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March 23rd, 2023. By Nathan and Kenneth Maslow-Naed. Incomplete There seems to be some kind of human Hegemony Totem poll going on involving income support. The English are at the bottom. You have to comply with the UDHR Article 25 but what method in terms of amounts would you implement to comply; how much do you say you will pay your culture per citizen? Are you English? Are you Canadian? All human life matters. Have you watched the Real House Wives of Durban? I think I am worth as a South African about $50,000.00 USD per year. The sales tax will be....23% and the profiteers can get a whole percentage to themselves( 22% of sales tax daily for the people and the system to keep it going and 1% daily for the profiteers and they can continue to pretend that it is the people's bread or the people's salted pork. But, why is anyone making people secretly offer half of their income support entitlement before they get even one pound? Where does the other half go? Its a bit too public; what ever it is going on and instead of asking us to agree to half in our emotions before you make payment, just send what you think is best and sent it to everyone who has applied; not once but four times? However, it is best you send the whole allotment due to the citizen on application and take the play dough of a whole 1% from the daily sales tax collection. Send the income support money actually to every citizen automatically or else there is a gender equality issue and some other criminal law issues. Do you know people who cannot rest until they put their spoon with their saliva in the food intended for guests at a bridal party banquet? Is there a uh.....profiteer some where who can now see how he can do what he does without bringing catastrophe attention on to himself? I would help him manage this if given the chance. Did you know Warren is an Anglican Church member? He is also a Pentecostal Church member, a Baptist and he will be joining the Presbyterians soon also. Did you know any ALUSRA (TM) idea now sells for $1300.00 per week on a 50 year deal? Contact us and we will read your terms in the MOU. If we say "yes", then you will send payment to us on a weekly basis with their being an opportunity to discuss and work out details of contract with a signing of the final contract to take place within 90 days when a lump sum draft for 20 years worth of payments is due. Once this payment is made, the contract termination date will change from its 50 year anniversary to its 30 year anniversary with the rights of ownership to finally pass on the date of the final payment. The buyer can continue to pay down the balance with lump sums until this final payment is made. This could be done on the 100th day if they so choose. Co ownership will ensue until that final payment is made and Mr. Lyon will participate in the design, conceptual and actual development of the idea and work as a company administrator. Click here.

The 2020 Presidential election campaign on day one: The ten rationales to understand why basic income is absolutely necessary. See 12 to 100 here. You say you don't understand it as the citizen and leader of the greatest nation on earth. 1. The economy needs people and you don't seem to want to respect the importance of human life and the need for your propagation as maintaining national pride. Have a family with children for America. You are accepted and validated in spite of Wilma and Betty Byrde in Osark(season 2) who confirms that where she grew up, ''...Self annihilation was a religion.'' With drug use and several abortions and the deaths of many of her church and school friends before she was 17 years old, this was communal self- annihilation. He sister Susan fears that every man she is with will cheat on her with her daughter just as she cheated with her mother's boyfriend, husband and actual father. Her brother fears every woman he is with will cheat on him with his son just as he cheated with his father's girlfriend. Before the sister and the brother forgive themselves and allow everyone to relax, Charlotte Webb is born with normal expectation as to right and wrong as the child of the sister and the brother using a little salmon to ensure it worked. They were really only half -brother and half-sister anyway; like in the bible; Amnon and Tamar. The sister and the brother cheated with their She says, '' have no idea who I am.'' 1.1 Basic income preserves the citizen and the consumer to fulfill the key point of human involvement in an economy of machined made and industrially produced goods. The best example is a world of washing machines or similar other machines that remove human beings, let us say Americans, from the labor process. Once they are satisfactorily removed from the labor process, there is no need to treat them as if they are bad, lazy and wrong human beings who are some how despicable and better off dead when there is nothing for them to do. It is not their fault. 1.a It is not anyone's fault. It is our collective decision to put the washing machine or some other machine in place to do the labor of a human. 1.1b A job previously held by a human is now taken by a machine. 1.1c The job means income and money for the human being to maintain car payments, house payments and maintain family expenses such as the feeding of children. It means activity and stimulation for the economy. Without the job, the human being is displaced from the economy and there is no certainty as to how soon the human being will find another before the mortgage payment becomes due. Automation is on going. Basic income means sufficient activity and stimulation for the economy; economic stimulus. Basic income preserves or protects the human being from the attrition that automation causes in taking jobs that consumers rely on for money to remain in involved in their own home economy. Once the job is lost to the attrition of automation, you see a loss in human beings who face this attrition. Without money, they move away or just disappear in the desperation that displaces and then replaces them with human beings who do not need any job and nor do they need the money. They already have money as they have basic income money from the country where they originate in Asia usually or from Europe who come to America . 1.1c.1. But, essentially the North American economy should not be dependent on these basic income tourists or economic visa missionaries who open thousand's of restaurants and rent 1000's of condos turning Toronowandacouver into an Asia-aradise or an Asiaoasis. The condos are vacant but the average North American cannot afford them without basic income although they were built for anyone to move in and enjoy. Sze Sze!! This is to show us how they do it in Puerto Asia. Even if they come, the likelihood of them making any money in a restaurant is diminished by the reluctance of North American governments to put in a regular and standard, non-biased basic income that protects all North American citizens from the affects of automation and that, as a policy, helps the entire economy with the stimulus necessary to keep all citizens safe and secure in the automated economy that affects everyone at no fault of their own but with their tacit consent and consumer feedback to see and enjoy more reliable, durable and dependable products that satisfy their human need but that may lead to more unemployment as human labor is not required to the same extent after automation's ability to save company's trillions in human employment expense, salary, training and benefit costs. Is the goal to exterminate the American or to see the American enjoy his economy like citizens of Japan or Europe or Russia and all other compliant UN nations? But, compliance with the international laws in guaranteeing safety and security is not entirely up to the President. Bills can be proposed by any member of congress. An idea for a bill may come from anybody, however only Members of Congress can introduce a bill in Congress. Bills can be introduced at any time the House is insession. There are four basic types of legislation: bills; joint resolutions; concurrent resolutions; and simple resolutions. A bill's type must be determined. How a Bill Becomes Law | Congressman Frank Lucas . We have seen the Democratic response on this issue. The Republicans are the only party who have officially written compliance to the UNDHR into US Law as seen in FDR's Second Bill of Rights. The Republicans in recent years may not have done all that we would hope but only a national policy as to basic income will satisfy the UNDHR international legal compliance so that the US and Canada might have moral authority. The Democrats appear to be working and magnify the pretense of change while nothing changes although it is simple. With this Republican, nothing may have changed as yet but it is better than the stylish media pretense that we have seen with more than 20 years of a Democratic POTUS since 1976. In setting up a new government regime in Iraq after the end of the Gulf War, the Obalmy Government ensured that the new government was UN compliant in satisfying international law and the UNDHR which was part of the US mandate as a caretaker nation managing the lives of multi-complexioned , multi skin-toned Iraqis and some have afros. It was a fulfillment of the non-bipartisan mandate that began under George W. Bush along with his father to bring peace and a humane regime to that land. It was an international effort but afterwards, the Iraqi ended up with a better average standard of living above and beyond any Anglo any where in the world; including Ireland where they do have basic income. How does this happen? It is because the Anglo on average, the same person dying to be white, has to be genetically a criminal who is willing to pay for the honor of being a citizen in a land known as the greatest nation on earth, but they do not have the greatest standard of living in comparison to the average Iraqi , French, Irish or German or Russian or Montenegrin who also has $70,000.00 Euros per citizen. Only thieves or criminals would steal honor but not have a way of life in the allegedly greatest nation that meets the honor bestowed upon them. We honor the Nato badge and all service personnel who are honored in wearing it who fight; fight for our freedoms. The Iraqis have basic income at $70,000.00 usd per year per citizen from the age of 10 years old to the age of death. So, whether or not you have a Republican or a Democrat in the Red House, afterwards, whether or not something is done by the movement of a pen or by the power of a Navy Seal oath to defence the vulnerable, you will have a law and a constitution afterwards that provides us with the answer as to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control and as to domestic tranquility for the people by the people as set out in the preamble of the constitution where such domestic tranquility is fulfilled in the life of every American with basic income. Now, if John Coltrane or Notorious B.I.G could be the relative of George Washington, I don't know. But George Washington was part native and part black and he know this from dna samples. Our earliest art work as to his hair texture confirms that it was woolen. In either case, Democrat or Republican, we know our answer and it is as simple as apple pie and ice cream being divided up to satisfy a multi-complexioned Sunday School in Tallahassee Georgia. Everybody gets a bump of the pie, Creflo and Orville too, and some nice cold Ice cream. Whatya waitin fuh with givin' your indentured servant minded selves the basic income? You foot the majority of the bill for the U.N.(United Nations) as you pay for the right to live but you get nothing really for it except but association to your Lords from the compliant nations? The 13th amendment is also a UNDHR violation as cruel and unusual punishment. That guy who is the Angel Ronan(TM) Scholar wrote about it before as it amounts to a nullification of the constitution itself but Hilarious Robthem Clubthem is subject to the risk of slavery under the 13th amendment as a criminal under the 1917 Espionage Act. This is the rather unusual lacuna in law that you are addressing in the context of American jurisprudence. The 13th amendment is ultra vires vis a vis the U.S. Constitution but also the UNDHR and anyone incarcerated indefinitely under that 13th amendment provision is entitled to significant compensation but must also be released with the sentence being ''time served'' and given his basic income possibly in Minnesota or Denver with keys to a public housing unit. What are you like? The dichotomy between what you do in excellent military gear and uniforms around the world with great aplomb vs. what you understand about what you do and pay for everyone else except but yourselves is over now my niggahs. What are you like? Maybe this Republicain should stop following the most prestigious, one of the oldest and most chicanerous, well fed Scalawags in the Caribbean that says put the right basic income answer on your mobile phone as to the provision of basic income for the citizens and fool the people with the emotion of the solution being credited to each North American's bank account electronically once a month but at least the sense of something being done is achieved and the vote, they hope, will be cast for that deceptive, initially well intended Mephibosheth who would hold the scepter of Israel and the Royal law to do unto others as he would have them do unto him but only to be corrupted absolutely with an absolute misunderstanding of the limited power he has rather and absolutely yet only to kill, steal and destroy to the benefit of his Creole Anglo Guyana base of race-sick people. Now, its pointing to a third party because you could keep the ''Vietnam Westmoreland cut out'' Ex -Cop you currently have who strikes the pose and who gots the look in spot number 2 as deputy Mephibosheth but as a VP or Deputy Commander in Chief, you are not blameless as the putative beneficiary of a JW Stalemate, constitutional asphyxiation and US legal system inert gas asphyxiation game on a Catholic, Jewish President who ran into and was blindsided by the wall of JW indentured victimhood working in both major parties only to be left with the good duties of polishing brass and the handing out of brass in great celebrious moments of reverent Americana with fake news and fake Judges and fake juries putting away our natural expectation of America's constitutionality working again so that America might be great again while the double jeopardy law usually works in Pennsylvania for any American human being who went to Penn State University. But Pince as number in the line of presidential succession if something was to happen to POTUS looked good commemorating Truman's work in the medicaid program and it was hoped that a national UBI program for UN compliance was going to be announced right afterward as an extension of national health policy or at least of the mandate but under a different department so that PINCE and THUMP could get the historical exoneration of something that has been delayed for too long in an amazing emotional calculation that centres on a resentment of a received culture as if shopping for squirrel meat or ground beef instead of hunting for squirrel meat was going to take your hijabs away or your determination and way of life away; that is so that maybe you would have to buy a house or something or one of those new potties called the ''Number 2'' that collects your stool also known as your ''poop'' and processes it in a generator built within to produce a methane gas with a constituent element breakdown so that it is capable of powering a fuel cell to produce electricity off the grid sufficient enough to power your home for 3 days( patent pending Warren A. Lyon) and it is looks like a toilet in a square shape that would look just fine in your basement toilet. It takes three 9 volt batteries to get it going but would be self powering after one poop with its own on board lithium-ion battery system that would recharge with the electricity produced. A regular a/c power cord runs from the box with a three female plug socket on the end where you can plug Dollar store power socket into it and run your washing machine or your entertainment system with the power generated. The suggested cost is $10,000.00( patent pending and all intellectual property rights belong to Warren A. Lyon for his concept and design). It could sell at Home Depot for instance. One poop is worth three days of energy. The on board battery can hold up to 9 days worth of energy regardless of the number of ''poops'' in the system. Please Contact Warren A. Lyon at Angel Ronan, Greenfield Urban Law Firm for licensing or sales inquiries or at Glory!!!! By the time Herod's mother was born in Britannia , all of Israel had already seen a Roman toilet. This was new to Herod's Briton people and to Herod also. You keep it clean with the usual household cleaners. MSN Suggests Pince is the next president but who would really spend money and raise funds on any campaign to do what he and his boss have been unable to do and that they could have done possibly with the help of a $80,000 per year state benefits officer($60 thousand ubi+$20 thousand employment income) from some state in the US that has a no -racialising basic income program for all of its citizens just like the no-racialising medicaid? If you don't want to call a local plumber or janitor or state benefits officer or a national benefits officer, then maybe call a French Functionaire to help you start your program up and they will throw the brochures in for free as designed by the same graphic designer who works for Audi and Citroen maybe. What do you think? Mr. Donald tear down these walls; the walls of ignorance and race dividing your mind and the mind of Obalmy too it seems. I would make a bet that if Obalmy really believed Black lives matter, he would not have been close enough to the fulcrum running through America to play he charade game successfully. He is more of a Childish Gambino ''shoot the choir'' music video vs. the ''Like a prayer'' music video but it helps you swivel through what illness is simmering in the illegal under funding of the average American's life that is now rising to the surface beyond any seen or unseen drug induced emotional suppression of the economic desperation in packaged foods and drink . Allegiance; the real issue with whole sorry lot of them is that they do not respect other people's dreams in the American dream but even so, they need to respect and maintain the law that is American and also international as enforce by America. The rumor is that PINCE, to help a blind man in the UK that offered his penis to own Ronan Patrick(TM), has refused to buy it as offered but intends to kill the creator to own it since he cannot understand how anyone owns it but the blind man did not say that anyone was to die for the trademark so that the blind man named Pool Siloam might own it but that he would own it by any processes of law necessary and he wants to buy it for the $2.1 million dollar offer made by the creator and intellectual property owner. So, give me the Newcastle moneh!! But, if you cannot register your own name and love yourself enough to keep your penis, how disabled are you really and how will you run it or manage it to keep yourself where ''you're Great!'' like Tony; the Tiger? Warren does not even own Angel Ronan(TM) any longer. But, he does own Ronan Patrick(TM) Litigation where they do sexy work with the kung fu punch!! Don't make applications to do what Warren is doing with the business names Warren created. If you believe you can do it better, then run your own and register your own name you Arawak who hates papered formality even for business and don't need to hire any graduate like him. Hire uneducated people just like you who would offer their appendages and who use other people's essays. No; a third party with that woman named Jill might do just fine with all of the logical back up of the 1st class Americans who live in basic income states and who still put bibles in the Hotel drawers who have to spend a lot of time helping over sexed and over drugged affection and intimacy starved grandsons and daughters of Paul Bunyan who need a bumpkin informal union or a registered one by arrangement maybe and the basic income. These good people in basic income states also help gay couples who became gay in the economic desperation who are stupid enough to register their gay union and rob banks as a sign of self-determination for property survivor-ship reasons when they should just maybe register the property as a joint tenancy in a basic income jurisdiction and the job pension with a nominated non-family member beneficiary in the case of death of the employee. A minimum safety and security is required for the average woman to contemplate a family, a husband and children. But, broken and desperate people would bring into a theoretically stable governmental system a brokenness and a desperation to create a broken, desperate system. Donald, however, was right in all guttural exuberance when he said the American dream is dead but, broken, desperate, dead people with cigars being used for something other than smoking brought not only the dream down but the minimum dignities expected of citizenry to the point where we would now hear that slick Willy also known as former President Willsome Jabthem Clubthem call the American system The Mystery of Our Faith where ever he may be in Arkansas trying to find other ways to ride America into his confession as to his pretense and pretending about his formal education as former President Willsome Jabthem Clubthem who was in office from 1992-2000 but who never left his covert war against America as the King of the scalawags; after all!! This safety and security is legally required by Article 25 of the UN Declaration on Human Rights which says: Article 25. (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. 1.1c.1a. Automation causes human attrition in its blessed efficiency that leads to human job loss and money loss in the life of the human being. Article 25 confirms the legal protection for the human being against the effects of such blessed technology that leads to the technological redundancy of the human being in technological attrition . 2. The Basic income is precisely measurable as a factor of the monies and energies saved in the use of automation technologies on the production side of the economies that must be balanced like with any other equation with the same monies placed on the consumer side of the economy. It is not all of the monies saved as most of it is turned into immeasurable profit with no more over time hours, sick leaves and maternity leave or pensions or health benefits to worry about. Why, you sick? Take a panadol then! The basic income is 20% of the monies saved in automation and it is distributed to every citizen in Europe and every citizen in Asia to ensure a bustling Parisian civility in Shanghai instead of the Book of Eli earmarked for 2020 if the North Americans do not get out of perpetrating a war of economic self extermination on the average North American. Did you know Lord Kelvin was a tutor for Marx and Marx was a philosophic guide to Lenin? Marx and Lenin implemented a basic income in the European industrial nations as of 1870 in keeping with the civic tradition of a disbursement dating back to Roman times and also maintained by Charlemagne in the expanse of their quiet, God fearing Euro civilization since if we are to have life, we need to have life more abundantly. Have some machine-made 90% Africa or Kenyan Dark Cocoa Chocolate. I love it when it is dark and a little sweet. It takes 30 seconds to dissolve lovingly in your mouth and is good to enjoy in some baked goods like a swiss chocolate bun in your Jenn-Air oven. The recipe is not for the double minded but for those who are decisive, swift and who will have white European benevolence, endurance , wisdom and association that implemented no- racialised socio-economics in the modern world. If this 20% of the energy or monies saved is not placed on the consumer side of the economy, you see the goods, the vehicles and the televisions and the washing machines pile up at the warehouse or at the shop or at the dealership's stock yard and without basic income money now earmarked reasonably at $80,000.00 per year per citizen in North America, the honest American who is no longer a hard working American simply because he is not needed to work is left out of the economy as he does not have the monies to participate. You want them to buy houses and venture into the high end vehicle market if they can depending on where they live and how they cooperate as families. The washing machine is great but the Honest North American does not have the participatory remuneration to buy the machine. The robotically assembled A7 is good but the Honest North American does not have the participatory remuneration to buy the machine. Soon, he disappears after resorting to a life of obeying his new police chief named Del who is really a Mexicali Cartel enforcer. More Asians show up who have the basic income. Marty Byrde and his family disappears and who knows where they are but you get used to not asking. In fact, maybe he is in Belize with the Mad Dogs spending time in a drug dealer's son's villa. This is because they did not have enough constant remuneration to participate in their own North American economy. But, Marty Byrde, if he is really honest, should have gone to Minnesota or Kansas. The Movie Lawless is not economic policy but a fool's dream if he plans to resurrect that nonsense. There are forces at work beyond our control working in a colourless human value in the power of the perfect spirit of international capitalism. That home next door was owned by a white family in 1957 for the first time. Now, an Asian family moved in from Pakistan; part Native too and then if you noticed, the condos are really being built for a replacement Asianised Great Lakes native community who speak an Asian language(Sze Sze !! Namaste!!) but who really want to honor their ancestors' fishing grounds around the Great Lakes! The government, in its commitment to International capitalism, and contrary to your hatreds for those educated in North American free schools regardless of complexion who you resist after high school graduation , are bringing 100,000's of people who have basic income and who have no commitment to English but who will buy hockey jerseys any way I suppose. What happened to Bach, Samuel or Braech from grade 12 at Laurier or Jefferson High School? The answer is that he offered to do anything he was told by unscrupulous people so that he could get all the cash and all the reasonable job offers he could up to the age of 40 years old. He has some children but is not a father in their live and he was really indicative of the disappearance of the average North American family in favor of its replacement by people who have no idea what is really going on but who will have children and grand children by 40 years old and who really have no intention of leaving the 5 bedroom house they have in the North American ice belt that is financed on a 70 year deal at $1000.00 per month with some developer but it is a secret but it is registered to them. The issue is your eschewing of racism in school that is turned upside down and into a racialising of the job prospects for continued celebration of North American life and the Perfect Spirit of International Capitalism does not agree so you race-minded, people are being disappeared with resort and cruise ship deals and with foods, alcohols and beers that the replacement Asianised and Cousin population do not eat or drink. The Joke is on you brother but look around; Sze Sze!! Now, get out of that house you don't own; final warning! Participatory remuneration is a phrase coined by Warren A. Lyon to explain the necessity of a certain regular stipend or monies being distributed to citizens who are encountering this process of work displacement caused by machines. A factor of the monies saved in the automating processes year after year must be provided incrementally to the human being, the American human being, year after year to ensure a minimum human safety, security and dignity is maintained in the life of every North American. The life depicted in the Ozark Netflix tv show is not far fetched and nor is it a solution in life in an economics of desperation but arises in the media with a, higher than 70%, plausibility or probability. Where did all of the Americans go? Look at all of the Chinese and Gujarati food in the supermarkets? Look at all of the halal food? Look at all of the Latino South American foods? This is because economies serve the people that are alive enough to be served. Look at all of the road signs all over San Diego and Washington State? It is not that we do not like sushi and more ho fun noodles per square mile for the ''at your front door' of the amazing simmering Asian flavorful combinations. But, the issue is the distortion in the human population, the imbalance in the human population and the disproportionate reliance on the foreign consumer and the foreign business man and entrepreneur who is well funded with his basic income. They are foreign nationals and not North American and naturalizing them to be North American and to have direct influence on your politics before you would just fund the North American population on a raceless colourless basis is just spurious and anathema to the perfect spirit of international capitalism as if the Asian countries do not give basic income to people of colour with afro or to any kind of people with color. They certainly do give people of colour basic income regardless of complexion and hair texture. 3. As to technology, there is a symbiotic relationship between man and machine that is on-going. We have to respect that machines are continually taking away much of the work that involved any kind of human dexterity such as the work of the cashier, the airport check in is another example where, as a participant, you only have to ensure you packed bags that comply with size and weight. The fast food restaurant is happy to take your order at a machine terminal. The restaurant's profits have gone up since there is less American style human desperation in cash handling. The basic income buffers and inoculates the human being from this on-going removal of the human being from the marketplace so that the human being will continue to have enough resources to remain in his key purpose as the buyer of goods made by machines and as the recipient of services made available by machines. 4. Basic income is an extension of medicaid /universal health care in the North American government's mandate. It enables the guarantee of domestic tranquility, safety and security on a universal basis. 5. Basic income is a modern capitalist economic requirement to ensure sufficient economic stimulus in the economy while automation is taking economic activity away from the market with fewer people employed and it also takes jobs away from the job market place and with the jobs taken , money is taken away from the hands of the consumer. Did you know Lord Kelvin was a tutor for Marx and Marx was a philosophic guide to Lenin? This is a loss in consumer buying power. This lessening of money in consumer hands that leads to a loss in consumer buying power has to be stopped with a regular financial supplement that props up the economy in propping up the consumer. The idea is that at no less than $3100.00 dollars a month for 12 months, the consumer has enough to maintain himself in a hotel and with the food for an entire month if necessary and to also travel if needs be. 6. Without basic income, the economy has seen the effects on its own citizenry that do not have the constant buying power while this had led to a dependence on another population from Asia primarily in North America that has the basic income and also the buying power the economy is happy to enjoy on a race-less and color-less basis. 7. To avoid UN and International Criminal Court charges for genocide, Basic income has to be implemented in the nation's compliance with the UNDHR; article 25. 8. Every modern industrial nation has a basic income; including Holland and Sweden that benefits all citizens regardless of race and complexion. South Africa has a basic income that benefits all South Africans regardless of race or complexion. 9. To avoid UN and International Criminal Court charges for genocide, Basic income has to be implemented in the nation's compliance with the UNDHR; article 25. 10. Basic income is a requirement of modern aggressive capitalist economic strategy to enable the economy's need for sufficient monies in the hands of consumers to enjoy the end product and to participate in the tremendous endeavor of satisfying the human need for better, safer and more satisfying products. But for the human joy of driving, who would ever build a Bugatti? The human being must be maintained in the economy with sufficient monies regardless of every unmanned job or function facilitated by technological automation as previously held by a human being in the workplace as the human being is the first and foremost and only priority in the economic endeavor. We do not build cars with machines for the joy of machines but they are built for the joy of human beings. Do you speak Bocce? Click here as this is where we are headed. Ask Alexa or google. Just ask if they speak French: Click here: The emotion of lost hegemony in your own national backyard is real when the increased Asian presence is innocent and not deliberate but to Big boy or people like Buck who like to FbadworK, people like him, it translated into increased Asian hegemony in your own national back yard in the obedience to simple economic logic. It begins first with less of you and your family although the family values are on the supermarket shelf. It could begin with June Cleaver reading Cosmopolitan which sows dissatisfaction with herself and the simplicity 30 second joy of regular coitus with one special person and the sharing of a coffee maker and all of life's discussions up to the age of 200 years old whether or not you have purple heart or a Harley Davidson. But, Cosmopolitan or no Cosmopolitan June Cleaver regardless of complexion , like most other women, enjoy talking about the routine and the routine for the family and they feel like Doctoral candidates, possibly Black Female Presidents, doing it even if they have no other education probably just because it is right and Daddy has the EQ of the Brit Milah focused on her although he did not implement maximum automation at the automotive plant to compete with Toyota and Honda's Total automation manufacturing because he believed people should live by the sweat of their brow and he did not understand basic income yet so they kept as many humans in jobs that were already automated by the automotive competition in the 1970's who took 30 % of the North American car market in the first year they started selling their vehicles in North America. It is near 70% today. The American loses his jobs anyway to automation since if the American product sells less as enjoyed less by the consumer since it is sold less often as it is less preferable as made with less automation and less robotic efficiency, durability and reliability, there is little work at the American car manufacturing plant but more work at the Japanese Car manufacturing plant and less ''America is great again'' feeling especially in the American home but if the American home had basic income , they would still feel great again since job loss due to automation whether it is an American car company or a Japanese car company is inevitable but it should not also mean the loss of the North American family and the North American human being and the former car plant worker is instructed to go to Minnesota for basic income while some people thought trying to run them out of America or exterminate them was a solution as a unique group of 70 year old former Automotive workers. No; basic income is the solution. But, he is a good man; her routine loving husband with a routine loving wife. Can You fix America? Can you kick it? Yes We Can! Yes you can! But, just pass Donald the solution to the skill testing question on the wining cereal box contest. He can solve it if he cared to do it since white native men and German Audi men write soo many intelligent magazines on the issue who are also wealthy and also non-racialized recipients of basic income and if I only wanted Israeli or in other words Audi association regardless of my personal racial sickness and oscillation in public, then I would put in the basic income. Now, Donald seems to believe it is good to hug and celebrate our imitation of Americana where all peoples are celebrating Huckleberry Finn( a new movie rendition set in the current era coming out that works like Bronx Tale or Drive or The Spectacular Now) and where we feel the joy and prayer of Mark Twain with all peoples regardless of complexion and I have no doubt, they believe as he believes that they should show up as dignified Anglo Americans or maybe as Hispanic Americans with basic income in an age of industrial automation. It will exonerate every criticism and every slander and defend him against every video clip of his drugged political and public stupor while campaigning for America to be great again! He got into politics as both a Democrat and a Republican and refused any national solution called ubi until someone Caribbean Creole dna and a non-orthodox Judaic Christian dress sense and hair cut said it should be 2020 that we see basic income in America while he confesses to be racially sick. He wants to see what Black people do or will do. But, basic income was required incrementally as early as 1957 or even earlier as dating back to 1901 in America. Racially sick people are bums though who have to have sex with a black girl and then who knows what happened afterwards but maybe they are sent to the Bahamas to give birth and to live in a nice posh condo for the racially sick. But, to make America feel great again, the average American has to feel great again and after near total industrial automation the answer is ubi/basic income. For June Cleaver to stay home as she wants to and feel good, not threatened and feel great again and not resort to the survival game offered to Darlene Snell or Wendy Byrde , she needs to have sufficient monies or the family has to have sufficient monies in a basic income. June Cleaver does not want to become Wendy Byrde. Basic income is the solution. It is the only Godly solution followed by all other industrial or modern nations that include Israel as a UN signatory nation at $20,000.00 usd equivalent in basic income. The biggest issue rolling through any economy or society is the power of not knowing how to manage your emotions with insufficient education and also not knowing how to calculate your reactions to new technological phenomena that makes you feel initially excluded as a human being regardless of your appearance and this puts pressure on everyone again; maybe also a desperation to fit in and to be accepted. Look at all of those $100,000.00 to $300,000.00 vehicles being bought, leased and certainly driven by so many happy young Asian people over night. Where do they.... how do they.... must be the basic income? We have it too now for UN compliance although it is quite late but is legally required on an incremental basis as of 1948 as we hope to maintain our seat in the U.N. without sanctions. We die as soldiers to bring this expectation to other peoples in the world and their lives although we must ensure our own people are not overlooked as its necessity grows imperatively in an increasingly automated world. Now, imagine in 1901 or in 2018, Russia and America decide to pit their approaches to civilization side by side. The French come along also. There is not work to be done as they start up make shift settlements with prefab buildings and packaged food and water. After all of the building is done, there is no work except for market stall attendants or shop/store managers. The French and the Russians put in some disbursements. The Americans following the English decide to find a woman and try to sell her $20.00 per electric cowboy. The men in the area and the women decide to dig for precious rocks to sell to a gold smith. It takes a while to find tin but he does not really need it but...they get a $1.00 an ounce. The Russian and the French build a shopping mall in four months with enough money running through their settlement. The English are digging at $1.00 an ounce and send the women to dig wells and pick cactus and to hunt after any wild life they may find. In four more months, the Russians build a highway and import motor cars. The Americans have died off. It is not a deliberate increase in the Asian presence or a deliberate increase in Asian hegemony vs. non-Asian American hegemony but what is it that you did really want anyway when we are all at fault for not paying attention to what was the true meaning of cheaper Asian labor which was not slave labor but simply automation( see David Byrne's 2001 video for the song Lazy with X press 2 entitled ''Lazy'' '''' and nor was it a sweatshop but your companies and your investors and your corporate managers sent our RCA, Motorola, Kodak, Westinghouse and Polaroid jobs to Asia but maybe, again, not deliberately but in a recognition for the reactionary behavior of the average American to automation who may have decided that he was keeping himself in a job as long as possible when destroying a robot or a conveyor belt and then bringing his 6' 8'' relatives in to do the work by hand since, without asking anyone, it made compulsive sense to him in the impulse as a grandson of Walter Reuther some how and this is the particular problem we are dealing with right now! So, you see what we a deal wit!! There is a rather significant equation at work here with automation and a territorial occupation being the final answer and the given result. But, water quality and air quality and birth rate seem to indicate that not even the authoritatively positioned and under educated average white American decision maker is necessarily invited to the Anglo, maybe totally Hispanic North American future although the dna would still be North American native aboriginal but not the Anglo in his indecision about the value of human life in his understanding of the bible he is thumping and in thumping the bible, he should be solving the socio-economic application of a simple problem really and this really has nothing to do with education or complexion. Those little things are distractions. fictions rather, when God has bestowed upon you, oh good white native man, the hour of decision but also the benevolence to make the decision affecting your peoples as to the immediate receipt of basic income, the value of your wife's dignity (Job 20 or UN 90 ) if not the value of human life and how much per year and nothing else. A European man would not be hesitating. It's simple for a German or a French man or an Asian. It is logical but if it is not logical to you, then where did all of the White native people go? Let us go to Webster Grove or that other bustling Americana suburb. Let us see if there are any peepo( as in people). Say how much it should be per year. Tell me about Jesus in America; Glory!!! Can I get an Amen? Now, the only white man that self-identifies as nothing else but white is a native since what happened to his Latino language, his Irish, French, Italian or German or English or Belgian, Russian or Lithuanian ancestry? No; hold on. Maybe he melted his culture down and became an American and now suffers the same identity crisis as the White native; the American who has to orphan himself and his culture to go up and celebrate an Latino Anglo version of Americana that is evidently self-effacing in the root experience of the native who offered children to the colonialists to ensure that their dna would make it into the emerging new built and constructed world full of edifices, wheels, pulleys, brick roads, economic solutions, the Ponts, the bridges and steeples. So, what do we do now Walter Reuther? Yehua! This is the particular problem we are dealing with. Yehua! Walter Reuther was born in Montego Bay. But, most white natives kill that creature who identifies as nothing else but white in a self annihilation. You heard what Wendy Byrde said since he or she is usually a rather illiterate being and people take his or her teeth where ever they can and they seem to be engaged in a social game of an oscillating acceptance and rejection as they kill them selves with any abusive and self destructive behavior. It is a legal entitlement so that you might partake in the honor of kingdom although you call yourself a King all day long and what does that really mean if you do not have a stipend paid to you by the government and collectively so since are we not all royalty like our Alaskan and Minnesotan colleagues in the domestic tranquility? But who would turn the solution into a 'merican color discussion that exists no where else in the world? They have bibles too but not the stalemate on such a simple discussion. It should be simple here in North America when many of us know we are part Eskimo with Iroquois and sometimes the kid came out looking like Söljskär - Bygdeband Jap Stam or Van Nistelrooy. It is a simple solution really with the equation at work and unnoticed by those who only seem to want the power and the attention in our dear system where we hold certain truths to be self evident and where we also celebrate them. Hilarious Robthem Clubthem has a massive warehouse of clothing as she meditates on the emperors clothes but what about his people and the comparative honor of his people before other world leaders? The solution is simple. There is an equation at work. This is so in addition to the variable of territory with the Anglo North American regions also being the given answer as to the territory in the equation. William Jabforfun Clubthem is Jacob, the Kansas city mob boss and Marty Byrde who professes how he left the Red House broke although it's a fact with all of the cash put into his foundation on his last day in the Red House. This is a veiled discussion of the White Water land deal that never succeeded. The lands have been returned by the Federal government to the original owners and the native reservation involved. Thank you for confirming America is an adulterous nation in your apologies and you took a lot of desk hours to confirm the same with the best cuban cigars deep down inside deep deep down inside. You may know the song. It is a good and innocent approximation for PK kids who kept the final variable in mind and who would not feel too awkward or square with the latino rhythms. Now, back to your amazing Joker TV Show entitled Logic vs. the Joker. Thank you for your book entitled The President is Missing so what's next? Did a Mexican resident or a resident of the Middle named Jesus or Skywalker or Runningwater write the Ozark Net FLix series or did you and Obalmy write it as an exoneration for politicians while it is also tremendously telling for everyone? Is he your son? Are you the real David Duke? Did you see his photo on the wall in the Bourne Identity movie? No? Oh. It was a good movie! Anyway, you work hard. The North American people deserve a break from your lap dancer and lapses at the wheel as supreme leader. Palpatine died and so did the..but you have not seen the movie yet I suppose. The unresolved variables involve The People and if it is not going to be the Anglo American people so be it but maybe wait until the country is 60% Muslim and then turn the Constitution on and the basic income the constitution is demanding for domestic tranquility maybe since you don't believe in it except but as an obstruction to your ways maybe, I don't know. What is it that you did really want? So, in spite of the type of people chosen, basic income is the requisite socio-economic variable that the said people must have to occupy the territory. But, if most of us are 1/4 Asian by now as we get more pale in turning an Ojibwe man into a Clark Kent, then so be it or maybe into a Samoan type of looking Afro native; I don't know. But, after becoming white, you are not supposed to say ' I will live in white authority, under educate and dis-enable myself and my community and never read a book or go to school and never understand how to buy a house just to see the white authority that I understand as killing, stealing and what the European maybe did in establishing his position to command and to build with the musket or rifle in hand or at least this is the evidence I have as a white native except but now I need some victims in my new world and I will use the black ; also part native like me so that I will be equal but I am only devaluing myself when the black as my victim in this game of charades is also a native like me but then the European was also once a native on the cusp of an emerging and received Afro Egyptian culture re-branded as Roman but you are not a Jedi yet. This culture in its efficiency demanding culture is requiring all human beings to have a basic income with no racialising and Herod may have been the first to put his complexion as a Pict beside his authority in hoping to overcome what he knew as the indigenous, local and real Davidic, Judaic and more afro haired authority while Herod was red faced and dark haired like the Cheddar man as we understand the Cheddar man. He compared his hair to Yeshua's hair where he said Yeshua's hair was like the cotton plant. '' So, the equation looks like this: Anglo American territorial occupation = Industrial and Service automation+ people of some kind from somewhere+basic income. You and I presumed it would be you, the Anglo American in your territory but the map, the map is not the territory but let's have a rap battle. You decide. Even if greed and the 'fear of inactivity' are terrified that there will be too much inactivity for either to be satisfied, this is not so. Greed also requires a sufficient amount of money in the economy for greed to work; for there to be a sufficient number of deals, sales and interactions between peoples to enable the Bugatti dreams and the champagne and caviar tooth aches. Actually caviar or fish eggs are quite good actually. Do you know white men are really intelligent? I read the difficult magazines they write all day long. With this intelligence and the evident basic income solution, the question is one of theoretical and practical solution vs. practice. It is your deeper theory that lay within your practice. The issue is that your companies also responded compulsively in impulse along with the government that financed the early and low level automation in America that met with resistance in the average industrial worker that resulted in criminal damage to corporate property. Now, this does not say you will also now create a cultural imbalance on your shores as you ignore the need of the non-Asian consumer in North America who could also be a business owner leasing space in downtown Boston with the same amount of basic income as his Asian counterpart but someone in the US has to decide that there are Americans paying attention and the money and energy it takes to process an Asian basic income resident is US money and energy; the same energy it takes to process American citizens for a U.S. passport application yet the basic income is to be processed automatically once the American turns 12 years old just like the Asian citizen and they will receive the monies once they open a bank account and so will grandma and the former 6'8'' industrial worker who did 3 years jail time for destroying a Ford robot in January of 1990; the 10th robot destroyed that year and that is why they refused to extend basic income to every citizen at that time and decided to just have a desert war instead and to bring Asians to North America who already had basic income with the Tienanmen Square incident as a cause of crisis used to welcome the Asian to our more allegedly humane shores and all of this imbalanced sense of Asian vs. Anglo hegemony in North America is some what incidental or coincidental to the decisions or the lack of decisions made by Americans while a business visa application that satisfies the proof of funds on hand at US $350,000.00 pooling in the applicant's account from 12 years old is just a successful application to be an American investment visa applicant to say to you with a smile ''spicy or not so spicy'' you stupid nigger white sick North American who is too drugged up to just tell your government you understand what is going on you stupid stupid gaijin who is now feeling like a foreigner on his own ancestral hunting and fishing grounds and so busy being white; so stupid and so lazy where you do not even know who Sir Francis Bacon is and you are supposed to be white and you think he is a deli owner and not the man who discovered gravity or you think he is Kevin Bacon's father, I don't know! But, you need to open your eyes now like the good house music say! Open your eyes man!! In your busyness in being white, you have not paid attention to the little levin that levins the whole lump and now your head is so fat with bacon oil and you can't see anything so plainly obvious in front of you as you die off my brother and all the condos are full of what kind of people? Now, efficiency is not a sin and if you give the President the honor of your good feelings and your dignities in bestowing upon yourselves the basic income, that would be rather white or Egyptian African or Asian thinking; no? The Asian who shoes up in North America is certainly North American with some Anglo ou Francais route in him and an affinity to long cold winter season. I would have probably kicked off to Singapore with my basic income as an Asian and would just ''Chill Winston.'' Maybe I would have ended up in Panama City and would buy some Condos on the cheap and avoid the illness of Toronowanda pricing for the sh$t weather. You have youtube, CNN and Flow cable any where these days; eh? White is over since it was only a sponge to identify the dis morphia in your unwillingness to maintain some aspect of your indigenous culture as the percentage of Asian or European dna went up in your usually red Aboriginal skin my brother and your skin went a bit pale but your mind and heart is still aboriginal or native brother and resistant in a vain sense of grade 8 educated diffidence but not independence as a pied piper leads you as the 8's( three or so generations of you living for a sense of inclusion and resenting the people you encourage to work hard ) as your population is not growing as you do not put the basic income into the economy as you work for moments of crisis to show your authority as you become totally occupied by ''linguistically foreign'' but apparently related peoples. You are honorable as you propagate the culture to children but lost in white when it comes to discussions of society as you think you are pleasing an England who cannot believe the stench of the criminality and the idiocy in shaming the Coat of Arms in a defense of the false sense of white and this is evident when you are the only people in the world stuck in an identity vacuum waiting for someone from Europe to give you and your leader permission to turn the hot and cold water on again or whether you should have a hydrogen fuel cell variant for all of your jets and all of your Amtrak trains and all of your many good government financed transport systems to save the tax payer and his water from the pollution so that we might eat and enjoy more fish from Montana fish hatcheries and Exxon gets higher dividends as the utilization of Exxon's hydrogen is more profitable as it takes 1/3 of the resources to produce but you can sell it for exactly the same price or money liquid fuels are sold for today at the consumer gas pump. So what say you bible thumper who says God is white and if so, what biblical economics would you use to save a life? Is it not lawful to save white lives; in fact all Anglo lives regardless of complexion? You rubbed my nose and said I had to work hard to honor my mother and father and what is a High 2:1 on any English degree Law?; innit? Bible thump us with the Anglo solution in an application of your good white virtue. Now, no human being is white or black and the headache is over now. Choose a language and a culture and there is nothing wrong with Anglo native. Now, you feel quiet as you say ''Anglo native.'' Maybe think of it as sharing in the Monarch's actual wisdom on the issue where she does not really work although she is always on time for her various appointments and ceremonies with the various preparations for heraldic ancestral celebration. It looks like work to me; rather! Is this a rap battle Anglo North American? If so, then you decide how you will eat on basic income and at how much per year. That is all you have to decide. How much per year should the American receive to ensure safety and security of North American citizens' lives? Basic income is a legal entitlement. As you can see Audi and other car manufacturers are tired of your Anglo North American self loathing and have chosen to build vehicles where there is also a more secure consumer with basic income and a more humane sensibility as to a colorless human value. Audi's decision to invest in Mexico satisfies a bottom line efficiency that rests on the importance of working in markets that are UN compliant as to the UN Declaration on Human Rights. Ford builds in Mexico also. The perfect and colorless spirit of international capitalism has decided. All other proud UN signatory nations, including Jamaica, have an incremental Universal basic income for every citizen with any social insurance or TRN number. This is their Baptism in leadership in the respect for human life. You will buy the vehicle some how. But, they know how the Mexican, the Asian and the European and the Minnesotan will buy the vehicle; not some how but with their basic income in addition to any additional sums they may earn as hookers or footballers or as school teachers or casino workers or as Super store employees; I don't know but they are not debating how to buy it or counting the number of bank robberies it will take like the poor ass second rate anglos who think this is about a right to self determination before they call their politicians and say to them to turn the FbadwordKing water on. Now, die mother FbadwordKer if you want but you must give our North American cousins the basic income so that you might look good and feel good for your Monarch and how else will you do it when Alexa is about to take all the phone jobs? .