, we go to the museum often, meditate on the deceit of black incompetence to cover our use of black people's essays who we also try to kill to help others who may have really thought they might be able to graduate if he's dead and maybe borrow the essays of the black guy since black has to work and we just put our names on photo copies of his work and then leave them in a drawer in an old science lab and then just hope him dead all day. The white grade 8 dropouts kill the grade 10 dropouts for the authority and the grade 10 dropouts kill the grade 12 graduates. We did not talk about the law school dropouts. This is a problem for the West. Aldous Huxley observed early in His 1927 article entitled Future of the Past that; For the sceptics of 18th century Greece and Rome were empires of Reason, gloriously different from the contemporary where prejudice and superstition undisputedly ruled. They used classical examples as sticks with which to beat the Church and the still largely medieval state, as levers with which to over-throw the traditional morality. And they did not confine themselves exclusively to Greece and Rome. It was at this time that China first came to be held up as an example of reasonableness to shame the benighted folly of the West. It is interesting to find, in our own day, writers like Lowes Dickinson and Bertrand Russell reviving this respectable literary tradition and beating the West with an extreme-oriental stick. Nor was Chinese antiquity sutticient for eighteenth- century needs. Not content with the real past, the writers of that age found it necessary to invent entirely imaginary Noble Savages and fabulously virtuous men in a State of Nature. The most honest thing to do would be to apologise to you " Mr. Want to be Remembered As" but at least I know, there is capability and then there is cumulative knowledge. You are capable as a leader in a simple organisation that centres safely around you as Chief of Staff but you cannot just fit into a macro system that calls you a senior functionaire or a cog in a great orbit around the constitution as the centre of gravity and you say to people this is what we nudist do(an oil change, a universal minimum income support) by June 2017 and provide your input when needed. Cumulative knowledge in global or local programmatic government administration is the OHCHR and the UN ILO Recommendations R202. The Democratic Senate failed also. But, if they loved America without any fear of a Black planet, then we would have had a minimum income support by now. There is nothing to fear though. There is work to be done. A work requirement can be added. If you are white, then relax. The black people will do the work. Your secret cob- webbing of hatred infused with wicked legal machinations to befuddle the successful result rendered by the colour blind Constitution is over. He says he wants to start a space force and a station on the moon for long term research in his evident campaign but the sales tax rate was reduced to zero in error by the Democrat employees in the White House who were told they had life tenure granted by Bidden in January 2018. Bidden also offered more to CNN and the men in de de de rumor goes. White America apologises. I am still white and privileged even if all citizens have $40000.00 per minimum income support guranteed to ensure there is a market for all the robotically made Ford products and new gear. If I am white as a Ford retailer , don't I want to see more, more sales regardless of who is buying; black or white? If you tick white on the census, the EBT Card pays a little extra though if you say " "splendid" to your android phone often at Christmas. Now, that we got that fear of equality over with, let's get it on. Let's get it on. Those Democrats are sick and most had to have failed the nose tests. Maybe she needs you to neal three times a day even for seven seconds; to pray. So, Hope Tricks is still around. Just put the badword MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT cash in for all North AMERIFANS ; for North America. It's a great country! You notice there is someone in the back about to vomit. You have cover. Is that blonde girl on CNN(CENTRAL Nazi Network) again; the one with the axe to grind against her father Al and who feels like an essay cheat? She needs to buy a LA Galaxy poster since they, everyone of them, could be the father. In the final analysis, this 0% is Narnia Pelofi who thought it would stimulate the credit market. If it did not work, she said Donald takes the blame as her participating New York truancy school chum. Credit works on payments ; however. 20/20 is about enabling consumers to participate in the economy thereby stabilizing the economy whether or not ,due to automation, they can find a job. Credit use increases. Product sales and product use increases as universal minimum income support is implemented. The evidence points to the power and abuse of influence as influence has become an unofficial fourth branch of government that, if left unchecked , certainly cobwebs the other three branches and then you have to call the Orkin man to deal with the problem. Restore confidence since war is hell. War amounts to discomfort. This war centres on the treasonous, illegal debate about human national needs in the midst of a technological paradigm shift occasioned by automation and the delay in the evident minimum income support occasioned by the treason. Huxley states that; Like the Past, the Future depends on the Present. Prophets who lived before the modern applications of steam and electricity, betore the invention of motors and flying machines, before the development of industrial mass production, men could hardly be expected to give a very Convincing account of the external, material aspect of the Future. Men of the horse age made preposterous mistakes when they prophesied about what has turned out to be the age of gasoline and electricity( now hydrogen fuel cell and electricity). It would be easy, but quite uninteresting, to catalogue their errors. The only significant parts of their prognostications, the only parts which we can compare with contemporary and possible future prophesying, are those which deal with government and social organızation. External conditions change; but human nature remains, for all practical purposes, the same. shall confine myself to a summary indication of the ways in which the Future as envisaged by the men of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries differs from the Future as we envisage it today and as, in all probability, our children will envisage it. For our ancestors, as for ourselves, the Future was a compensation for the Present. In prophecy they could correct the evils with which reality presented them. Aldous Huxley, The Future Of The Past. WAR AMOUNTS TO DISCOMFORT. WAR CAN BE DESCRIBED AS, "ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ACTS COMMITTED WITH INTENT TO DESTROY, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, A NATIONAL, ETHNICAL, RACIAL OR RELIGIOUS GROUP, AS SUCH: KILLING MEMBERS OF THE GROUP; CAUSING SERIOUS BODILY OR MENTAL HARM TO MEMBERS OF THE GROUP; DELIBERATELY INFLICTING ON THE GROUP CONDITIONS OF LIFE CALCULATED TO BRING ABOUT ITS PHYSICAL DESTRUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART1 ; IMPOSING MEASURES INTENDED TO PREVENT BIRTHS WITHIN THE GROUP; [AND] FORCIBLY TRANSFERRING CHILDREN OF THE GROUP TO ANOTHER GROUP." WITHOUT FULL, TANGIBLE COMMITMENT TO THE UN ILO RECOMMENDATIONS R202 YOU ARE ENGAGED IN A TPS WAR AGAINST YOUR OWN POPULATION. Signed, White Americanos who are bonafide Cambridge graduates. @
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New Netflix offerings and burning crosses: Jesus is watching. Lupin is certainly genius production touching on every aspect of modern life in France. But, in going back to the middle ages, La Cathedral Del Mar is a meaningful and helpful depiction of the, at times, savage life in the middle ages and helps us to give thanks for the civility we enjoy with the dark white nigger ages behind us where the bigger barbarian may be struggling to be content with his family while coveting yours. He killed and coveted 19 families to take their Francesca. Maybe he was once near a Cathedral by the sea and his name is "Moral Personal Contortion" today. He argues with himself. We pray for such souls lost in an ongoing personal emotional and cultural evolution that says he is threatened by the notion of a nuclear family that deprives him from what he calls the right to help your wife with her groceries and her dry cleaning when she never asked. He does not speak and only says oooh ooh oooh...I help you. It's an assault and he does not understand this. The current ongoing spate is lsd induced by people who have poisoned him and who have removed certain organs from him, causing an ongoing nervous shock but because he has hesitated to get the Band-Aid he needs at Great Gormondiser Street in England where they help, we see the Grendel in him as Grendel saw it as a bit awkward when running away from the Scottish and Dutch soldiers since he pissed on the swords, the gravestones and the bibles; this thing in between your legs and it was a bit too painful for the redhead lady who kept trying to teach him and maybe she cut it and then hugged him, calling him family. So, his first meeting with the concept of family was a bit right for the Scot lady down there who was very small; for him. Eventually, he understood. It seems he cut his own son very early, at ten years old, because he wanted to think he was having sex with her. He had sex with his mother at 10 years old also and she was his first wife until he was 18 years old. She was born as a 'middlesex' and could not really. she wore a cushion when she was allegedly pregnant and always wore a red gown to feign the monthly cycle once a month. This big boy, huge, had an epiphany and decided to forgive what he did not understand as a child and write his own West Indian Anton Fischer and witness to people. White Tiger and Occupied are also interesting, exceptional media offerings, telling stories approved by the one and only true media God who speaks Hindu and Norwegian evidently so that you might know the truth and the truth will set you free. There is some junk on Netflix which is locally and internationally just illegal, wrong and contraband, subjecting the viewers to a criminal offence. It seems the FBI has had them warned while the idea was that if the network is international, then there is no jurisdiction. On the contrary, there is jurisdiction in every country and certainly Netflix complies internationally for all other purposes except the content of the material.
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Leave It to Beaver Season 1 Episode 13 Appropriate. Proper.
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The First Heritage Design Edition GT Silver 992 Turbo S | YouTube Live |...
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You've been there for four days at $250.00 per day at the hotel. The UK Assylum card you have as an assylum seeker only dispenses $300.00 per day as you are a citizen of Goodawanada; a new state found in Northern New York. You booked a hotel room for 30 days but for 20 days at $200.00 per day, you were soo excited about the hotel and the included breakfast that you did not remember to take the daily cash from the machine in preparation to pay the final hotel bill and your credit card was not assigned but it has an available credit balance of $1995.00. So, what do you do when the police come as you cannot pay the bill? Will you rob the bank across the road from the hotel and hope to come back and pay the bill? No; just go to Rocket Loans online and they will pay the bill or maybe you could ask with the hotel to pay what you can on an account so long as you pay and if you don't keep paying through the online bill payment with your bank, they will send henchman. How could you be Jamaican and not know how to buy a property? How could you be a Jamaican and not understand all kinds of Jamaicans do great things like own a law firm as a law graduate? He's not really Jamaican though. He's Egyptian. #_&-+()/"':. #"':;!@#+ *"#*:!@*" You are being taken as a fool if you think you are more of a queen than Dannette. You seem to think Dannette has guaranteed you a choice of spouses. Warren is not on the list as one of your choices. He let go years ago when you stole his football shoes and then called the police to accuse him of an argument. The police said give the shoes back. They left. You did not give them back. He decided to let you keep them if you really needed them and he got a deal on some Adidas and then scored a hatrick at Regents Park. But, he is happy that you are doing well; a new school teacher and enjoying a newer three bed house in the public housing; classy! It has built in Alexa. It can't speak back but it listens. But, you went to Chicago and left the front door open on your new 3 bed house. Warren has children with his other girlfriends or former girlfriends; I think. I'm pretty sure. He had children with you due to Geronimo's culture, long before you met him. Joy has two of them because of Ms. Veronique Arthur. When you, Delila, think you are losing a husband choice or husband option because you believed in God about something, you abandon that something to ensure you do not lose any sense of approval you imagine in the husband choice being a choice. It's your imagination. You abuse drugs. You took four drug pills again. I didn't hear his name. I think his name is "Bitch Up Frank" and he has been sexing something while wearing blindfolds on and there is a video. He coveted a farmer girl at church who took $50.00 out of the offering plate who cannot...."you know" so she invited him to a party and said it would be Secret. She put blind folds on him and said she is going to get comfortable and it's a suprise. It was big, huge and tremendous. Another woman walked in and he got to do it but he cannot confirm how old she is. It turns out that she was 17 years old; I think... maybe. It's hard to say. Her father was a mechanic for 20 years and Bitch Up killed him after a newspaper article was published about his excellent work, giving him recognition for serving the community as a mechanic. He told the 9000 member church that the mechanic is a Target of his and that they should come to him for the oil changes; not the mechanic. Bitchup Frank's son named Harass stole the mechanic's K Swiss running shoes and his Eddie Bower jacket right after the article was published, saying "I will be him." He left his boots at the mechanic's home and hoped he would wear them, something about he would be the mechanic. The mechanic's wife and family were on some anthropological electric rails in the centre of Buckwellyoudidshiree( see the ramen and jamen in front of you in the thicket) so that they publicly resent rules of conveyancing and real property transfer and ownership but want to own and would risk giving someone a £100,000.00 at his front door without a contract while hoping they would move out. It was her mother's £100,000.00 saved from cleaning jobs. It is good to want to own. But, you never bought a stove, fridge or vehicle without a written contract. They called the police and arrested her for harassing the owner named Warren who was a Litigation Director. See his fun history page at Londinium Photo Directory. You are not in the picture. So, Bitchup Frank was arrested for assault as she could not consent legally. She was a squirrel and could not understand copulation meant family or she presumed you would understand squirrel language and just follow her every where she goes without any verbal or written social media communications; no Facebook, no email, no texts. Instead, you will my uncle who ate squirrel burgers at Burger FU to cut my car door. If you did not take up and leave your job, she was squirrled angry. She did send an unmarked gift but there is no phone call. Yes she could actually consent if he was sure of something or anything about this situation; situations and intentions; Friend or foe? But, he has blind folds on. He's blind and failed to Check her ID. She was not too young or he is not sure. They extorted him but she was really 17 years old and was about to convocate at Manchester but failed to do so as she was using Warren's essays. I am very sure of it. I know. She has a Michael Jordan poster on the wall and wore Davidoff; oooooooh aaaaaaah but nothing ever did really happen; not the right time. He barely knew her. But, she got enough attention to be a mother. He looked at her over a water glass and she sipped from it and then he breathed over it in prayer at Alone Square as it seems he was told she was dropping out. He is not sure why he heard this. The farmer girl came back in for a little feel up...a little oxygen. Her name was Shooseane and was shopping for a boob job as she was never born with any. She was hoping to inherit the man's house and your house. They stole his wallet with his blindfolds on and his car keys and he was often late for work after this party. They also have his oyster card. They wanted to see him dead so they could inherit the vehicle.; an Audi. .@#"'::;*;✓. The music had a chorus about "I am hot for you." It was House music. The last time it happened was four or five days ago. He ended up in situations like this but knew who he was dealing with. But, these people were real Spanish Town pirates from Danada. Bitch Up Frank's wife could not have sex also as she could know. Anyway, none of this ever did really happen and he decided to just get a Hagar from Clarendon who was the birth mother of his children from now on with his wife. His wife ran his Bitch Up office for his new Bitch Up Prick. The 17 year old put a device on and when she started dancing, his Bitch Up Prick expanded and the device with a circular razor blade cut into it and she took it to the farm girl who added it to her collection. She went to church the next day and played the piano. The congregation applauded. She decided to quit being angry as she needed a family; not just oxygen and decided to stay with the trumpeter who was a bit fudsy dudsy so he decided to shave the old hair off and look as cool as Samuel Jackson, the big actor. The car keys were found in a pub and the oyster card by a cool footballer and so he returned them once it could be ascertained that they belonged to Bitch Up who had been drugged with some offering wine at his third Ice's house who could not really. She was born a boy like the farmer girl; Shoesanne who cooked a mean pasta and at least chose good cologne for her job as an FCC director employee with her grade 10 education. She was not born with authority but suffered it, being changed on birth day and now was compensated with an opportunity to exercise Authority over little things like how many times Robert would have to rewrite his music teacher exams even though he passed it the first time and also ordering that every Bitch Up gets a full 3 years of attendance at the restaurant named Divinity to understand the importance of a pasta on Sunday to all the people. No exam was required. He invited Warren to give a talk about his photos from his travels. We all need acceptance but it's cheaper and more cost effective and more stable as you accept yourself instead of relying on other people. This says you have authority over your sense of worth, your self value and worth. You wear Seiko. Others may not feel that is the brand for them. Christopher Columbus may have had an innate sense of Authority from an early age. He's the captain. He should be winning. He should be the....master of the house and the captain of your fate. It should at least be equal. Maybe you have technology that can help me be more efficient. What can Honda learn from the Germans with Volkswagen and Porsche about building vehicles? Honda started with motorcycles. The Germans had a mature vehicle design culture about 40 years ahead of the Japanese who started building four wheel vehicles in the 1930's. You learn they can be so well balanced that traction in the winter going up icy hills is no problem with traction that marvels with well balanced torque in the low gear to get you where you are going. Toyota discovered something in auto racing with their Denso LMP1 vehicles using a three speed gear box. You get more compression and you save time in changing with higher average speed. A black guy discovered something thinking about the problem with space travel being refueling. With a self refueling shop that recycles food waste and human waste that is converted into hydrogen, then the ship does not have to return to Earth for fuel or get shipments of hydrogen for the fuel cell. Ultimately, you have lower fuel to weight ratio. You can build larger ships with more imaginative designs. This is Warren A. Lyon's Prions to Power™ or P2E™ concept. So, learning aids the captain's authority and position and how can he maintain his position if he can't direct the sails in the ship or understand how to rudder the boat? How can he be a captain if he does not know how to read a compass? He may have to digest his ego and unbridled emotions to be able to sit down and allow anyone to teach him anything since who are you to tell him anything, teach him anything when he is the boss and you don't teach him, he teaches you and if you tell him anything you are just serving him. You are not the boss. How can you be the head of the law firm if you can't teach the students in the firm how to file the documents requisite for the Court date if any documents are required? How can you be the head if you don't know how to explain Court procedures. Well, you could be the head of it as you have sales skills and your headship is nominal. But, if your unbridled emotions blinding logic as induced by phone frequencies say you need to kick the actual graduate lawyer out of his own firm to be the headship and you could work with him as invited, then you are an anthropoloigical marvel as an Absalom. You keep harassing him and you think the world is understanding what you are doing before you realise they are just taking notes, making observation as much of your confident that they understand is based on the fact that you say you are lighter, taller and more, more white you say by one shading it seems of Mocha Brown. Maybe the firm is so big that you are the head of it just nominally for sales and marketing. Warren is the head of Angel Ronan L.a.w. We do research. So, authority is aided by education in that you can teach others and help yourself and defend yourself.
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We all need acceptance but it's cheaper and more cost effective and more stable as you accept yourself instead of relying on other people. This says you have authority over your sense of worth, your self value and worth. You wear Seiko. Others may not feel that is the brand for them. Christopher Columbus may have had an innate sense of Authority from an early age. He's the captain. He should be winning. He should be the....master of the house and the captain of your fate. It should at least be equal. Maybe you have technology that can help me be more efficient. What can Honda learn from the Germans with Volkswagen and Porsche about building vehicles? Honda started with motorcycles. The Germans had a mature vehicle design culture about 40 years ahead of the Japanese who started building four wheel vehicles in the 1930's. You learn they can be so well balanced that traction in the winter going up icy hills is no problem with traction that marvels with well balanced torque in the low gear to get you where you are going. Toyota discovered something in auto racing with their Denso LMPT1 vehicles using a three speed gear box. You get more compression and you save time in changing with higher average speed. A black guy discovered something thinking about the problem with space travel being refueling. With a self refueling shop that recycles food waste and human waste that is converted into hydrogen, then the ship does not have to return to Earth for fuel or get shipments of hydrogen for the fuel cell. Ultimately, you have lower fuel to weight ratio. You can build larger ships with more imaginative designs. This is Warren A. Lyon's Prions to Power™ or P2E™ concept. So, learning aids the captain's authority and position and how can he maintain his position if he can't direct the sails in the ship or understand how to rudder the boat? He may have to digest his ego and unbridled emotions to be able to sit down and allow anyone to teach him anything since who are you to tell him anything, teach him anything when he is the boss and you don't teach him, he teaches you and if you tell him anything you are just serving him. You are not the boss. How can you be the head of the law firm if you can't teach the students in the firm how to file the documents requisite for the Court date if any documents are required? How can you be the head if you don't know how to explain Court procedures. Well, you could be the head of it as you have sales skills and your headship is nominal. But, if your unbridled emotions blinding logic as induced by phone frequencies say you need to kick the actual graduate lawyer out of his own firm to be the headship and you could work with him as invited, then you are an anthropoloigical marvel as an Absalom. You keep harassing him and you think the world is understanding what you are doing before you realise they are just taking notes, making observation as much of your confident that they understand is based on the fact that you say you are lighter, taller and more, more white you say by one shading it seems of Mocha Brown. Maybe the firm is so big that you are the head of it just nominally for sales and marketing. Warren is the head of Angel Ronan L.a.w. We do research. So, authority is aided by education in that you can teach others and help yourself and defend yourself.
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