
Showing posts from March, 2019


Angel Ronan Services is booking a legal history tour of London, England for July 2019. The cost will be $2000.00 per person; including flight, 5 days accommodation and breakfast every day is also included. The tour departs from Toronto. Email or phone 1-914-539-7655.

Your immediate and enforceable right to basic income as ensured under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 entry into force 3 January 1976, in accordance with article 27 demonstrates that the Canadian governements like France and other signatory nations have put themselves under a legal duty of care concerning the Article 25 UDHR guaranteed rights of every citizen as the governements are under a duty of care to ensure these rights. The contractual remedy for breach of contract is damages and specific enforcement for breach. A national constitution is a people's contract with themselves as people. The people are not third parties to a contract as discussed on Donoghue vs. Stevenson but direct signatories to the Constitution. A Law suit for breach of contract is the ideal and simplified means of dealing a remedy; not an action in tort although Tort cases exist in this regard for breach of duty. This is a good thing when a duty to one citizen or legal entity under contract has failed, leading to tortious loss and damage being suffered by third parties. For instance, a drug addicted politician should not be allowed to maintain his office and the police are under a contractual obligation to ensure he does not commit misfeasance in public office which is a criminal offence. If they do not apprehend him, it is a breach of their job contract. However, the politician's misfeasance has led to a breach of a duty of care under Tort law, affecting citizens across the country. The politician is also vicariously liable under contract to fulfill his own contractual duty as an employee of the people's government. A constitution is a contract with its citizens. Under the Magna Carta as the great contract. Understand legislation as part of the Contract that is the Constitution. Understand UN treaties as immediate expressions of the Constitution and Contract. Canada is a party to the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights. This creates a legislative and contractual obligation to fulfill the guaranteed rights set out in the Declaration and the obligation to Ensure the guaranteed rights. It is an onerous obligation but not impossible and the failure to ensure is a positive breach of Domestic and International Laws involving the offense of genocide since deliberately failing to ensure the guaranteed rights constitutes a planned orchestration of the destruction of peoples; in whole or in part with conditions of life amounting to the intention to destroy. All of the obligations under the UDHR satisfy existing Domestic Law by definition as an international treaty where the country is a party. The current means and wealth of any citizen is irrelevant when some save and some don't. Some work and some cannot and the life circumstances of any citizen is subject to change at any time for various reasons and one key reason is industrial robotic automation. In any event, being a party to the UDHR Declaration is a positive obligation on the government as signatory. The contractual obligation between a government and its citizens with respect to various UN obligations is found in the Canadian Constitution that makes such UN treaties Domestic Canadian Law once the treaty is signed. As to basic income, the UDHR article 25 guarantees a certain standard of life and this guaranteed standard is to be ensured with evident provision in the life of every citizen. Basic income is the policy to Ensure the guarantee. A few excerpts from Canadian National Railway Co. v. Norsk Pacific Steamship Co. (C.A.), [1990] 3 FC 114, 1990 CanLII 7930 (FCA) demonstrating the right to compensation for pure economic loss when there is a breach of contractual duty and a duty of care in failing to maintain the ensured and guaranteed Article 25 UDHR rights of a citizen about whom the government is aware under its social services electronic infrastructure with the use of Social Insurance Electronic architecture: In my opinion such cases as Cattle v. Stockton Waterworks Co. (1875), L.R. 10 Q.B. 453, and Weller & Co. v. Foot & Mouth Disease Research Institute, [1965] 3 All E.R. 560, should be seen as specific examples of a denial of recovery on the basis of absence of proximity, or remoteness of damage, or both, and not as establishing a principle that damages can never be recovered for economic loss if the loss arises from thebreach of a contractual relationship between one victim who suffers economic loss and another victim who suffers physical injury. The answer to such problems lies not in a uniform denial of recovery but in an application of the customary and sometimes difficult questions relating to proximity, foreseeability, causation and remoteness. Suppose an airline has a policy of discharging pilots who suffer from a medical disability and requires its pilots to undergo a medical examination each year by a doctor, selected by the airline, who knows the purpose of the examination. Suppose the doctor carelessly and incorrectly diagnoses a disability and the pilot is discharged. Would the pilot, as a matter of legal policy, be denied a cause of action against the doctor? I do not think so. Yet the loss suffered by the pilot would be economic loss arising from the doctor's negligent interference with the pilot's contractual relations with the airline. I leave unanswered the question of what difference it would make, if any, if the doctor was a salaried employee of the airline. The next question is whether, if there were a duty of care owed by the Minister of Finance or the Superintendent of Insurance to the appellants and a breach of that duty, there could in principle be recovery for purely economic loss. Counsel for the Crown contended that the kinds of cases in which there could be recovery for economic loss that is not consequential upon personal injury or property damage were limited to those represented by Hedley Byrne & Co. Ltd. v. Heller & Partners Ltd., [1964] A.C. 465, and Rivtow Marine, supra: negligent misrepresentation, and negligent failure to warn of a dangerous defect in a product. There is in my opinion nothing in subsequent judicial commentary on this question which suggests that recovery for purely economic loss is to be limited in principle to these categories of cases. In Agnew-Surpass Shoe Stores Ltd. v. Cummer-Yonge Investments Ltd. (1975), 1975 CanLII 26 (SCC), 55 D.L.R. (3d) 676 at pp. 692-3, [1976] 2 S.C.R. 221 at p. 252, [1975] I.L.R. 1171, there was the following general reference to the significance of Rivtow Marine: "It is now settled by the judgment of this Court in Rivtow Marine Ltd. v. Washington Iron Works ... that recovery for economic loss caused by negligence is allowable without any recovery for property damage." 3. A concurrent or alternative liability in tort will not be admitted if its effect would be to permit the plaintiff to circumvent or escape a contractual exclusion or limitation of liability for the act or omission that would constitute the tort. Subject to this qualification, where concurrent liability in tort and contract exists the plaintiff has the right to assert the cause of action that appears to be most advantageous to him in respect ofany particular legal consequence. The validity of the elements he considered important in finding liability for pure economic loss (at p. 29): 1. Knowledge of the claimant as a specific individual or identity who is likely to suffer the damage as opposed to knowledge of a general or unascertained class ofpeople. 2. Not only must it be established that loss was probably foreseeable but the precise nature of the loss should have been foreseeable. 3. There must be a sufficient degree of proximity between the act committed by the tortfeasor and the injury complained of, that an ordinary right thinking person would feel that the tortfeasor is morally bound to compensate the victim (Caltex Oil Australian Property Ltd. v. the Dredge Willemstad). This has also been expressed in terms of sufficient proximity of the property to lead to a duty of care to the claimant. In my judgment, taken collectively, if not, perhaps, individually,[2] these elements demonstrate that sufficient proximity giving rise to a duty of care owed by the appellants (defendants) to the respondent (plaintiff) existed; the case is a compelling one for recovery of the loss claimed. In the exceptional circumstances of this case, I can find no reason in policy for negativing this duty or for denying recovery of the loss. In so saying I wish once more to emphasize that the issue before us is solely concerned with liability for pure economic loss suffered by the respondent (plaintiff) and not at all with claims of the same nature advanced by other users ofthe bridge. . L'Écuyer c. Quebec (Attorney General), 2014 QCCS 5889 (CanLII) . Kamloops v. Nielsen, [1984] 2 SCR 2, 1984 CanLII 21 (SCC) . See the The Queen in Right of Canada v. The Queen in Right of Prince Edward Island, 1977 CanLII 1726 (FCA) . See also the Dorset Yacht case. . B.M. (Guardian ad litem of) v. British Columbia, 2009 BCCA 413 (CanLII . Johnson et al. v. Adamson et al., 1981 CanLII 1667 (ON CA) . Principal Group Ltd. (Trustee of) v. Alberta, 1991 CanLII 6230 (AB QB) . Cumby v Snow and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 1986 CanLII 2421 (NL CA) . Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation v. Prisco, 1990 CanLII 5955 (AB QB) . It is within the U.N. policy that basic income is the means and method of satisfying a government's contractual obligation with the citizen under Article 25. See also Article 11 of the 1976 Covenant also confirming the obligation to "ensure" . A breach of the obligation is a criminal matter as a genocide offense. You could seek a class action remedy for breach of legislation and UN Charters that create the government's obligation. In determining a human right as to family and family members or individuals, we begin by observing the UN Charters that are relevant. We see Canada's obligations as signed yearly but certainly with out a doubt, there are commitments as a signatory member nation in 1948 and further commitments in 1976 as a regular and committed UDHR signatory. Article 25 of the UDHR guarantees sufficient individual finance for housing and all other necessities for a regular life as noted under Article 25. Article 25 of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights confirms the rights of the individual. Persons intent on raising families require sufficient Monetary supplements,finance and support. Mothers or individuals need a basic income under the UDHR to support the family, themselves and the child. Understand Article 25. The basic income is considered income for child support purposes. The United Nations Human Rights Conventions in the Canadian legal Jurisdiction that have an impact on communities and individuals: Click here to read more about Bill C-78 and how it relates to UDHR Article 25 and basic income. Article 12 of the noted convention is Canadian Law whether or not it appears in statute. This is also true for Article 25 of the UDHR. The child as a citizen will also benefit from the UDHR Article 25 guarantee once he turns 12 years of age and the funds will be applied to his personal bank account. e. The child’s views and preferences Canada is a party to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 12 of this Convention provides that governments should recognize that children who are capable of forming their own views, depending on their age or maturity, have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. Children are directly affected by the parenting decisions that parents and judges make about them. This proposed factor would require consideration of children’s views on issues that are important to them. It would also direct that courts and parents give weight to the child’s views in accordance with the child’s age and maturity.

Mass for Inspiration - March 31, 2019

If you were intending to participate in owning Angel Ronan(TM) like you were told, please buy the $1000.00 option to own Angel Ronan(TM) from Warren A. Lyon who is authorised to sell the only legitimate and legal option package. He is also the only one who can sell a full resolution Angel Ronan(TM) Photo Guide photo to you. Email:

Burn Out (2018) - Trailer (French)

The Sunday Mass - 3/31/19 - 4th Sunday of Lent

Garlic Toast with Charred Tomatoes and a Fried Egg - Eat Clean with Shir...

The Rise and Fall of the A380

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Why I Loved The 2019 Aston Martin Vantage!

LondonFog Knightsbridge II

Vote for the Constitution Party of the United States of America; Coming soon as financed by the Department of Homeland Security apparently as rumored. Their only policy is to serve the public with 100 percent pure , organic Constitution. This would amount to an ensured basic income. Former VP Bidden had more than 50 years to solve America's irregularities and 8 of these years were spent as a Vice President blowing up people personally from 20000 ft with UAVs in Syria and Iraq. As rumored, did you know the current First lady of the United States is not a citizen but she is a citizen now it seems? This is the final guaranteed minimum income/basic income solution you are looking for. These are the druids you are looking for. You are fighting yourself when you will not respect fixed and set economic principles with observable metrics and that work for every other nation that is intent on national pride. Do you have any; pride? You throw stones at a real white man named Adam Smith who was not trying to hurt you but help you Frodo. The only reason why capitalism could ever fail West of Calais is because there is a white nigger monkey running all the countries West of Calais or a very intelligent Engineer or School teacher who is hoping that you will learn by observation. Maybe it is Adam Smith; himself. He was really white. So, on learning by example ask what your nation would look like and feel like without the occupation by millions of people from other cultures and nations. Many Afghans in America have basic income and they also work in America but at half salary. The half salary is just gravy but the job used to be the duty and joy of an American who is now displaced. The Afghan says thank you to the white nigger running the world who said capitalism should expand in that part of the world and gave the Afghan people $70000.00 USD basic income per year. Thank you nigger! God bless ignorant white people. So in Along what you have learned, ask why you have no independent automotive manufacturing and virtually no independent manufacturing of any kind. You failed to respect two principles; one is commitment to total efficiency at any cost that usually involves less and less human labor. The result of less human labor was less people if you did not respect the second most important variable that was a guaranteed minimum wage or guaranteed minimum income/ basic income /supplement income per year for each citizen that would shield the citizen from the continued processes of mechanised labor also known as robotics. Now you have virtually no population and further north you go, the worse it gets as people struggle to survive in the cold all year long when there is insufficient monies to maintain survival without basic income. People will still work but when people die off who were laid off due to automation and robotics replacing human labor when finding another manufacturing or cashier job may take a while and Unemployment insurance is too temperamental, failing to ensure the Article 25 UDHR rights as required by law and if the socio-economic policies do not ensure the article 25 UDHR rights, it is a genocide offence contrary to national legislation under the Criminal Code of Canada and under US Code 50. $25000.00 basic income paid to citizens annually maintains the population and also the market that robotics in efficency is supposed to feed with superior robotically made goods. If not, you lose a citizen and you lose a buyer in your market without basic income; you lose many buyers. The Japanese did not argue with the principles provided by a real white man. They did not hesitate. It means a real white man can teach you something white nigger!! There is a sense of exclusion the Anglo is suffering without the ensured basic income that other people from UN compliant nations are enjoying. Were you waiting on an apology for being pushed off Stoke Park when your mass agrarian human labor became redundant and afe you looking for an apology for being pushed out of GM when your mass human labor was no longer necessary? You have a solution. You have a Law also that makes it mandatory that you have an ensured safe and secure life under UDHR Article 25 with basic income; awoh....see because! You run the country so don't talk about waiting for reparations. You also have a legal obligation to fulfill the UDHR requirement and ensure them in the lives of every citizen.

The Twilight Samurai (2002) - Seibei fights back

***[Samurai | Ninja Fight Sequence]*** [1/2]

Angel Ronan Lex Scripta(TM) is now Legal Warehouse(TM). It is a Law library. Call or email about your questions or needs. We can find something 100 percent relevant to help you.

Cristobal says Warren Augustine Lyon is loyal to Aragon and the Iberian Kingdom.

REVIEW: 2019 Porsche 911 (992) on track in Australia

The Porsche 911 GT2 RS MR | Chris Harris Drives | Top Gear

Meet the Finalists Houses of Parliament Design Competition Out of Many ...

New Action Movies Hollywood Full HD - The Best Hollywood Action Movies ...

Mike Tyson VS Jimmy Clark 1983 - First Big Test

The Sunday Mass - 3/31/19 - 4th Sunday of Lent

War of the Arrow || Best Action Movie scenes || Sort clip || Red Cliff

The U.K. cannot leave it's commitment to Somerset vs. Stewart. It cannot leave the Magna Carta, it cannot leave it's commitment to the UDHR and it cannot leave it's synonymous commitments to U.K. legislation that is a perfect mirror of the UDHR. Brexit was really about wanting to know if the English and Scottish people are paying attention. They are really genocide victims with Sellafield and the UDHR article 25 breach in particular as evidence. It is not that every white person or every native with or without an Afro born in...? a monkey. But, the phenomenon of England today is what happens when you give a white monkey authority who is born in...?.., you adopt them and then you teach them an English accent and then you see what has happened. Real white people in Europe have given their entire population basic income. In advocating white rights, it is best that we follow the real white people...and its good for the native people too and the black people who are really native people with Afros since white people who own property will rent more apartment units to non-white people and white people who own car dealerships will sell more vehicles in the universal application of basic income for the benefit of the entire population regardless of complexion.

Jamaica Magazine 29 03 0129

See the entire article. Use soft words as she cooks and loves to do it.

Did you know that if a Black Jamaican woman speaks to her daughter for more than 2 minutes on the phone, the mother is a gay? But, if she is Asian looking, then she can speak to her family in Singapore, China, Jamaica or in Minnesota no matter how Black or Afro they may be and where they have $60,000.00 basic income per citizen. This is good for the Jamaican American.

Whatever happens next in this world, we know Warren was the average, decent Law graduate. Have you heard of Legal Zoom? Have you heard of

The UDHR irregularities are the most important issue for Britain today; not Brexit. The English citizen does not have enough supplementary income/ basic income to maintain a dignified existence in an automated industrial world. Marseile is a dignified and quiet existence for first EU citizens. Any small EU town in the Republic of Ireland or main land Europe will provide a sufficient opportunity for an Anglo European who believes in the good that the EU represents as the EU is committed to the UDHR. There is enough for everyone.

Donald is a popular politician because he is a political outsider and God have him the right stumbling words as a mantra to confirm the right motive because America is not great. She is a rape victim. However, now he is no longer an innocent outsider but a culpable and guilty offender who is in office while guilty of genocide contrary to the legal obligations of any national leader. He has not amended the socio-economic irregularities plaguing America and that almost made a whore like Stormy a potential and credible candidate for the Democrats. The Democrats are no option regardless of the candidate they choose to challenge Donald's intimidation and maybe Donald will solve all of the irregularities plaguing North America, Canada also, on the day before the votes are cast.


Basic income is AUTHORITY. As basic income is the ensured confirmation of guaranteed Article 25 UDHR basic income rights at the highest political level we ask where and how or if the police services are ignoring the Criminal import evident in the absence of enforcement of the UDHR Article 25 legal obligation. Is someone trying to take advantage of your lack of . . . education? Is that person a politician? You are entitled to basic income. White people, native people too and some with Afros , are hurting. The appropriate sum for basic income would also consider the safety of the citizen in times of crisis or victimisation. Basic income is not only law but an economic necessity to even out the pay gap. It's a solution suggested by Samantha Zupan..apparently. What if you had to stay in a hotel die to a landlord that steals your ID or holds one of your children ransom? You would need about $100.00 per day for emergency hotel shelter possibly for a month or more while $25000.00 would satisfy needs of shelter and food with clothing as juxtaposed with reasonable recreational drug use habits and gambling as well as other vice along with the ultimate objective of raising families and reproduction in a world where human beings do not hurt white people or any people usually but sometimes they do it does seem. Basic income is law; it does say. Basic income satisfies the policy guidelines of ensuring the Article 25 guaranteed UDHR rights. It is not your job to worry about how much the government spends first and foremost. Your job is to worry about facilitating the legal objectives and priorities of the government to avoid domestic and international criminal liability. Basic income is a money making policy and is first priority above public transportation and public parks and recreation. There is always a public access lake front, a river or forest while such services remain in the top 7 of government priorities. The UN policy guidelines on Article 25 UDHR rights as guaranteed by the Canadian Constitution: It is very simple and appears in the materials your Canadian or American UN Ambassador reads every day. The government is to ENSURE the realisation of the UDHR rights in the avoidance of genocide offenses since the absence of evident work in ensuring the guaranteed right is the deliberate intent to orchestrate(mens rea) Netflix Ozark TV Drama scenarios in the deficiency of living standards and the deliberate construction of conditions of life calculated to bring about the population's physical destruction in whole or in part; that is the actus reus of genocide. Genocide is the failure of a government as follows: [G]enocide means ANY of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Crimes Against Humanity Act of 2009

Google: Chapter 50A of the United States Code.

Google "American Genocide Act" and then Google "American 2009 Genocide Legislation."

This just in; Doug proposes $25,000.00 bucks a citizen as an annual supplement income following further layoffs due to increased automation in addition to his buck a beer plan. This is about white rights and we will help the people of colour too; why not eh?? More white people will sell more vehicles and more pub dinners; eh!!

Tsutomu Ito, Meister, Leader of Grand Seiko Assembling.

FERRARI P80/C – The Most Extreme One-Off Design Ever

7x7; Donald? A triangle has 3 angles . All three angles add up to 180 degrees. If angle A equals 47 degrees and Angle B equals 43 degrees, what is the sum of angle C?" You are a graduate from prestigiousness and megastardom. What is economic success when your consumer market has no basic income and without it you are starving your market; starving sales? Bush took a conviction for Genocide on his own population and for war crimes in the Middle East also due to the pre-emptive strike. Obama passed the anti-genocide legislation although it was approved under Bush. All you have to do is go to jail for Clinton or stay out of jail and win an election with an emergency executive order for a small $23000.00 per year for basic income as a supplement income for Americans in non - basic income zones like Montana so you don't feel too much like Jesus and then the devil in the American system will manipulate you out of any small or large likelihood of a second term. It will be huge!!

How can you have inclusion without basic income? Jamaica Day 2019 A Step Towards Greater Inclusion and Participation

This just in; Angel Ronan (TM) is no longer a legal service. Angel Ronan Lex Scripta is now owned by another corporate entity. Please see for more. Angel Ronan (TM) as a business name is now owned by others and will be used to advise on the sale of coffee. Warren A. Lyon is only now a manager/director and he will help white people; black people too! He will also help Africans and Europeans. Are you European or African or are you Amerindian White or Amerindian Black?

Warren Lyon at Angel Ronan(TM) Lex Scripta points out that money and mobility are the two most important factors in preserving a population after automation takes mass socio-economic effect.

Angel Ronan Consulting proposed to Caricom the following simple principle in island building for mass housing whether or not it is a publicly funded project. It is to provide ideally 1350 square feet of living space on 500 square feet of land. This is an excellent guideline and simple designs can be employed for public use as mandatory building code designs for individuals intent on pursuing private retirement projects on their return home from basic income in America.

Click for adult: Yaree na na Yaree me. Country man a dig hole fe bury me. But, they fed me pancakes as nice women from Port Antonio and said I should work hard. They fed me from Westmoreland and from Accompong and from St. Elizabeth and we slept over and watched James Bond and the bible cartoons. They said from Jamajca and Barbados that they could be your mother and father and also they said from Guyana too that they could be your mother and father and if anything ever happened, they said they would be there and you could always live with them as such a cool kid. So, you when you work hard and end up at the Court as a lawyer and then tell them they don't have to go to jail, they say "..Blasphemy; he says we don't have to go to jail and plead guilty." This is because they are Herodians.